
video james

Oct 13th, 2013
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  1. [10:06:13] <Aelanna> .tell thedeadlymoose What the fuck does that have to do with anything? You guys reviewed the logs and didn't feel anything was wrong, that's fine. I'd even be fine with "we don't care about racism", even though I'd be highly disappointed.
  2. [10:06:13] <Nala> Aelanna: Gotcha.
  3. [10:06:46] * Meserach ( has joined
  4. [10:06:54] <Aelanna> .tell thedeadlymoose But you cannot tell me with a straight face that you're insulted because you DID change the rules, and now you're refusing to enforce them. You want to be insulted? How about me, after having my head stuck on a pike to set an example for the future?
  5. [10:06:54] <Nala> Aelanna: I'll pass that along.
  6. [10:09:51] <Freudian> hi
  7. [10:10:12] <Tuomey> sup
  8. [10:10:34] <Aelanna> .tell thedeadlymoose So long as you guys continue to uphold the retarded idea that the accusers get to determine whether the victim has been hurt, I will continue to have a complete lack of respect for the system. This has been going on for years, and this is a new low.
  9. [10:10:34] <Nala> Aelanna: I'll let them know.
  10. [10:12:07] <Tuomey> Aels: I don't know what's going on but this is perhaps better done via PMs due to length if nothing else :s
  11. [10:12:35] <Aelanna> The problem with PMs is that the admins love to bury their dirty laundry.
  12. [10:12:42] <Aelanna> t(^.^)z
  13. [10:13:24] <Aelanna> (I am done, though.)
  14. [10:14:08] * Magnus ( has joined
  15. [10:15:59] <Warscribe> what is going on Oo
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