
Ana and Kazuma meet Callum

Aug 21st, 2015
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  1. [00:21] <Anastasia_Locke> And then I said "Oatmeal! Are you CRAZY!?"
  2. [00:21] * Anastasia_Locke bursts into laughter
  3. [00:21] * Kazuma_Raigeki laughs as well, despite only hearing the last sentence of the joke
  4. [00:23] <Anastasia_Locke> Oh man, good times.
  5. [00:23] <Anastasia_Locke> I remember it like it was yesterday
  6. [00:24] <Kazuma_Raigeki> That sounds like it was awesome, I wish I was there when it happened
  7. [00:26] <Callum_Heyes> "sawrey laydeys i couldnt help but overheer that fune stori"
  8. [00:27] * Kazuma_Raigeki turns around to the new voice
  9. [00:27] <Kazuma_Raigeki> Oh, hi there!
  10. [00:28] <Callum_Heyes> hey der naymes callum
  11. [00:29] <Callum_Heyes> felt a littel loneli on mi walk home today
  12. [00:29] <Callum_Heyes> hope u dont mind me taggin along
  13. [00:29] <Anastasia_Locke> Not at all!
  14. [00:29] * Anastasia_Locke beams
  15. [00:30] <Anastasia_Locke> The more the merrier!
  16. [00:30] <Kazuma_Raigeki> Yeah, that's awesome!
  17. [00:30] <Kazuma_Raigeki> I love new party members!
  18. [00:31] <Callum_Heyes> hope you ladies wouldnt mind intraducein ya selvs
  19. [00:31] <Anastasia_Locke> Oh, of course not! I'm Ana, and this is Kaz.
  20. [00:32] <Kazuma_Raigeki> Nice to meet you Callum
  21. [00:32] <Callum_Heyes> and tha same ta u
  22. [00:32] <Callum_Heyes> kaz
  23. [00:33] <Callum_Heyes> so wer do tha to of ya live
  24. [00:33] <Kazuma_Raigeki> We both live in the apartment down here
  25. [00:33] <Kazuma_Raigeki> We usually walk to and from school together
  26. [00:33] <Anastasia_Locke> Right over there!
  27. [00:34] * Anastasia_Locke points off into the distance
  28. [00:34] <Callum_Heyes> nice looken playce
  29. [00:34] <Kazuma_Raigeki> Yeah, it's pretty cool
  30. [00:35] <Anastasia_Locke> It's so awesome!
  31. [00:35] <Anastasia_Locke> How about you?
  32. [00:35] <Kazuma_Raigeki> The owner's pretty nice, even if he doesn't realize I have his keys
  33. [00:36] <Callum_Heyes> wayt u stole his kees
  34. [00:36] <Kazuma_Raigeki> I don't consider it stealing
  35. [00:36] <Kazuma_Raigeki> I think of it more as...
  36. [00:36] <Kazuma_Raigeki> Adding to my inventory...
  37. [00:37] * Anastasia_Locke chokes back another laugh
  38. [00:37] <Kazuma_Raigeki> Every house has a bunch of hidden stuff in it
  39. [00:37] <Callum_Heyes> i spose dey does
  40. [00:37] <Kazuma_Raigeki> Yeah!
  41. [00:37] <Kazuma_Raigeki> And if you don't check, you're missing out on a bunch of sweet loot!
  42. [00:39] <Callum_Heyes> stil dont quite feal right
  43. [00:39] * Anastasia_Locke nods enthusiastically
  44. [00:40] <Anastasia_Locke> I mean, they ARE people you're taking stuff from
  45. [00:40] <Anastasia_Locke> Even if they won't miss any of it
  46. [00:41] <Anastasia_Locke> Plus there's the whole danger of getting caught
  47. [00:41] <Kazuma_Raigeki> Nah, I'm the main character
  48. [00:41] <Callum_Heyes> maine charectar of wat may i ask
  49. [00:42] <Kazuma_Raigeki> My story!
  50. [00:42] <Kazuma_Raigeki> You guys are the NPCs of my story, isn't that cool?
  51. [00:42] <Kazuma_Raigeki> I can tell we're gonna be great party members!
  52. [00:42] <Callum_Heyes> im not gonna object to bein in a stori
  53. [00:43] <Kazuma_Raigeki> Yeah, stories are cool!
  54. [00:44] <Anastasia_Locke> Aww yeah!
  55. [00:44] <Anastasia_Locke> Gotta love em!
  56. [00:46] <Callum_Heyes> wat kindah storeies do u like
  57. [00:47] <Kazuma_Raigeki> Oh, man, all kinds!
  58. [00:47] <Kazuma_Raigeki> Especially my own!
  59. [00:47] <Anastasia_Locke> Sci-fi for me, usually. Anything in the future!
  60. [00:49] <Kazuma_Raigeki> Sci-fi's pretty cool
  61. [00:49] <Anastasia_Locke> Darn right! How 'bout you, Callum?
  62. [00:50] <Callum_Heyes> im a fan ov histori myself
  63. [00:51] <Kazuma_Raigeki> I kinda have mixed feelings about history
  64. [00:51] <Kazuma_Raigeki> The important parts are cool, like the battles and stuff
  65. [00:52] <Kazuma_Raigeki> But everything leading up to it just seems like pointless backstory
  66. [00:52] <Anastasia_Locke> Not too much of a fan myself, either way
  67. [00:53] <Anastasia_Locke> I mean, sure, it's cool and all, but there's so much more that the future could be!
  68. [00:54] <Callum_Heyes> to each their own i guess
  69. [00:54] <Anastasia_Locke> Exactly, yeah!
  70. [00:57] <Anastasia_Locke> So, you said you're walking home, right?
  71. [00:57] <Anastasia_Locke> Which school d'you go to?
  72. [00:58] <Callum_Heyes> da same won as u aktchuly
  73. [00:58] <Anastasia_Locke> Ooh, nice!
  74. [00:59] <Kazuma_Raigeki> Oh, that's cool!
  75. [00:59] * Kazuma_Raigeki thinks "Party members intensify"
  76. [01:02] <Anastasia_Locke> Any fun classes?
  77. [01:04] <Callum_Heyes> i do enjoy hisstory
  78. [01:05] <Anastasia_Locke> Hah, probably should have seen that one coming
  79. [01:09] * Anastasia_Locke, Kazuma_Raigeki, and Callum_Heyes walk in silence for a few minutes
  80. [01:09] <Kazuma_Raigeki> I should probably save my progress pretty soon, don't wanna have to watch this cutscene again
  81. [01:09] * Anastasia_Locke laughs
  82. [01:09] <Callum_Heyes> wel lovs ull be leavin now
  83. [01:10] <Kazuma_Raigeki> Alright, bye, Callum!
  84. [01:10] <Kazuma_Raigeki> Nice meeting you
  85. [01:10] <Callum_Heyes> se ya latah hopefuli
  86. [01:10] <Anastasia_Locke> Yeah, see you later!
  87. [01:10] * Callum_Heyes waves and walks off
  88. [01:11] * Anastasia_Locke and Kazuma_Raigeki enter the apartment building and start ascending
  89. [01:11] <Kazuma_Raigeki> He seems like a pretty good party member
  90. [01:11] <Kazuma_Raigeki> I wonder what role he'd fit?
  91. [01:11] <Anastasia_Locke> Kaz, you can't judge people based on how good they'd fit the team
  92. [01:11] <Anastasia_Locke> We're desperate
  93. [01:12] <Kazuma_Raigeki> Main characters don't just add random people to the party
  94. [01:12] <Kazuma_Raigeki> There needs to be a connection of some kind
  95. [01:12] <Anastasia_Locke> So why not this?
  96. [01:12] <Anastasia_Locke> We met some dude
  97. [01:12] <Anastasia_Locke> And he's awesome
  98. [01:13] <Anastasia_Locke> And now he's a PC
  99. [01:13] <Anastasia_Locke> Easy!
  100. [01:13] <Kazuma_Raigeki> Yeah, he'll be a good party member, for sure
  101. [01:13] <Kazuma_Raigeki> But I wanna know what role he fits
  102. [01:13] <Kazuma_Raigeki> Can you see yourself as a tank?
  103. [01:13] <Anastasia_Locke> Of course not!
  104. [01:13] <Kazuma_Raigeki> Alright, alright
  105. [01:13] <Kazuma_Raigeki> How about healer?
  106. [01:14] <Anastasia_Locke> Pfft, how on Earth would I be a healer?
  107. [01:14] <Kazuma_Raigeki> I don't know, usually it involves getting a staff of some kind
  108. [01:14] <Kazuma_Raigeki> But make sure you don't accidently become a monk
  109. [01:14] <Anastasia_Locke> I don't have a staff. I have a laser pointer
  110. [01:14] <Anastasia_Locke> Lemme be the laser shooter one
  111. [01:15] <Kazuma_Raigeki> I guess we can have two fighters
  112. [01:15] * Anastasia_Locke shakes her head, resigned
  113. [01:15] <Kazuma_Raigeki> Then we'd need to get more party members to balance it out with clerics and tanks
  114. [01:15] <Anastasia_Locke> I'm sure you'll figure something out
  115. [01:15] <Kazuma_Raigeki> Yeah, I'll get right on it!
  116. [01:16] <Anastasia_Locke> You do that. I'd better get inside
  117. [01:16] <Kazuma_Raigeki> Yeah, see you tomorrow?
  118. [01:16] <Anastasia_Locke> Of course!
  119. [01:16] <Kazuma_Raigeki> Okay, see ya, Ana!
  120. [01:17] * Anastasia_Locke waves and heads to her apartment
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