
The Hugbox Chronicles - Part 1

Apr 26th, 2012
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  1. Something else I wanted to try was a series of sad, sappy stories. I own four cats, and each came with a few sad stories of their own. I won't be posting these to 4chan, but to anyone here that can stand a little not-abuse, enjoy.
  3. >Just had an epic fight with your mother
  4. >Neither of you want to see each other ever again
  5. >Girlfriend tries to calm you down, but nothing works
  6. >Two days later, mother phones
  7. >One eyed fluffy pony huddling under the deck outside
  8. >You agree to come and get it
  9. >Pleasentries with mother, agree to try talking it out again sometime
  10. >Take fluffy back to shitty apartment
  11. >Fluffy immediately dissappears into the makeshift pile of furniture you're holding for a friend
  12. >Only sound you can hear is the bell around her neck
  13. >You're looking for her behind the couch, when suddenly you realize she's on the other side of the room
  14. >She's nibbling at the food you left her
  15. >She notices you, squeals then tries to run away
  16. >Makes it as far as the cat crate you brought her over in
  17. >Cowering inside, blubbering for you to 'pwease no huwt, I sowwy'
  18. >You reach in and pet her, promising you won't hurt her
  19. >She's still scared, and spends most of the night hiding in the furniture
  21. >She's breathing funny
  22. >A little research reveals two possibilities
  23. >She's happy, if a little worn out
  24. >She's in tremendous pain, and is trying to calm herself down
  25. >You stare at her one good eye as she cautiously peaks at you from behind a chair
  26. >You don't sleep well that night, wondering if you're going to wake up to a corpse
  28. >Pleasent news at the vet
  29. >Her eye is surgically sealed
  30. >She must have an owner
  31. >She returns to her cage as soon as the doctor is done with her
  32. >Light whimpering from cage
  33. >Home again, she's dissappearing and sneaking around again
  34. >Hard to keep tabs on her
  35. >Name her Chameleon, or 'Cammi' for short
  37. >Two weeks pass with no calls about Cammi
  38. >Consider the possibility that Cammi isn't lost, but abandoned
  39. >Go into bedroom and nuzzle her forehead
  40. >Cammi wakes up and snaps at your eyebrow, screaming hysterically
  41. >When she sees it's you, she cries pitifully and tries to hide under the bed
  42. >You catch her before she can escape
  43. >She struggles weakly, hiccupping apoligies and begging you not to get the 'sorry stick'
  44. >You shush her and lean back against the wall, cradling her against your chest
  45. >You hum to yourself for a while, holding your face against hers
  46. >Cammi eventually drifts off to sleep
  47. >You put her back on the bed and pull a blanket over her
  48. >You wonder what could have happened to make her this way
  49. >Given her memory and quiet nature, you might never know
  51. >Two months have passed
  52. >Ad in the paper about Cammi has long since been pulled
  53. >Girlfriend asks if we could ever give her back now
  54. >Probably not
  55. >Cammi is no longer quiet
  56. >Bounces around the apartment babbling to herself
  57. >Sometimes til 2:00 am
  58. >You have to be up at 4:00 am
  59. >One night she is next to your head chattering away
  60. >In a tired rage you yell at her to shut the fuck up
  61. >Tense moments
  62. >Cammi nuzzles your nose and licks your forehead
  63. >Continues babbling
  64. >Contemplate sleeping in the car
  66. >Two year later
  67. >Cammi is with you every morning when you have breakfast, waiting patiently for milk from the cereal bowl
  68. >She's not so loud any more
  69. >Still your number one fan
  70. >Has three other fluffy ponies to share your house with
  71. >Cammi is happy
  72. >So are you
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