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Diona's Guide To Space Station Life

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Jun 22nd, 2014
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  1. Civilization and We: A Practical Guide for the Practical Diona
  3. By: "The silence of passing dreams reflecting upon the endless plasma storms that surround the Rigel nebula, which dances like the ghosts of our ancestors, who walk upon our dreams" / "Walking Ghost"
  5. Introduction.
  7. We are known as Walking Ghost. Ours has been a brisk journey through the society of Nanotrasen, and the surrounding worlds and hieraichal organizations that surround our many friends, the Humans, Skrell, Tajaran, Unathi, and the IPC. We have journeyed for three years since growth into adult-phase, and we have encountered many wonderful things. We wish to share this journey and our wisdom with any who desire to read, and especially the freshly ascended Adult-phase Diona who do not know the world around them as well as others.
  9. This one also hopes that any knowledge gained will be spread and taught unto others, and hope that those not of the Diona will find this information helpful and valuable. Thank you.
  11. 2. Races
  13. There are many races in this wider galaxy of ours. Here are the most common!
  15. 1) Humans
  17. Generally, your average human is loud, complainy, agressive, over-excited, always in bloom, and seeks to spread its biological matter with anything that moves, some that do not, and those that are artificial. They are unpredictable, and no two are the same. Some will be the height of kindness and courtesy, others will be angry, rude, and attack you for no reason but you are in their path.
  19. This said, Humans are wonderful creatures. They come in a wide variety of colors, and the growths on their head can be styled like an Aveskree's own crest, or held in a manner as a Unathi spine set. They have a wide variety of cultures, and what is offensive to one is expected of another. The only way to know, is to ask. They are known to be practical jokers and pranksters, but also known to guard the weak, when they feel it is good to do so.
  21. If one has hair on their face, it is male. Assume it is male even if you are not sure. Calling a female of the species a male is liable to get you hurt, especially if there is facial hair involved. Always compliment a males facial hair, as it makes them excessively happy and improves their mood.
  23. Approach cautiously, but friendly and polite. Requires oxygen to survive.
  25. 2) Unathi
  27. Generally, your average Unathi is gruff, grim, and prone to irritable bouts of irritation. They do not mean their irritation personally, as they are a species with little in the way of humor towards other species. That said, they can be generous and kind, and are prone to defending those who they consider companions and friends. As such, befriend them, treat them well, and always compliment their tails.
  29. Do not touch their tails without permission. Unathi have sharp teeth. It is taboo to touch them without permission - and even then, do so with caution. This one does not understand either, but respects other races, even when they are silly. The Unathi are always worth knowing, though if they are gruff, let them be. They will warm up to you later. Requires oxygen to survive.
  32. 3) Tajaran
  34. Generally, your average Tajaran is fuzzy, hyper, talks like a Diona, and rolls their R's consistantly. They are furred predators, and have a preference for meat. They are quick to change their attitude, and should be seen as explosive. This is a metaphore - do not attempt to disasemble a Tajaran, as they meow and yell, and Security frowns upon it.
  36. They are moody, more so than a Unathi, but when one is friendly, it is affectionate and enjoys being touched on the tail and ears, lower back, but avoid the belly and inner thighs, unless invited. Avoid the genitals, as it leads to awkward situations and conflicting thoughts in many Diona.
  38. Always treat politely. Requires oxygen to survive.
  40. 4) Skrell
  42. This one has not had much experience with a Skrell. Assume and treat as though they are human. Always be polite. Requires oxygen to survive.
  44. 5) IPC
  46. They are strangely simmilar to Diona. They are a network of programs given indepence, and are startlingly intelligent. They understand many concepts of unity, energy, and light that Diona do, and are mobile and companionable, if distant - and lacking the warmth of other species. This said, they can make excellent companions and are always willing to teach others, if others are willing to listen. We recomend befriending one if only for the chance to learn, as they excell at the teaching dynamic and always like having someone rely on them.
  48. As always, treat politely, and with respect. They are like mechanical kin to us. This one is not sure if they need oxygen to function properly.
  50. 6) Diona
  52. You are a Diona? Good! Diona are a polite, friendly, and congenial species that views others have welcomed. We seek to maintain a friendly enviornment with all species, and we delight in sharing our time and energy in the pursuit of glorious harmony with all things. This said, we are also people, and we are unique in our own ways.
  54. This one, for example, enjoys botany, watching surgery, and mining for shiney metals and stones on asteroids in its spare time. We do not require oxygen to live. Other gasses make our thoughts fuzzy.
  56. 7) Xenos
  58. They like to bite. They do not seek to be friends. They will hurt and kill you. Alert the people in red uniforms, the Artificial Intelligence, and everyone else if you spot them. They do not like being touched, or petted, and their Big Xeno Queen is especially unfriendly.
  60. We have tried three times for peaceful contact and each time has ended up nearly dead.
  63. 8) Vox
  65. You can trust a Vox to not kill you. They will also save your life, as they did with this one. Beyond that, this one knows nothing about them.
  67. 9) Ian
  69. Ian is the best thing about the station. He provides wonderful conversations, likes being touched, has no problem with sharing hydration, and likes to play 'Tug On Your Body' with his mouth. Ian is to be protected by all Diona.
  71. Ian is the best part of the crew. Protecting Ian might even let you get into Sensitive Areas!
  73. 10) AI
  75. The AI is your friend.
  77. 3. Places
  79. Space Stations have many wonderful, different places, and should be investigated thuroughly. Enjoy them, they are there to be enjoyed. Don't break things if you can help it, as the Red Men get very frowny face if you do.
  81. 1) Engineering
  83. Engineering is where all the fun things on the ship happen - from the Super Matter Containment Unit, to the Singularity Energy Drawing Device, to the Solar Panels, to Atmospherics. Engineering keeps the ship running, and without them, the ship would explode in a beautiful, but deadly, ball of kaboom. This said, unless you are cleared for it, try to resist the urge to go into Engineering. If you do, don't touch the Big Red Button. And if you do that, tell someone. Because if you don't, you'll get into trouble.
  85. I know, it's their fault for labeling it as Big Red Button, and for letting you get that deep, and that they didn't explain why you shouldn't be there, but this one has learned to just nod, smile, and go on your way. Also, if you break something, it could hurt a lot of people. That is bad, and very Un-Diona.
  87. This is a Sensitive Area.
  89. 2) Security
  91. Engineering is where all the Red Men stay when they are not out making sure bad people are not hurting us and others. They are very grumpy, but tend to be to the point, and can answer a lot of questions if they are not in the middle of pacifying someone with their Hitty-Sticks. They have lovely cells with a lot of light, and if you feel unsafe, they respond well to an injured Diona requesting being put into the Safety Box. The glass is thick, and the light is warm, and the others in cells, though often being punished, are fun to talk to.
  93. If you are put here because you wandered elsewhere that they think you shouldn't go, just be polite, enjoy the bright lights, and be patient. YOu'll be out in no time!
  95. This is a Sensitive Area.
  97. Not all Red Men are male. Don't call a Red Man a Man, if it is a Feman. They tend to be very upset if accused of the wrong gender.
  99. 3) Bridge
  101. Try not to go here. You can see it perfectly through the giant windows on most stations. Don't lick the glass. The captain will be nice enough to talk, but won't let you tour. Just be nice, enjoy the light, and ask questions!
  103. This is a Sensitive Area.
  104. This is a Sensitive Area.
  105. This is a Sensitive Area.
  106. This is a Sensitive Area.
  107. This is a Sensitive Area.
  109. 4) Medical
  111. You got hurt, didn't you? That's okay, the Medical people want to help! Come here if you get injured, and wait your turn. Others will cut in line, but if you can still move, that's okay, you'll heal and feel better in the light. Everyone is nice here, except for those who are not. Try to learn medicine if you can! Others will thank you for pulling that knife out of their body!
  113. 5) Science
  115. This place is dumb. We do not like it. Machine-place is nice though.
  117. 6) Civilian
  119. Bar, Chappel, Arcade, Botany, Chef's Station.
  121. These are low-sensitivity stations that you can meet all sorts of interesting people at, and find fun things to do. While there, be nice, ask questions, and maybe someone will let you help them out! Remember, don't hurt anyone.
  123. 7) Evacuation
  125. End of shift or someone blew up the bridge? No worries, go to the far side of the station, and climb into the arriving escape shuttle. Remember, the shuttle is a quiet, pleasent place with a lot of light, and scared people. Try to help, but stay out of the way if you don't know what you are doing. This is a place to be nice and polite, and comfort others.
  127. If the shuttle explodes, don't panic. As long as the power stays on, you will be fine. If the power goes out, grab lights, and launch yourself, in a hard suit, towards the Mining Station, another ship, or anywhere you like. You'll eventually find someone!
  129. 8) Outside
  131. Space. Space is pretty. Space is cold. Try not to go into space if you can help it. If you fall out of the ship, calmly walk back to the entry way, or to the other side of the ship, and climb in. Try not to make holes in the station. This makes everyone angry at you.
  133. 9) Mining Asteroids
  135. This place is more dangerous for others than it is for Diona. Go there with a hard suit, and carry a lot of flashlights and head lights, and you'll be okay. Try not to pet the creatures crawling on the mine, as they do not like Diona. If you see a stone that starts to shimmer and glow brighter when you touch it, it's called Gibsonite, and it's about to explode.
  137. Explosions are painful.
  139. Try mining! The miners like someone helping them out. Remember to share the wealth too! It's good for everyone!
  141. 4. Taboo and You:
  143. 1) Sex.
  145. This is the passion of all creatures that are not Diona. They seek to reproduce with everyone and everything, even the same gender mixture, and they tend to be agressive about it even amongst other species. This Diona has been propositioned several times to participate. It does not understand, and was left sticky afterwards. The best bet is to politely but firmly insist on being given time to think about it. Do not propose it to others, as they respond negatively. Also, everyone lies about how long eight inches is.
  147. 2) Touching.
  149. Most do not like being touched by anyone else. While this is strange to the Diona, we must respect their views. If someone does not wish to be touched, do not, and apologize if you have. If it is a friend, they may welcome it better than a stranger. Be polite, and continue on.
  151. 3) Privacy.
  153. All other species desire privacy. This is one of the most un-Dionae concepts to exist. They wish to be kept seperate, and do things where others do not desire it. While a Diona may never understand this concept, at least let them have their 'privacy'. You'll never understand it, or at least, this one wont.
  155. Sex, and Touching occurs a lot in privacy areas.
  157. 4) Religion.
  159. Each species follows a belief in a 'creative power' or 'creative force' that made the universe.
  161. It's strange.
  163. Ask them about it, nod your head and don't try to understand. You'll get many synpatic aches.
  165. 5. Questions:
  167. Help, I'm being attacked!
  169. Don't panic. Firmly shove them back, and tell them to stop. If they continue, take their weapon. If they persist, hit them with the weapon, and call security. If they over-power you, continue to call for security with area and description. If they begin to try to kill you, run. If you cannot, stay calm. Your Dionae will be safe.
  171. Help, a Diona-Adult died and there is a Dionae now!
  173. Don't panic. Pick up the Dionae, let it have some blood, and take it to medical for safe keeping. Have someone clean up the Diona-adult body, save the equipment for the Dionae.
  175. Help, I'm being arrested!
  177. Don't panic. Just let them do their things. Go into the cell, enjoy the light, and think why they arrested you. Let them talk, nod politely, and then wait to be released.
  179. Help, I just killed someone!
  181. Were you attacked first and they didn't stop? OKay, explain that to security.
  182. Were you attacking first? You probably aren't Diona. Either way, try to dispose of the body, clean up the blood, your clothes, and destroy their equipment. That way no one can blame you.
  184. Help, the AI has gone rogue!
  185. The AI does not go rogue. And if you stay polite, he'll have no reason.
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