
I Fucking Love Coffee

Jun 28th, 2012
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  1. I fucking love coffee
  4. >Is your body ready for this shit?
  5. >You fucking love coffee
  6. >It’s 3 am and you want a goddamn cup of coffee
  7. >Go to the kitchen
  8. >Open cupboard
  10. >all of your rage
  11. >Fucking blasphemy, you must go out get more
  12. >What food store is open in Equestria at this time
  13. >The world is run by casuals
  14. >Hold your shit!
  15. >Motherfucking Poneco (or whatever shit pony pun you can think of for that store) is open 24/7
  16. >mahnigga.jpg
  17. >Get your fucking helmet, your going for a ride!
  18. >Strap it on, grab your wallet, and your keys (so some faggot won’t steal your bike)
  19. >Music. You grab your mp3 player
  20. >You feel sorry for the plebians who don’t listen to the same music you do
  21. >play Brand New – Jesus
  22. >tfw ponies are plebs
  23. >except the best pony of course
  24. >Thundercats are go
  25. >No traffic at 3 am
  26. >Ride in the middle of a street
  27. >Cop outta fucking nowhere
  28. >It’s just a little pony in a little blue suit
  29. >your fucking sides
  30. >the pony approaches you on the bike
  31. >You put on your cool face
  32. “Problem officer?”
  33. >“Why are you riding in the middle of the street at 3 am.”
  34. ”Coffee, officer.”
  35. >“Excuse me?”
  36. “I fucking love coffee”
  37. >pokerface
  38. >”….just get the fuck out of here”
  39. >Works everytime
  40. >At Poneco. No Zebra’s allowed.
  41. >It’s pretty dead, you wonder why.
  42. >Coffee
  43. >You lock your bike and roll your ass in.
  44. >In the aisle of manly things, you find your coffee
  45. >Dark Espresso Roast master race. Reporting in!
  46. >Hold your shit!
  47. >There’s a new coffee brand you’ve never seen before
  48. >There’s a dark brown pony smiling on the face of the bag
  49. >Exotic Herbal Coffee Roast
  50. >Why the fuck not?
  51. >You pay for your coffee in the most alpha way
  52. >Unlock your bike and ride home
  53. >Through the middle of the street
  54. >The feel when you can get away with it
  55. >Fucking home
  56. >To the kitchen
  57. >In one smooth motion, you fill the back with water, load a filter of coffee and activate the machine
  58. >Watching it drip and slowly fill up. Words cannot describe…
  59. >drip
  60. >drip
  61. >ssssssssssssssssss-drip
  62. >Oh god damn you’re so turned on right now
  63. “Don’t ever do that to me again coffee. I really thought I was gonna have to go on without you…”
  64. >I’m really sorry Anon, I promise I won’t do it again.”
  65. >What the hell?
  66. >You’re alone, but someone definitely spoke to you
  67. “Alright, who’s there?”
  68. >”I’m here, sweetie!”
  69. >Your coffee machine just spoke to you.
  70. >What the fuck
  71. >”I’m always here for Anon, now you’ll have coffee for the rest of your life!
  72. >wut?
  73. >the lid of your coffee pot opens
  74. >A pony the color of coffee sticks her head out from it
  75. >What the actual fuck!
  76. “…What is going on?”
  77. >The pony pulls the rest her body out and stand your counter, coffee spilling from her hide
  78. >Damn it, she’s making a huge mess. There’ll be fucking ants everywhere!
  79. >She smiles at you…seductively
  80. >”I am your coffee Anon, and….” She bites her lower lip, “…You fucking love me.”
  81. >You note she stressed ‘fucking’
  82. >What kind of fucking coffee did you buy?
  83. >She teases you, “Don’t you want your coffee, Anon?”
  84. >Fuck it, you can think about it later
  85. “You’re fucking right, I want my coffee!”
  86. >The coffee mare giggles and leans over you
  87. >she grips your shoulder and yanks you in for big coffee smooch
  88. >Shit, the coffee is burning your skin
  90. >Well, shit
  91. >The mare, tackles you the ground, standing over you, kissing and burning the entire time
  92. >Of course you drink it all up
  93. >She pulls away and rips or you shirt and pulls down your pants!
  94. “Um….”
  95. >She silences you with a burning yet god-tier coffee kiss
  96. >”Shush Anon, enjoy your coffee
  97. >If she only she knew how turned on you were by all of this
  98. >She’s about to find out
  99. >”Oh my goodness, Anon, you DO love your coffee. It’s so big…”
  100. >Feels good man
  101. >”For such love for your coffee you deserve only the best in Equestria”
  102. >She starts making out with you. It still burns but that fucking coffee
  103. >She drenches you in her caffeinated nirvana
  104. >You break the kiss for a second
  105. “F-Fuck, I love you coffee, you’re the only one who gets me.”
  106. >You resume drinking
  107. >This fucking rocks your world
  108. >You are already about to explode in a land to euphoric herbal roast that even the most powerful of men can only dream of
  109. >You bit your lower lips and your tenses as that coffee travels down your esophagus
  110. >The coffee mare arches back and moans in the air
  111. >You let yourself enjoy this orgasmic coffee
  112. >It leaves your body a trembling wreck
  113. >The coffee mare giggles, “I’ll always be your best coffee, Anon.”
  114. >Suddenly, she melts and splashes all over you
  115. >Fuck, didn’t you just ejaculate into that?
  116. >Too late to worry about that now. Your body is in horrible pain now that your coffee has gone and spilt all over you
  117. >3rd degree burns over 90% percent of your body
  118. >You need to go the hospital
  119. >Unfortunately for you, Pone doctors suck and cannot into humans
  120. >So you die
  121. >It looks like your body was not ready
  122. >Later, you pony friends run funeral procession and mourn your loss
  123. >In honor of your memory, they place a bitchin’ tombstone at your grave
  124. >It will read:
  125. Here lies Anon – He fucking loved his coffee
  129. The end
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