
[To Be Named] - Chapter 14

Oct 27th, 2016
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  1. [To Be Named] - by Ho-Oh16
  2. A QuizUp fantasy adventure story.
  4. Chapter 14.
  6. I woke up in a small heap on the floor.
  7.    "What...?"
  8.    "Morning." said Shadow as I sat myself up.
  9.    "Are we-"
  10.    "Back at the house? Yes. It would appear so."
  11.    "So why are we still sat here? Surely it's just a case of opening the door and leaving." I yawned.
  12.    "Afraid not. The door can only be opened from the outside. We have to wait for the others to get us."
  13.    "Oh... I hope they hurry up... I need my bed..." I said with a yawn.
  15.    Knock knock.
  16.    "Hey, did anyone else hear that?"
  17.    "Hear what?"
  18.    Knock knock knock.
  19.    "That!"
  20.    "Is there someone at the front door, perhaps?"
  21.    After a second of contemplation, Rashaun, Anton and Dragon hurried to the entrance and opened the doors hastily. They were hoping to see two familiar faces.
  22.    "Ah, hello." greeted a single voice from the front steps. The figure smiled, removing a hat from his head. "I was wondering if you'd heard anything about your two friends?"
  23.    "Uh...who are you?"
  24.    "We can get to formalities in a moment. For now, could you please answer the question? Are all five of you together in this house?"
  25.    "Not that we are aware of. It's just the three of us at the moment."
  26.    "I see... That's not an issue. In fact, it makes my job easier." muttered the figure. "May I come inside?"
  27.    "...sure." replied Rashaun, hesitantly opening the door to the stranger inside.
  28.    "Much appreciated.". The figure walked through the door and let it close.
  29.    "So, who are you?" Anton asked again.
  30.    "Of course, how rude of me. My name is Fire.". He looked at the three slightly confused faces. "People and their bizarre naming habits... Quite amusing, don't you think?"
  31.    "Indeed... Should we go into the living room?" Rashaun suggested, not feeling particularly comfortable around their visitor.
  32.    "Please, lead the way." Fire said, waiting for the three people to walk ahead.
  33.    Rashaun told Dragon to go forst, followed by Anton. He then invited Fire to follow, and so he stayed at the back of the group. He wanted to keep a close eye on this new person.
  34.    "So do you know where Chloe and Shadow are?" DD asked hopefully.
  35.    "I'm afraid not. I'll be honest, I was expecting to see all of you here by now..." came the reply.
  36.    "You sound disappointed." Rashaun observed.
  37.    "Disappointed? No. It's easier this way."
  38.    "And what, if you don't mind my asking, do you mean by 'it'?" Anton questioned next.
  39.    "You'll find out soon enough." replied Fire. He stood near the fireplace.
  40.    Rashaun couldn't help but be suspicious of Fire. He began to think back through the past few days and piece together what he could. Anything that provided the smallest explanation.
  41.    "Dragon, why don't you go and train or something?" Anton suggested, also believing that something was wrong.
  42.    Taking the hint, Dragon started to walk towards the door. Before she could exit, however, Fire blocked her path.
  43.    "Nobody leaves." he ordered.
  44.    Dragon took a few steps back, and now all three had become certain that this guy was bad news.
  45.    "I suggest you move." Rashaun glared, unsheathing his sword. "It'd be a shame if someone got hurt."
  46.    "I agree." responded Fire. "But sometimes you have to take that risk."
  47.    "If that's how it's going to be, then perhaps we ought to take this outside. Away from the expensive furnishings." Anton said. He too had his weapon in his hand and was ready to fight.
  48.    "I don't see why that's necessary. You're going to die either way." snarled Fire.
  49.    With those words, he reached for the spitting flames in the fireplace from the other side of the room and they came to him. Once they were firmly in his hand, he threw them towards Anton. Thinking quickly, Dragon had grabbed one of the silver trays next to her and deflected the fire for as long as she could.
  50.    "Smart thinking." Fire voiced as Dragon dropped the tray. He was now creating a large ball of fire in his hands and was preparing to send it straight for DD. "But not smart enough."
  51.    "Come on then! If you want a fight, I'll give you one you won't forget." she retaliated.
  52.    "It would be my honour!" Fire yelled. He sent the ball of flames hurling towards Dragon.
  53.    Unable to move out of the way in time, she tried to block the attack but was sent flying backwards into one of the room's many paintings.
  54.    "DRAGON!". Rashaun and Anton both ran over to check if she was alright. She was a little dazed but quickly got back on her feet.
  55.    "Dragon? If she is what you call a dragon, then you haven't seen anything yet." Fire mocked, launching another fireball.
  56.    This time, Rashaun deflected it with his sword and sent it soaring sideways into the wall.
  57.    "Woah..."
  58.    "I must be honest with you... I expected greater. My brother told me that you were to be strong opponents. I guess he was wrong."
  59.    "Brother?"
  60.    "Don't worry about him. Not yet. I have a fight to win."
  61.    "I don't think so!". Rashaun charged towards Fire, ready to strike him down with his sword. However, before he could land a blow, Fire dodged the attack and tripped Rashaun over.
  62.    "Oops, my bad!" Fire smirked. He was trying to see the full potential of the group, but so far was extremely disappointed. He didn't mind messing around with them, though.
  63.    "Enough of this! Fight like a real warrior, not a coward!" Anton yelled at the perpetrator.
  64.    "Trust me, I'm just getting started."
  66.    "How long do think it's been, exactly?" I asked Shadow.
  67.    "An hour or so. I've been awake this whole time."
  68.    "Wait, what? Seriously?"
  69.    "Yeah. It's quite simple - don't breathe in the mysterious colourful smoke." he stated.
  70.    "That's a good idea, I suppose."
  71.    "Yep."
  73. The fighting continued. Paintings on the wall were being singed, the curtains were ablaze and Fire was nowhere near tired. So far, no one had been able a land a hit on him and it was becoming very tedious.
  74. Fire sent out two separate fiery blasts that temporarily put Anton and Rashaun out of action. They were forced to take cover behind what little furniture was still intact.
  75. "I'm going to do it..." DD muttered.
  76. "Wait, but the room is too small!"
  77. "I'm sure they won't mind. After all, there's not much of it left anyway." she replied.
  78. Dragon stood opposite Fire, presenting herself as a challenger.
  79. "Oh, what's this? You want to fight me on your own?" he grinned, surprised as this sudden decision. "You think it'll make you a hero?"
  80. "No, but I know I can beat you." Dragon replied.
  81. "So be it. I think we'd better take this one outside." he chuckled. He exited through the door and went to the front of the house to wait.
  82. "Are you sure this a good idea?" Anton asked out of concern. He wasn't prepared to lose anyone else.
  83. "I can turn into a dragon, breathe fire and use telekinesis. I think I have the advantage." she answered. Dragon left Anton and Rashaun to sort themselves out and follow Fire outside.
  84. "This ought to be fun." remarked Fire as the two finally stood opposite one another.
  85. "It will be for me." responded Dragon.
  86. When Rashaun and Anton raced out of the house, what they saw was no longer a fight between two ordinary people, but a battle between two fierce dragons.
  87. "Oh...this is bad..." Anton said, watching as plumes of fire bounced off each other, spewing flames everywhere.
  88. "The red one must be Fire...wait..." Rashaun uttered, reaching a revelation. "He's an elemental dragon like the one from the maze!"
  89. "You mean, the other dragon was like Fire? It was also a person?" Anton responded. "But that means that if Dragon gets hurt, wouldn't she have the same problem as Chloe?!"
  90. "Which is why we can't let him get too close. Come on, we have to find something to stop him!" yelled Rashaun, running back into the house.
  91. "You're strong, I'll give you that." commented Fire as he dodged a large blast of fire.
  92. "I'm just warming up!" roared the purple dragon, shooting an even larger blast of fire at the red dragon's wings.
  93. "We don't have to fight. You're like me." he continued to say.
  94. "No I'm not, because I'm stronger than you will ever be!"
  95. With all the might she had, Dragon conjured a giant ball of fire. At first, her opponent wasn't worried - he told himself that it wouldn't be worse than the attacks she'd already made. And then something unusual happened.
  96. As she threw the vast ball of flame it changed colour and became a bright blue. Paralysed by amazement and shock, the attack hit Fire with brute force, forcing him to change form again.
  97. "Show me what you've really got!" called the mighty purple dragon. She was amazed at her newfound strength and power, but didn't show it to her foe.
  98. "Fine. If it's a show you want, it's a show you'll get." Fire said, wiping blood from his nose. "I think it's time you met one of my brothers."
  99. "Hang on, how many brothers do you have?" DD asked out of confusion and now, concern.
  100. "Don't worry about how many of us there are. I'm the only one you need to worry about." spoke a new figure. He had exited the house from the main door and strolled down the stairs. He walked towards the others, tipped his hat and introduced himself. "Pleasure to meet you. My name is Ghost."
  102. I stared at the door.
  103. "It's not going to open just because you're looking at it." Shadow said as he sharpened the blade of his sword.
  104. "I know that. I'm waiting." I replied. "I want to know why it's taking them so long..."
  105. "Perhaps they're not in. They could be asleep, or busy. We just have to wait."
  106. "I know that too." I sighed.
  107.    I continued to hold my gaze and blocked out the sound of sharpening metal. And then I heard something. Voices.
  108.    "Shadow, shut up for a sec."
  109.    "Excuse me?"
  110.    "Be quiet! I think I hear people!" I repeated, walking towards the door. Lo-and-behold, I was right.
  111.    "But where are we going to find something to defeat a dragon?!" I heard some yell.
  112.    "I have no idea, but we have to find it quickly!" called a second voice.
  113. *Are they talking about Dragon? As in...our Dragon?!*
  114.    "HEY!" I yelled out, hitting the door with my fist. "Don't you dare touch that dragon!"
  115.    "Chloe, I think-"
  116.    "Did you hear that?" asked the first voice to the second.
  117.    "Yeah, I think it came from in there..." the second voice replied hesitantly.
  118.    I grabbed my dagger and got ready for the door to open.
  120.    DD stayed a dragon, just incase this Ghost character decided to attack.
  121.    "There's no need to be so hostile. Change back and we can all have a civilised conversation." Ghost called up to her.
  122.    "No way." she replied.
  123.    "Don't make things any more complicated. You can either change back into a person, or my brother and I can both join you up there." Ghost responded. "The choice is yours."
  124.    Dragon held her ground, refusing to comply.
  125.    " be it."
  126.    Rapidly, swirling and spiralling smoke appeared from the ground and quickly concealed Ghost. It was a nightmarish black and he was engulfed within seconds. The cloud grew in size - eventually it was larger than DD - and it became menacing.
  127.    Next to the cloud, Fire transformed back into a dragon and stood by his brother.
  128.    "They say with age comes wisdom. For us, age provides us with indomitable power.". The cloud had now diffused and a larger grey dragon now stood higher than DD.
  129.    She took a step backwards. The prospect of fighting a more experienced and strong dragon was now increasingly daunting.
  130.    "So... who makes the first move?" DD asked, assessing the situation.
  131.    "Whoever feels brave enough."
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