
Shadow The Hedgehog Brutally Rapemurders A Young Girl

Aug 16th, 2014
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  1. [3:29 PM] *Kari Aiko is sitting at an empty table in the school cafetaria. For once, her lunch had actually made it until noon without being stolen, disposed of or eaten in front of her. Reaching into her bag, she pulled out a small, paper-wrapped sandwich, some sparse toppings adorning the cheap, brown bread. Just as she brought the treat to her lips, eager for her first bite, one of the other students walked besides her, his peers snickering at their table as he roughly smacked her hand, causing the sandwich to fly through the air, before falling down on the floor. "Oops." the boy remarked, a wide, devilish grin on his face as he returned to his seat, his comrades laughing loudly at his antics. Kari hung her head. She really thought she was actually going to be able to eat some lunch today. She should have known they would ruin it for her.
  3. [3:35 PM] Derek Lederhaus: Two older boys come along the scene - Seniors, or at least they would have been if they hadn't been held back a year - whom Kari can recognize as two of Derek's goons. "Oh man, what happened here?" One of them asks as he sees the sandwich lying on the ground, voice dripping with obviously false empathy. The other: "C'mon now, guys. You know you should treat Kari here nice, right?" The kids who perpetrated the crime snicker, mockingly nodding their heads in "agreement". Once the two older boys finish having their fun, they turn back to Kari as she sits down on the cafeteria bench. "Alright now, Kari." The first boy says, looking down on her as he towers above the young girl. "I'm sure you want to finish your lunch, but the boss says he wants to see you right now. I'm sure you don't mind skipping lunch to see your friend Derek, do you?" There is, of course, a thinly veiled threat behind those words, suggesting that Kari shouldn't mind, if she knows what's good for her.
  5. [3:40 PM] *Kari Aiko silently nods. Her lunch had been ruined anyway, and she feared what would happen if she didn't obey the two big thugs. She takes her small, ragged schoolbag in her hand, before standing upright. Stepping away from dining table, she nearly slips on the sandwich laying on the floor, prompting the entire cafetaria to burst out into laughter as she struggles to keep her balance.
  6. [3:48 PM] Derek Lederhaus: The thugs grabs Kari by the arm, providing support so that the girl doesn't fall over. "Ohpe! Look out there! You shouldn't get hurt before we even get you over to the boss now, Kari. That just wouldn't do." The two thugs snicker between themselves, before "gently" pulling Kari along with them out of the cafeteria. They walk her along the corridors of the school, heading into progressively less and less crowded areas, and in the direction of one of the abandoned school buildings, where both staff and students rarely ever go. "So how are you today, Kari?" One of the goons tries to make "small talk" on the way there. "People haven't been being too mean to you, have they?" Another snicker between the thugs.
  8. [4:00 PM] *Kari Aiko sighs, knowing that whatever answer she gives, they'll find a way to turn it around on her. Such teasing had become a daily routine for her, altough the people actually talking to her had become more and more sparse the last few months, people not even wanting to be seen talking to her to humiliate her. "I'm fine." she responds, barely loud enough for her words to be audible. Clearing her throat, speaking just a little louder, and attempting to sound as happy as she could, she continued: "At least I got to look at my lunch before not eating it. Altough I'm not sure if that's more or less cruel than it outright being stolen."
  9. Suddenly, Kari came to the realization that she had no idea where they were. She had never wandered the hallways much, mostly out of fear of being harassed. "Where are you taking me to?" she asks. As the words escape her mouth, she remembers they were taking her to their somewhat 'leader', but the question had already been posed.
  11. [4:02 PM] Derek Lederhaus: The thugs sort of just grin as she talks, nodding along. "Yeah, yeah! It seems people really are starting to treat you nicer, aren't they?"
  13. "Like I said, we're taking you to see Derek. Do you even listen when people are talking to you?" One of them "lightly" smacks her head, but with enough force to leave at least a small bruise. "Hey, man, stop that shit. Derek said not to touch her until she got there." "Fine, whatever..." "Anyways, Kari, we're just taking you to the old annex building. Have you ever been there? It's pretty nice, y'know. No teachers ever go there to bother you so, so we hang out there during lunch. It's really nice, you'll see soon enough..." More snickering, of course.
  15. [4:12 PM] *Kari Aiko silently takes the smack, the slight stinging pain far less than the beatings she is used to. Using her free hand, she rubs the bruise, easing her pain. She slightly struggles to keep up with the thugs' pace, their large frame able to take far bigger steps than her small body. "I-I've never b-been there, actually." she responds, stuttering slightly, the unexpected blow and the ominous chatter between the thugs having made her slightly more weary of the their intentions. Regaining her composure slightly, she continues: "Y-yeah, people have been kind of nicer, I guess."
  17. [4:20 PM] Derek Lederhaus: The thugs continue smiling their vicious smiles as they walk into the abandoned building. It's certainly showing its age, some of the floorboards having rotted through into holes, the entire place creaking with every step they take, spider webs rampant throughout the place, dust covering every thing that hasn't been removed previously. "Alright, then, here we are." The two thugs lead Kari in through a door into a classroom, obviously being much more in-use than the rest of the building. Four other boys are sitting there, chattering and laughing away, a some of them smoking cigarettes, a bottle of liquor being passed between them. One of them is Derek, sitting on a windowsill, dragging on his cigarette, gazing out the glass but not really looking at anything in particular, and letting the smoke flow out off the partially opened window. The chattering dies down as Kari and the two other boys enter the room, all eyes on her now. Derek turns to look at the young girl, his eyes glaring and obviously angry. "You're late." He says sharply, taking another drag, embers burning red at the end of the cigarette. "S-Sorry, boss. Mr. Robertson stopped us on the way there, so we had to deal with him." "Whatever. Sit her down." One of the boys holding onto Kari roughly shoves her into one of the old desks, forcing her to sit down across from Derek. The leader of the thugs continues on his cigarette, occasionally letting out billows of smoke as he sort of just stares at Kari. The other thugs are silent as the two new arrivals take their turns on the bottle.
  19. [4:30 PM] *Kari Aiko looks around the old, run-down room, a hint of fear on her face. She knew each and every one of the people there. They were all bad boys, with Derek being the worst of them. She often eavesdropped on normal kids, and had heard her peers recounting stories of this particular group, how they would convene in the very room she was in right now and plan their next mischief. Whilst fearing the worst, Kari remained optimistic. "H-hello Derek." she addressed their leader, eager to break the uncomfortable silence. She squirmed in her chair, somewhat struggling against the person keeping her seated, getting more uncomfortable with every passing moment, both literally and figuratively. "This is a you have here!" she added, struggling to find the correct words to appease the boy in front of her.
  21. [4:37 PM] Derek Lederhaus: Unfortunately, there would be no appeasing Derek. Flicking smoldering ashes onto the floor below, he stands up and walks over to Kari, cigarette held loosely in his mouth, looking down at her with eyes full of malice and anger. "Y'know, that cunt Miss Jackson reaaaaally pissed me off this morning." Speaking calmly, he grabs ahold of Kari's chin, roughly forcing it up so that she was looking at Derek's face. Some ashes fall off of the cigarette down onto Kari, the smell of burning tobacco filling the air around her. "Said she was going to try and get me expelled for some shit I did. Didn't even hurt anybody this time, either." Continuing his rough treatment of the young girl, he forces her face to either side, getting a good look at her visage. "So, Kari, I hope you understand that I need some way to work out this stress." He plucks the cigarette out of his mouth with his free hand. "It's not healthy to keep myself backed up like this. At least, that's what I've heard." He holds the cigarette up in front of the girl's face, so that Kari has an up-close view of the way the tobacco and paper slowly burns away. "You understand, right?" Derek delicately places the cigarette between Kari's lips, leaving it there for now.
  23. [4:49 PM] *Kari Aiko struggles against Derek's grasp on her, the foul smell causing her to retch, and the smoke stinging her eyes. She coughed a few times, whilst trying to pull back her face backwards, out of the smoke. Derek easily manages to hold her in place as he finished his inspection. As he places the cigarette between Kari's lips, she has no clue what to do with it. In an attempt to be respectful, she tried to talk without dropping it. "I d-don't see what I--" she gets cut short mid-sentence, the cigarette accidentally falling from her mouth, onto the skirt of her blue school uniform. She hurries to pick it up, but accidentally swats it off of her lap instead, pushing it to the ground. To make matters worse, it had already burned a small hole in her skirt. Kari hangs her head once more, fixing her gaze on the small hole in her skirt, mentally battering herself for the trouble her mom would have to go through to get it fixed - again. The small pretend-smile she put up was wiped off her face, instead replaced by a sad frown.
  25. [4:54 PM] *Derek Lederhaus sighs exasperatedly as he sees the cigarette fall to the floor, still with some of tobacco left in it to smoke. "God damnit, you stupid bitch. That's not how you smoke a fucking cigarette." Derek picks the cigarette up off the ground, examining it. "Great, now this fucking thing is gonna go to waste." Without warning, Derek takes the still-smoldering cigarette and puts it out against Kari's cheek, the hot ash burning the young girl's face. The rest of the thugs cheer loudly as they see the action has finally started. No longer calm, Derek angrily yells at Kari as he continues to grind the cigarette into her skin. "Will this teach you not to fucking waste cigarettes, you stupid cunt?! Huh?!"
  27. [5:04 PM] *Kari Aiko screams out in pain as the hot cigarette gets put out on her cheek. Her first reaction is to move her face away, but as Derek keeps on pressing into her cheek, she becomes more desperate, and struggles in vain against the person holding her, trying to flee. Kari breaks out into tears as the ruffian begins to shout at her, the continued pressure making the small burn wound on her cheek hurt far more than it should. As a last ditch resort, the distressed girl flails her arms around wildly, one of them hitting Derek's hand, causing it to slide off of her cheeks, slightly lessening her pain.
  29. [5:11 PM] *Derek Lederhaus looks almost surprised to see the girl fighting back so ferociously. The strike from her hand, of course, barely registered to Derek, but it still made him angry, none-the-less, that the little girl in front of him would actually dare fight back against him like that. "Really, you stupid bitch? You think you have ANY right to hit ME like that?" Derek grabs Kari by the hair, roughly pulling her head back so that she was looking up at him again. He nods to the thug holding Kari down, who promptly grabs her arms and holds them behind the chair, preventing her from moving them at all. He keeps his hold on her hair, forcing her to keep her neck craned upward, looking up towards the ceiling. "You just fucking sit there and take it like a good girl, okay, sweetie?" He punctuates his words by taking his free hand, balling it into a fist, and slamming it as hard as he can into the young girl's abdomen, with enough force for the sound to echo through the empty building, not caring too much about going easy on her. A loud "Oooooh!" arises from the crowd, as the thugs in the room look on at the violence.
  31. [5:22 PM] *Kari Aiko lets out another scream as Derek takes hold of her hair, pulling it roughly. She struggles against your grasp, but soon stops as every move she makes only makes her tug her own hair even harder. "I'm so-" she attempts to utter, but gets cut short by a fierce blow to her stomach. She tries to scream out in pain, but no sound escapes her lips. Having the air beaten out of her, she gasps and coughs a few times, before attempting to plead once more. "I'm sorry." she manages to whisper, tears flowing over her cheeks and dripping to the ground. The fierce blow had scared her thoroughly. So much, even, that she didn't dare struggle against the person holding her arms.
  33. [5:28 PM] *Derek Lederhaus "Yeah, well, I'm not." Derek tosses her head around a little bit, before backing off. "Alright, boys. Take your turns. Just let up if she looks like she's going to pass out, or anything." "YEAH!" "ALRIGHT!" "WOO HOO!" Another chorus of cheers echoes throughout the room as one of the other thugs steps up in front of Kari. Derek, for his part, takes his spot back on the windowsill, taking out and lighting another cigarette before watching the show, slowly dragging on it as he does so. The thug behind Kari keeps her held down on the chair, as the new one in front of her winds up another punch, delivering it solidly into the girl's gut. As soon as he's done, the next boy is in front of her, delivering his own blow to the young girl's stomach. The next two come up and send their own punches into her body, before the boy holding Karil down lets go of her, comes around to the front, and gives the girl one last, solid strike, before walking off to join the other boys in another pass of the liquor bottle.
  35. [5:39 PM] *Kari Aiko screams for help in between the first three blows, mustering whatever air she can as she becomes more and more franctic. Knowing that nobody would come to rescue her even if they could hear her, her shouts for help turn into pained shrieks and loud sobbing. As the boy lets go of Kari's arms, she instantly moves them to protect herself, just in time to shield that same boy's punch. Kari clutched her abdomen, leaning forwards as though she was going to puke. Thankfully, her stomach was empty. She had been reduced to a bruised, sobbing mess. Her tears liberally dripped down from her face, as she wheezed heavily, trying to get some air. As her breathing finally stabilized, she curled up into a ball atop the chair, too scared to leave it. Her stomach was hurting fiercely. She was used to being beaten up by kids her own age, not by brutes nearly twice her weight!
  37. [5:47 PM] *Derek Lederhaus jumps off of the windowsill, grabbing the bottle of rum being passed around and taking a short swig of it. "Alright then, boys. You all warmed up?" Agreement is muttered throughout the crowd, as Derek walks over to Kari, bottle in hand. "Well then... Shall we move onto the main course?" Another round of cheers erupts at this, as Derek showboats in front of his gang. "Alright then, you pathetic little whiny cunt! Time to waaake back up!" The leader of the thugs again grabs onto Kari's chin, forcing it up once more, pouring the alcohol from the bottle onto the young girl's face, aiming some of it at her eyes. He sets the bottle back down on a nearby desk, before rubbing in some of the alcohol into her cigarette burn. "Don't wanna get that infected, now do we?" He smiles down at her, admiring his handiwork, almost lovingly gazing at the tear-streaked cheeks.
  39. [5:57 PM] *Kari Aiko no longer fights back, letting Derek move her head as he pleased. Too late, she noticed the liquor bottle in his hand. The alcoholic liquid splashed onto her face, a few drops hitting her straight in her left eye before she managed to close it. As the burning, stinging pain made her scream out, some of the liquid shot down her throat, causing her to choke and sputter, meanwhile clutching her eye with both her hands. The pain from the alcohol on her burn paled in comparison to the torture her eye was going through, the liquid continuing to hurt her. As Derek let go of her face, she faced it downwards as fast as she could. With one of her hands she pried open her eyelid, letting the few drops of booze drip out. She slipped into another coughing fit, a bit of liquid still stuck in her trachea.
  41. [6:07 PM] *Derek Lederhaus nods, before turning back to his gang. "Billy, get over here with the knife. Joey, get the rope. Mark, get the iron. Tim, get back over here and hold her down again." The four delinquents nod, following their respective orders, the last one relaxing up against a shelf and enjoying the view. Tim holds Kari down again, arms behind the chair, as Billy comes up, flicking a knife out of his pocket, as Derek stands off to the side, nursing the bottle of rum a little bit more. Billy traces the knife around Kari's face, cutting slightly here and there, letting out a few streaks of blood. "Fucking get on with it, Billy. We don't have all day." Derek orders from the side, getting impatient. "Y-Yes boss, s-sorry boss." Without further ado, Billy cuts off the buttons of Kari's blouse, the shirt popping open as he does to reveal her chest, and through her bra, cutting through the skin between her breasts slightly as he does so. He follows up by cutting the rest of the blouse apart so that it can all be easily torn off of Kari's torso, throwing the shredded remains aside. Billy continues by cutting the side of Kari's skirt and panties, promptly doing the same to them as he did to her upperwear. With that, Kari is left almost completely naked as she sits on the chair, only her socks and shoes left on her body, the rest of her completely exposed to the six boys in the abandoned classroom. As Derek drags on his cigarette, he asks, to nobody in particular: "You know, I've always wondered how such a useless little slut like this has such a nice body. Why are you even going to school? You should just drop out and become a porn star, or a whore, like your mom. Am I right, boys?" The other thugs nod their agreement, some of them licking their lips and looking lustfully at Kari's body. A few of them already have rather large bulges visible in the front of their pants, indicators of their eagerness.
  43. [6:19 PM] *Kari Aiko stays perfectly still as the sharp blade is traced around her face, clenching her teeth whenever it cut her skin. She was fearing for her life at this point, knowing full well that they could easily slit her throat and leave her to die. In a weird way, she was somewhat relieved, as the knife moved away from her face, and began to cut her shirt. "" she meekly protested, as her clothing was slowly torn from her body. "Please..." she continued, holding still as even her underwear was taken from her, scared of cutting herself. She hung her head in shame, being nearly completely naked in front of an entire group of people, not even bothering to look up at Derek addressed her. His words stung even more than her eye ever did. As he reached the part about her mom, the sad, broken expression on her face turned into an angry glare, as she raised her head once more, staring directly at Derek with her one open eye. "At least...I have a mom!" she managed to say, loud enough for the entire room to hear, adrenaline and anger fueling her actions.
  45. [6:21 PM] Derek Lederhaus: ((daaaaaamn))
  46. [6:21 PM] Derek Lederhaus: ((#rekt))
  47. [6:21 PM] Derek Lederhaus: ((Okay sorry back onto the game))
  49. [6:29 PM] *Derek Lederhaus fumes as the tiny little girl delivers such an insult to him. The air in the room is immediately extremely tense - All of the boys in Derek's gang knew to NEVER mention his mother around him, as it almost always assuredly set him off. A few of them even looked sorry for the girl as they could see in Derek's eyes what was coming. "What the fuck did you fucking say, you little fucking cunt?" He asks, nostrils flaring as he sets the bottle of rum and cigarette back down onto the table, hands shaking. He grabs her throat with one hand, his grip strong enough to feel like it was crushing her windpipe. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST FUCKING SAY?!" Not even giving her a chance to actually answer his question, his other hand balls up into a fist again and slams into the girl's face with enough force to break her nose. Not caring about how much damage he was doing to the girl, he shook her around by the throat, as Tim looks on from behind Kari, nervous that Kari might actually end up dead from Derek's assault. "DON'T YOU EVER." He slams his fist into her face again, knuckles already bloodied. "TALK TO ME LIKE THAT AGAIN." One last punch, before he puts both hands on her throat and begins choking with all of his strength. After a few short moments, he manages to regain himself enough to let his grasp on her throat go, right before the girl passed out - Or worse. Hands still shaking, he picks up the cigarette and takes a long drag, trying to compose himself, as the rest of his gang stands there in silence, waiting for his next order.
  51. [6:30 PM] Derek Lederhaus: ((Also, how do you feel about having Kari tied up in such a way that she can't actually move in any manner? I only ask because I know that some people don't like the idea of their character not being able to "act" in any real way, so I just wanted to pass it by you first to see.))
  53. [6:30 PM] Kari Aiko: ((I'm perfectly fine with it!))
  55. [6:49 PM] *Kari Aiko instantly regrets her actions, as she can feel the tension rising. The look on her face turns from rage to fear once more, as Derek grabs hold of her throat. She struggled against the person holding her arms, paniccing as her air supply completely cut off. Kari closes her eyes as she sees Derek balling up his fist. She tries to scream out in pain as his hand comes crashing down on her nose, breaking it and causing it to bend out of shape just slightly. No sound came out, as her airpipe was still being squeezed tight. Blood liberally gushed out of her broken nose, flowing into her open mouth as she gasped in vain for air. The pain from her nose hit her slightly after the blow did, her face growing the most miserable expression of combined pain and despair anyone in the room had ever beheld. Kari was beginning to lose sight in the corner of her one functioning eye due to the oxygen deprivation, as she was roughly thrashed around by her throat, Derek's hand digging into her neck more and more with every movement. The girl thought she was going to die on the spot, as his hand came down on her face again, chipping one of her teeth, and disfiguring her nose to an even more obscene degree. Kari's vision went completely black as the brute's fist came bearing down one final time, mauling the life out of her. She barely registered the second hand on her throat, her consciousness quickly fading. As silence fell over the room, she thought she had finally died. Then, the sudden release of her throat shook her back into reality. With a loud gasp, fresh air flooded the girl's lungs, along with the blood that had pooled up in her mouth. She quickly caughs the blood out, a spat of it hitting Derek's pants. Kari breathes rapidly and deeply through her mouth, blood dripping from her chin onto her body. All she could feel was pain. Her face felt like it was on fire, her nose hurting more than she thought was even possible. For a moment, she almost passed out from sheer pain alone, but she managed to stay away through a combination of adrenaline and sheer willpower.
  57. [7:03 PM] *Derek Lederhaus lets out a small "Tch." sound as the blood hits his pants, but just looks at Kari with extreme viciousness. "Whatever. I'm about to do enough to you to make up for that and more. Get her on the table. And where the fuck is Joey with the rope?" At that moment, Joey walks back in through the door, carrying a spool of thin rope around his shoulders. "Right here, boss!" Derek nods, as Tim and Billy lift Kari's limp body up onto one of the tables. "Get her strapped down, so she can't move around." The thugs nod, taking out and cutting off a few lengths of rope. They first tie her legs to the legs of the table itself, bending her legs in an awkward manner, with the rope rubbing up roughly against Kari's bare skin, the back of her knees being forced up against the edge of the table painfully. Next, they took her arms and pulled them under the table, stretching them painfully and almost dislocating her shoulders in the process, before tying her hands underneath the table. "Wait a moment, before you keep going." Derek said, stopping the boys temporarily. "I really don't want to waste rum like this on this stupid bitch, but they say when a chick's drunk, she lubes up more. So I guess it'll be worth it." The boys snicker again as Derek walks over with the bottle of liquor, forcing it up against her lips, and making her chug down a few shots worth of the alcohol. He grabs her mouth and keeps it closed, tipping her head up to let gravity help force the booze down her throat. He holds her nostrils shut as well, ensuring that Kari had to drink every drop, whether she wanted to or not. "There now. Drink that booze down like a good little slut, and don't fuckin' waste any, either." Once all of the alcohol is down, Derek releases her again, snapping his fingers to let his boys know they can continue. Finally, they forced her neck to crane backwards off the table, so that the young girl's head was upside down as it sort of lolled off the table, before tying her neck tightly to the side, just loose enough that she could still barely breathe. Once they were done, the boys stepped back to examine their handiwork. "Very nice, guys. Very nice." Derek nods in approval, taking in the sight of Kari completely tied down by rope and immobile on the old school table, not able to move her legs, her arms, or even her neck.
  59. [7:22 PM] *Kari Aiko weakly struggles as the thugs tie her legs to the table, meekly pulling against her restrains with no visible effects, meanwhile clutching both her disfigured nose and her still hurting eye, sobbing miserably from the massive amount of pain she is still enduring. A small grunt escapes her lips, as her legs were forced into a somewhat painful position. The brutes could feel Kari actively trying to resist, but simply lacking the strength to do so as they take hold of her arms. Her arms being stretched to their natural limits, the only thing she managed to utter was a small, pained sigh. Derek's pummeling had left her somewhat broken. She could no longer breathe through her nose, the large amount of blood coming from it blocking any airflow. Breathing through her mouth was hard as well, her trachea having been damaged somewhat from his choking. The extreme pain had her drifting between a state of consciousness and a somewhat dreamlike state. She snaps back to real life when a liquid is forced down her throat. She almost spits it out, as Derek pinches her extremely sensitive nose, sending fresh waves of pain down her spine. Thankfully, for her, his hand was covering her mouth. Already being low on air, and fearing suffocation, the girl hesitantly swalllowed. The strong kick of the alcohol shook her awake further. She instantly felt tipsy, and her wounds seemed to hurt just a little less. As her neck is forced down, and her already straining air intake is hampered further by the tight rope, the alcohol continues to seep into her body. Her already blurry sight gets blurred even further, and her troubled mind fails to produce any further coherent thoughts. She focuses as best she can on her breathing, having to try hard to get in just enough air not to choke.
  61. [7:35 PM] *Derek Lederhaus claps his hands. "Alright then, boys. Masks on, pants down. Billy, you're on camera duty." Billy looks somewhat distraught. "B-But boss, I was on camera duty last time." "Yeah, and I'm still pissed about that beer thing yesterday, Billy. So you're on camera duty. Don't worry, though, you'll get to fuck her yourself in a little bit." "Yes, boss..." The thugs all pull out black ski masks, donning them and covering their faces as Billy pulls out a video recorder. After a bit of fiddling with the camera, Billy gives a thumbs-up to Derek. "We're recording, then? Alright, good. Remember, no names between us." Derek clears his throat, and continues his showmanship, face covered by the black cloth, concealing his identity. "Hello, again, folks, and welcome to another installment of Rape That Slut!" The other boys cheer as they unzip their pants, pulling out their cocks and pumping their fists. "Get a good view of how this little cunt is tied up." Billy nods, starting to record every inch of Kari's body. "Today's slut is a little Kari Aiko, who's been the school punching bag for the last several months. So don't worry, folks at home, she's well and thoroughly used to this! Zoom in on her face." Billy does so, the camera lens just a few inches away from Kari's broken face. "As you can see, we've already broken her in a little bit. The little bitch actually thought she could struggle against us! Funny how that is, huh?" The thugs continue to laugh viciously as they start to stroke themselves, precum coming out of their already hard cocks. "Well, no sense in keeping the boys waiting any more. As always, of course, I'll have the first go. Get over here and get a good shot of it." Billy walks back over to the other side of the table as Derek pulls his dick out, the longest and thickest of the group. "Damn, she's still pretty dry." Derek comments as he rubs Kari's opening slightly, which seems to only be slightly damp. "Ah well. All the more painful for her, then!" He positions his cockhead at the entrance of her hole, before pulling back to tense himself up, and shoving his length all the way in with one go, which causes another cheer to erupt from the thugs around them.
  63. [7:39 PM] Derek Lederhaus: ((Also how are you doing for time? I realize that I think this RP has been going on a bit longer than either of us expected))
  64. [7:39 PM] Kari Aiko: ((I have plenty of time left, but feel free to ahum 'cut' it short if you really need to go.))
  65. [7:40 PM] Derek Lederhaus: ((Oh, no, I'm fine. I just know you're quite a few timezones ahead of me, so I was worried it might be getting late for you, or something like that.))
  66. [7:40 PM] Kari Aiko: ((4:40AM and counting, but that's fine))
  68. [7:44 PM] *Kari Aiko slowly regains some of her senses, oblivious to the fact that she's being filmed. She struggles against her restraints, to no visual effect, as she feels feels Derek's fingers press against her folds. "No..." she manages to stammer out once more, sounding nothing like she did before. The thugs barely even heard her, let alone understood her. As Derek rams himself inside of her, a small screech escapes her bloodied lips. She remains breathless for a few moments, his thick member stretching her cunt to far beyond its capacity, a bit of blood leaking out of her alongside it.
  70. [7:55 PM] *Derek Lederhaus grins as he feels the girl's tightness gripping onto his shaft. "Well, it seems that despite how much you've been fucked, you've still managed to stay tight enough down there. I'll have to make sure to change that... Someone get over on the other side and start fucking her face." The boys shuffle over each other, trying to get over to Kari's mouth, almost fighting each other, before one comes out on top. He grabs his cock and places it in front of the girl's mouth, before grabbing onto the sides of her head and holding it steady. The thug grins wildly before shoving himself as deep into her throat as he can, his balls slapping up against the girl's eyes and her nose as he hilts into her mouth. "Ahh fuck! She's tight over here, too! God DAMN!" The other boys look on enviously, but keep stroking their dicks in anticipation of their own turn. As the boy in front of her pulls out and shoves his cock back into her throat, Derek starts pumping on his end, as well, pulling his large, throbbing member almost all the way out, before shoving it back in as far as it can go, not caring in the slightest about any resistance he encounters. "Yeaaah, take it you little stupid slut. Take it good. I'm usin' your blood as fuckin' lube, ya cunt! Feel good, huh, bitch?! Feel good?!" Derek starts hurling insults as he grabs onto Kari's waist roughly, using it to lever himself back out and back in of her pussy as roughly and as quickly as possible, his flesh continuing to stretch her walls in order to accomodate his size. "Someone get the iron, and start heating it up." "Sure thing, boss." One of the boys stops jerking himself long enough to grab what appears to be an electronic cow branding iron, and plugs it into the wall, turning it up to maximum and setting it on the table, letting it heat up.
  72. [8:13 PM] *Kari Aiko frantically attempts to move her head out of the way as the boy's cock is placed in front of her hips, her movements blocked by both the rope around her neck and the boy's grip. She attempts to keep her mouth shut, but due to her nose being broken, eventually has to open up to take a breath. As the thug thrusts into her open mouth, the taste of cock overpowers her senses, causing her to cringe. Kari panics slightly as he slams his cock down her throat, cutting off her air supply once more. She considered biting down, but his balls slapping against her nose served as a grim reminder of the pain they can inflict on her. She gags around his cock, spitting up some blood from her nose when he finally pulls back. She only managed to take in a small breath of air before he pushed in again. As Derek begins to pound her sore twat, Kari could feel her body unwillingly responding, the alcohol making the raw fucking far more pleasurable than it should have been. A small moan escapes her lips during one of the rare moments her mouth is not filled with cock, and her folds become slightly wet with her juices.
  74. [8:24 PM] *Derek Lederhaus laughs uproarously, slightly inebriated himself, as he hears Kari's vocalization of her pleasure. "D-Did she just moan?" He asks his gang incredulously. "Are you telling me, little Kari, that you actually feel GOOD from being raped? Get that on video, man." Billy moves the camera up close to her mouth, so that it can catch the next moan that comes out of her mouth. "That's right, everybody watching. This little slut is actually ENJOYING being raped. What a dirty god damned whore, huh, guys?" The other thugs nod their agreement. "No sense in treating a dirty whore like you gently, I suppose!" Derek takes one hand off of her waist, balling a fist once more, before slamming it into her ribs, with enough force to crack some of them. "Oof!" "Jeez, man, that one was rough." "Aah, she'll be fine. Mmm, damn, she's starting to lube up, too. Mmmn, yeah..." Derek continues his thrusts, slamming his hips against hers with as much force as he can muster, using her body as a tool for his own pleasure. The boy in front keeps on, as well, and Kari can feel his cock begin to twitch in her mouth. "Aah, shit, I'm coming. I hope you like the taste of cum, ya stupid bimbo!" He slams his cock all the way in once more, shaft throbbing as it deposits a couple teaspoons of semen at the "bottom" of her throat. As he pulls out, his cock twitches again, spurting a little bit out onto her face, as gravity pulls the cum back "up" Kari's throat and into her mouth.
  76. [8:37 PM] *Kari Aiko is too far gone to care about Derek's mean words, focussing more on timing her breathing correctly, and above all trying to stay conscious. As his fist comes down on her ribs, her good eye flies wide open. She could feel one of her ribs breaking, before feeling a sharp pain coming from her lungs. She tries to scream, but lacks both the air and the energy to do so. The pain, combined with the forceful, alcohol-induced pleasure causes her body to contract around Derek's cock, becoming even tighter than before. Kari feels disgusted by herself, as the cock in her mouth begins to twitch. She can feel the thug's thick come squirting up her throat, but is mortified as it comes dripping back down. The boy's cum hurts the open wounds on her face, but at the same time, the boy's spunk seeps back into her mouth, causing her to cough it up, along with a hefty amount of blood from her pierced lung. Kari can't even find the strength to close her mouth anymore, letting a mixture of drool, blood and semen run out of it. Thankfully, the messy stream passes alongside her nose, trailing all the way over her forehead before getting stuck in her hair.
  78. [8:47 PM] Derek Lederhaus: The thug who just finished fucking her mouth looks down at Kari's face, nodding appreciatively. "Hey, man, come take video of this." Billy moves over with his camera, filming the sight of the mixture of bodily fluids flowing down her face. "Daaaaamn she's messed up. I don't think I've seen a girl as messed up as this..." Derek nods to one of the other boys. "Alright, get on her. Don't let up until we're all done." One of the other goons comes over, his cock almost raw from all the stroking he's given it. "Alright, my turn then..." Without any care to the state of her face or the fact that the young girl can barely breathe as is, the goon takes his length and quickly shoves it down Kari's throat, holding it there for several seconds before releasing, seeming to take delight in choking the girl with his cock like that. "Mmm, mmm! Damn, her throat feels as good as a pussy! Nice, wet, warm and slippery! Like a proper little slut, huh?" He takes out his cock momentarily, before slapping her across the face twice with it, as hard as he can, sending the drool, blood, and cum flying to either side. As the thug in front of her sticks his cock back in, Derek continues on: "Alright, I'm getting close, myself. Slut's cunt is clamping down on me real tight, almost like it's begging for my spunk. I wonder if it's a dangerous day for her? Maybe she'll get pregnant after this?" The boys seem turned on by the prospect and begin stroking themselves faster, as Derek roughly manhandles Kari's breasts. "How'd you like that, huh, ya whore? Gettin' knocked up by one of us, not knowing who the father is? I bet a horny bitch like you would love it!" He punctuates his words by slamming the tip of his cock up against the entrance of Kari's womb.
  80. [9:03 PM] *Kari Aiko is having real trouble breathing now. While she was barely managing before, the wound to her lung has brought her down to critical condition. She gasps for breath, barely taking in enough to stay conscious. As yet another cock was forced down her throat, and held there for what seemed like an eternity to her, she thought she was going to faint. Her lungs burned. Desperate for air, she squirmed around the thick dick, moving her head around as much as her tight bondings would allow, inadvertedly pleasuring the thug in the process. As he finally pulled out, she attempted to take a deep breath, only for her lung to almost collapse, sending even more pain coursing through her body. She barely even registered the rough cockslaps to her face, her mind far too broken to care about the humiliation they brought on. While the thug in front of her thrusts back in, the words "pregnant" and "knocked up" get picked up by her ears. As the boy occupying her mouth pulls out once more, she attempts to protest. Due to her critical condition, what she meant to come out as "No!" comes out as nothing but the vowel: "O". Another jolt of pleasure rolled throughout her body as Derek slammed his member against her cervix, involuntarily forcing another moan from her lips, wasting her already limited oxygen supply. A fresh wave of tears flooded out of her weary eyes, as she realized she was sounding more like a common slut than an unwilling rape victim.
  82. [9:14 PM] *Derek Lederhaus can feel his ejaculation approaching, as he motions over towards the branding iron. "Get that over here. I'm about to cum, and I want it to be good." The boy who had finished in her mouth before nods, bringing the iron, now almost white with heat, over to Derek. He stops his fucking for a moment to examine the iron, nodding in approval. "Alright, then! Since this little whore is moaning and squeezing like a fucking cow, what'd'ya say we brand her like a fuckin' cow?!" "YEAAH!" The gang loudly expresses their approval as Derek brings the branding iron - In the shape of the letters "D.L." close to Kari's already severely bruised and battered torso. "She's gonna shake a lot, but don't stop fuckin' her for even a moment, ya hear?" "Yeah, don't worry, boss. I've got a good hold on this bitch's head." "Alright then. Here we go!" Holding Kari in place with one hand and holding the branding iron in the other, Derek pushes the hot surface deeply onto the girl's skin. Smoke begins to rise up rapidly from the iron as Kari's skin is burned into the shape of the brand and the letters. "FUCKIN' TAKE IT, YOU CUNT!" Derek doesn't stop his hips as he continues to ravage the young girl's pussy as he brands her, multi-tasking effectively. "DON'T YOU EVER FUCKING TALK ABOUT MY MOTHER LIKE THAT, YOU STUPID FUCKING BITCH." As he holds the brand against her skin, ignoring any protests or squirms from the girl, burning the mark as deeply as he can, he shoves into her again as he feels his orgasm peak, half an ounce of cum flowing out of his cock into Kari's womb. He continues thrusting even as he cums, seeking to ruin the girl's cunt as much as he can. The boy in front of her treats her almost as roughly, continuing to force his length up her throat even as the smell of burnt skin begins to fill his nostrils.
  84. [9:17 PM] Kari Aiko: ((Would you mind Kari pissing herself?))
  85. [9:18 PM] Derek Lederhaus: ((Go right ahead! I'm a fan of watersports, anyways.))
  87. [9:29 PM] *Kari Aiko struggles against her restraints with all the might left in her, barely managing to shake her arms around slightly as the hot metal comes down on her skin. She screams out in pain around the cock in her mouth, getting burned a thousand times worse than the cigarette burn from before. Her entire body begins to shake, her throat convulsing around the shaft buried in it, and her cunt rapidly contracting and then relaxing in an alternating pattern around Derek's cock, effectively milking him for his spunk. As he continues to press the fire brand into her, even her bladder gives out, causing her to piss over the base of Derek's member, just as he reaches his climax. Kari lets out an obscene, pained groan, her voice completely gone, as she feels his fertile seed tainting her insides. The word "mom" briefly flashes through her mind, the thought being erased quickly as the thug fucking her mouth thrusts all the way in once more, accidentally hitting her nose with his balls.
  89. [9:44 PM] Derek Lederhaus: "Aaah, fuck, her throat is squeezing me too tight!" The thug in her mouth pulls out quickly, before jerking his shaft a few times and spraying his own load of cum onto Kari's already battered and covered face. He smiles a little bit at his handiwork, admiring the absolute mess that Kari's face has turned into. "Damn. She was kinda cute before we fucked her up, too." "What, you wanna marry her or some shit?" "Fuck off, man. Just sayin', she was good lookin'. Was, anyways." Some of the other boys turn their nose up at the smell of burnt flesh. "Damn, I didn't expect it to smell THAT bad!" "Yeah, man, it's somethin' else." Derek pants heavily as he pulls out, turning the branding iron off and placing it on a nearby table, barely even registering the fact that Kari just wet herself all over him. Cum begins to seep out of Kari's hole, dribbling a little bit onto the floor below. "Stupid... Haa... Stupid cunt... Haa..." He wipes some spit and sweat off of his lips from his screaming rampage, before fully acknowledging the fact that Kari just sprayed piss onto him. "Fucking bitch... Look what you did! Fucking pissed all over me... God damnit." He motions over to one of the thugs again. "Baseball bat." "Baseball bat?" "Are you a fucking parrot? Yes, get me the fucking baseball bat. And you fucks hold up before starting on her again." The thugs stay back from Kari, intimidated by their leader, as one of them brings the baseball bat over to him. "You drop my cigarette, you hit me, you talk shit about my mother, and now you fuckin' wet yourself on me?" Derek grabs onto the baseball bat, cock still out and flopping about as he moves. "Fuck you, you stupid whore!" Without any further warning, Derek takes the baseball bat and bashes it into her right lower leg, below the knee, as hard as he can, easily hard enough to break bones. This doesn't get a cheer from the other boys as usual, who more sit in silence than anything else. The branding was bad enough, but even this is too brutal for them.
  91. [9:57 PM] *Kari Aiko doesn't even feel the cum hitting her face, lack of air starting to severely dull her senses. Her snatch is still as sensitive as before, though. She can feel Derek sliding out of her, his cum flowing out not long after. Finally, she gets a small moment to recover. As she greedily tries to get as much air inside of her as she could, her lung caves in completely, causing her immense pain. She rapidly gasps for air, but just can't get enough anymore. Unexpectedly, another jolt of pain shoots throughout her body, both of the bones in her lower left leg being shattered by Derek's hefty baseball bat swing. The intense pain causes her to scream out one final time, consuming the last of her air supply. Her vision goes black, what remained of her hearing slowly fades, and her shallow gasping comes to a halt. Kari drifts off into sweet, sweet unconsciousness, death soon to follow.
  93. [10:12 PM] *Derek Lederhaus huffs as he pulls his baseball bat back, looking at the carnage he's caused to her leg. He notices that she's stopped breathing, but this only seems to make him angrier. "What the fuck? Did you go fucking dying on me?! Wake the fuck up, you stupid bitch!" He slams the baseball bat into her other leg to try to shock her back into consciousness, breaking the bones in that one as well, before starting to beat her legs in even further from his anger. The other boys look on in stunned horror, none really willing to test Derek's wrath by interrupting. Billy, for his part, has stopped filming, not willing to get *this* on tape. "Wakey wakey, Kari! We're not fuckin' done here!" When he realizes that there's not much left of her legs to beat at, he walks over to the other end of the table, untying the rope holding her neck in place and pulling her head up, shaking it around a bit. "I said wake up, you cunt!" He listens for breathing or a heartbeat from the girl, but doesn't find any. His nostrils flare as his face flushes with anger at Kari's premature departure, dropping her head back to lolling over the side of the table. "Stupid. Fucking. WHORE!" He takes the baseball bat and swings it towards the now dead girl's head. The result of this action makes the rest of the gang collectively gasp, shocked that Derek would go even this far, further than they've ever seen him go. His rage seemingly, finally exhausted at this point, he drops the bloodied baseball bat on the floor of the classroom, the sound echoing throughout the room, walking back over to the windowsill and pulling out a cigarette. "Fucking worthless slut. At least she was good for something, in the end. The rest of you can have your turn now, if you want. Her cunt should still be warm and wet." The two boys who had been waiting look at each other, slightly shaking their heads. "Ah, no, i-it's fine, boss. We'll just, uhh..." "We'll just jerk it, y'know." Derek shoots them a deadly glare, and says: "Take your fucking turns." They gulp together in sequence. Neither of them exactly want to fuck a corpse, but they'd rather fuck a corpse than fuck with Derek. "Billy, you can go after them. Oh, and delete the fucking video, too." "Y-Yeah, boss. S-Sure thing." The sound of the bell signalling the end of lunch chimes off in the distance as one of the boys pulls up to the table, trying to jerk himself to get hard after the previous sight. Derek, for his part, gazes out the glass at nothing in particular as he puffs on his cigarette, letting smoke billow out every now and again.
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