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a guest
Mar 27th, 2013
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  1. Name: Blue Hour
  2. Race: Pegasus
  3. Gender: Female
  4. Cutiemark or Talent: A mean-looking dagger (+1 to daggers)
  5. Class: Rogue
  6. Skills:
  7. Backstab
  8. Stealth
  9. Vanish
  11. Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
  12. Inventory:
  13. Daggers (2)
  14. 46 bits
  15. Ragged leather armor w/ hood
  16. Garrote
  19. Character traits: A bluish gray pegasus with a dark crimson mane, reminiscent of an overcast sky at dusk. Grew up in poverty on the back streets of Manehattan. Learned to get her way by bamboozling suckas. Distrusts anyone who makes more than she does (that’s everyone). Very skinny and usually scratching herself since she never takes a bath.
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