
2020-03-10 TOEFL: word roots, reading vocab

Mar 11th, 2020
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  1. Greg Malivuk
  3. - notes from all classes
  4. ---
  5. Word Roots (list 1) - With a partner, try to think of one or two words to explain the meaning of each root.
  6. ab (abduct, abdicate) = away/down
  7. act/ag/ex (active, agent, executive) = do
  8. ad (advocate, addition, advance) = toward/onto (Many words that begin with ‘a’ and a double consonant come from this root, such as “afford”, “aggressive”, “apply”.)
  9. aer/aero (aerial, aerate) = air
  10. agri/agro (agriculture, agribusiness, agrarian) = field/farm
  11. ambi (ambidextrous, ambiguous, ambivalent) = both
  12. amb/ambul (amble, ambulatory, ambulate) = move/walk
  13. ami/amo (amiable, amorous) = love/friendship
  14. andro (android, androgen) = man/male (The complementary root for female is “gyn”.)
  15. anim (animate, animal) = movement/motive
  16. ann/enn (annual, millennium, anniversary) = year
  17. ante/anti (antecedent, anteroom, anticipate) = before
  18. anthropo (anthropology, philanthropy) = humanity
  19. anti (antibacterial, antisocial) = against (If something is in front of you it’s stopping you.)
  20. aqua (aquamarine, aqueduct, aquarium) = water (sometimes specifically fresh water)
  21. arch (monarch, hierarchy, archbishop) = first (in importance or power)
  22. archa (archaeology, archaic) = first (in time) / old
  23. art (artist, artifact, artisan) = skill
  24. astro/aster (astronomy, astrology, asteroid, disaster, asterisk) = star
  25. aud/audi (audience, audible) = hear/listen
  26. auto (automatic, autograph) = self
  27. bell (belligerent, rebellious, antebellum) = war
  28. bene (benefit, benevolent) = good
  29. bi (bilingual, bilateral, bisexual) = two
  30. bio (biology, biography, biosphere) = life
  31. cept/ceive (intercept, receive) = catch/capture (these also come from the same root)
  32. cardi/cardio (cardiac, cardiology) = heart
  33. carn (carnivore, carnal) = meat (if it’s dead) / flesh (if it’s alive)
  34. cede/ceed (intercede, exceed) = go
  35. cent (century, centimeter, centennial) = hundred(th)
  36. ---
  37. Reading Question Types:
  38. - fact
  39. - negative fact
  40. - vocabulary
  41. - inference
  42. - purpose
  43. - paraphrase
  44. - reference
  45. - sentence insertion
  46. - summarize
  47. - organize/categorize
  48. ---
  49. Vocabulary Questions
  50. - These always ask about the meaning of a word in the context of the passage.
  51. Cambridge exercise R1 describes different types of context clues that can help you with this.
  52. 34 B
  53. 35 D
  54. 36 A
  55. 37 boll wevils = insects that can destroy crops
  56. 38 carnivores = meat-eating animals
  57. 39 chronometer = marine timekeeping device
  58. 40 C
  59. 41 D
  60. 42 A
  61. 43 benign = not deadly / not harmful
  62. 44 thrives = does very well / prospers
  63. 45 viscous = resistant to motion
  64. 46 C
  65. 47 C
  66. 48 B
  67. ---
  68. BREAK
  69. ---
  70. 49 gentian = a type of flower
  71. 50 chanter = part of a bagpipe
  72. 51 alleviated = reduced (for negative things)
  73. 52 A
  74. 53 B
  75. 54 C
  76. ---
  77. exercise R2 - Answer the vocabulary questions about these short passages in 30 seconds each. Then compare your answers with a partner and try to convince them of your answers if you disagree. Point out the context clues you used to reach your conclusion.
  78. 1 B
  79. 2 D
  80. 3 A
  81. 4 D
  82. 5 C
  83. 6 A
  84. 7 B (“notorious” is negative in English)
  85. 8 C
  86. 9 A
  87. 10 D
  88. 11 D (“exploit” is negative)
  89. 12 B
  90. 13 C
  91. 14 D
  92. 15 B
  93. 16 C
  94. 17 A
  95. 18 A
  96. ---
  97. “score” has many distinct meanings, so you always need to make sure to look at the context:
  98. - sheet music (especially one that contains all the different parts)
  99. - music written for some specific purpose
  100. - number of points in a game or on an assignment
  101. - earn points in a game or on an assignment
  102. - scratch into a hard surface
  103. - twenty
  104. ---
  105. connotation = the positive or negative associations a word has
  106. (denotation = the literal thing a word refers to)
  107. - You might have a word in your language that denotes more or less the same thing as the English word, but the connotation may be very different.
  108. - euphemisms (words with more positive or polite connotations for subjects we try to avoid) often don’t translate properly between languages
  109. ---
  110. Often one of the wrong answer choices for a vocabulary question will be a similar word with a different connotation.
  111. (Collocations are closely related and have to do with what sorts of words are often used with another word.)
  112. ---
  113. Cengage exercise 2.2
  114. Take 5.5 minutes to answer the questions about passage 1. Then compare your answers.
  115. 1 B
  116. 2 C
  117. 3 C (Both expressions are metaphors for setting up circumstances so something can happen.)
  118. 4 D
  119. 5 A
  120. 6 D (“it was nothing if not ____” = “it was very ____”)
  121. 7 B
  122. 8 B
  123. 9 A
  124. 10 A (This supports the sentence about the rivalry heating up.)
  125. 11 A
  126. ---
  127. Homework: finish the Cengage handout
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