

Oct 20th, 2015 (edited)
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  1. //////////////////////////////////////////////////
  2. // Config generated on September 24, 2015 at 23:50
  3. //////////////////////////////////////////////////
  4. unbindall
  5. bind TAB "+cmd_scores"
  6. bind SPACE "+cmd_special"
  7. bind 0x5c "cmd_chat"
  8. bind b "+cmd_zoom"
  9. bind c "+cmd_saveload"
  10. bind d "+cmd_back"
  11. bind e "+cmd_forward"
  12. bind f "+cmd_right"
  13. bind g "cmd_weapon 3"
  14. bind m "cmd_mute"
  15. bind n "cmd_noobmode"
  16. bind p "toggle player_developer"
  17. bind s "+cmd_left"
  18. bind t "cmd_weapon 2"
  19. bind u "cmd_resetmovementstats"
  20. bind x "cmd_noclip"
  21. bind y "cmd_toggleText"
  22. bind UPARROW "change player_noclipscale 5 1 0 100 1"
  23. bind DOWNARROW "change player_noclipscale 5 0 0 100 1"
  24. bind ALT "+cmd_zoom"
  25. bind SHIFT "+cmd_crouch"
  26. bind END "quit"
  27. bind F1 "cmd_vote yes"
  28. bind F2 "cmd_vote no"
  29. bind F3 "route load"
  30. bind F4 "cmd_toggleTeam"
  31. bind F5 "cmd_respawn"
  32. bind F6 "cmd_toggletriggers"
  33. bind F10 "disconnect"
  34. bind F11 "toggle hud_draw"
  35. bind F12 "screenshot"
  36. bind KP_END "screenshot"
  37. bind MOUSE1 "+cmd_shoot"
  38. bind MOUSE2 "+cmd_jump"
  39. bind MOUSE3 "+cmd_special"
  40. bind MOUSE4 "+cmd_special"
  41. bind MOUSE5 "+cmd_special"
  42. bind MWHEELUP "cmd_weapon 1"
  43. seta player_autoload "1000"
  44. seta hud_tricklogColor "DE4376 100"
  45. seta hud_lagometer "1"
  46. seta hud_fps "1"
  47. seta hud_fovAuto "0"
  48. seta hud_fov "130"
  49. seta hud_crosshairSize2 "25"
  50. seta hud_crosshairCross "1"
  51. seta hud_crosshairCircle "2"
  52. seta hud_crosshairFading "0"
  53. seta hud_timer_checkpointsY "220"
  54. seta hud_timerColor "01ff40 100"
  55. seta hud_timerFontsize "30"
  56. seta hud_timerY "25"
  57. seta hud_skillBarHeight "5"
  58. seta hud_skillBarWidth "80"
  59. seta hud_skillBarColor "00FFFF 50"
  60. seta hud_skillBar "1"
  61. seta hud_rocketTimer "1"
  62. seta hud_verticalAngle "1"
  63. seta hud_speed2Fontsize "16"
  64. seta hud_speed2Y "260"
  65. seta hud_accel "1"
  66. seta hud_strafeCircleColor "3b3b3b 75"
  67. seta hud_strafeCircleY "400"
  68. seta hud_strafeCircleX "324"
  69. seta hud_speed_ups "1"
  70. seta hud_tricklog_slopejumpdown "1"
  71. seta engine_lastMapListUpdate "1433427813"
  72. seta sound_musicvolume "0"
  73. seta sound_volume_hitsound "1"
  74. seta sound_volume "3"
  75. seta gfx_gamma "0.85"
  76. seta hud_viewsize "10"
  77. seta player_mouse_accelStyle "1"
  78. seta engine_autorecordNumber "56"
  79. seta gfx_fps "120"
  80. seta sound_musictype "2"
  81. seta player_noclipscale "70"
  82. seta hud_text_dropshadowOpacity "50"
  83. seta hud_textColor "222222 100"
  84. seta hud_crosshairNames "1"
  85. seta hud_crosshairSize "15"
  86. seta hud_tricklogAnimation "75"
  87. seta player_autojump "0"
  88. seta gfx_intensity "0.75"
  89. seta player_mouse_sensitivity "2.9"
  91. bind ' "cmd_toggleText"
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