
Undertale - Cover Part 1 (The Most NSFW Yet)

Dec 22nd, 2015
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  1. There was a discontinuity.
  3. Chara had done something to Asriel. Black goo of some kind, viscous and sticky, was covering his hands and arms. A strand of it was hanging from the corner of his mouth. He was smiling at Frisk, his eyes were black and his pupils were white. He licked at his teeth with his supple black tongue. There was more blackness creeping through the fur under his eyes, on his cheeks, and twisting along his arms and under his shirt. It was wrong, it was disturbing, it had terrifying implications.
  5. He looked hungry, like a predator. Possibly even dangerous.
  7. He shook his head and chuckled to himself. “Frisk! Please. I might have changed a little, but I’m still me. I could never hurt you.”
  9. Frisk’s eyes widened. Oh, shit.
  11. “What, you’re worried just because I can hear what you’re thinking?” Asriel leant forward, his breath blowing Frisk’s hair out of their eyes. “That just reeks of a guilty conscience. Maybe I should take a look around in that head of yours, find out what’s causing you so much distress. It’ll be like therapy. We can talk about it, together.”
  13. Frisk leant back, putting their hands up, trying to keep some distance. “L-Look. Az. If that’s still you… You’re scaring me, ok? Please, stop.”
  15. He paused, sitting back on his haunches lightly. “You’re afraid of me?”
  17. Frisk had a sudden and vivid recollection of the last time they had seen Asriel like this, which had involved, among other things, getting stabbed in the chest and sort of… Dying.
  19. Asriel winced a little. “Yeah… I can understand how you might still be a little sore about that. In my defence, it seemed like a good idea at the time.”
  21. “Okay this is now becoming ridiculous. Could you please stop responding to things I am thinking?!”
  23. “Stop thinking so loudly, then.”
  25. You fucking smartass.
  27. “Guilty as charged.” He was so pleased with himself, it was insufferable. “But, I digress. Apprehension, that I can understand. Fear? You’re one of the most capable people I’ve ever met. What could you possibly be afraid of?”
  29. Asriel leant forward again, and when Frisk tried to pull away, something pushed against their back. Out of the corner of Frisk’s eye, they could see… Dripping inky blackness. It felt solid, like a brick wall. Frisk glanced back, meeting Asriel’s unnervingly piercing gaze. Out of sheer introspective habit, Frisk’s mind wandered to the things that they feared the most.
  31. “Oh, Frisk. That’s adorable. And you accuse me of having a bad poker face.”
  33. Asriel reached up with both hands, his white fur stained with twisting black markings. Frisk flinched as he lightly gripped their face, holding Frisk in place and leaning that last little bit closer, gently kissing them.
  35. Frisk had many fears, truth be told. Needles. Crawling insects. Dark enclosed spaces where there was normally light. Being pinned down and unable to move. Having control of their life taken away by fate or force. Losing people they cared about. Fuckin’ clowns.
  37. But more than anything else, Frisk was afraid of needing someone.
  39. Lifetimes ago, Frisk had learned to survive on their own, without anyone else, because it was that or die. Then, the discovery of Determination and Resets. They had become disconnected from time, from other people, they had played games with the world and everyone in it because it was easier than caring. Frisk had made friends, and later, family, but they were like abstract concepts, clouds of possibility that existed between timelines. After so long living with unfinished business, a lifetime spent working towards a future with Asriel, it had been so easy to just slip back into old habits and float on top of the timeline, unattached, a passive observer, only stepping in when it was required.
  41. Committing, believing that this was actually real, that it counted. That this wasn’t just some lustful fling.
  43. Asriel pulled back with a devilish smile. “You need me, Frisk. You’re not afraid of me, you’re afraid of your own desires. How intensely it burns. It’s anchoring you to this world, to this moment, and you know you can’t escape it. Your back’s against the wall, and you’re trapped here, and you’re panicking because this is the one kind of trap you can’t escape from. You can’t just reset this, not without tearing yourself in half.”
  45. Frisk tried not to hyperventilate. Trapped, in time and in this moment, with Asriel. No escape, no lies, and they couldn’t even hide inside their own head. Frisk wanted to scream, to run away. They couldn’t do this, they’d just get hurt again, letting someone else in was weakness and only lead to suffering, it was happening again and it was going to hurt and there was no way out and-
  47. Frisk grabbed two handfuls of Asriel’s fur and flung themselves on him. He smiled, gently wrapping his arms around Frisk, relaxing on his back and patting them gently. Frisk shivered, pressing their face into his chest and gently sobbing.
  49. “Fuck you. Fuck you! Fuck.”
  51. “Shhh. In a moment.”
  53. Frisk sniffed, realising that they were currently face first in fluff instead of shirt. “Where did your clothes go?” A moment passed as they tried to register what happened. “...Where did my clothes go?!”
  55. “I’m basically a god, Frisk. I don’t want anything to slow us down, so I removed them.”
  57. “I wasn’t aware that making clothing disappear was one of the perks of being a god.”
  59. “It is here, at least. Not sure about out in the real world. I suppose we’ll find out sooner or later, but there’s more pressing concerns at the moment.”
  61. Frisk jumped as the pressing concerns left a hot, wet mark on their belly. “Ah! Oh, you dick.”
  63. Asriel laughed, and Frisk thumped him on the chest. He didn’t seem to notice. “Oh, and Frisk. Don’t take this personally, but I have to ask. Are you a boy, or a girl?”
  65. “A-Are you serious? What kind of stupid fucking question is that? We’ve had sex like four times!”
  67. “Should be an easy question to answer, then.”
  69. “Well, I’m a… A. Uhm.” Frisk blinked in surprise. They didn’t know. What the actual fuck.
  71. “An unusual place, this dream. It reflects the true nature of many things. Still, I don’t think we will find it much of an obstacle.”
  73. “But… But how are we supposed to…”
  75. Arsiel touched Frisk gently on the nose. “I guess we’ll just have to use your imagination.”
  77. Oh shit. He’s going to read my mind and then do whatever I think of.
  79. “That was the plan, yes.”
  81. Oh my god.
  83. “Right here.” He waved, cheekily.
  85. Don’t think about goats. Don’t think about how nice he looks on his back. Don’t think about how hot it is when he’s squirming around down there, flushed with pleasure. Don’t think about riding him well beyond his own pleasure, as he struggles to try and make you stop. Don’t think about him struggling and twitching against bonds as you… Fuck. His grin was getting wider and wider.
  87. “Don’t look at me like that!” Frisk said, hunching back and blushing furiously.
  89. “And you’re so careful and gentle, normally.” Asriel teased, running a hand along Frisk’s side, making her jump.
  91. Her? Frisk looked herself up and down. This was some seriously freaky shit, right here.
  93. Asriel chuckled again. He’d been doing that a lot lately, as though this whole experience was one long, perverse joke to him. “Don’t blame me Frisk. I’m just following orders. That’s what you want, right?”
  95. Frisk took a deep breath, wishing that Asriel would just stop talking for a moment.
  97. “Oh? I guess I can accommodate that as well.”
  99. The blackness that seemed to radiate from Asriel rippled along the ground and around the two of them, starting to creep like flowing water. Asriel held up both hands right in front of Frisk’s nose, and Frisk stared at them in horrified fascination as black rivulets flowed up both of them, circling around Asriel’s wrists and reaching out to touch and join between them. The trails down both arms lifted from the bottom, peeling off in two solid strands with a startling suddenness, causing Asriel’s now bound hands to snap against the ground above his head.
  101. Frisk looked from them to his face. Another of the black tendrils had wormed its way around his snout, pinning it shut. He looked amused by how flustered she was.
  103. The smug look. Frisk had to admit, it was kinda nice on him, but it would look even better when she wiped it off of him. He gave a muffled laugh, but he still jumped a little when Frisk reached out and ran a hand along his chest, gently stroking her way up along his adam’s apple and pushing his head back with one finger. He didn’t resist. That was good.
  105. She leant down, let her breath tickle him for a moment, and then bit him gently on the neck. He jumped again, letting out a muffled gasp of surprise. His hands gripped at the air and he wriggled gently on his back. She dug her fingers into his sides, gently tickling at them as she held him down with her teeth. His muffled distress became a little more urgent, and he started to kick under her. Inconvenient, that. Should do something about it.
  107. Almost as if they were obeying Frisk’s thoughts instead of Asriel’s, the kicking immediately stopped. Frisk let go of Asriel’s neck and looked over her shoulder. Sure enough, more blackness was holding the both of them in place.
  109. Frisk looked back at Asriel’s face. He looked so sure, so in control, even with his slight blush and while being held down by his own power. It was entirely possible that he was just playing with Frisk. It was also possible that this was all some kind of perverse prank, a joke, maybe a crazy drunk dream. If nothing else, the rate at which this had escalated to such a perverse situation was unusual.
  111. Perhaps it was possible that Frisk was overthinking things. Asriel chuckled at the thought. It was really annoying when he did that, so Frisk grabbed his chin and pushed it back again, blocking his view as she reached down and grasped his length firmly. It was satisfying, to hear his squeak. He squirmed on the ground, pinned down, fingers and toes curling. She could feel his pulse quicken under her touch. She pushed her hand down to the base of his cock, squeezing, and slowly pulling from there to the tip. He tried to follow her hand with his hips, but her weight held him in place.
  113. “This is for me? This is what you want?”
  115. He nodded, as best he could. His breathing was a little heavier, and his black markings were glossy with a fine layer of sweat.
  117. He was right there, for the taking. Willingly offered, even. The very world at his fingertips, all Frisk’s secrets laid bare, and the only thing Asriel had wanted to do was cater to her whim. He had seen that she was afraid of him, and of herself, and he had rendered himself harmless for her. It was sweet, really. Terrifying, yes. Kind of disturbing, and also very, very hot. Frisk had been on edge since the moment Chara had appeared, but now the pressure of adrenaline and fear was supplanted by desire.
  119. All she had to do was take it. But when she did, Asriel would know. He’d see inside her and know for sure, how much Frisk hungered, as though nothing else would ever satisfy. Decades, centuries of being alone, even among friends. And now, a genuine connection, someone who would do anything for Frisk. Laid bare, pulled tight on the ground.
  121. A swirling maelstrom of emotion and desire, fear, lust, need, hurt. It was too real, too intense, this was too far and too sudden. Frisk needed to stop, she couldn’t do this.
  123. She guided Asriel to her slit, slick and swollen with need, and pushed him inside, wrapping both arms around his shoulders and sliding down his belly, pushing him inside of herself as deep as she could. He shivered under her, groaning softly. Inside of Frisk, she could feel him stretching her, causing her to shift and arch her back, wiggling on the spot to find the most comfortable angle and depth. She was so worked up from all of this insanity, it was unbelievable. It wasn’t fair, he could see exactly what she wanted. It was cheating.
  125. Maybe this was what it was like to be up against herself? The thought was unusual, and merited further attention. You know, later.
  127. She looked down at Asriel’s face. He was looking at her again, blushing bright red, his hands clenched into fists. When he caught her eye, he shifted under her, trying to hump up against her weight, obviously frustrated that she had stopped to consider things for so long.
  129. Hmm. He’d look better wearing a collar.
  131. His eyes widened at that. There was a delay this time, but once more, the inky blackness flowed and circled around his neck. He shifted on the spot, looking embarrassed. Perfect. Frisk leant forward and touched it, slipping a finger under and testing it. Slightly yielding but firm, like the rest of it. She could feel the muscles in his neck shift as he swallowed nervously. She slipped the rest of her fingers under it and gripped, pulling him forward and using it as a handhold, causing him to grunt again, his eyes wide as he heard what she intended.
  133. Frisk smiled, this time, pulling herself up and off of his length, right to the tip, using his collar for leverage, before she slammed herself back down onto him with all the force she could muster. It wasn’t gentle, but that was the point, wasn’t it? Frisk pushed herself against him as quickly as she could manage, eagre to push him to the limit. Every time she pushed herself flat against him, he gave a muffled grunt, his eyes screwed shut. She loved the expression on his face, a mix of pleasure and dread. He knew what was coming.
  135. Heh. Coming.
  137. He cracked one eye open, looking at Frisk with an accusatory glare. Being able to hear Frisk’s terrible puns definitely made the whole mind reading thing a double edged sword, it seemed. She ignored his disapproval, focusing on the task at hand. Maybe it was just because of the unreality of this whole place, but he seemed larger, pushing deeper, and every time Frisk came to a rest on his belly, she had to grit her teeth to keep in the moan threatening to escape her throat. Not yet. First, Asriel.
  139. His squirming became more insistent. The groans rose in pitch, becoming more frantic, and his breathing was becoming ragged and heavy. She watched as he tensed up, thrashing on the spot, his elbows wiggling in front of his face as he genuinely struggled to be free, his groans turning into an impassioned moan. He arched his back, muscles straining, shaking at the tension, and she felt him twitch and pulse inside of her. She pressed him deep inside of her, pushing him back against the ground by the collar, Frisk drawing breath in sharply as she felt him spurt deep inside of her. It felt like a lot, and Frisk couldn’t help but shake the feeling that later, she’d discover that it was going to be the same black fluid that they were both surrounded with.
  141. Frisk let Asriel go, and he flopped against the ground bonelessly, his eyes out of focus, breathing heavily. Frisk arched back, grinding herself against him and enjoying the sensation of him moving inside of her. She wasn’t far off, herself. Asriel grunted a weak protest, but he didn’t look very determined to put up a fight. After all, he could hear her thoughts.
  143. She brushed her hair out of her eyes and smiled down at him. “Ok, I guess there’s no point in denying it. I think I might actually love you, Az. But I definitely love it when you look so worn out and contented. I can only think of one thing that would look better on you.”
  145. He managed to work up the energy to squirm a little. She ran her hands through his chest fur again, tracing the black swirls with her fingertips. It made him shiver. Maybe they were more sensitive?
  147. “And you know what that is, Az? It’s if you looked even more worn out and contented, as though I’d just finished making you cum a second time.”
  149. He whimpered softly, shaking his head, trying to look as though the idea didn’t horrify and delight him at the same time.
  151. Frisk could definitely get used to this.
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