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Errrrrrrrr? ror?

a guest
Nov 23rd, 2015
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  1. 5. error -
  3. i feel like ur a person that either everyone loves or hate, but theres no in-between. personally I’m p chill with u because you’ve been v v v helpful and funny in the past, and overall i do think you’re a smart and sensible person in the times I’ve seen you
  5. saying that, i actually don’t know too much about you?? i don’t know a lot about your past but one thing that i do admire tho is this kind of, self confidence u have going on, i don’t really see u get self deprecating a lot (or at least, when i see u) and you’re very proud of the things you have. i think you give off this very mature and kind of cool, who’s always silently judging you but smart and witty vibe but ur actually very passionate and you have a lot of deep emotions and thoughts which i can respect. especially when ur talking about ur dog. i love your dog. What a cutie
  7. the people who like u I can understand cause ur a really really funny dude. you’re also very sharp and witty and well cultured, v hip. you also have an out view on life that i think a lot sandbox shares and ur a balance between cynically funny and witty, which i get
  8. but i also understand why some people don’t like you~ you do give off this kind of higher up attitude, which isn’t always bad, but it does make people feel kinda bad at times, i think i mentioned it up there how self assured you are, and i think thats another thing thats another reason why some people don’t like you. i think sometimes you can say things and don’t realize the impact of your words, and the effects i think can last a long long long long time
  10. one last thing, I’m also incredibly bad at gauging your reactions. maybe I’m just naive and dumb but i can’t honestly tell if ur annoyed at me or just taking a jab whoops overall i think ur a cool guy pls be nice to me I’m small and v scared
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