
read part 2

Sep 26th, 2015
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  1. [08:17:19] #Septicus: LT6Z Bush
  2. [08:17:21] LT6Z Bush: no eos leagues for the love of god
  3. [08:17:22] LT6Z Bush: plz
  4. [08:17:22] #Septicus: ive spent the last 2 days
  5. [08:17:31] #Septicus: spamming eos leagues
  6. [08:17:32] #Septicus: lol
  7. [08:17:42] LT6Z Bush: sigh there coming then
  8. [08:18:11] #Septicus: every like 5 hours
  9. [08:18:17] #Septicus: LT6Z Bush its fine
  10. [08:18:24] #Septicus: cancerous behavior will not be tolerated
  11. [08:18:25] #Septicus: :]
  12. [08:20:42] @GodChef: DEG can alert Rain
  13. [08:20:53] Dream Eater Gengar: I'm not at home tonight :s
  14. [08:20:54] ruby D: wingate D:
  15. [08:20:57] ruby D: wyngate'*
  16. [08:20:58] @GodChef: =[
  17. [08:21:04] @wyngate': hi
  18. [08:21:12] @GodChef: but but tell your league about BOTL ;[
  19. [08:22:08] LT6Z Bush: can we at least ban
  20. [08:22:11] LT6Z Bush: these eos staff
  21. [08:22:12] LT6Z Bush: plz
  22. [08:22:23] ruby D': don't potate, you nerd.
  23. [08:24:01] LT6Z Bush: nah
  24. [08:24:07] @wyngate': ruby D'
  25. [08:24:09] LT6Z Bush: dont want you ugly ass eos niggas here tbh
  26. [08:24:12] @wyngate': same
  27. [08:24:20] LT6Z Bush: hope you get lynched ruby D
  28. [08:24:28] @wyngate': ruby D' take eos down somehow
  29. [08:24:35] ruby D': rof
  30. [08:26:33] Dream Eater Gengar: wow bush
  31. [08:26:35] Dream Eater Gengar: wooow
  32. [08:26:36] Dream Eater Gengar: </3
  33. Clearly was promoted to Room Driver by Septicus.
  34. [08:31:05] e.saimohan: hi
  35. [08:31:52] e.saimohan: iam new to this room
  36. [08:32:20] TruBlaze: dis real?
  37. [08:33:02] #Septicus: /
  38. [08:33:04] #Septicus: this real
  39. [08:33:06] #Septicus: :p
  40. [08:33:15] #Septicus: coding the wm rn
  41. [08:33:37] #Septicus: will update soon
  42. [08:39:51] LT6Z Bush: no deg
  43. [08:39:52] LT6Z Bush: ily
  44. [08:40:04] LT6Z Bush: i only like deg and tesla thats about it
  45. [08:40:05] Dream Eater Gengar: xd
  46. [08:40:11] LT6Z Bush: and neo
  47. [08:40:14] LT6Z Bush: rest of them
  48. [08:40:15] LT6Z Bush: smh
  49. [08:42:30] Carnie Moe Sedah: yo
  50. [08:42:45] @wyngate': hi
  51. [08:45:19] TruBlaze: i thought eos was doing this on their server...
  52. [08:45:26] #Septicus: eos is literal shit
  53. [08:45:30] #Septicus: well
  54. [08:45:33] #Septicus: te staff are!
  55. [08:45:39] #Septicus: and so is the coding in a way
  56. [08:45:43] TruBlaze: ...
  57. [08:45:53] #Septicus: bro their damage rolls are broken too
  58. [08:45:57] #Septicus: dont .. me
  59. [08:46:28] #Septicus: if you want a lv 1 raikou doing 50% on a max spd ass vest ttar in sand
  60. [08:46:30] #Septicus: sure go ahead
  61. [08:46:49] #Septicus: with tbolt**
  62. [08:49:32] TruBlaze: i will .. you
  63. [08:49:58] TruBlaze: i know where eos does their botl
  64. [08:50:21] #Septicus: same
  65. [08:51:43] • TruBlaze thinks this is a scam
  66. [08:52:08] LT6Z Bush: ban him rn
  67. [08:52:11] LT6Z Bush: hes an eos nigga
  68. [08:52:42] TruBlaze: so are half the ppl in here
  69. [08:53:07] LT6Z Bush: as i said
  70. [08:53:13] LT6Z Bush: hes an eos nigga speticus plz ban
  71. [08:53:19] TruBlaze: ..
  72. [08:53:47] #Septicus: TruBlaze im gonna have to ask you to stop being weird about this, this has been approved by Monotype on THIS server.
  73. [08:53:57] Carnie Reapz: No need to ban. Even Septicus himself is linking us here thru EOS, so I don't believe a ban is a reasonable consequence
  74. [08:54:02] #Septicus: If youre gonna behave as you are right now Septicus you will be banned.
  75. [08:54:14] #Septicus: if you dont wanna be here just leave
  76. [08:54:16] LT6Z Bush: carnie reapz shut yo ass up honestly
  77. [08:54:21] TruBlaze: ..
  78. [08:54:22] LT6Z Bush: you and your shit ass league
  79. [08:54:22] #Septicus: LT6Z Bush chill
  80. [08:54:23] #Septicus: lmfao
  81. [08:54:29] Carnie Reapz: Why should I? Like Wtf
  82. [08:54:40] TruBlaze: don't tell reapzo to "stfu"
  83. [08:56:06] Carnie Reapz: Bush, you're only being childish commenting like this xD
  84. [08:56:14] TruBlaze: ^
  85. [08:56:15] #Septicus: Carnie Reapz
  86. [08:56:17] #Septicus: and TruBlaze
  87. [08:56:24] Carnie Reapz: What?
  88. [08:56:25] #Septicus: if you dont stop ill have to mute you
  89. [08:56:29] #Septicus: same goes to you LT6Z Bush
  90. [08:56:55] Sam Crowe: whats the point of inviting eos leagues if you're going to bash them
  91. [08:56:59] Carnie Reapz: What am I doing wrong? I am actually trying to talk politely and professionally
  92. [08:57:16] TruBlaze: ^ What Sam Said
  93. [08:57:26] Carnie Reapz: ^What Blaze said
  94. [08:57:30] #Septicus: Last warning to the 3 of you
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