
Dark Souls Anon [working name] Pt 1

Mar 13th, 2013
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  1. [spoiler] Just some beautiful music from the game, for ambience and all that.
  5. This game's music is amazing, even if you aren't interested in the game itself, at least look up the OST, i'm sure you won't regret it.
  7. [/spoiler]
  8. >You are Anonymous. Bearer of the cursed Darksign; Student to Salaaman of the great swamp; yet to go fully Hollowed.
  9. >And you grow tired of sitting in your cell, awaiting the end of the world.
  10. >The elders of your swampy homeland once spoke to you of The Chosen Undead, one who would make pilgrimage to the land of gods and mythical beasts, to link The Flame, and save The Age of Fire.
  11. >You had not wished for undeath, but now that it has been thrust upon you, stories of great fallen heroes come rushing back to your mind.
  12. >Too many to name, and all lost, lost or misplaced in the annals of time.
  13. >After innumerable days, something happened.
  14. >As you sat in your cell, pondering what the flame truly was, a corpse was dropped into your cell.
  15. >You looked up in time to see an elite knight in full armor walk away.
  16. >His motivation is unknown, even so, it is with great hope that you turn over the deceased and rotten husk of a man to find a key around his neck.
  17. 1/?
  19. >You take the key, and test it on your cell door. carefully to prevent it from snapping.
  20. >To your surprise and jubilation, the lock unlatches, and your prison swings open.
  21. >You stand, mouth agape at the freedom you have just been granted.
  22. >If you had eyes to cry with, you would be.
  23. >Instead, you feel a sharp stinging, and walk forward, putting the frail and pathetic undead around you to rest. Hopefully they are granted it eternally.
  24. >You drop the broken blade handle you've been using as a weapon, and decide to rely instead upon your fists for combat.
  25. >You will hopefully find something much better soon enough.
  26. >You make your way up and out of the pit you were being kept in, and bask in the dulled sunlight that shines down upon you.
  27. >You take in a deep breath, kindle a small flame, and rest your weary muscles for a few moments.
  28. >Moments that could be seconds, or could be centuries.
  29. >When you stand up again, you feel refreshed and rejuvenated, you feel stronger, and with no little trepidation, you push open the great double doors before you.
  30. >They swing open in a way that only heavily rusted and ancient gates can, until you can squeeze through.
  31. 2/?
  33. >The room you now find yourself in is large, wide, and filled with oddly large urns.
  34. >You smash a few, find nothing of value, and attempt to open another ancient gate on the other side from whence you came.
  35. >It appears to be locked, as no amount of strength you muster moves the exit-way an inch.
  36. >Suddenly, a great rumbling and slamming can be heard behind you, almost knocking you off your feet.
  37. >You do an about face in time to see the Asylum Demon begin to bring down his immense hammer.
  38. >You throw yourself out of the way, thankful for the mobility your light garbing provides.
  39. >It does not however provide you with much protection from damage, you find after being sent flying from an explosion of red energy.
  40. >The demon advances on you with immensely heavy steps, taking it's time as you struggle to get up, pain running through every part of your body.
  41. >It looks down upon you and raises it's hammer above it's head before bringing it down atop you.
  42. >You feel consciousness slipping away, as your entire body feels as though it dissolves.
  43. 3/?
  45. >To your great surprise, you open your eyes to the sunlight upon your face.
  46. >An empty warmth to your side tells you that somehow you've been brought back to the bonfire you kindled previously, and entirely uninjured as well.
  47. >You pat yourself down to find that you have not lost anything as a result of your apparent death.
  48. >You feel a bit emptier though, and reason that upon death a part of you must have been left in that chamber.
  49. >You resolve to collect it again if you are able.
  50. >But knowing that that monstrosity is in there, barring your only exit from this wretched place, has left you terrified.
  51. >You assure yourself, that the only way out, is through, and after steeling yourself for a sprint to safety, you push the doors wide yet again to see…
  52. >An empty room?
  53. >The urns are back too…
  54. >The demon is nowhere to be seen.
  55. >A glowing bloodstain calls your attention, and you feel like touching it will re-unite you with what you've lost.
  56. >It is on the other side of the room however, and you would prefer not to face the demon barehanded again.
  57. >You spot a gate opening on the other side of the room, to the side, and seeing as it is large enough for you to run into, but nowhere near large enough for the demon, that this'll be your target.
  58. 4/?
  60. >You prime yourself to sprint as hard as you are able, and take off across the room.
  61. >It can't be more than thirty feet until you are safe.
  62. >An immense slamming tells you you are no longer alone in the room.
  63. >You were ready for the shock though, and keep from tripping up. Twenty-five feet until you are safe.
  64. >His immensely heavy steps tell you he is now on the move, and you can feel the malice in him as he attempts to bore through you with his hateful vision.
  65. >Twenty feet. You hope he doesn't have any ranged attacks, although he could probably swing his maul and hit you as you are, with how large the thing is.
  66. >He seems to have the same thought, and you see him wind up for an immense blow out of the corner of your eye.
  67. >Fifteen feet, you coil yourself into a spring and just as his blow comes, you throw yourself to the side. Back about six feet, but his immense swing has cost him his balance.
  68. >You pour all of yourself into the last few feet of your sprint, and hear the metal gate begin sliding closed as you rush through it.
  69. >You can feel the demon's hate through his roar as he futilely attempts to destroy the gate way and bring down the tunnel about you.
  70. >You don't stop to wonder if he truly can, instead continuing to push yourself until you find another dead bonfire before you.
  71. >You kindle it, and take a rest, regaining your stamina, and soothing your nerves.
  72. 5/?
  74. >You don't congratulate yourself on having survived though, as you have yet to even injure the demon.
  75. >You stay another few moments basking in the fire's warmth before picking yourself up, and continuing forward.
  76. >You come into a long corridor, at the end of which you spot a fellow undead standing with what appears to be a bow.
  77. >You begin walking forward, only to see him notch an arrow and fire it off in your direction.
  78. >This takes you by such surprise that you do not react in time, and feel the muscle tear and shred as the wooden intrusion pierces your left shoulder.
  79. >You let out a cry of agony, and collapse to your knees, only to just barely dodge a second arrow aimed at your head.
  80. >You roll into a room just beside you, and take a few deep breaths before snapping off the fletched part of the arrow and tackling the wall with the protruding arrow shaft forward.
  81. >The impact sends a flash of pain through you, and you almost collapse yet again, only to realize that if you land on your back, you will have undone your arrow dislodging.
  82. >As it stands, you take hold of the arrow shaft, most of which is protruding through your back now, and pull as hard as you can.
  83. >With a roar of pain and rage, you pull the arrow free, and toss it to the other side of the room.
  84. >Now that you run no risk of undoing your work, you allow yourself to fall to the ground, clutching at your shoulder in agony.
  85. >The wound is open, and if you were a normal man, it would likely be the death of you through sheer amount of blood lost. But as an undead, you hold tight, and push through the pain.
  86. >Your journey will not end so soon after it has begun!
  87. 6/?
  89. >You spot a cracked wooden shield sitting aside a body in the room you're in and grab it, fixing it to your arm so you may better defend yourself.
  90. >You'll definitely want to replace this as soon as you can, but for now, it's better than you bare hand.
  91. >Unfortunately, the corpse does not have anything in the way of a weapon, so you clutch your left fist, swing your arm a few times to get used to the pain, and set off for the undead who shot you.
  92. >He gets off two shots, both of which dig through your shield and hurt your arm, but before he can notch the third he turns tail and begins fleeing into a side passage.
  93. >He passes by a corpse, but you sense something about it, so you stop and catch your breath as you pat down his body.
  94. >Upon flipping him over, you immediately thank your intuition, as he was carrying a well made and durable hand axe.
  95. >You take a few test swings to get used to the familiar tool before continuing after the coward.
  96. >You round the corner and come face to face with him and a loaded arrow.
  97. >You duck and roll forward, only to feel the rush of wind and hear the *clink* of the arrow as it passes by you.
  98. >You come up with the axe high in the air to see the look of terror on your opponent's face.
  99. >Your arm does not falter as you bring it down cleanly severing his arm from his torso.
  100. >He reels back at your attack, but does not collapse or run anymore, he drops his bow, and pulls out a jagged and rusted "blade", before taking up an experienced stance.
  101. >He is hobbling though, and his arm is shaking, so you do not fear him. You press forward, landing another hit on his shoulder, feeling the shock of the two blades connect in mid air, and finally rending his head from his body.
  102. >You pant in exhaustion at the battle, and kick his limp body to be sure he will not rise again.
  103. >Sure enough, his body is now that of a rag-doll's, and you collect yourself before moving forward.
  104. 7/?
  106. >You hold no resentment for the no doubt hollowed warrior, as his actions were that of one who no longer is capable of humanity. You hold nothing but sorrow for the now dead warrior.
  107. >You reach an upper floor, and look down to see you are just above where you found your first bonfire. Hopefully you can make it down there and rest somehow.
  108. >You do a bit of exploring up on this second floor, narrowly dodging a giant ball trap and dispatching another hollowed undead, before following the path of the trap, and meeting a dying elite knight.
  109. >"…Oh, you… You're no Hollow, eh?…Thank goodness…I'm done for, I'm afraid…I'll die soon, then I'll lose my sanity…I wish to ask something of you…You and I, we're both Undead…Hear me out, will you?"
  110. >You take second to think about the bloodied knight's request. You nod your head once in affirmation.
  111. >"…Regrettably, I have failed in my mission… But perhaps you can keep the torch lit…There is an old saying, in my family… 'Thou who art Undead art chosen…In thine exodus from the Undead Asylum, maketh pilgrimage to the land of Ancient Lords…When thou ringeth the Bell of Awakening, the fate of the Undead thou shalt know. … Well, now you know…And I can die with hope in my heart…Oh, one more thing…Here, take this. …An Estus Flask, an Undead favorite."
  112. >The now gasping and nearly dead knight hands you a glass flask full of what looks like softly glowing fire.
  113. >"…Oh, and this…"
  114. >He hands you an old and rusted key, larger and more sturdy looking than the one you already have.
  115. >"…Now I must bid farewell…I would hate to harm you after death…So, go now…and thank… you."
  116. >His body slumps down, and you pay your respects before heeding the elite knight's warning and continuing forward.
  117. 8/?
  119. >You are curious about the flask he's given you, so you uncork it, and take a whiff of the fire inside.
  120. >It reminds you of the bonfires, although not quite as potent, but relaxing to your nerves, and slightly soothing to your injuries.
  121. >You brace yourself and take a swill.
  122. >The fire burns through you, awakening you, refreshing your wounds, alleviating your pains, and knitting together the torn muscle and splintered bone in your left shoulder.
  123. >By the time the fire has settled in your stomach, you feel ready to face the asylum demon.
  124. >You head up the flight of stairs the trap ball cam down, pass the body of the hollow you already killed, and open the gate to a new area.
  125. >You tread slowly and carefully, trying to avoid pulling too much attention to yourself.
  126. >You spot a Pyromancer's catalyst glove on a nearby corpse and make sure to grab it, trying it on and marveling at how the knowledge of one of your primal magik comes back to you.
  127. >Unfortunately only one does come back to you, but you'll likely pick them up again along your journey. You always were an extremely fast learner.
  128. >You test out your memory by lobbing a few flames and managing to draw the attention of another group of hollowed undead.
  129. >They stay grouped together however, so it is with great ease that you lob a small fireball in between them and watch as their burnt corpses fall to the ground as dead as they could be.
  130. 9/?
  132. >In front of where they previously huddled, lies a gate of fog, obscuring any vision of what's on it's other side.
  133. >You get the feeling that to go through will be dangerous, and so you take hold of your trusty axe, clear you mind, and pass through.
  134. >When you reach the other side, you find yourself standing over the asylum demon, His attention is not on you at the moment, and you take full advantage by leaping from the parapet you stand upon, and bringing down your axe with all of your weight and strength .
  135. >As the metal edge connects with the flesh and then bone of the formerly oblivious demon, you feel a sickening resistance, and hear a keen note as bone is cleaved apart.
  136. >The demon lets out a pained and horrendous cry as you pull back and expose the brain tissue to the air.
  137. >Its thrashing about sends you flying off, but leaves him entirely open.
  138. >You bring the fire inside of yourself to the surface and pour all of what you can into the wound you opened atop it's head.
  139. >It screams in a pitch that has you clutching your head for fear of losing your hearing, but after a few seconds of the intense heat, you hear the cry no more.
  140. >A massive weight impacts the floor as the beast convulses in it's death spasms.
  141. >Before you get a chance to look upon the damage you have inflicted, it's body shimmers and dissolves, leaving behind no trace.
  142. >You feel a fullness of being, and find a small key where the beast died.
  143. >You allow yourself a breath, and make your way to the big door and use the key to unlock the doors, which now open with relative ease.
  144. >You look back in on the asylum, and harbor no feelings of nostalgia or regret.
  145. 10/?
  147. >You run forward, and look out upon the immense expanse before you.
  148. >An immense canyon, massive outcroppings of stone as far as the eyes can see. Just as you are about to begin the perilous climb down, you feel an immense wind upon you, and have no time to react when a massive raven swoops down upon you and takes you in it's claws.
  149. >For about an hour, you struggle to free yourself, not realizing how long the drop is, but after that the raven squeezes you so tightly you lose consciousness
  150. >When you come to, your body is sore, and you are no longer in a giant bird's claws. Instead, you find yourself in a small ruined shrine-looking place.
  152. >A kindled bonfire sits at the center of the ruins, and you take a seat in front of it to contemplate yourself.
  153. >You stand up feeling stronger and more dextrous than before, but slightly drained as compared to when you woke up.
  154. >It matters not, you see a man sitting on what looks like a fallen pillar, and he seems to be watching you, so you approach him.
  155. >"Well, what do we have here? You must be a new arrival. Let me guess. Fate of the Undead right? Well you're not the first. But there's no salvation here. You'd have done better to rot in the Undead Asylum… But it's too late now."
  156. >He lets out a dejected sigh of breath.
  157. >"Well since you're here…let me help you out. there are actually Two Bells of Awakening. One's up above in the Undead Church. The other is far, far below, in the ruins at the base of Blighttown. Ring them both, and something happens… Brilliant, right? Not much to go on, but I have a feeling that won't stop you… So off you go. It's why you came, isn't it? To this accursed land of the Undead? Hah hah hah hah…"
  158. 11/?
  160. >His laugh is not one of mocking or of joy, but the laugh of a warrior who has lost all hope, the laugh of a crestfallen warrior, and it fills you with nothing but pity for the sad Undead before you.
  161. >You walk away to do some exploring and after a few moments, you have added a few things to your inventory of items.
  162. >An odd black sprite that wriggles and attempts to latch onto any exposed skin it can. You'd heard of the stuff referred to as "humanity", but to see it undulate and squirm as it does, it sickens you, and you are not eager to allow it into yourself.
  163. >A few dense spheres of a foggy substance that seems to beg for release in the form of being crushed.
  164. >A few bones, cracked red spheres, a club, and a talisman.
  165. >You are unfamiliar with miracles of the church however, and you prefer your axe, so you abandon the club, and stuff the talisman into a pocket and forget about it.
  166. >The bones seems to radiate an odd energy, but you don't play around with any, for fear of wasting them. Each feels like something helpful, so you will be careful with them.
  167. >You also discover a path leading slightly up, and through a sewer tunnel.
  168. >After clearing out the undead in the area and looting a few firebombs from one, you head forwarding what looks like an abandoned town.
  169. >Abandoned by the living at least, as it is densely populated by the fairly weak undead soldiers and warriors. They are not difficult to deal with alone, but they stayed together, they snuck up on you when you were not aware of your surroundings, pelting you with wooden bolts, and with firebombs.
  170. >It was miracle in and of itself that you made it far enough into the town to find a bonfire.
  171. 12/?
  173. >Over the course of killing your way forward however, you feel something…take residence within you.
  174. >Wriggling and squirming, begging to be released, you feel it similar to the black sprite in your pocket, and when you think of it as you sit before the empty flame, you feel your body change.
  175. >You feel the clothes upon your skin, you feel the wind and the warmth, more than you previously could, and upon opening your eyes, and remarking on having eyes again, you realized, that somehow the humanity has restored you to a human state!
  176. >You feel your neck, and are disheartened when you still feel the darksign branded upon your neck.
  177. >It was never going to be that easy, but you still had some hope.
  178. >You stand from the fire and walk outside to be greeted by all the foes you killed just moments ago, alive again, and just as they were before-hand.
  179. >This shocks you for a moment, and saddens you.
  180. >It matters not to you, but likely these souls are stuck here, until the flame is linked, never spared, not even by death.
  181. >You kill them again, being careful to draw their attention one at a time if possible, and eventually manage to clear out the immediate area.
  182. >You move forward across a bridge, being pelted by firebombs, and drawing the attention of three Undead soldiers, two wield battle axes, and no shields while the other wields a short-sword and a sturdy looking metal shield with many dents upon it's surface.
  183. >Parrying the takes care of the shield soldier, leaving only the two axe soldiers to kill.
  184. >They advance upon you slowly, seemingly wary of your skill, and you back up to keep the distance between them and you consistent.
  185. 13/?
  187. >One leaps forward suddenly, managing a clean hit on your shield, and cleaving it in two. The heavy metal of his blade bites deep into your arm's length, and the sudden pain as well as blood-loss leaves you dazed.
  188. >He gets sloppy with a follow up however, and as he opens himself up to swing and possibly finish you off, you come in low with your axe, and open his chest to the elements.
  189. >The splintered bone of his ribs pierce his lungs in several places, and the broken fragments come flying out.
  190. >The Undead collapses immediately, before going limp and relinquishing his weapon.
  191. >The last Undead poses no issue, and you bat his slow swing aside with the flat of your hand, stunning him with a slash across the belly, and decapitating him after he collapsed to his knees.
  192. >You stow your trusty hand axe, and pick up the dropped battle axe, admiring it's weight as well as the keenness of it's blade.
  193. >You also pick up the dropped metal shield, and get comfortable with the new heavier load of equipment , practicing swings, getting your shield parry's timing right, and rolling a bit to familiarize yourself with your new lessened speed.
  194. >All in all, it's not much slower, and it definitely feels a lot better when tearing through flesh and cleaving through bone.
  195. >You push forward some more, killing Undead with spears, with crossbows, hiding behind traps, and even taking a few unawares.
  196. >You come to another fog gate, and pass through with little hesitation.
  197. >There doesn't appear to be any danger, but that has already been proven an unreliable method of telling how safe you are.
  198. >You raise you shield, and begin moving forward.
  199. 14/?
  202. >You hear the sound of two bolts being fired form behind you simultaneously, so you immediately do an about face, and manage to block the two bolts entirely with your new metal shield.
  203. >Two crossbowmen sit atop the battlement you came through, loading new bolts into their weapons.
  204. >You block their shots once again and then race up a ladder to their level. They put up a weak fight in close range, never brandishing a shield, dying in two swings of you weapon.
  205. >After they lay broken by your blade, you continue across the way, and hear a large roar.
  206. >You look up to see an immense minotaur demon coming down from above.
  207. >You ready your inner flames, and as he lands, you let loose many upon his lower body.
  208. >The fur catches instantly, and you can smell the fetid fur as it burns, and hear the skin pop as it boils and blisters.
  209. >The demon does not stop in his pain however, it merely enrages him he lifts his weapon and throws himself forward, closing the distance between the two of you in an instant.
  210. >He immediately brings his blunted axe up, sending you back at least 10 feet, and nearly knocking you unconscious.
  211. >You climb to your feet and take two hearty chugs from your estus flask, feeling the formerly broken bones knit together, and the pain recede to a manageable level.
  212. >He lets loose an animalistic roar, and sprints forward in an attempt to finish you off, but as he brings his great weapon down to rend you in two, you roll forward in between his legs and stand behind him.
  213. 15/?
  215. >He cannot stop the momentum of his weapon as it slices downward, burying itself into the stone of the bridge the two of you fight on.
  216. >His shoulders tense, and he roars as he attempts to pull his weapon free, during which time you climb astride his back and begin hacking at anything you can.
  217. >Blood spatters as you slice through layers of flesh, of fat, of muscle, and of bone.
  218. >His screams of agony shatter the silence of your high up battleground.
  219. >No longer is he even attempting to recover his weapon, he is solely attempting to stop the pain.
  220. >But you hold fast, he cannot reach you, and his mind is too muddled to think of crushing you against the floor or any walls.
  221. >A sadistic glee wells within you, and you feel the humanity in you multiply at the savagery you are displaying.
  222. >Finally you grow tired of carving the beast's back apart, so with a mighty roar, one that rivals the creature's own, you bring your weapon down upon the demon's spine. Where it's spine meets it's brain stem, you cut hard, and you feel the connection sever.
  223. >If the beast is not dead from it's wounds, it will die of suffocation. You leave the devastated monster on the ground, wary of it's body's final twitches and spasms. You watch as it stops moving, and you watch as the light fades from it's eyes.
  224. >It dissipates just as the asylum demon did, and you feel the writhing humanity within you cry out in barbaric glee at it's death.
  225. >A feeling of strength settles inside of you, and as you continue forward, you carry yourself with greater confidence than before.
  226. >You push forward through the Undead Burg, stopping only to re-fill your estus flask, and to increase your strength and dexterity.
  227. 16/?
  229. >You eventually make it to the Undead Church, where you face off against dozens of Hollowed fodder, 6 Balder Knights, and one Massive Tower Knight of Berenike.
  230. >None prove to be any difficulty, either being so weak as to die by your first swing, too slow to touch you, or not strong enough to overpower you.
  231. >A few manage to land hits on you however, so by the time you have cleared the church, you are running low on estus.
  232. >You would much prefer to take a short rest, and need to kill some more enemies , than to experience the sting of death over a mistake.
  233. >To this end, you begin backtracking, you look through rooms you ignored, you kill enemies you previously missed, and eventually, you come face to face with the legendary: Havel the rock.
  234. >Either him, or one of his disciples, with their immense stone-plate armor, and their dragon's tooth maul.
  235. >You cannot help but respect the faceless, hollowed, warrior, for his strength has not waned as a result of death.
  236. >You feel your blade begin to dull after connecting and merely bouncing off the thick stone armor, and decide you'll need a different tactic.
  237. >As he winds up to bring down his immense maul, you roll back and begin running up the stairs that led you down to where you found him.
  238. >He follows after you, but cannot keep pace, and as you stand at the top of the staircase, you make ready your plan.
  239. >He catches up to you in a few seconds, but as he winds up for his attack, you roll back and off the side of the high stairwell.
  240. >You don't hurt much from the fall, but as he brings his weapon down and connects with nothing but empty air, he is brought tumbling forward, landing headfirst while wearing at least 125 pounds of body encasing armor. The effect is instant, and as you hear the sickening crack that is no doubt his neck, you continue forward.
  241. 17/?
  243. >A wooden door bars your way, but after patting yourself down for a few moments in the hopes that you picked up a key at some point, your hand finds rest upon a solid, black iron key you don't remember seeing before.
  244. >Having no better alternative, you use it on the door, and are pleasantly surprised to hear the lock un-latch, and to see the door swing wide.
  246. >You pass through it, and into an entirely different feeling location. Dark, and overgrown with trees, you are unsure about whether or not you actually preferred the claustrophobic corridors and sharp corners that hid enemies.
  247. >You steel yourself and push forward regardless, being extra careful with the abominations that live here. Giant crystal golems that can take as much punishment as any dozen enemies you've fought thus far.
  248. >Thankfully, they are spaced out fairly widely, and after several close calls, and exhausting all of your estus, you make it to a bonfire.
  249. >You take a heavy seta and allow yourself to desire for more estus to carry around.
  250. >You open your eyes when you feel some of the humanity within you burst forth from under your skin, only to leap into the warm orange flames, and grow it to double it's former size.
  251. >Upon seeing this, you feel your flask grow heavier, and sure enough, it contains about twice as many drinks worth of the rejuvenating flames as before.
  252. >This revelation lifts your spirits as well as the fire did, and in no time you find yourself cutting down crystal golems with greater ease, growing in strength with each new kill.
  253. >Eventually you come upon a great knight in black armor wielding a great-sword as though it were a short-sword.
  254. 18/?
  256. >His attacks remain calm and swift, never quite remaining open long enough to sneak a slash in, and always pushing you just enough to bar you from concentrating on summoning your flames.
  257. >He steadily beats you back, and as you feel your shield arm about to give way under his relentless assault, you see it. His greatest flaw.
  258. >You drop your guard, and as he begins his wing, you throw your shield wide, throng off the lunge meant for your head, and opening him up to a savage hack into the armor.
  259. >As well made as it is, the steel(?) skin peels apart under your recently honed blade, and as he collapse to his knees from the wound, you look into the dark slits he sees through.
  260. >There is no light in the eyes that look back at you.
  261. >You finish him off, and allow yourself a few moments to pay your respects to the swordsman, and time for your arm to recover.
  262. >It could very easily be broken with how hard the knight hit. Combined with his immense size, and seemingly limitless stamina, you have your doubts that he was ever really human.
  263. >You look back to where the mighty foes corpse fell, only to see a pile of equipment left over.
  264. >You rummage through it to see that it consists of the swordsman's armor, his blade, and his shield.
  265. >Fitting it on, you see that it has somehow reformed to better fit your body, it is not so claustrophobic as you had expected, and although it is rather heavy, you can still move frilly well, especially when you slip on the ring you looted off of the Disciple-of-Havel's corpse.
  266. >You decide to keep the arms and armor, practicing with the blade and shield, getting used to the increased weight and slower swings, before finally settling into the garb's groove.19/?
  268. >The entire set of tools is made from an extremely durable metallic base, which somehow manages to both be heavily protecting, as well as comfortable to move and roll around in.
  269. >All in all, a major upgrade from your previous, set of equipment.
  270. >With your newfound strength, you continue forward, slaying more golems, giant rolling cats, and even a hydra before coming to a secluded an quiet lake where you allow yourself the pleasure of rung through the water. Not comfortable with removing the armor in it's entirety, for fear of attack, you do take off the helmet and relish the feel of the cool water pouring over your head.
  271. >You trust the armor not to rust, as it seems to have some form of magic hewn into itself, and after a few minutes in simple pleasure, you continue forward, coming to a large cave housing a golden golem.
  272. >He behaves the same as the crystal golems, but absorbs your damage much better, bouncing off hacks and slashes, and resisting stabs.
  273. >You back off, and thank the large creature's slow movement speed, as it allows you to melt it down with some well timed bursts of fire.
  274. >As his form solidifies along the bottom of the lake, a great trembling noise is heard around you, and you see a cluster of darkness open up where the beast originally stood.
  275. >Caution dictates that you flee, but before you are able, a mass of writhing blackness reaches out, takes hold of you, and swallows you up.
  276. >The "trip" is jarring, filled with bumps, and what seem to be turns, eventually depositing you in an unfamiliar, and seemingly abandoned castle. A bonfire sits a few feet from where you land, and so you light it, sacrifice a bit of your humanity into it, and allow yourself the meager respite it provides.
  277. 20/?
  279. >You can feel something different about the air here.
  280. >It feels… lighter, not quite as oppressive.
  281. >And this frightens you.
  282. >So accustomed to the looming fear of death, that this sudden, calmness feels entirely unnatural.
  283. >You keep your sword by your side, and your shield poised to block anything you should come across.
  284. >Making your way through the shambles that are the ruined castle, you see carved into several of the stone surfaces, and effigy of the crescent moon.
  285. >Nothing approaches you, and the only company you notice, is that of the rats as they scuttle about scavenging what they can from this dying relic.
  286. >For what seems like ages, you make your way through the dense foliage of the forest, occasionally catching the sounds of predators and animals off in the distance.
  287. >Never seeing anything, never loosing the feeling that something is waiting for you to let your guard down.
  288. >It is maddening, and after an eternity of suspense and terror, you come face to face with something that (ironically) calms you.
  289. >A manticore stands before you, looking rather strange, but instantly recognizable, It's lion's head, The stinger, immediately, you get into your flow and raise your shilled, praying that it will stand up to the beast's claws and stinger.
  290. >Upon sighting you, the great beast lets out a roar befitting it's lion head.
  291. 21/?
  293. >It rears back and swipes at you with claws that hiss as they course through the air. Upon contacting with your shield, the claws scrape up a shower of sparks, and send you flying back into a tree.
  294. >The force of the impact knocks the wind out of your lungs, and the blade from your hand.
  295. >A follow up sting from it's tail would be the end of you, but you foresee this tactic and dive out of it's path, leaving the poisoned stinger embedded in the old tree.
  296. >The beast lets lose another savage roar, and attempts to pull it's tail free. As it focuses it's attention elsewhere, you retrieve your blade and bring it down upon the monster's embedded tail.
  297. >The forest silence shatters as the beast cries out in pain and rage, going into a full berserk mode, slashing non-stop. It's all you can do to keep out of the monster's range, each of it's swipes can easily stun you, and it still has powerful jaws and razor sharp teeth to finish you off with.
  298. >This has become a battle of who can keep up, and it's not looking good for you at all.
  299. >With every passing moment, those claws come a little closer to you, and just as you know, the beast will land it's next swipe, an exposed root trips you up, landing you on your chest, with back exposed, and no way to protect yourself.
  300. >You brace for a pain that may well be your last, and are surprised when you feel the rushing of wind pass by you, and hear the great beast collapse, finally surrendering to it's wound.
  301. >You look upon the now still beast, and can scarcely believe your luck.
  302. >You pull yourself up, and recover your wounds, before saying a thanks to the great Witch, and continuing forward through the darkened forest.
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  305. >As an undead, you have been granted what seems to be a far better sense of sight in the darkness, but this does not help much when the foliage is as dense as it is where you travel.
  306. >You raise you blade time and agin, in an attempt to make your trek easier, and by the time you reach a clearing, your shoulder has grown sore, and your hand numb.
  307. >Thankfully, the sun has begun it's ascent, and as you take a rest in the center of the clearing, you hear the sound of a small creature being startled.
  308. >You turn to the sound's source, only to spy what appears to be a pink tail(?) retreating into the underbrush.
  309. >You will not go following it, as you would prefer to avoid fights if possible.
  310. >The sound does not repeat, and after a few more moments of silence, you find yourself allowing your nerves to calm.
  311. >The only time you have felt more comfortable, has been while sitting aside the empty flames of a bonfire.
  312. >It is with this thought in mind, that you allow yourself a rest.
  313. >In your rest, you see visions of history, of fellow Undead embarking on a similar exodus to your own. The biggest difference being the gateway that consumed you in the dark garden.
  314. >It gets you thinking of how you would return, if you could even return, and if you would truly even want to return.
  315. >This fate was not one you had chosen, nor had it been one you would have, given the choice. Thus far, the only threat to your being has been the Manticore, which you were lucky to survive against, but likely could now that you've faced one down.
  316. >The possibility of going hollow still loomed above your head, but the chance that you were truly the one to free the Undead, was not enough for you to want to return to that period of strife.
  317. >You spend a good deal of time in silent contemplation, never coming to an adamant conclusion.
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  319. End of Pt 1
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