
FoulMouth's Flutterswear: The Dawning (not feels)

Aug 14th, 2013
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  1. After a discussion of Fluttershy quietly swearing when she thinks nobody can hear her I started tapping keys and took the name FoulMouth.
  2. Here is the start.
  3. 1.
  4. >Still in her quiet manner though, she manages to make it almost sound polite.
  5. >*Bang*
  6. >"Ow. Fucking table."
  7. >Fluttershy?
  8. >"Yes Anon?"
  9. >Are you okay?
  10. >"Oh yes, fine thank you. I just banged my knee on that damn table again."
  11. >Fair enough.
  12. >Oh, by the way you're out of birdseed.
  13. >"Oh, son of a bitch. What will I feed the little birds now? Can you please stay here while I go get some more?"
  14. >Sure thing, Shy
  15. >"That asshole birdseed pony better still be at the market."
  18. 2.
  19. >Rainbow stopped by whining about some shit. Told her you were out.
  20. >"I told that bitch I couldn't watch her practice today. I've got animals to take care of. Shit, bitch can't even listen properly. Fuckin' bitch."
  21. >Shy, tone it down.
  22. >"Am I overdoing it again? Oh, I'm sorry."
  23. >It's cool, just don't go off in front of the others like you do at home. Might lower their opinion of you somewhat.
  24. >"Thanks for looking out for me. You dick."
  25. >Any time, cunt. Fix me a sandwich.
  26. >She giggles and leaves.
  27. >"Get it your goddamn self."
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