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Halo Online game.cfg

a guest
Mar 26th, 2015
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  1. cfg_header = {
  2. type = base
  3. version = 1
  5. // Examples of possible update directives
  6. // update_dirs = {
  7. // to_version_1 = [ "recreate" ]
  8. // to_version_2 = [ "update(Level)", "update(Sound.Music)" ]
  9. // to_version_3 = [ "update(Video.VIDEO_Show)" ]
  10. // }
  11. state_list = [
  12. "Preload.usePaks",
  13. "Debug.LoadFromDisk",
  14. "CONFIG.DisableMultithreading"
  15. ]
  16. }
  18. TexPath = {
  19. Path = "..\\PREBUILD\\TEXTURES"
  20. }
  22. Physics = {
  23. pathHKX = "..\\PREBUILD\\database\\hkx\\xml"
  24. pathHKX_TUNING = "..\\PREBUILD\\database\\hkx_tuning"
  25. pathRagdoll = "..\\PREBUILD\\database\\ragdolls\\amd64"
  26. }
  28. Level = {
  29. pathDB = "..\\PREBUILD\\DATABASE"
  30. pathScn = "..\\PREBUILD\\SCENES"
  31. pathPS = ".\\ps"
  32. pathScripts = "..\\PREBUILD\\PS\\SSL"
  33. pathCommonPS = ".\\ps"
  34. pathCommonScripts = "..\\..\\common\\PS\\SSL"
  35. pathVO_SPL = "..\\PREBUILD\\VOSplines"
  36. pathFMV = "..\\PREBUILD\\video"
  37. File = "nextgendemo.scn"
  38. pathSHDR_2 = "..\\..\\COMMON\\SHADERS_2"
  39. pathSHDR_2_cache = "..\\PREBUILD\\SHADERS_2_cache"
  40. CurLevel = 0
  41. ForceReload = 0
  42. }
  44. Sound = {
  45. Music = 1
  46. Path = "data\\sound\\pc"
  47. EAX_UseDebugPreset = 0
  48. EAX_DebugPreset = 0
  49. DisableNonblocking = 0
  50. EnableVisualization = 0
  51. ShowSoundsDontShowBasic = 0
  52. ShowSoundsDetails = 0
  53. ShowSoundsSpawn = 0
  54. ShowSoundsSpawnSpikes = 0
  55. ShowSoundsPlay = 0
  56. ShowSoundsPlayVirtual = 0
  57. ShowSoundsPlay2D = 0
  58. ShowSoundsFSBUsage = 0
  59. ShowSoundsMemory = 0
  60. DisableSounds = 0
  61. DisableStreamed = 0
  62. RuntimeDisableEnable = 0
  63. Sound = 0
  64. OffStreaming = 0
  65. ClampNSndPlay = 0
  66. MaxNSndPlay = 32
  67. }
  69. Video = {
  70. VIDEO_SizeX = 1280
  71. VIDEO_SizeY = 1024
  72. VIDEO_BPP = 32
  73. VIDEO_Show = 1
  74. VIDEO_FullScr = 0
  75. VIDEO_TripleBuf = 0
  76. VIDEO_LowShatterQual = 0
  77. VIDEO_IgnoreVidMemCheck = 0
  78. ExtraHiresShots = 0
  79. VIDEO_Drv = "NVIDIA GeForce 7900 GS DISPLAY1"
  80. VIDEO_FrontBuf = 0
  81. Wait_Pending = 0
  82. VIDEO_EnableCalcSM = 0
  83. check_sdr_cache_db = 0
  84. VIDEO_ScaleCompName = ""
  85. VIDEO_DebugShaders = 0
  86. Hide_Watermark = 1 // 1 to hide build version watermark
  87. }
  89. Debug = {
  90. EnableConsole = 1
  91. LoadFromDisk = 0
  92. ScrShotPath = "..\\shots"
  93. StrmCineRecPath = "..\\preload\\StrmCineRec"
  94. Decomp_OFF_DrawLine = 1
  95. ShowSoundsStatInfo = 0
  96. ColorAllSkins = 0
  97. DbgSkinColor = 0xFF0000FF
  98. DbgCollectStrings = 1
  99. UseStartPos = 0
  100. UiDataTracker = 0
  101. EnableSplitScreen = 0
  102. logAsserts = 0
  103. CheckUserSaves = 1
  104. UseCPoint = checkpoint_0
  105. UnlockDLC1 = 0
  106. UnlockDLC2 = 0
  107. EnableStatisticsCollestion = 1
  108. PackersExportFrequence = 10.0
  109. DebugUIKeys = false
  110. UseHTTPS = true
  111. DisableSymbolStore = false
  112. DisableSaberSymbolShare = false
  113. ShowBackendStats = true
  114. }
  116. Input = {
  117. HideMouse = 1
  118. SyncState = 1
  119. UseJoy = 1
  120. MouseSensIface = 0.100000
  121. }
  123. CONFIG = {
  124. mpGroup = "XOXO"
  125. RecordBackendStubs = ""
  126. UseBackendStubs = "" // use "backend_filters\\"
  127. isDemo = 0
  128. isTrial = 0
  129. isLowViolence = 0
  130. isLowResParticles = 0
  131. useKeyboardHints = 1
  132. DisableMultithreading = 0
  133. PathToGFX = "..\\prebuild\\swf\\"
  134. PathToUSM = "..\\prebuild\\swf\\video"
  135. PathToSWF = "swf"
  136. tryToLoadSWFFirst = false
  137. gfxLicense = "23.04.2010"
  138. GFxMeshCacheMemLimitKb = 1024
  139. GFxRenderGenMemLimitKb = 512
  140. GFxEdgeAA = 1
  141. GFxVideoFileMemLimitKb = 1024
  142. GFxVideoTextureWidth = 832
  143. GFxVideoTextureHeight = 472
  144. GFxCheckFilesOnDisk = 0
  145. GFxAS2Support = 0 // HF2P: GFxAS2Support = 0
  146. GFxFontConfig = "" // HF2P: GFxFontConfig = ""
  147. RenderUI = true
  148. userName = ""
  149. userPassword = ""
  150. providerFlag = false
  151. AzureBinLogEndPoint = ""
  152. GameParamsBranch = "master"
  154. UserDataPath = "Saber Interactive\\Halo Free2Play"
  156. EndpointsDispatcherDomain = ""
  157. EndpointsDispatcherPort = 11705
  158. }
  160. Language = {
  161. Language = "english"
  162. LangShort = "en"
  163. english = ".\\texts\\strings_english.str"
  164. french = ".\\texts\\strings_french.str"
  165. italian = ".\\texts\\strings_italian.str"
  166. german = ".\\texts\\strings_german.str"
  167. spanish = ".\\texts\\strings_spanish.str"
  168. russian = ".\\texts\\strings_russian.str"
  169. }
  171. Preload = {
  172. pathLsa = "..\\preload\\lsa"
  173. pathPaks = "..\\preload\\paks"
  174. genLsa = 0
  175. usePaks = 0
  176. useLsa = 0
  177. missMsg = 0
  178. missFail = 0
  179. analyzerOptions = "..\\preload\\"
  180. useArc = 0
  181. arcPath = "..\\preload\\paks"
  182. arcName = "out.s3darc"
  183. arcNameLoc = "out_en.s3darc"
  184. }
  186. Profile = {
  187. Name = "default.prf"
  188. Folder = "..\\UserConfigs\\"
  189. }
  191. Resource = {
  192. Macro = {
  193. project = ".."
  194. common = "..\\..\\common"
  195. }
  196. }
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