
Katawa Noir (WIP)

Feb 10th, 2013
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  1. The night was cold to the skin, a deathly pall falling over the lone figure standing in the park, surrounded by white as tiny snowflakes danced around in their oblivious dervish. The man rocks back and forth, anxious and nervous about the coming storm, though it was no mere meteorological event that concerned his weary and troubled mind.
  2. There were few things in life that troubled him anymore, he had been through too much to allow his courage to fail now.
  3. There was a man he used to be friends with that needed him, needed the peace of mind he could offer.
  5. He wrapped his coat around him and pulled down his hat to keep the snow away, to stop it from biting his face. His breath seeps out from between the folds of his scarf, a mist that rises and flees away from him into the night sky. Above him, a street light shines down like God' eye, a beacon that makes him nervous for the judgement it brings, illuminating his sins and past.
  7. Obviously this place had been chosen for him, not just for it's seclusion, but to make him know who was in charge here. The person he was to meet wanted him to know that he had no control in this situation, that it was he who was in need and his plight was of little concern to the person he was meeting.
  9. The crunching of snow makes him raise his head, looking beyond the circle of light. He can barely see the shape in the darkness, a darker humanoid blob in the surrounding night. "Well?" it asks, simply and coldly.
  11. The man brings from inside his coat an envelope, tan and secured with a seal. He holds it up to be seen, giving it a little wave. "I brought it, just like you said. Do you have what I wanted?"
  12. The shape nods, it's coat ruffling a bit. "Of course."
  14. The muffled sound was one the man had heard only in movies or in a video game he sat down to play with his son in the afternoon. He suddenly felt very warm as the blood trickles down his chest, steam escaping from the tiny bullet wound above his heart.
  15. The ground rushes up at him and he falls flat on his back, the night sky swirling above him.
  17. He dimly sees the face of his killer, shadows entwined around two empty eyes. The envelope and it's secrets are taken from him and slipped into a coat pocket. "You're just one man. You couldn't do anything, don't feel sad. You were silly to think you could do it alone." The voice pauses. "I'm sorry for your son and widow, though."
  19. The man on the ground quietly leaves his body in silent distress, carrying terrible business left undone, a burden that should have been carried to completion dropped alongside the road of life for another to pick up.
  20. He thinks about the day Yuuko gave birth to their son as he passes.
  22. The snowflakes continue their dance, oblivious to that which happens around them. The last thing he hears is the snow crunching away as his murderer chuckles to herself.
  24. “Wa, ha, ha....”
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