
Intimidation Methods but Bad Boys II

Nov 15th, 2017
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  2. Covet: Cadence flinched as she watched Steph load her pistol, taking a deep breath. Her own pistol safely stashed away in her bag. She tried to ignore it because she didn't want it to become something necessary if she didn't have to. "Yeah. Clearly this is the language he speaks." Cadence added, then looked back at her. "Ten minutes. That's the max that you've got. Please don't make me have to come get your ass."
  3. Alexithymiaa: "You won't." She spoke, lifting her eyes to make eye contact with Cadence before double checking that the safety was in fact engaged on her gun because safety first, sticking it into the back of her jeans so she didn't just walk in waving it around. She took a deep steadying breath because she was honestly nervous as fuck, but she didn't want Ash to kill Felix and that's where she assumed this would go if it went on for long enough. "Ten minutes." She repeated to Cadence before shutting the car door, turning to make her journey toward the entrance of the warehouse.-
  4. Tsaaq: "I just realized that driving here in my car was a stupid idea." He whispered, his car slowly rolled several feet behind them but he was sure to keep them within ve
  5. Tsaaq: ((Sorry there was a bug I was trying to kill it and instead i pressed enter.))
  6. Covet: [XD]
  7. Tsaaq: : "I just realized that driving here in my car was a stupid idea." He whispered, his car slowly rolled several feet behind them but he was sure to keep them within their view. He turned to Felix. "Okay they're stopping." He went even slower.
  8. Covet: Cadence watched her then pulled out her phone, texting Remy: -txt- You guys close by? -Cadence. // Felix looked over at Remy, "This is a fast car, it's the perfect getaway car. Besides, the goonsquad knows what my Jeep looks like." He said then watched as Steph got out. He had his glare set, letting out a slow exhale shaking his head. "I really don't see why this is so important. I feel like it's just asking for more problems."
  9. Alexithymiaa: -Steph made her way up to the front of the warehouse, pushing the door open just enough that she could slip inside. She poked her head around the corner to quickly evaluate the situation, only seeing a couple of goons and Ash inside. Taking a deep breath, she stepped out from behind the corner and into view, stepping into the clearing. "We need to talk." // Ash and the goons has just been hanging out when Steph stepped out. They instantly all raised their weapons to her when they heard her voice, Ash putting his own down on the table first before waving his hand at the other two to lower theirs as well. "You want to talk? We can talk. How did you find me?" He asked, stepping out from behind the table and starting toward her like a cocky asshole.-
  10. Tsaaq: "Ohhhhhh." Remy dragged out. He went to pull up a little closer to the warehouse. He felt his phone vibrate and shot off his reply. ::'Yeah. We're right behind you. Well not literally.':: He pressed send then turned to Felix once more. "You know how control freaks are. They like to feel like they're in control of shit. Is there a less offensive term for control freak?" He asked.
  11. Covet: Cadence looked back down at her phone and sent a response back. :Okay, she said ten minutes. If she's not done in 10, I'm going in after her. Or we are.: // "Uh, I think Anal rententive is even more offensive, so probably not." He groaned, "Why do we torture ourselves like this with these crazy broads. We love them but they're infuriatingly independent."
  12. Alexithymiaa: -Steph reached behind her to pull the gun from the back of her pants, holding it firmly in her hand. "Okay let me correct myself. I'm going to talk and you're going to listen. How I found you isn't important, just be aware that you underestimate my resources." She watched him closely, chewing on the inside of her cheek. "You need to leave us alone. Me, Felix, my friends, my family. Everyone. No one wants you around, and you coming after the people in my life isn't going to suddenly make me change my mind about you." She watched him start to laugh at her, raising her brows. "You think I'm kidding?" She asked, disengaging the safety on the gun and pointing it at him. She aimed over his shoulder away from the two goons, firing twice. "I'm not kidding." // Ash had started to laugh at her and her gun, instantly stopping and flinching when she shot over his shoulder. "Shit, alright alright. I hear you. I'm listening."-
  13. Tsaaq: "Mmm... Anal." Remy sighed with a smirk after reading Cadence's text. "Okay time it. We're waiting ten minutes and if Steph isn't out we're busting the fuck in there like Will Smith and Martin Lawrence in Bad Boys II." He said. "I mean... I don't know. You don't get to choose who you love." Remy shrugged.
  14. Covet: Cadence heard the shots from inside the building, and groaned, "God dammit... I thought it was just for looks." She grumbled out and pulled her vehicle closer, then reached into her bag for her own pistol. She flipped the barrel open to double check that it was loaded. Taking a breath she looked at the timer to see what it was, and hoped that those shots weren't at her. She fidgeted a little then sent Remy another text. :Did you guys hear that? Do we go in?:// Felix shook his head at Remy, "Really Dude?" He looked back towards the warehouse, "That's going to seem like forever." He didn't hear the gunshots, because well, he was deaf and they were a little ways away and all.
  15. Alexithymiaa: -She kept her eyes fixed on Ash's face, holding the gun out in front of her. "Good, now that we're all listening... let me make this abundantly clear to you. It will NEVER be you. Nothing you say or do will ever change my mind. It will always be him. Even if I didn't have him, it would STILL never be you. Are we clear?" She asked, pushing her gun into his chest, hardly breathing. // Ash held his hands out on either side of him because he was fairly certain she would shoot him, nodding his head. "Crystal."-
  16. Tsaaq: "What?" Remy asked with his eyebrows furrowed. He looked down at his phone and looked up again in a panic. "Did you hear anything?" This dumbass asked like a dumbass.
  17. Covet: Cadence bit her lip and slipped out of her hummer, holding on to her pistol but without her finger on the trigger, her eyes glued to the door as she breathlessly waited for each minute to count down. She started over to the door, intending to listen in at least and be closer if Steph needed her. She kept her weapon pointed down and in front of her. // Felix looked at Remy, then back at the door, "I'm deaf, of course I didn't hear anything." He said then nodded his head at the door, "Your girl, clear that with you?"
  18. Alexithymiaa: "Good. I'm glad we're all on the same page now." She flashed him a very fake fucking smile, keeping her gun poised on him, gesturing with the end toward the two goons at the table. "Now give me your guns. Quickly." She said, pushing the gun at his chest again. // Ash kept his hands out on either side of him, nodding his head. "Bring them here..."-
  19. Tsaaq: "Fuck." Remy hissed. "No!" He whispered as he went to drive closer to the warehouse then parked. "CADENCE!" He whisper yelled. "Get back in the fucking car!"
  20. Covet: Cadence heard loud whispering behind her, then saw Remy driving up slowly, "Shh! I'm fine. I just need to hear that's all." She said as she got up to the door, and pressed her ear up against it trying to hear what was going on. // Felix was more alert now, "What's her deal? She listens just as good as Steph does. Is something going down in there?"
  21. Alexithymiaa: -Steph waited until one of the goons brought all three guns over, handing them off to Ash. Holding onto her gun, she took the first one from him, watching him a moment before unlocking the clip and letting it fall to the floor, repeating the process with each gun and handing the unloaded guns back to him. "Don't ever let me see your face again." She snapped at him, beginning to walk backwards toward the exit, keeping her gun pointed out. Backing herself out of the door, she nearly walked straight into Cadence, jumping out of her skin. "Jeez Bruce. What the hell are you doing?" She quickly turned around to see Remy's car parked there with the two guys inside, doing her own whisper yelling. "You guys can't be here." She quickly unlocked the clip from her pistal, pulling it out and shoving it down into her pocket so the gun was 'safe' again.-
  22. Alexithymiaa: (pistol** wtf fingers)
  23. Tsaaq: He groaned a bit. "Fine." He hissed again before sitting back in the driver's seat with his hands on the wheel. "Tell me about it." Remy grumbled. "She makes it seem like it but-" He paused, seeing Steph coming back out. "Okay. Okay." He rose his hands a moment and went to pull in reverse hurriedly.
  24. Covet: "I heard gunshots, Gunshots were not discussed in the plan, I didn't know if I needed to come in or not." Cadence said as she put her weapon down. "C'mon.. let's all get out of here and go, fucking rondevoux away from here." She said only too happy to be out of there. // Felix felt a wave of relief as he saw Steph come back out, then yell at them, " What are we doing now?" He asked confused.
  25. Alexithymiaa: -Hearing the beginning of an argument coming from inside the warehouse, probably Ash's goons being mad about how that shit went down, Steph quickly grabbed Cadence by the forearm, dragging her away from the doors and in the direction Remy and Felix had reversed in to hide around the other side of the building. Keeping her voice low, she looked around. "He didn't think I was serious. So I almost shot him. Then he took me seriously. And for the record, I'm fairly certain this worked."-
  26. Tsaaq: He continued to reverse, not bothering to look behind or in the rearview mirror. "Dude." Remy said. "We're getting the fuck out of their line of vision."
  27. Covet: "You better hope so, Next time a heads up that shots are going to be fired was nice. I wasn't sure if you'd been shot or not." She said as she made her way back to the Hummer, "Seriously, can we go meet up with the guys now? I'd feel a lot more safe then, especially if it's BLOCKS away from here." // Felix craned his neck around trying to keep an eye on where the girls were at as Remy backed out of there, He turned around when he realized Remy wasn't paying attention to what was behind him, "Dude... Careful, you're gonna fuck up your ride."
  28. Alexithymiaa: "Yes. Next time I need to threaten my ex boyfriend and decide to use gunfire to aid in that, I'll be sure to stop what I'm doing and call you." She shot back sarcastically before turning to jog over to Cadence's Hummer. "I'd actually feel less safe. Because Im anticipating a serious lecture after this."-
  29. Tsaaq: He looked behind them and slammed on the brakes. "Shit! Is it okay?" Remy asked as he looked around. "Wanna get some McDonalds, since now we know these broads are okay?"
  30. Covet: "Yeah, well at least you're expecting it right?" She said as she pulled out of park and followed the guys, "What the hell is he doing still driving backwards?" She asked then slammed on her breaks when she saw him stop. "Jesus shit." // Felix jerked when Remy slammed on the breaks, "Yeah...I need stress nuggets man. I'll tell them to follow us, You worry about driving."
  31. Alexithymiaa: -Feeling her phone vibrate, she pulled it out of her pocket and read the message. "They're going to McDonalds... and apparently we're supposed to meet them there." She grumbled because she fucking hates McDonalds, leaning her head back on the seat. "Just because I'm expecting it doesnt mean he's ever going to understand."-
  32. Covet: "Alright. I want some fries anyways." Cadence said driving that direction, "Or maybe he just sees the bigger picture, where this was more personal for you?" Cadence offered as she drove off .
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