
[CLOP] A Real Workout - Part One - AnonxSnowflake/Roid Rage

Dec 22nd, 2013
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  1. >What in the hell were you thinking letting Rainbow drag you out to the gym?
  2. >You've been working out--as you saw it--for the last two hours and the only feeling you've been left with is utter exhaustion.
  3. "C'mon Anon, it'll be fun," you mutter sourly to yourself, "get that flabby body toned up so all the mares will want a piece of ya."
  4. >As if she has any business calling you flabby with all the cakes and sweets Pinkie lavishes upon her.
  5. >Still, it was a nice chance to see some stallions in spandex shorts, bending and stretching and grunting all the while.
  6. >There was some riotous laughter about half an hour ago after Thunderlane managed to rip his shorts, baring his buns to the rest of the gym.
  7. >Thankfully you weren't in quite bad enough shape that you had to worry about that but with all the large stallions working out it still felt a little intimidating.
  8. >By now you've had enough, though and you're resigned to finish this thing up and maybe relax a little.
  9. >Ponyville's spa isn't the only place in town that has a sauna.
  10. >One stallion catches your eye as you rub the sweat from your brow - ridiculously muscled and sporting a cropped blonde mane, he snorts loudly and smirks at you before turning about and trotting ahead.
  11. >Just like the others a pair of shorts tightly hug his buns, leaving absolutely nothing to the imagination.
  12. >Each stroke of his hind legs draws the material in tighter, his muscles visibly rippling against the fabricas his tail swishes from side to side.
  13. >You shouldn't stare, you really shouldn't - you're just wearing a pair of shorts yourself but it's impossible to take your eyes off him.
  14. >Even as you both make it into the locker room, you blindly follow and only when he stops and turns about do you realise your own locker is on another aisle.
  15. >The white-coated stallion just cocks an eyebrow and turns to removing his shorts, leaving you to slink off while looking back as long as you can.
  17. >Thankfully there weren't any witnesses to that embarrassing escapade.
  18. >Star Hunter wipes himself down next to one of lockers near your own but apart from him you haven't seen any other ponies in here.
  19. >Which is great because you need a shower. A cold one. Alone.
  20. >In the time since you've started visiting public bath houses here you've learned to shed your modesty and not become quite so abashed as you remove your clothes and wrap a towel about your waist.
  21. >These ponies galavant about naked all the time as it is, would they really be freaked out by the hairless ape's privates flapping in the breeze?
  22. >You chuckle softly to yourself, considering some of the reactions it could well elicit.
  23. >Or maybe that white hunk would give you his own appraisal, pinning you against a wall so that he could freely measure up against you while you would be forced to service the stud as would befit...
  24. >It's just the gym.
  25. >You assure yourself of that fact as you shake those salacious thoughts from your mind, it's just all this male musk, the sweat, the heat, loud stallions - that's what's got you pent up.
  26. >Once you get home you can take a load off and then blow a load.
  27. >A short walk to the shower later and you're twisting the knob towards the cold end, silently dreading it.
  28. >You can't help but yelp as the freezing stream washes over you, sending you into a quick bout of shivers.
  29. >Heavy clopping gives you another reason to shiver as you slowly turn about to see that white stallion from the locker room trotting in.
  30. >He looks you over, smirking again when his eyes fall between your legs.
  31. >The cold water's left you with more than just shaking extremeties.
  32. >You try to splutter out some objections - it's just the cold, really it's not that small but you're still too schocked to speak.
  33. >Even more so when the stallion leans up against the wall and twists the knob of his own shower.
  34. >That's right next to your own.
  36. >There, between his legs, is a thick black sheath.
  37. >Even in its current state it puts you to shame.
  38. >But that's not where your eyes stay.
  39. >As the water starts to cascade over him you're drawn along the lines of muscle that run the length of his body.
  40. >From his rippling withers, across his back and down to his rump he's incredible.
  41. >The docked tail gives you a full and clear view of that rear, taut from endless conditioning but full from being worked.
  42. >Steam rises from around him and you realise he's not suffering the same issues you are; his tail swishes gently from side to side, sending droplets of water flying in either direction.
  43. >And it also gives you a perfect view of that rump, the gentle slope of his back rising over the cheeks and parting, hiding anything you might like to glance at.
  44. >Even under the harsh temperature of the water you feel your body stirring at the sight and you quickly look away, concentrating on getting yourself clean and relaxed.
  45. >"Nngh... ngh... Ahh!"
  46. >The sounds of grunts and the popping of limbs take your attention back to him.
  47. >It's something you immediately regret.
  48. >He's leaning forward, rump facing towards you.
  49. >Stretched out as he is he starts to shiver, his cheeks clenching together powerfully.
  50. >The light from the overhead lamps catches on the droplets of water that collect on his fine coat, leaving your eyes to slowly rove over those rock-hard looking mounds.
  51. >When you see his flaccid cock swinging between his legs it takes all your willpower not to reach out and touch him.
  52. >You cannot, however, draw upon it to look away this time.
  53. >His whole body tenses and flexes as he leans back and forth, stretching himself out under the shower.
  54. >Each time he lets out another grunt or a soft groan and with each rock back and forth his rump either tenses up, cheeks clenching tightly together, or he relaxes greatly, pushing back so far that he's almost into the stream of your shower.
  56. >"Ahh, I tell ya, there's nothin' like a shower after workin' out, huh?"
  57. >The stallion looks over his shoulders at you, his red eyes shining brightly.
  58. >You still can't find the words to respond, paralysed by the sight before you as you are.
  59. >"Heh, maybe havin' a nice show after it."
  60. >He moves his hind legs apart slowly, lifting them high and then letting the golden hooves hit the tiles with a wet clop.
  61. >And then he stands back on them, in a way you've seen a few ponies do before.
  62. >He lifts his forelegs over his head, stretching the muscles along his back until you can pick out every sinew.
  63. >You've never seen anyone in such a state of fitness and this new sight, this way he presents himself makes your heart skip a beat and a warmth spread between your legs.
  64. >"It's alright to admire, ya know? I bet a little guy like you's wonderin' what it's like." The stallion wiggles his rump from side to side, flexing the muscles a few times. "Touch it."
  65. >Clouded by lust and admiration you waste no time in reaching out and pressing your palm against the left cheek of his rump.
  66. >As you expect, it's firm.
  67. >But more than just being firm you feel the muscles in it trembling as he tenses them, hard as iron under your soft skin.
  68. >Then slowly he starts to relax, the flesh softening until you can dig your fingers into it amidst a quiet gasp from him.
  69. >In a heartbeat your other hand is on the other cheek and you waste no further time in pulling them apart, bearing that little black ring under his tail.
  70. >Your breath comes in sharp gasps but you keep yourself steady, slowly pushing the cheeks of his rump back together, squeezing them tightly and then running your hands off them.
  71. >"Ya know, normally ponies'd have the courtesy to give me their names before they start pullin' that."
  72. "Whu... What?"
  73. >He's looking around at you again and you hadn't even realised you'd stepped into his shower.
  75. "It's uh... It's Anon."
  76. >"Snowflake," he curtly responds, looking back over his shoulder, "now keep doin' what yer doin'."
  77. >With the water it's easier to run your hands over him, the smoother motions no doubt feeling better.
  78. >Those white orbs beg your attention and you slowly move your hands in wide circles, pulling them apart on each turn before you let them slide back into position.
  79. >His tail rests idly against your shoulder, twitching now and then as you administer the attention.
  80. >But this isn't exactly the right position.
  81. >An ass like this needs attention lavished upon it, as if it were Adonis' own.
  82. >Still holding onto him you sink to your knees, your eyes never leaving his behind.
  83. >You cup the bottom of his cheeks, leaning in to gently kiss each one.
  84. >There's a slight tang to his coat, no doubt from the sweat that hasn't been washed off yet.
  85. >Under your soft lips and softer tongue the flesh feels even more pliable and you lick and kiss at it, slipping your arms about his waist to pull him back against your face.
  86. >At one point you gently bite into him, not enough to even leave a mark but enough to draw a cry from him.
  87. >"H-Hey! Go easy!"
  88. >You don't bother looking up, so taken up are you with Snowflake's glorious behind.
  89. >If only you'd taken more time to admire him in those shorts.
  90. >But right now you can hug him just as tightly, you can feel every inch of him if you desired.
  91. >But you need to take it slow.
  92. >You start off lower, just below his balls, placing quick little kisses against him.
  93. >His breaths are heavier now, his body starting to shake.
  94. >You lap at the warm water that runs down, kissing and nibbling at the soft flesh under his coat, slowly working your way up.
  95. >Until you have to pull his cheeks apart again, slipping your tongue between the valley of those cheeks and delighting in the slightly tangy taste that speaks of how masculine this stallion is.
  97. >Snowflake's tiny wings flutter above you, sending droplets of water cascading about but you've still eyes only for his rippling behind.
  98. >You can feel his body shivering under your hands and they slide along his abdomen and legs, searching out something you know has to be there.
  99. >Your tongue laps at his coat as you rub your face in close against him, savouring every drop of his musky taste.
  100. >A low, quiet groan escapes your lips as you finally find that tight little ring and quickly flick your tongue in against it.
  101. >Snowflake gasps, thrusting back against you and finally you find what you're looking for - his rock-hard member twitches against the hand you bring down to it.
  102. >"Hey... Hey!"
  103. >Much to your horror he pulls away from you, landing back on his forelegs.
  104. >You'd just wrapped your fingers around that pink and black monster and now it's out of your grasp.
  105. >Worse still is the way his body heaves under his heavy panting, his whole backside rising and falling as he looks around to you.
  106. >"I didn't say ya could touch it." Snowflake licks his lips, turning about to face you. "Since ya can't keep those things to yerself, how about I fix that."
  107. >You're still knelt there, looking up at his smiling features before he points a hoof back against the wall.
  108. >"I want you to lean against it, with those." He then indicates your hands. "Behind ya. No touchin' until I say so."
  109. >The way that gruff voice leaves you weak at your knees also leaves you with no doubt as to your willingness to obey.
  110. >Shuffling backwards you keep to your knees and lean back against the wall of the shower.
  111. >Snowflake turns back around, baring his rump again.
  112. >And starts to slowly back up.
  114. >He takes his time, though, stretching his hind legs out with each step and tensing them to their maximum.
  115. >When they start tapping against the wall to either side of you, you're left breathless and can't tear your eyes from his shapely form.
  116. >The flourish as he closes the final inches between you is a little wiggle of his behind and your will breaks, leaving you to grab his hips and pull him back against you.
  117. >His tail flies up in a fountain of hair and you're now free to press your face in against him.
  118. >Just as he starts to lean back against you, forcing your head to the wall.
  119. >The force is enough to curve your back, trapping your arms behind yourself - you'd only meant to give him lip service with that but now you're stuck.
  120. >"Now you just take care'a me and I'll take care'a you."
  121. >You groan again as he rubs his rump against you; your tongue flicks out and you nip here and there but he's prepared this time.
  122. >He doesn't so much as squeak, even if he jumps slightly each time or halts in moving as his whole ass ripples under the onslaught of pleasure you administer.
  123. >Standing onto the tips of his hooves you're left looking up at his rump baring down on you.
  124. >His balls are too far away for you to get a taste and now even that soft little spot under his tail is denied.
  125. "S-Snowflake, c'mon, please!"
  126. >There's a chuckle and he lowers himself just an inch, enough that you can slide your tongue between the cheeks of his behind and lap greedily at the water and sweat still there.
  127. >"Sorry bud', yer gonna have to work for it."
  128. >What can you do? Except to kiss and lick at him, catch little bits of flesh between your teeth and bite down just enough that it should feel good...
  129. >You whimper quietly, straining your tongue up.
  131. >Taking mercy, Snowflake lowers himself only slightly, enough that you can push your nose up to take a deep breath of his scent.
  132. >You never could have imagined that any stallion could smell quite so strongly of male musk and you swirl your tongue in and around the dip of his butt, rolling it back and forth and lifting and lowering your head as much as he permits.
  133. >But it's over all to quickly.
  134. >As if it wasn't hard enough already, Snowflake starts to lean forward, just enough that you can't lean out to taste him.
  135. >You wouldn't dare make a move for fear that he might just end this whole thing on you.
  136. >Maybe it's because of how quickly you'd moved before but he taunts you now - tensing and flexing his rear rhythmically.
  137. >Snowflake wiggles again, slapping his wet tail against your cheek.
  138. >You whimper again, on the verge of begging him to stop teasing you.
  139. >As if sensing just how far he's pushed you he leans back, lower this time, low enough that you can slip your tongue up and just under his tail.
  140. >You'd give anything to hold his rump steady as you kiss and lick in against that tight little ring, enjoying at least the way he grunts and squirms, the muscles along the cheeks of his rump shivering as you delve deeper.
  141. >It's been too long since you've so much as touched another male and here you are being offered an all-you-can-eat buffet of ass.
  142. >Even if he tells you to come back tomorrow to finish it, you can't stop yourself from burying your face in and slathering your tongue all over him.
  143. >Thoughts of him weightlifting, every muscle along his conditioned body flexing in time, sweat rolling down him... Perhaps he has a set of weights at home and you can tend to him while he works out.
  144. >"... yeah, she was totally checking you out dude!"
  145. >Both of you freeze upon hearing that voice.
  146. >"You think? I've really gotta ask her out."
  147. >Another.
  148. >Looks like you're going to have some company.
  150. >Snowflake quickly moves out from you, allowing you room to get your arms back around and to stand.
  151. >Both of you are firmly at attention so there's no way to simply save things before the two come in.
  152. >"Hey, buddy, follow me, I know a back-way outta here."
  153. >He cocks his head, trotting down along the rows of showers and with no other choice you're left to follow.
  154. >The voices recede but you can't shake the feeling of being watched.
  155. >Nor can you take your eyes off Snowflake's rump as he steps carefully along.
  156. >His hips shift from side to side, wet tail slapping against his rump and his muscled back ripples.
  157. >If you were alone you might've hopped onto him but as it is, you slip along rattling pipes and steam filled corridors.
  158. >There's no voices here, not even the sounds of the gym.
  159. >At least not until you both slip back out of a door, now flaccid but still naked.
  160. >Snowflake quickly motions to another door across the hall and you both make a break.
  161. >With a click he locks it behind you and when you gather your wits to see the thick amount of steam all around you, you realise where you are - one of the saunas in the gym.
  162. >Locked in.
  163. >Alone with Snowflake.
  164. >The smile on his face makes it clear he has the same thoughts as you.
  166. >He advances upon you and you retreat under the grin he offers.
  167. >Through the thick haze of steam his white coat is a little difficult to make out but his red eyes are clearly visible.
  168. >Stalking you through the steam room, Snowflake advances until you stumble against a bench and fall back onto it.
  169. >Maybe it's the closeness in the room, his excitement or simply trying to intimidate you but he pants, eyes never leaving your own.
  170. >"Lie down."
  171. >He waves a hoof to your side, indicating one end of the bench.
  172. >You can't divine what he has in mind but you're not particularly keen to go against him either.
  173. >Swinging one of your legs over the bench, you lie back and look over to him.
  174. >He's still grinning but at least now he steps over the bench and stands looking down at you.
  175. >"Ya did pretty good back there so I'm gonna let you use those things." A hoof quickly points to your hands. "But yer gonna have ta earn that. You give me a good workout and you can touch whatever ya want."
  176. >You swallow in a dry throat, looking over his broad chest and thick forelegs. Every breath he takes, every time he shifts his balance the muscles along there shift and flex.
  177. >He could probably push you right through this bench and into the stone floor below.
  178. >Instead he gently places a hoof on your chest and rubs up and down.
  179. >"Be good and I'll even let ya spot me next time you're in." That little chuckle of his sends shivers down your spine.
  180. >That's when he starts shifting himself around.
  181. >From the front to the side, where you've a clear line along the entirety of his body; his little wings flap out once and then resettle, he flexes his muscles, seeing your eyes on him.
  182. >You grip the bottom of the bench tightly, struggling not to reach up and touch him, to feel those muscles, rub them, stroke them, lick them...
  184. >All too quickly he's turned around completely again, baring his thick rump.
  185. >This isn't like the shower at all, here you're completely at his mercy.
  186. >And Snowflake takes full advantage of that, slowly lowering himself, inching his way down as the muscles along his legs and backside tense up.
  187. >You slowly inhale, delighting in a return of that thick musk.
  188. >How much more intense must it have been while he was out working the equipment? At least now, under the heat of the sauna he starts to perspire again.
  189. >As his rump descends on your face you can only rely on sound as your vision becomes a mass of white.
  190. >His hooves clop softly as he shifts, spreading his legs to allow you further access.
  191. >And you take full advantage of that, slathering your tongue up and down the valley of his rump, tasting every inch he allows you.
  192. >There's soft gasps and hisses as you lick up and down, still tantalisingly out of range of your goal.
  193. >But not for long - Snowflake starts to slowly rock himself back and forth, running his rump against you as he squeezes his thighs in close against your head.
  194. >Every time he leans back his butt clenches up, denying you even the chance to snake your tongue in but you can at least nibble at the cheeks of his behind and gently kiss at the point just under his balls.
  195. >When he leans forward his muscles relax and he presses down, forcing your head against the boards of the bench; it at least allows you to flick your tongue against the little hole that still denies you entry, as well as lap at the dock of his tail.
  196. >It twitches from side to side in fits, each punctuated by a little gasp from Snowflake.
  197. >"You call that a workout? I'm not even breakin' a sweat!"
  198. >Fearing he may end the whole thing now you lean up as much as you can, mushing your face in against him.
  200. >You lap eagerly from side to side, biting down roughly on his skin, kissing the points where you do quickly after and swirl your tongue into his behind.
  201. >From slow rocks he switches over to quick little thrusts back onto you.
  202. >You hold your tongue right against his entrance, pushing as much as you can until you finally feel the tiniest bit of give.
  203. >There's a loud gasp overhead and Snowflake calls back to you, "Yeah! That's more like it! Now get those things to work!"
  204. >Like a man who'd long been starved you whip your hands up and try to pull his rump down.
  205. >But this beast of a stallion is still far stronger and you can only hold on as he continues to take control.
  206. >You swipe your hands over the muscular mounds of his behind, squeezing lightly and digging your fingers in when he moves enough to let himself relax.
  207. >When he pushes back you reach over his back, moving in slow circles and then back to hug him and pull him down, lavishing attention upon him as you bath his behind.
  208. >The stallion whickers and shifts about again, planting his hooves firmly to each side and grinding himself down against you.
  209. >If there was a heaven then surely you'd died out there in that gym and gone to it now.
  210. >"Nngh... c'mon... c'mon! Work it!"
  211. >He's just distracted and getting desperate enough that you can pull him down and push your tongue in.
  212. >You can feel the sweat rolling down over his rump with the exertion and it shivers as your tongue squirms in; the tightness and heat is more than you could've imagined and you double your efforts.
  213. >You want it and you want it bad; you hook your arms under his hind legs, wrapping them around until you can grip his rump and pull him down tight.
  214. >A little groan of satisfaction comes from you as finally you're free to make out with his ass, pulling the cheeks apart and pressing your lips against that tight little ring.
  216. >"Deeper! I wanna feel it!"
  217. >The heat of his rear isn't the only thing you can feel, warm wetness starting to spread over your stomach - you hadn't really considered just how aroused Snowflake must be getting.
  218. >But he'd warned you, as much as you long to run your hands over that thick rod you can at least content yourself with his glorious rump.
  219. >How many hours, days, weeks... years, has he put in here to get something so well toned?
  220. >Suddenly, Snowflake sits back up, until he's practically sitting atop you.
  221. >In this position you're finally free to delve your tongue into him, drunk as you are on his intoxicating musk.
  222. >Your hands slip around his waist to hold onto his thighs, keeping him tight in against you.
  223. >Each time he clenches his cheeks it squeezes you, almost painfully so but it's worth it to feel every tiny ripple through them.
  224. >The air is filled with the quiet buzzing of his wings as he slowly builds to a point.
  225. >Your tongue circles around just inside him and your lips keep a tight seal, letting your hands move around to take over the work of rubbing his rump.
  226. >Not that you really need to, Snowflake's doing a pretty good job of working himself onto you.
  227. >The occasional grunt and gasp is now replaced by a long, sonorous growl and one of his hooves reaches around to hold himself steady.
  228. >His hips gyrate this way and that, forcing ever more of your tongue in until you've given all you have and can only lie there as he clenches down every now and then.
  229. >Both of you have been pushed to the limits of arousal but you still want to go on, still want to get ever more of this stallion's rump.
  230. >You do, oh so terribly but he has other plans it would seem as he suddenly pulls himself up, panting heavily.
  232. >"Hah... hah... Ya did good, Anon. Celestia, ya did real good. But we're not done yet, not even by a long shot."
  233. >You lie there, taking deep gulps of air, drinking in his thick scent.
  234. >Absently, you're aware that he's up and shuffling about but you simply can't rid your mind of that image of his rump being all you could see.
  235. >Maybe if you're lucky he's only getting up to allow you to sit up and further treat him.
  236. >"Alright, I'm gonna need ya to stand up."
  237. >You hadn't realised just how weak you'd become until you stand on wobbling legs, looking down on that white hunk.
  238. >He's still breathing heavily but is at least able to spare a smile.
  239. >"Let's take this over there."
  240. >He raises a hoof to point to one of the benches near a wall and you dutifully make your way over.
  241. >Only the soft clopping of his hooves on the stone floor assures you that he's following.
  242. >"Yer doin' good, now just stand there, put yer back to the wall."
  243. >You'd much prefer to be seated, to be at a level where you can get your hands and lips on that beautiful rump again but you're not about to disobey a single word of his.
  244. >All such thoughts vanish as he rears up and plants his forelegs to either side of you, bringing his face in close against yours and bathing you in his breath.
  245. >"I need a real workout, Anon and yer gonna give me one, right?"
  246. >You nod quickly, idly moving a hand to one of his hips.
  247. "Y-Yeah."
  248. >Every breath he takes makes his whole body rise and fall, every muscle along it bending, from his chest to his abdomen and below.
  249. >Only now are you given a good view of his thick cock, gently bobbing with his heartbeat.
  250. >"Same thing again, keep those things behind yer back until I say so." He smirks and leans in to kiss you roughly, leaving you breathless when he pulls back. "I'll give you a workout too."
  252. >With a thump he lands back on his four hooves, slowly turning around to bear that round rump.
  253. >Surely he couldn't mean to do what you're thinking...
  254. >It starts with a little bump, his taut rump bouncing back against you.
  255. >You gasp sharply, once again finding your arms trapped behind your back as he puts his weight against you.
  256. >Your own turgid cock grinds against his rump, sliding between the cheeks of it as he makes no effort to take you save at his own leisure.
  257. >The desire to thrust is so strong it almost overcomes you but only almost.
  258. >Hips rolling from side to side he squeezes down with the cheeks of his rump, leaning forward then back but still comes short of the mark and you fruitlessly slide up into his tail.
  259. >Maybe it's because of the little whimper you give or maybe even he can't hold out after all your treatment from earlier but he moves forward once more and then thrusts back harshly.
  260. >Moistened up from your tongue lashing you slide in easily, if slowly from the way he clenches down on you.
  261. >Only now do you really appreciate just how well toned all that conditioning has left him.
  262. >His movements are those of an expert, one who has made an art of using their body.
  263. >And you are helpless except to stand there and let him work himself on you.
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