
clinic visits

Nov 5th, 2015
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  1. [09:13 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin has arrived to visit Simon! He knocks on the door to Simon's hospital room. "Simon?"
  2. [09:15 PM] Simon-Blackquill really shouldn't get up, so he doesn't. "Pliskin-dono? Come in," he invites, recognising that man's voice anywhere.
  3. [09:20 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin steps in, and closes the door behind him. He's... still god the tail and ears. And also, he's wearing more of those nicer and more flattering and handsome clothes he got recently. I have no idea what kind of clothes they are but let's just say they're Nice. He doesn't look like a homeless hobo and that's what matters. He even has a nicer parka-ish coat- its got a fur trim but doesn't look like a big bulky hobo jacket.
  5. "Hey." He says, heading towards Simon's bed. His tail presses against his leg, ears turning down. "How're you doing?"
  6. [09:35 PM] Simon-Blackquill grins a little at the cute animal features. They're expressive and look to be quite soft to the touch... He wonders if he can get away with asking to scratch the ears, at least.
  8. "...Breathing. Alive." Is his response, eyes staring right at Pliskin's ears.
  9. [09:40 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin's ears perk forward a bit, but his tail stays against his leg. He really wishes there was some way he could help Simon, get him out of here faster, get him healthier. "That's good." He says, moving to sit on the edge of the bed near Simon's legs, crossing his legs. "Was worried. Sorry I didn't come sooner, I got... distracted."
  10. [09:58 PM] Simon-Blackquill isn't going to stay here very long, Pliskin. ...Well, as long as he doesn't get any more flare-ups like the one Bobby witnessed earlier. Pliskin's tail is also close now, due to his positioning. That's rather cute as well...
  12. "Distracted by your new lover?" He asks, raising an eyebrow but his grin never fades. "You've had ample time to assess your feelings regarding him, yes?"
  13. [10:01 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin's tail briefly starts to twitch at the end as if it wanted to wag at the mention of his 'lover'. He clears his throat. Right, of course... they were planning on talking about this, weren't they? "Yeah... I've thought about it. A lot." He mumbles, tail curling against his leg again. Despite how pleased his is with this otherwise, he's suddenly feeling... guilty. "So... what d'you wanna know?"
  14. [10:14 PM] Simon-Blackquill can feel that tail twitch! He just keeps finding it cute more than anything and it's actually a little distracting and hard to take Pliskin seriously. But Simon makes a serious attempt because he not only respects him, but knows this is an important conversation.
  16. "I'd like to know the results of your introspection, now that you've had time and you're plenty sober." He pauses to tilt his head downward and grimace. "You /are/ sober, aren't you?" He asks, just to make sure.
  17. [10:19 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin growls, grumbling a little. He hates that this has to be a question- and it's directed at himself. "/Yes/, I'm sober. Haven't gotten actually drunk since the last time." He pauses, trying to think about what he wants to say. After he'd sobered up... he'd decided he kinda liked Volgin, and said he wanted to go on a date. And then they did, and they had a good time, and... And the other day, what he'd said... And yet, all he manages to say is, "We went on a date a few days ago."
  19. That's not a real answer, Snake. But the end of his tail is twitching again...
  20. [10:26 PM] Simon-Blackquill does feel a little ashamed for having to accuse Pliskin of being drunk, but that's just how it is... though this does get him thinking: his drinking has gotten significantly better since meeting Volgin. Is that a coincidence, or is the Russian helping with that? He decides not to voice anything about this -- he'll save it for Volgin.
  22. "Hm. Did you enjoy it?" He asks, knowing the answer's damn well going to be yes, but Simon's apparently wanting to feel upset right now.
  23. [10:30 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin nods slowly, having a hard time looking over at Simon. "Yeah... I really did. We ate out, he bought me a new wardrobe... I had a good time." David- because he's allowed to be David when he's alone with Simon, still, right?- pauses a few moments, clearing his throat. How did he talk to Tori about this again? Because he has no idea how to talk about this properly, so... might as well try to rehash. "Did you, ahh... Did you know he... tells me he loves me?"
  24. [10:34 PM] Simon-Blackquill does indeed feel terrible as he listens to every word. He can't tell if Volgin's showering him with gifts and attention out of pure affection, or because he's trying to manipulate Pliskin... and this sets off Simon's red flags. They haven't known one another for that long, so he leans toward the latter. And that makes Simon uneasy.
  26. "Hm... he does, does he. How does this make you feel? How do you respond?"
  27. [10:42 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin is glad he's not looking at Simon, and he crosses his legs at the knees, swallowing a bit. But his tail can't stop twitching, a complex mix of guilt and happiness. "... It makes me happy." He mumbles, "I like being around him. The day after Halloween, I wasn't feeling too good, and I found myself thinking that maybe I'd feel better if he was around... and then when he showed up, I did. I was actually missing him."
  28. [10:51 PM] Simon-Blackquill can't hide the sigh when he hears this. He's just... yes, partly jealous out of his own selfish desire to be wanted, but can you really blame a man that spent seven years in the clink for wanting such a thing? But also honestly concerned that Volgin's got the man wrapped around his finger. Perhaps one can call it a manipulator's intuition. He knows the techniques when he sees them. He studied them.
  30. So it's time to address this instead of keeping it to himself.
  32. "...You do realise there is a possibility he may be trying to manipulate you? Even if there is nothing he may necessarily desire from you, a manipulative individual will do it without thinking. It is dangerous to you if that is indeed what he's doing... but I'm not going to say it is for certain."
  33. [11:01 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin frowns at that. Of all things Simon could have said, that's... Not what he expected, and yet he feels like he should have. He already knows Volgin's not a good person- that was the source of his conflict in the first place. But Volgin's not exactly a subtle person, he really doubts Volgin would have a need to /manipulate/ someone, when he clearly prefers to just beat people up.
  35. "I really don't think he is, I mean..." Snake crosses his arms, "When I told him I love him back, he looked almost like he'd been physically impacted by it, he-"
  37. Oh, that's not how he wanted to tell Simon that he thinks he loves Volgin. Shit. Oops.
  38. [11:07 PM] Simon-Blackquill isn't surprised by that revelation at all. But this changes absolutely nothing -- manipulative people were still people, after all. He knew this better than anyone. He's still equally suspicious.
  40. "...That means naught. He still has emotions. He can still have malicious intent while harbouring feelings for you. My suspicion will not waver, and you should be thinking about this on a more serious level than you are. Disconnect your feelings from the situation and look at it as objectively as possible."
  42. He brings a head to his hand and strokes his forehead. Ugh. He's lost this one, hasn't he? He definitely feels like he has, despite never being in a relationship with Pliskin at all and not necessarily wanting one.
  43. [11:17 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin actually huffs. "I did. I've already been thinking about it. I know he's not a good person. But right now? I'm actually something marginally near 'happy' for fucking once." He says, his tail bristling slightly, ears turning back. "Why would he even need to manipulate me? What for? For affection, sex? I wanna do that anyways."
  44. [11:28 PM] Simon-Blackquill grimaces. He may be too far gone, but Simon needs to make his best attempt or he'll feel terrible if things go south between those two -- at the very least, it may lead to Pliskin drinking again. He's genuinely worried, gosh!
  46. "Manipulators are used to bending others to their desires. I speak as a man that studied this very phenomenon to utilise it myself -- sometimes it happens without us meaning or intending to." He taps his forehead with a surprisingly un-shackled hand, and as the sleeves of his hospital gown roll down from force of gravity, marks and bruises across his wrist can be seen from the thick manacles. "What I'm saying is that he may not have any conscious intention of getting anything out of you, but may simply be doing so out of force of habit."
  47. [11:31 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin growls, ears still pinned back. He doesn't like hearing this! "So you admit he /could/ actually love me, and you're saying he might not even be trying to get anything out of me- so what's the problem? He's manipulating me into being in love with someone who loves me back?" He snorts, tail fluffed out slightly. "I don't get what you're trying to protect me from, Simon."
  48. [11:33 PM] Simon-Blackquill growls and outright glares at Pliskin. No, he's not getting it at all. His point isn't coming across and it's frustrating him. "You gravely misunderstand. I am saying that he may be attempting to take control of you in an unhealthy manner that will leave you psychologically scarred... without his conscious realisation. This can damage both of you in the event that he actually cares for you."
  49. [11:43 PM] Iroquois-Pliskin actually bares his teeth a bit when he replies, angry. "I'm already psychologically scarred! But right now I'm practically happy, and I wanna drink less, and thinking about you and Bobby and your kid doesn't make me wanna do stupid shit as much as it used to, and--" He stops himself, trying to regather his cool. "Anyways... I can protect myself. I'm a soldier, Simon. My father killed this man in the past- and I killed my father. If I need to... I can defend myself." But can he really?
  50. [12:14 AM] Simon-Blackquill closes his eyes and crosses his arms over his chest solemnly... and sighs again. "...You may already be psychologically scarred, but do you think I want to see you further damaged? Do you think I want to see you get worse? Of bloody course not." He growls, almost spitting his words come out so venomous. You'd think he was the snake here. "You can defend yourself physically, but you have your mental vulnerabilities. Again, trust me on this, as a man who has studied this."
  51. [12:20 AM] Iroquois-Pliskin snarls, standing up on his feet and pointing angrily at Simon. "Are you actually concerned, or are you just mad because I'm getting over you??" He says, an accusing tone in his voice. "You got all pissed the fuck off when you first found out me and him slept together. Am I not allowed to get over you, or look for other options?? Do you LIKE me being miserable, pining after you, unable to even look at you being happy with your family without feeling the urge to go and drink until I vomit or pass out??"
  53. Finally, he asks what he's been meaning to ask for days and days. "What do you even WANT from me, Simon??"
  54. [12:30 AM] Simon-Blackquill goes... completely silent. If there's one way to deem Simon Blackquill speechless, it's to completely call him out on his actions, even the ones with effects he wasn't completely aware of. The guilt he feels is overwhelming. It makes his pace quicken, makes him breathe uneasily...
  56. "I... You are changing the subject," he growls, though his tone is definitely more hesitant than before. He clutches his chest as if the words do literal damage to him. He doesn't know what to say... he's been called out.
  57. [12:41 AM] Iroquois-Pliskin growls again, straightening up and glaring down at Simon. "I'm not changing the subject, this is perfectly relevant. I wanna know your motivations behind insisting my boyfriend just HAS to be manipulating me, because I can't be allowed to just have something nice for myself." Yes, he has officially referred to Volgin as his boyfriend to someone else. "What the HELL do you want from me, Simon??"
  58. [12:45 AM] Simon-Blackquill starts to raise his own voice as well -- he has a retort to this. "I never ONCE said he HAS to be manipulating you. I'm only trying to WARN you of potential dangers, you ignoramus, I bloody studied this! I gave up my FREEDOM for this! My mentor DIED by my own hand, or do you not remember at all?! My mentor that taught me in the ways of psychology -- the very same woman I plunged a sword into and ended the life of. And for good reason."
  60. He's truly getting worked up now, and is still clutching his chest, pressing down on it as his heartbeat quickens, as if he's trying to keep it from becoming too painful. He's also starting to become rather short of breath... Pliskin may notice him sweating.
  61. [12:48 AM] Iroquois-Pliskin : Bullshit! You're not JUST trying to /warn/ me if you keep pushing it and pushing it like it has to be true. It's obvious you're fucking jealous that I'm finally interested in someone other than you, you-
  62. [12:49 AM] Iroquois-Pliskin stops very suddenly when he realizes Simon is starting to have issues breathing. His ears perk forward, and his tail goes rigid, alert- and then the ears lower, and the tail goes between his legs.
  64. He grabs Simon by the shoulders, no longer raising his voice, instead lowering it to a quiet tone. "Are you okay?? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to work you up-"
  65. [12:54 AM] Simon-Blackquill isn't fully concentrating on Pliskin's words at this point -- he's just trying to keep himself from working himself up into another attack. Please don't, please don't! He doesn't want the doctors to keep him for another day, and he doesn't want to make their diagnoses justified and seem true!
  67. "I- I'm c-concerned for you, I swear, Pliskin-dono, D-David." He's feeling his chest tighten uncomfortably, wincing in pain. "I admit to my jealousy, but I also want to see you healthy, satisfied, and I just cannot believe that man can give it. C-call me a sceptic all you like."
  69. He's trying to talk through it. Get his point across. He doesn't want to think about his pain or even address it.
  70. [01:02 AM] Iroquois-Pliskin nods, guilt tying a knot in his gut. He's completely calm, now, save for the worry over Simon. "I know... I know. I'm sorry. I just..." He mumbles, loosening his grip on Simon's shoulders and just... rubbing into the front of them slightly with his thumbs. "I just. I'm pretty sure I love him, and I'm happy when I'm around him and he brings out feelings I didn't even know I had, and just... Nevermind, I'm sorry."
  72. He sighs, sitting back down on the edge of the bed, looking worriedly at Simon. "I shouldn't have snapped at you. I know why you're concerned."
  73. [01:08 AM] Simon-Blackquill actively tries to pretend he isn't going through a respiratory crisis, even as he becomes short of breath, occasionally lowering his head to cough into his hand. "I understand if you love him... and I hope he brings you happiness. But whatever you do, be wary. He could draw his weapon on you a-at any moment... to stab you in the back... and that. That," he wheezes, "is the last thing I desire. Nnngh..."
  74. [01:09 AM] Iroquois-Pliskin : I know, I know, shhh... just. Concentrate on breathing, okay? That's what's important right now.
  75. [01:13 AM] Simon-Blackquill : Mnnnngh...
  76. [01:13 AM] Simon-Blackquill pants wildly, whimpering and wincing as he clenches his chest.
  77. [01:14 AM] Iroquois-Pliskin reaches around Simon to gently rub his back, trying to ease his breathing at least somewhat. He's frowning, worried, ears still lowered. "You'll be okay."
  78. [01:21 AM] Simon-Blackquill closes his eyes and leans forward, trying to make some further contact with Pliskin's body... this constricts his airways slightly, so the harsh breathing doesn't let up, but god it feels good on his back. "H-haaaah... nnnnnngh..." He grunts, nuzzling into Pliskin. He hates this. It burns, it scalds his heart, and he just wants it to be over but all he can do when he breathes is wheeze and gasp for air and hope it goes away.
  79. [01:35 AM] Iroquois-Pliskin keeps rubbing Simon's back, trying to do his best to help. "Hey, hey..." He shifts a bit, so he can put his hand to Simon's jaw, and take the man's voice away from him, instead directing him to rest his chin on David's shoulder, to give him more air. "Just try to breathe, Simon."
  80. [01:38 AM] Simon-Blackquill doesn't say anything further. He just wheezes and struggles for breath, suddenly remembering the flare-up he experienced earlier that morning... "I-inhaler," he croaks out -- there's an inhaler near his bed. He is loath to touch it, but it seems he has no choice... again. This just makes his chest hurt more, except this time from emotion. From basically admitting defeat.
  81. [01:39 AM] Iroquois-Pliskin pulls away from Simon enough to glance around, and then snatch the inhaler, bringing it to Simon's lips for him. "Here."
  82. [01:42 AM] Simon-Blackquill reaches for it with one hand and as he exhales, he presses down on the canister and inhales deeply, holds that breath in, and exhales in a sigh of relief... before growling. He doesn't have any respiratory problem. Why does this keep happening. Why does he have to resort to this? The doctors are wrong, damn it! He hates this.
  83. [01:47 AM] Iroquois-Pliskin nuzzles Simon's hair a little bit... "Feeling better?"
  84. [01:51 AM] Simon-Blackquill sighs again, leaning into Pliskin's nuzzling. "G-give me a moment..."
  85. [01:57 AM] Iroquois-Pliskin : Take your time, Simon.
  86. [01:57 AM] Iroquois-Pliskin sighs softly against Simon's hair, waiting patiently and still rubbing his back.
  87. [01:59 AM] Simon-Blackquill gradually begins breathing normally again, licking his lips anxiously. "......I... think I'll be fine now." Physically, that is. Emotionally, he hates himself for a multitude of reasons.
  88. [02:04 AM] Iroquois-Pliskin pulls back a bit, to let Simon have more air. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you."
  89. [02:05 AM] Simon-Blackquill turns his head to the side, averting Pliskin's gaze. "..........Hmph. Don't apologise. You were emotionally compromised. It's to be expected."
  90. [02:08 AM] Iroquois-Pliskin : I'm still sorry.
  91. [02:09 AM] Iroquois-Pliskin sighs softly. "I should... probably go, honestly."
  92. [02:09 AM] Simon-Blackquill turns his head downward, now. "...I'm not sure I want you to."
  93. [02:10 AM] Iroquois-Pliskin bites his li- no, ow, dog teeth, nevermind. His tail curls against his leg. "I'm worried I'll snap at you again."
  94. [02:12 AM] Simon-Blackquill : Does this have anything to do with your canine traits? Or are you just this defensive over your Colonel?
  95. [02:15 AM] Iroquois-Pliskin : Both. And also my failings at being a rational person.
  96. [02:16 AM] Simon-Blackquill : Your defensiveness speaks of your insecurity. Perhaps you should dwell more upon what I've said.
  97. [02:19 AM] Iroquois-Pliskin : I'd be just as defensive if someone made the same accusation of you, about our friendship.
  98. [02:21 AM] Simon-Blackquill : I suppose I should feel honoured.
  99. [02:21 AM] Simon-Blackquill : ......I'm a manipulator as well.
  100. [02:21 AM] Iroquois-Pliskin : I want to think you haven't been manipulating me, though.
  101. [02:22 AM] Simon-Blackquill : I have, to an extent.
  102. [02:22 AM] Iroquois-Pliskin : How?
  103. [02:22 AM] Iroquois-Pliskin looks so disbelieving!
  104. [02:23 AM] Simon-Blackquill : ...Your attraction to me. I never intended on allowing it to go anywhere.
  105. [02:23 AM] Simon-Blackquill is now looking away.
  106. [02:24 AM] Iroquois-Pliskin : I know.
  107. [02:24 AM] Iroquois-Pliskin : I never thought you would.
  108. [02:24 AM] Simon-Blackquill : I did things to keep you longing for me because I could use you how I desired if I did.
  109. [02:25 AM] Iroquois-Pliskin : ... Use me how?
  110. [02:25 AM] Simon-Blackquill : In whatever way I saw fit. I had a few ideas... but ultimately, none of them matter now.
  111. [02:26 AM] Iroquois-Pliskin : ... Ideas?
  112. [02:26 AM] Simon-Blackquill : .......Being. Desired. For one.
  113. [02:28 AM] Iroquois-Pliskin snorts. "That would've happened regardless."
  114. [02:29 AM] Simon-Blackquill : ...I quite like being longed for.
  115. [02:32 AM] Iroquois-Pliskin : I doubt I'll ever fully get over you. I think I almost loved you, I don't think I can totally get rid of that.
  116. [02:32 AM] Simon-Blackquill : .......Hmph.
  117. [02:35 AM] Iroquois-Pliskin sighs heavily, and then leans in to kiss Simon on the cheek. It's surprisingly soft, gentle. And then he pulls away, looking into Simon's eyes with his ice-blue ones- and this close, it's hard not to see the pain there, this time. "I... should really probably go."
  118. [02:38 AM] Simon-Blackquill closes his eyes as he feels those lips to his cheek, letting out a sigh of his own, even though his heart starts to beat a bit quicker. He slowly opens them when David pulls away, his stone grey eyes greeting cold blue. ".......If you must," he replies sadly. He hates being here alone, but Simon won't hold him against his will.
  119. [02:40 AM] Iroquois-Pliskin ... cant resist leaning in one more time, to press his forehead against Simon's again, feeling Simon's fringe against his skin, the tips of their noses touching. And then he takes in a shallow breath, and pulls away, standing up. "I'll... I'll see you later, Simon."
  120. [02:43 AM] Simon-Blackquill allows this, feeling David's warmth and presence for what he hopes isn't the last time... but he savours it as if it will be. "Very well," he whispers.
  121. [02:45 AM] Iroquois-Pliskin steps away, then pauses, remembering something Simon had said a little bit ago. "... I'm still glad you call me David."
  122. [02:47 AM] Simon-Blackquill leans back in his bed and grabs a book to stick his nose in. "......I'll call you that as much as you please, David."
  123. [02:50 AM] Iroquois-Pliskin : Th... Thanks.
  124. [02:50 AM] Iroquois-Pliskin : I gotta... I gotta go.
  125. [02:50 AM] Simon-Blackquill : Then do so.
  126. [02:51 AM] Iroquois-Pliskin leaves very quickly!... and goes straight to a bar.
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