
1. AiE: Journey for the Wishing Stone -Prologue-

Feb 15th, 2013
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  1. AiE: Journey for the Wishing Stone (prologue)
  3. >It is another beautiful day in Ponyville as Twilight Sparkle, the element of magic and protege of princess Celestia, happily makes her way to her library tree house.
  4. >She is in good spirits today, mainly because today is the day that the princess will be giving her a new spell book to study.
  5. >Not much is know about this new spell book.
  6. >Before today, Twilight had never even heard of it.
  7. >Which makes her all the more excited to be one of the first ponies to learn it's secrets.
  8. >Twilight continues to trot down the streets of Ponyville, when she is suddenly stopped by a familiar voice.
  9. ?:"Wha' howdy there, sugarcube. What's got you in such a good mood?"
  10. >Twilight turns to see Applejack, the element of Honesty, minding her apple stand.
  11. TS:"Hello AJ, just making my way to see if Spike received a package I'm expecting from the princess."
  12. AJ:"Well ah reckon as giddy as you are, it must be some kinda book."
  13. TS:"Not just ANY book! The princess is sending me a book filled with spells that even I've never seen before. It's suppose to be the next level of my magic training.
  14. These spells are so complex, it might take weeks of intense study and practice before i can master them. Isn't that exciting!"
  15. >Applejack gives Twilight a quizzical look.
  16. AJ:"If you say so, Twi. Ah've never been much for all that fancy book learnin'."
  17. >Twilight rolls her eyes with a smirk.
  18. AJ:"Ah'm hopin' all that studyin' wont keep ya from coming to the Lunar eclipse festival this week. The apple family will be in attendance this year and you know us
  19. Apple's love us a good shindig. We're bringin' a whole mess of treats, as well as some of our famous Apple Family Apple Cider. It'd be a darn shame if ya missed out."
  20. TS:"Not to worry, Applejack. As much as i can't wait to get started on my lessons, I've been really looking forward to this lunar eclipse in particular. This eclipse is
  21. known as the selenelion, which means that both the sun and the moon will both be out during the eclipse, turning the moon red. It's a very rare occurrence and also means
  22. that both princess Celestia and princess Luna will be in attendance this year."
  23. AJ:"err, sounds like a hoot... ah guess."
  24. >Applejack says, rubbing her hoof behind her head.
  25. AJ:"Just make sure you put aside some time from yer stargazin' and hobnobbin' with royalty to hang out with yer friends."
  26. >Twilight smiles.
  27. TS:"Of course! I'm sure this years lunar eclipse festival will be one to remember. Now if you'll excuse me AJ, there's a new book at the library that's calling my name."
  28. ?:"TWILIGHT!"
  29. >The two mares turn as they hear a panicked voice coming from the library.
  30. AJ:"Your weren't foolin."
  31. TS:"That sounded like Spike."
  32. >The two soon spot Twilight's scaly purple and green assistant, running as fast as his tiny legs can carry him.
  33. >He finally reaches the two ponies as he stops to catch his breath.
  34. S:(huff)...Twilight(pant)...letter(wheeze)...princess(cough)...Urgent!
  35. >Spike then keels over in exhaustion. He then produces a scroll with a royal seal.
  36. >Twilight levitates it toward herself using her magic.
  37. >She then opens the scroll and begins to read with a worried expression.
  38. AJ:"Don't keep us in suspense there, sug'. What's it say?!"
  39. >Twilight looks to Applejack.
  40. TS:"Applejack. Spike. i need you to get all our friends and meet me at the library. The elements of harmony are needed in Canterlot"
  43. >Without another word, Applejack and Spike head off to gather the other four ponies as Twilight makes her way to the library.
  44. >Rainbow Dash is lounging on a cloud, taking it easy after a day of cloud busting, when suddenly a small rock hits her on the back of the head. She turns with an annoyed
  45. look on her face as she then notices Spike waving her down.
  46. >Fluttershy in her cottage, feeding all her of small animal friends, when her door suddenly is bucked open. The noise startles her as she jumps to the ceiling. She
  47. looks down, hanging from the light fixture, to see Applejack standing in her doorway.
  48. >Rarity is hard at work at her sewing machine. She holds up her newest creation with her magic, admiring her handy work. Suddenly, there is a crash coming from outside.
  49. The sudden jolt causes her to accidently tear her garment in half. She swings open the door to her boutique in a fit of rage until she notices a cyan pegasus and a love
  50. struck dragon standing before her.
  51. >Both Fluttershy and Applejack are in Pinkie Pie's room looking around for their friend. The two are looking all over for the pink pony. Under tables, in the couch
  52. cushions, behind the curtains, but still aren't having any luck finding the missing mare. Fluttershy opens Pinkie's closet when she is suddenly blasted back with tons of
  53. confetti. AJ facehoofs as Fluttershy is hyperventilating on the ground. A mischievous giggle follow by a snort can be heard, but still nopony in sight. Applejack
  54. suddenly comes up with an idea for finding the prankster pony as she produces a cupcake from under her hat. Fluttershy regains her senses just in time as both her and
  55. AJ are then tackled by a pink blur. Pinkie Pie is now sitting on top of both AJ and FS as she munches on the frosted treat.
  56. >They all soon meet up and head over to the library to join Twilight.
  57. >Twilight exits her home with a saddle bag filled with all sorts of books and scrolls.
  58. TS:"Thank you all for coming over on such short notice."
  59. RD:"Just what the hay is so important that you have to interrupt a perfectly good cloud nap?!"
  60. R:"I hope this can be resolved quickly, darling. I'm simply swamped with orders for the festival."
  61. AJ:"Hold yer horses, everypony! Let's give Twi' here a chance to explain what's goin' on."
  62. FS:"I hope it's nothing scary."
  63. PP:"I hope it's a party!"
  65. >Everyone focuses back on Twilight.
  66. TS:"(ahem)...please. Now, we don't have much time so I'll be brief. I just received word from the princess that there is an emergency and that the elements of harmony
  67. are to report to Canterlot immediately."
  68. S:"What kind of emergency?"
  69. TS:"She didn't say, but if the elements of harmony are needed, then I'm guessing it's a doozy."
  70. AJ:"Then what in the hay are we standin' around here fer?"
  71. RD:"Applejack's right! Now is the time for action!"
  72. R:"We should definitely leave soon, it takes a half a days worth of traveling to get to Canterlot by train."
  73. TS:"That won't be necessary. I have a faster way to get us to the castle."
  74. >Everyone looks to Twilight with a puzzled look on there faces.
  75. RD:"Your not going to use a freaky magic spell, are you? I still have water in my ears from the last time you teleported me into Ponyville lake."
  76. TS:"That was a long time ago, Rainbow! I've become much more adept in my magic studies since then. A simple teleportation spell is the most efficient and fastest way
  77. to Canterlot."
  78. FS:"Are your sure, Twilight? It sounds dangerous."
  79. RD:"Everything sounds dangerous to you, Fluttershy."
  80. R:"I agree with Fluttershy on this one. Can you teleport all of us such a long distance?"
  81. TS:"Sure i can! ...well, I'm fairly sure i can. I've never really tried it before, but it can't be too difficult...right?"
  82. >The others look nervously at each other right before Pinkie jumps in.
  83. PP:"Sounds like fun! Let's do it, to it!"
  84. TS:"Okay then, everyone get close. This is gonna take a lot of magic, so...
  85. >Twilight is cut off by her number one assistant, tugging at her saddle bag.
  86. S:"Am i going too, Twilight?"
  87. >Twilight kneels down to meet Spike at eye level.
  88. TS:"No Spike, I'm afraid this mission might be to dangerous for a baby dragon. It might be better if you sit this one out."
  89. S:"Oh thank Celestia!"
  90. >Spike exclaims, wiping the sweat from his brow.
  91. S:"i mean... oh, darn. That's too bad. i guess I'll stay here and look after Ponyville."
  92. >Twilight smiles.
  93. TS:"I'm sure you'll take good care of everypony while we're gone."
  94. >Both Spike and Twilight share a hug.
  95. S:"Just promise you'll all come back safe."
  96. TS:"Don't worry, Spike. I promise we'll be back, safe and sound."
  97. >Everypony gathers around as Twilight's horn begins to glow.
  98. >Twilight begins to concentrate as the light from her horn engulfs the six ponies.
  100. >Twilight snaps back from her spell.
  101. PP:"I'll be right back!"
  102. >Before Twilight can protest, the pink pony darts off.
  103. >Pinkie returns shorty afterwards with a relieved look on her face.
  104. PP:"Sorry about that, bathroom break. I'm ready now.
  105. >Pinkie smiles as Twilight just sighs and begins to cast her spell once more.
  106. >The six are once again engulfed in the light from Twilight's horn.
  107. >In a bright flash of light, the group of friends disappear, leaving behind a worried looking baby dragon.
  108. S:"...good luck."
  110. >The group of friends reappear floating in midair. They immediately drop to the ground, piling on top of each other, except for Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy who just
  111. hover in place.
  112. RD:"Real smooth, egghead."
  113. >Rainbow quips as Fluttershy giggles.
  114. >The two Pegasi help their friends up.
  115. >They are now in front of the entrance to the palace in Canterlot.
  116. TS:"I told you i could get us here. Piece of cake."
  117. >Twilight replies.
  118. R:"More like an upside down cake."
  119. >Rarity says while lying on her back, trying to stop the room from spinning.
  120. PP:"That was fun! Let's go again!"
  121. >Pinkie hops in a circle around her friends who are still recovering.
  122. >Twilight weakly stands up as her legs wobble beneath her.
  123. AJ:"You okay there, sugarcube? Your not lookin' so hot."
  124. TS:"I'm fine... i just need a moment. I didn't think that spell would use so much of my magic."
  125. ?:"Perhaps you overestimate your magical abilities, Twilight Sparkle."
  126. >Twilight and the others suddenly become aware of another presents before them.
  127. TS:"Princess Luna!"
  128. >The six ponies quickly line up and bow, paying their respects to the princess of the night.
  129. L:"You may relax, dear friends. My sister has sent me to gather you to join her. She awaits in the royal garden."
  130. TS:"Princess Celestia knows we're here?"
  131. L:"You sound surprised. You of all ponies should know better than to doubt my sister."
  132. TS:"Of course not! I...I mean...I know, i was just..."
  133. >Luna chuckles to herself.
  134. L:"Relax, Twilight. I was only teasing"
  135. >Twilight blushes as she laughs nervously.
  136. L:"Please, follow me."
  137. >Luna then turns to enter the castle followed closely by the others.
  138. >After making there way through the regal hallways, they arrive at the entrance of the Royal gardens.
  139. L:"My sister awaits through these doors. i will accompany you no further."
  140. TS:"Is everything alright, your majesty?"
  141. >Luna looks toward the gardens. Her eyes narrow, her once noble features overcome with a look of animosity.
  142. L:"I am fine, Twilight Sparkle. It's just that my sister is currently in the company of..."
  143. >Luna stops herself.
  144. L:"Perhaps it's best if Celestia herself tells you. Now, if you'll excuse me, I will take my leave."
  145. >Luna then walks off, leaving the ponies at the entrance.
  146. RD:"Well that was odd."
  147. AJ:"What in tarnation was that about? Someone's got her dander up."
  148. R:"You don't suppose she's having a quarrel with Celestia?"
  149. TS:"Whatever the reason, we shouldn't keep the princess waiting."
  150. >The six then make there way through the royal gardens.
  151. >They continue onwards until they hear the sound of Celestia's voice.
  152. >She was sitting underneath the shade of a large oak tree.
  153. >Celestia appeared to be having a conversation with someone until she took notice of Twilight and her friends.
  154. >She then stood up from her relaxed position to greet her protege.
  155. C:"Twilight Sparkle, it is so very good to see you as well as the other elements of harmony once more.
  156. >Twilight ran up to meet her mentor, stopping only to bow and pay her respects.
  157. >The others soon joined Twilight in greeting the princess.
  158. TS:"I came as soon as i received your message, your highness. What's the emergency?"
  159. >Celestia sighs.
  160. C:"I wish this reunion was more of a positive one, but I'm in need of your help."
  161. RD:"What's the problem, princess? Does one of your old enemies need their flank whooped?"
  162. >Rainbow asks while shadow boxing.
  163. C:"No Rainbow Dash, i have just become aware of a very powerful magic relic. It's called the wishing stone and it is said that it's magic is even more powerful than my
  164. own. I dare say that it even rivals the elements of harmony."
  165. TS:"The wishing stone? How could such a powerful artifact go unnoticed."
  166. C:"Although there had been rumors of it's existence, they were dismissed as being only myths. However, it seems the wishing stone's power is affected by the selenelion.
  167. It's magical power will be at it's peak during the lunar eclipse, granting the user any wish they desire."
  168. PP:"Ooh! Ooh! We could wish for a giant cupcake! No wait! TWO GIANT CUPCAKES! Or how about a never ending party! So much to choose from... How about we wish for a
  169. million wis-"
  170. >Twilight covers Pinkie mouth with her hoof, allowing the princess to continue.
  171. C:"The lunar festival is less than a week away. After the selenelion is over, the wishing stone will become inert. You must find the stone and return it here safely
  172. before it loses it's power."
  173. TS:"But princess, Why do you need the wishing stone?"
  174. C:"It is not I who is in need of the wishing stone's power."
  175. ?:"It's for me."
  176. >The girls look around for the source of the mysterious voice.
  177. >Twilight then takes notice of a shadowy figure sitting up from a tree branch slightly above Celestia.
  178. >He hops down, landing in front of the ponies.
  179. >Slowly he stands upright upon two legs.
  180. >Fluttershy squeaks in terror as she darts behind AJ and Rarity, who's eyes widen and mouths hang open from the sight of this bazaar creature.
  181. >Rainbow Dash becomes defensive, arching her back and dragging her forehoof in front of her.
  182. >He stands before the six ponies with a relaxed posture, smugly giving them a half-smile as he chews on a reed of grass.
  183. C:"Do not be afraid, my little ponies. This is Anonymous, and i assure you he means you no harm."
  184. >Rainbow flys up, getting in Anonymous's face.
  185. RD:"What is it, some kinda hairless monkey?"
  186. >Anonymous's eyes narrow as he spits his reed in Rainbow's face.
  187. A:"Who you calling a monkey? Birdbrain."
  189. >AJ grabs onto Rainbow's tail, holding back the angry pegasus.
  190. >Anonymous grins at Rainbow's reaction.
  191. C:"Please forgive his behavior, he is still trying to adjust to his new surroundings. I trust he will cause no more hostilities, not unless he prefers staying in the
  192. Canterlot dungeons. Isn't that right, Anon?"
  193. >Anonymous scornfully turns his head, folding his arms.
  194. A:"Hmmph. Whatever."
  195. C:"Anonymous is a human, he comes from a parallel universe that is much different from ours. He was discovered here just outside of Canterlot a few months ago."
  196. TS:"A parallel universe?! How fascinating! But... how did her get here?"
  197. A:"I have no idea. The last thing i can remember i was out for a walk at night. There was bright flash, followed by some kind of vortex. When i woke up, i was locked up
  198. in Sunbutt's prison."
  199. >Twilight glares at Anonymous.
  200. C:"It's true that we weren't sure what to make of him at first. Truly we have not seen any creature like him before and were unsure of his intentions. Both my sister
  201. and I attempted to enter his mind, but he appears to have a strong immunity to magic."
  202. TS:"How is that possible?"
  203. A:"In my world, magic doesn't exist. It's nothing more than made up nonsense for fairytales or cartoons."
  204. C:"After talking with Anonymous many times, i found myself intrigued with the stories of his home world. After i came to the realization that he was of no treat to
  205. Equestria, i released him from the dungeons and allowed him limited access to the palace. It was he who discovered the tales of the wishing stone in the Canterlot
  206. archives."
  207. AJ:"So we're suppose 'ta help this Anonymous find some magic stone that is more powerful than the Elements of Harmony? How do we know we can trust 'em?"
  208. A:"I just want the stupid stone so i can get back to my life back in my world. I told her 'royal pain' that i didn't need any babysitters to help me find it, but she
  209. insisted. She's afraid i might freak out her little pony folk."
  210. RD:"So we just keep an eye him and make sure he's not up to any funny business, right?"
  211. C:"I'm afraid there's more. It appears that we are not the only ones who know about the wishing stone. The book containing all the info of this whereabouts
  212. has been stolen from the archives. Not only that, there have been several attempts to abducted Anonymous within that castle itself."
  213. TS:"But if they already have everything about the wishing stone, why go after Anonymous?"
  214. A:"Because they DON'T have everything about the wishing stone."
  215. >Anon points to his head.
  216. A:"I've got the entire book memorized, including the stones location."
  217. C:"Anonymous is our only link to finding the stone. You six must aid him on his quest and protect him from those that seek it's power."
  218. >The ponies remained silent. Twilight stares at Anonymous, reluctant on if he can be trusted or not.
  219. TS:"Okay! If the princess has faith in you, then i will do what i can to help."
  220. AJ:"Count me in!"
  221. RD:"Me too! Someone's gotta keep an eye on this guy."
  222. >Rainbow and Anon both exchange spiteful looks.
  223. R:"I will also join you, darling. I would love to hear about fashions from an alien world."
  224. FS:"Um... i guess i can go t-"
  225. PP:"Oh boy! A new adventure with a new friend!"
  226. >Pinkie runs up to Anon, squeezing the air out of him with a massive bear hug.
  227. PP:"I'm Pinkie Pie! Your new bestest best friend in the whole wide world of Equestria!
  228. >Anon tries to protest, but is unable to speak from the lack of oxygen.
  229. >Celestia giggles.
  230. C:"My dear Pinkie Pie, I do believe that our friend Anonymous would like the use of his lungs back."
  231. P:"Oops, sorry Nonny."
  232. >Pinkie releases Anon as he drops on all fours, gasping for air.
  233. A:"(cough cough)... dear lord, what have i gotten myself into."
  234. >the ponies share in a laugh as Anon picks himself up.
  235. C:"Anon, why don't you get better acquainted with everyone while i speak with twilight."
  236. >Anon looks toward the princess.
  237. >Although somewhat skeptical, complies with the princess's request.
  238. A:"You're the boss, Sunbutt."
  239. >Twilight stomps her hoof.
  240. TS:"That's quite enough! How dare you speak to the princess with such disrespect!"
  241. C:"Twilight."
  242. >the princess calls out to her student, ending her outburst.
  243. C:"Please come with me."
  244. >Celestia then turns and walks off.
  245. TS:"But..."
  246. >Twilight glares at Anon, then turns and follows alongside the princess.
  247. >They walk together in the garden a bit before twilight speaks.
  248. TS:"That human! Now i see why Luna choose not to join us."
  249. C:"Indeed, my sister and Anon have not gotten along too well since his arrival."
  250. TS:"I can see why. I wonder if all humans are as rude as him."
  251. C:"You must have patients with him, Twilight. Please understand he has been through a lot. He has been taken from everything and everypony he has ever know, trapped in
  252. world that is alien to him, and not to mention all the recent abduction attempts. Wouldn't you be on edge, my student."
  253. TS:"...I guess so."
  254. C:"He has also been forbidden from leaving the castle grounds and under constant protection from the royal guards. I think your journey for the stone might help in
  255. changing his attitude."
  256. TS:"I'm still not sure if we can trust him."
  257. C:"Nether am I. Which is why i wanted to speak with you. As i said earlier, his magic immunity prevents me from seeing his true intentions. Although I'm fairly
  258. certain he is of no threat, i can still sense that he is hiding something."
  259. TS:"Do you think he's working with whoever broke into the archives?"
  260. C:"I wouldn't dismiss the idea, but i believe its more that he is reluctant to trust us as well. I want you and the other elements of harmony to gain his trust and
  261. see if you can get him to open up."
  262. TS:"I'm not sure that will be so easy."
  263. C:"I have faith in you, my student. Remember all you have learned about friendship."
  264. >Twilight and Celestia stop and sit, looking out at the view of Canterlot.
  265. >The sky is ember, reflecting the setting sun.
  266. >Celestia sighs.
  267. C:"There is one more issue i should mention."
  268. TS:"What is it, princess?"
  269. C:"I am concerned about his immunity towards magic. It is more powerful than any i have ever encountered. Even if you do find the wishing stone..."
  270. TS:"There's a chance the stone's magic might not work?"
  271. >Celestia nods.
  272. TS:"If that's true, than this mission might be for nothing. Does Anonymous know this?"
  273. C:"There's no way to know for sure. I only ask that you not mention it to him at the moment. He's our only means of finding the wishing stone. i don't want him to give
  274. up before it is found and we discover who else is after it."
  275. >twilight pauses for a moment.
  276. TS:"I don't like it. It feels dishonest, like we're using him."
  277. C:"I understand your dilemma, but we must ensure that the wishing stone isn't used by somepony who would misuse it's power. Which I'm afraid also means keeping it
  278. away from Anonymous."
  279. TS:"But i thought he was the reason for finding the stone in the first place?"
  280. C:"It's true that we are using the stone to send Anonymous back to his world, but before we know for sure that he can be trusted, we must keep him away from the stone
  281. as well."
  282. >Twilight hangs her head low at the princess's request.
  283. C:"I know i ask a lot of you, my dear Twilight. You're the only ones i can trust with a mission like this. I'm confident you'll be able open his heart and return him
  284. back to his world."
  285. >Twilight looks up toward the princess.
  286. TS:"I won't let you down."
  287. >Celestia embraces Twilight with one of her wings.
  288. C:"Now, we should probably rejoin the others before Anon chases them off."
  289. TS:"Or before Pinkie Pie chases HIM off."
  290. >Celestia and Twilight both chuckle and then make their way back.
  291. PP:"Aaaaah!"
  292. >Celestia and Twilight both stop.
  293. TS:"That sounded like Pinkie!"
  294. C:"Anonymous is in danger!"
  295. >The two sprinted towards the sound of Pinkie's scream.
  296. >They both stop suddenly.
  297. PP:"Woopie!!!"
  298. >Pinkie exclaims while riding on top of Anon's shoulders.
  299. >She has one forehoove wrapped around Anon's eyes while she waves the other in the air.
  300. >Anon runs around blindly, trying to shake the crazy pink pony.
  301. PP:"Go faster, giddy up!"
  302. A:"Get the hell off me!"
  303. >Rainbow proceeds to chase them both as Anonymous runs around in circles.
  304. RD:"You leave Pinkie Pie alone, you banana eating freak!"
  305. A:"Me?! Get this pink weirdo off of me!"
  306. >AJ is doubled over in tears, laughing at the three.
  307. >Rarity is doing her best to hold in her laughter as she tries to comfort Fluttershy, who is cowering in fear.
  308. >Both Celestia and Twilight stare on in shock, unable to process what is going on.
  309. >They look toward each other.
  310. >Celestia smiles as Twilight lets out a sigh.
  311. TS:"Looks like this is going to be a long journey."
  313. -end part 1/9-
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