
Fiat Justicia 0: The Lonliest Telepath

Jun 4th, 2016
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  1. [11:29] =-= Arkalest has changed the topic to “// Current location: Precinct 8 // Highquarters: Igimuri Division--// Private office.”
  2. [11:32] Arkalest Sarah: There's an almost imperceptible shift in the air before your desk unit vibrates with the silent trill of an incoming call. You see a circle of grey light appear around the pyramid-shaped holoprojector, the turuqoise cells inside the glass structure lighting up with a warm hue. The hologram that flows forth is a handful of square. boxy letters-Old United pidgin. [DETECTIVE OUTSUDA AT...
  3. [11:32] Arkalest ...THE DOOR.]
  4. [11:39] Sarah The AR of the Office is displaying a burned red planet,someone knowing the teran backround might recognise it as one of the classics of the lost Terra Australis Astaris, as the stars shine down balefully and red on the dry earth of the AR. The desk is placed centrally but there has been made space around it, so that one could move clearly around it, and one
  5. [11:40] Sarah has space to go , and to walk a hole into the ground, one of the walls under the ARs has a soft deceptive padding, idealls to lie, or jump against it. Else, no chrome, glass, or red hues as the more present ones that domiante the color scheme
  6. [11:43] Sarah After a bit of panic she pshes at the thing before she heads for the door, still it is a different thing .."
  7. [11:50] Sarah tries to open the door
  8. [11:50] Sarah is currently wearing some acentuations in white and red at her spurrs.
  9. [11:50] Arkalest The white metal of the door slides open, and the smell of acrid stress permeating Otsuda drives in. SHe has her fingers on the comm outside the door-The greyish metal on her knuckles almost naturally blending with her leathery skin if it wasn't for a bit of glinting here and there. The gorilla's brow is furrowed, lips quirked outwards but not showing teeth as a pair of green eyes look at...
  10. [11:50] Arkalest inquisitively from behind golden pince-nez. She looks almost out of place in her dark blue suit, a grey and green-stripes cravat hanging in the air due to her sghtlyhunched posture.There's a thick scent of nicotine and painkillers clinging to her breath-Far, far stronger than the analgesics the symbiont gives you.
  11. [11:51] Arkalest Said symbiont purrs subsonically at Otsuda's sight- Staccato vibrations that spell out the concept of friendliness. You're almost sure the gorilla got this,at least by the microscopic tilting forward of her head. "Detective
  12. [11:52] Arkalest Her tone is as husky and raspy as usual. "Have I caught you in a bad moment?"
  13. [11:53] Sarah "it, uh, I am working with my office... and no I was just a bit lost in thoughzts"
  14. [11:54] Sarah "And , I am sory, you raised my from the vapor of memorys and dreams , and so I was losing a bit coordination."
  15. [11:54] Arkalest SHe slowly lets go of the comm unit, in a ponderous, arcing movement that makes the hems of her suit rustle. "I see. Sorry."
  16. [11:54] Arkalest Her last word is barely above a subsonic rumble.
  17. [11:57] Arkalest "Actually, is there anything I can help you with?"
  18. [11:58] Sarah "And uh.. A distraction maybe isntead of me being alone in here?"
  19. [12:00] Arkalest Otsuda slowly lowers her head. "That doesn't sound bad. " She looks past you, at the internal decor. "And....Right on cue, I just remembered what I wanted to pester you about."
  20. [12:02] Arkalest Her tone is almost defeated, eyebrows raising in a sort ofdull self-surprise.
  21. [12:08] Sarah "I assume it is something bad, as live tends to be if one does not fight it?"
  22. [12:10] Arkalest A soft,amused grunt escapes her lips- More painkillers, and just a bit of leftover dregs of adrenaline. The symbiont chirps sympathetically and subvocally, right as Otsuda's lface distends in a small smile.
  23. [12:11] Arkalest "Perhaps. It /is/ about life in general- And in the specific, it is about quality of life." She nods in your direction, neck bobbing up and down. "Your life, detective."
  24. [12:14] Sarah "Well, it is good , so far ? "
  25. [12:16] Arkalest "You've got to ask yourself if it could be better, however."
  26. [12:22] Arkalest "Now, before I bombard you with pointless drivel-" Her accent softens, Rs rolling out less hard. "-Mind if I step in?"
  27. [12:25] Sarah ""Enter my abode as you come in friendship"
  28. [12:27] Arkalest Otsuda mutters something in an ancient language, slowly joining her massive hands together palm-first- head bowed, eyes closed- And then slowly lumbers in.
  29. [12:33] Arkalest SH eyes the padded seat, nostrils contracting as she smells the room. "Nice vista."
  30. [12:38] Sarah "I tried to do a bit like home but..."
  31. [12:41] Arkalest "The hues. I like them." She shuffles purposefully to the pit, slowly sitting down- One hand on a massive knee. The gorilla slightly relaxes her shoulders. "So..."
  32. [12:42] Arkalest "I am going to be brief here, Sarah- Are you happy with all of this?"
  33. [12:42] Arkalest The symbiont detects the softness in her voice, and lets out a sharp, voiceless chirp
  34. [12:45] Sarah "I am not really, it, it could be worse "
  35. [12:47] Sarah Her symbiote glows softly in a darker hue
  36. [12:48] Arkalest The gorilla raises a single bushy eyebrow, large forehead wrinkling. "You know, the- " A large finger makes a circular gesture in your direction "-The lightshow doesn't help with lying
  37. [12:48] Arkalest *Lying"
  38. [12:50] Arkalest There's a hint of amusement in her tone as she slip forward, putting her elbow against her knee and propping her head on a hand- Putting the other on her other knee. "So."
  39. [12:50] Arkalest "What is troubling you, exactly?"
  40. [12:58] Sarah "It is to close, no one here, smells right, all the tech that is not harming me.."
  41. [13:07] |<-- LilithSleep has left (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  42. [13:08] Sarah "I miss my people, and , .."
  43. [13:13] Sarah "its. "
  44. [13:13] Sarah she glows red
  45. [13:13] -->| Strypgia (Panther2G@5EEDB6DC.4985EFCA.9A915FD3.IP) has joined #Adeva3IC
  46. [13:17] Arkalest "It's not home."
  47. [13:18] Arkalest Otsuda rumbles slowly, opening her arms slightly.
  48. [13:18] Sarah hugs her, trying not to hit her with her spurs as her tail curls around her
  49. [13:20] Arkalest Sarah: She smells of simian sweat, dregs of adrenaline, cheap synth-alchol, painkillers and dry-cleaned suits- The tissue of her suit wrinkling under your hug, warmth spreading as she slowly pats the space between your spurs on your back-Fingers gently touching the symbiont- Which purrs happily. "There."
  50. [13:21] Sarah "I..."
  51. [13:25] Arkalest Otsuda rumbles softly. "It's normal. "
  52. [13:25] Arkalest "And I am not saying that it will pass with time. That's a big fucking lie, and we both know it. It is why I asked."
  53. [13:26] Arkalest The gorilla touches your neck with a pair of fingers. "Are you really happy with being a Constable, Sarah?"
  54. [13:34] =-= WolfieBed is now known as Pale_Wolf
  55. [13:37] Sarah "It is better then all the alternative, "
  56. [13:38] Arkalest "There can be more alternatives."
  57. [13:44] Sarah "Like what, it is not like I as a hnter can do so many other things"
  58. [13:45] Sarah "And I do not want to be a pet or toll like they made me "
  59. [13:45] Arkalest "You can still arn. I mean, you are...What? 28?"
  60. [13:45] Arkalest *can learn
  61. [13:48] Sarah "Yes, but considering that I mainly know what I do not know"
  62. [13:57] Arkalest Otsuda lifts a hand to her chest and plucks soemthing out of a pocket- A thing metallic card that appear minuscule in her grasp. "This may help
  63. [13:58] |<-- Strypgia has left (Connection reset by peer)
  64. [13:58] Arkalest "It is a database of courses that can be taken. Careers, integration...These kind of things."
  65. [14:00] -->| Stryypgia (Panther2G@5EEDB6DC.4985EFCA.9A915FD3.IP) has joined #Adeva3IC
  66. [14:01] =-= Stryypgia is now known as Strypgia
  67. [14:02] Arkalest "And...If you're intent on going about being a Constable.." She stops mid sentence and looks down, chuffing. "A spot on my team just opened."
  68. [14:03] Sarah "I ...what, bt but, am I really ready for it?"
  69. [14:04] Arkalest "We are still processing bureaucratic work for the....Poor sod who had to leave. You have two weeks to mull over this- And yes."
  70. [14:05] Arkalest She cloes her eyes, breath exhaled slowly. "I think that yes, you're cut for this."
  71. [14:06] Arkalest "After all...How many times did you save my ass?"
  72. [14:08] Sarah "Well, there was the very first time, then that time with the Flesh that hungered, the one time with the Rogue psionic , oh and the time that you ate one banana to many... And of course as I had to drive my tail into you to make sure that you did not drop from the building back on Sigma 55"
  73. [14:10] Arkalest Otsuda casually pats her stomach, shuffling uneasily. "Yes."
  74. [14:10] Arkalest "And that time with the mindjacked combat loader too, Sarah. That is five times more than some of my teammates."
  75. [14:11] Arkalest "What I am saying here, kid-nd I think I have the right to call you that-" The gorilla pats your back with one hand. "Ishat you are a lot of a hell more reliable than some of the actual Constables I've met."
  76. [14:12] Sarah "Well I am not a civilian, but I am still in need of learning more"
  77. [14:13] Arkalest "Hence the card. The acceptance process for the team will take four months, maybe six or seven. You can do a /lot/ during that time."
  78. [14:16] Sarah "I.. I will think about it then."
  79. [14:17] |<-- Strypgia has left (Ping timeout: 123 seconds)
  80. [14:21] Sarah "Well, I do know how to stop electronics, and to think with some sense that are not to used here. I am, Well how many of the constables are used to scavenging and thinking with my perspective?"
  81. [14:23] Arkalest "There's Merrick from kill-team 6. He was a scavenger with junker guilds around Proxima 5, but that was.." Otsuda rubs her chin with one grey finger. "More than 20 years ago."
  82. [14:23] Arkalest "He got sloppy, I'd wager.."
  83. [14:24] Arkalest "And as far as you and your friend go....I think we have a few Ringfolks with additional senses in the kill-team 4, but they're mostly used for paperwork.."
  84. [14:24] Sarah "And well, you are getting two for the price of one."
  85. [14:26] Arkalest The symbiont agrees by purring even louder.
  86. [14:26] Arkalest ".....God, I'llnever get used to it"
  87. [14:28] Sarah "Why? It is perfectly normal*
  88. [14:29] Arkalest "It's like a big...Blue....Cat...Thing."
  89. [14:30] Sarah "Well cats are smaller..I think"
  90. [14:33] Arkalest "I meant-" Otsuda gestures at you slowly, with a hand. "It is kind of a predator."
  91. [14:34] Sarah "Well it is not hunting for flesh and bones to eat.. most of the time.."
  92. [14:38] Arkalest And the symbiont agrees with you with a subsonic crackling of cilia, accompanied by a shift to a sort of teal.
  93. [14:41] Sarah shivers as she feels the good touch
  94. [14:45] Arkalest "....Won't ever get used to that as well.."
  95. [14:46] Sarah "Well, I could try to make a capture of my emotions there to share them~"
  96. [14:48] Arkalest Otsuda slowly lifts a hand to rub her neck, looking pensively. Then she answers quietly, eyes low. "Aw...Hell, why not?"
  97. [14:54] Sarah "Well uh, I am not a mindwalker but uh, technology could do it right, or we share her."
  98. [14:58] -->| LilithSleep (LilithSlee@57FBED60.DEA30D92.402DBA9B.IP) has joined #Adeva3IC
  99. [15:20] |<-- Yezara has left (Client exited)
  100. [15:21] =-= YOU are now known as Sabina
  101. [15:23] Arkalest Sabina: You're woken from your sleep by the beep of a communicator. The room is utterly silent but for the incessant, soft-pitched keening sound of the machine somewhere in the darkness.
  102. [15:25] Sabina fumbles for the beeping a moment before picking it up and checking to see who it is.
  103. [15:27] Arkalest Sabina: The hems of the grey plastic disk are covered in blue triangles that light up, projecting a square in the air. [Ship on approach to Precinct 2. Please move to central deck for shuttler transfer.] It's signed by the ship AI.
  104. [15:32] Arkalest [Your other belongings have been all transferred to the shuttler already. Please remember to pick your personal belongings up]
  105. [15:33] Sabina [I understand. Thank you for your consideration.] she responds before pulling her hood over her head and quietly heading to the central deck.
  106. [15:35] -->| ckk185 (AndChat294@9DC0B717.62481F5A.8C0EBC76.IP) has joined #Adeva3IC
  107. [15:36] Arkalest Sabina: The angular corridors of the ship are awfully quiet, save for a low, almost subsonic thrum that pervades the pearly-white walls and the grey floor/ceilings. All the other cabins in your deck are empty, and when you emerge in the sphere that is the central deck you are greeted by a spide-shaped, plastic-shelled service droid. "Good morning, miss."
  108. [15:36] Sabina "Good morning."
  109. [15:37] |<-- ckk1857 has left (Ping timeout: 123 seconds)
  110. [15:38] Arkalest "Currently it is 2 AM inside the Tagusa Habitat, and 2:34 AM on Cygnei, the planet we are currently orbiting." A bundle of turquoise sensors turn towards one of the iris-shaped doors- A waft of disinfectant-smelling air following it. "All of your beonging have been moved already. Please follow me and if you wish-" Your AR trills with a [SURVEY RECEIVED] ssage. "Compile this assesement of our...
  111. [15:38] Arkalest ...facilities."
  112. [15:41] Arkalest The iris swishes open without a sound, revealing a smooth connection tube of folded grey material- GUilding lights made out of small LEDs attached to its length. At the other end there's another iris- Open to reveal a sort of pinkish membrane.
  113. [15:41] Sabina "I will do so at my earliest opertunity." She follows the droid dutifully
  114. [15:43] Arkalest It floats down the tube, nail-thin limbs ticking against the tissue. "This is a connection membrane with the autonomous shuttle of the Constable Drafted Cruiser Zaofu."
  115. [15:44] Arkalest "It is harmless to pass through." The droid raises on its lower legs. "We are glad you chose Samerian Spaceflight Incorporate for your voyage." It chirps, in an atonal- Genderless voice.
  116. [15:44] Sabina "And I just step through it?"
  117. [15:45] Arkalest It nods. "It will deposit you safely on the deck of the shuttle. From there, the crew of the Zaofu will take over."
  118. [15:46] Sabina "I see. Fare well then, may your travels be safe." And with that she steps through the membrane, breath held in trepidation.
  119. [15:48] Arkalest Sabina: It's....Warm. There's a moment in which your whole body adheres to it- To its sticky, weirdly rough surface- And you can almost swear you smell cherriess.
  120. [15:49] Arkalest Then with a loud popping sound you're pushed into a sort of cylindrical room, and the first thing you smell is the smell of cherries- Like the ones Josephus used to buy you. Real, non GMO cherries.
  121. [15:49] Sabina releases the held breath and look around.
  122. [15:49] Arkalest Your feet are hovering over a greyish pavement- Seamed metal panes, opaque and....Are these roots?
  123. [15:49] Arkalest Yes.
  124. [15:50] Arkalest Thick, brownish roots- Covered in thin green stalks. They cover every surface, clining to the curving walls. The lights on the ceilings appear to be colonies of phosphorescent moss, diffusing a turuqoise light in the environ.
  125. [15:52] Arkalest Sabina: They're warm, you realize- And you know this because you can almost see the air distort around them from the sheer haze. A trio of them are covered in green, luminscent lichens- And they're point towards an iris-shaped door at the end ofhe cylinder
  126. [15:52] Arkalest Your AR device rings again. [Welcome.]
  127. [15:53] Sabina [Hello.] She heads to the indicated dorway.
  128. [15:53] Arkalest [You must have had an awfully long voyage. Please move over to the observation deck.]
  129. [15:53] Arkalest Sabina: The next corridor has roots as thick as your arm running against the walls- And for a brief moment you could swear they're pulsating. Softly, gently- But still pulsating with warmth.
  130. [15:55] Sabina [Is that through this corridor? If not I will require guidance if that is possible at this time.]
  131. [15:55] Arkalest [Yes. Do continue]
  132. [15:55] Sabina does so
  133. [15:56] Arkalest Sabina: You feel something rustle against the branches- Like leaves.
  134. [15:57] Arkalest Sabina: The observation deck of the shuttle is slanted forward- Dart-shaped windows split in the middle by metal, madeut of thousands of grey hexagons. An AR projector, probbably
  135. [15:58] Arkalest Here the smell of cherries and the rustling of leaves is more intense than anything- And you can see that near the center of the room the roots congreagates and overlap and fuse together in one gigantic node.
  136. [15:58] Sabina slows her pace, slowly drifting to the the windows.
  137. [15:58] Arkalest [Do you wish for anything? Refreshments? Information?
  138. [16:02] Arkalest Sabina: They turn transparent and for a moment all you can see is a flower.
  139. [16:03] Arkalest A flower, opened towards you-In space.
  140. [16:03] Arkalest Its petals are a dozen shades of turqouise, spiraling outwards- Black veins spreading through them
  141. [16:04] Arkalest An angular, grey pistillum raises from the center- And you realize it's a shuttle tunnel, and that the orange tip is the entrance- Aglow from the internal light
  142. [16:04] Sabina [Not at the moment, thank you. I appreciate the consideration.]
  143. [16:04] Arkalest The petals /are/ petals. Thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of...Weeds, interlocked and interwoven into one massive construction.
  144. [16:05] -->| Yezara (AndChat386@1A30972F.7BC8BA85.8C0EBC76.IP) has joined #Adeva3IC
  145. [16:06] Arkalest You hear a creaking sound, the smell of violets- And the node grows roots outwards, bearing things like the grey caps of mushrooms. THey bloom into foam bubbles, turning into a sort of padded seat. [Very well.]
  146. [16:07] Sabina takes the seat as she stares at the window.
  147. [16:08] Arkalest Sabina: It fits- Just right, snugly so- And for a briefest moment all is silent...
  148. [16:08] Arkalest Then you hear the leaves rustling, and a hollow, low sound. Prolonged, distant and yet surrounding you- Like a beat.
  149. [16:10] Sabina looks behind her at the source of the noise.
  150. [16:11] Arkalest Sabina: Nothing- But then you hear a swooshing sound, and a grey form whizzs past you- At the edge of your peripheral vision, outside the viewing window.
  151. [16:11] Arkalest Sabina: Your nostrils flare, as this is accompanied by a scent that is both ferrous and sickeningly sweet- Like rotting meat.
  152. [16:12] Arkalest [The shuttle shall begin final approach in a moment. ]
  153. [16:12] Sabina [Very well.]
  154. [16:13] Arkalest The first acceleration is so smooth you don't even realize you're moving until your chest starts feeling a bit heavier than normal...
  155. [16:15] Arkalest You catch a glimpse of an orange fusion tail and grey paneling- Slipping towards the corona of turquoise material. This happens right as the shuttle simply throttles forward fast enough that everything just....Blurs.
  156. [16:15] |<-- LilithSleep has left (Ping timeout: 123 seconds)
  157. [16:16] Arkalest Sabina: It slows down as it approaches the entrance, and you catch a glimpse of a dozen squat, blocky spaceships connected to the tunnel's sides by spokes-Their structures like construction frameworks covered in seeminglyandom bubbles.
  158. [16:16] Arkalest The scent of metals intensify- Alongside a soft undertone of salt. Salt...Like the one you smelled when your brother brought you to the seas of Proxima.
  159. [16:17] Arkalest [The Precinct is very old.]
  160. [16:18] Sabina [Do you know how old exactly?]
  161. [16:18] Arkalest These words float in mid-air in turquoise. [And this habitat even older.]
  162. [16:18] Arkalest [Hundreds of years.] And then everything is awash with orange....Lights outside passing too quickly to even register as separate. Everything blurs.
  163. [16:19] Arkalest You feel the shuttle slow down, and the metallic scent dies down- Replaced by...Something familiar.
  164. [16:20] Arkalest Sabina: You don't think you'd have met it here, of all places.That weird, all-taking scent you've felt so many times...
  165. [16:20] Arkalest [ ] Rain.
  166. [16:21] Sabina "It smells of rain. . ." She mutters to herself
  167. [16:22] Arkalest Sabina: There isn't as much as a single droplet as a whole barrage of them-. Slamming against the viescreen, roaring. There are clouds- Grey and thick, thunders arching- And they're hanging above you
  168. [16:22] Arkalest [It is raining. One of the quirks of the habitat.]
  169. [16:23] Sabina "I see. I rather like the rain really."
  170. [16:24] Arkalest Your ride slowly lurches down, and suddenly you can see things at the horizon, past an undisclosed sea of dark shapes whipping past your eyes. You see something that stares at you, something like a closed eye-Metallic and sharp. A needlepoint. [So do we.]
  171. [16:24] Arkalest Thunder booms, and you catch a glimpse of something in the dark- Fire, dancing.
  172. [16:25] Arkalest [The COnstables may not like it, as it seeps everywhere- Even inside the superstructure-But is is refreshing.]
  173. [16:25] =-= Shinaway is now known as Shinaobi
  174. [16:26] Sabina "It's not a taste shared by everyone."
  175. [16:26] Arkalest Sabina: The shuttle lurches away once more, and the needle turn- And you realize you were staring at the tip of some massive structure. Another boom-This time coming from the shuttle itself- And it begins descending.
  176. [16:27] Arkalest Sabina: [Indeed. Few can appreciate its beauty.]
  177. [16:28] Arkalest You're slowly descending- Ever so slowly, until you-
  178. [16:28] Sabina "Perhaps, I would not agree with the phrasing of that however."
  179. [16:28] Arkalest A pair of eyes stare from behind the glass. They're set inside the face of a man- Lantern jaw, bald head. A single crown-like thing-ll sharp angles- Clings to his forehead.
  180. [16:29] Arkalest The statue looms with its arms open.
  181. [16:29] Arkalest One clutches a scale- And another a sword. A metallic band conencts the man's wrists- As if to bind them. And what is written there..
  182. [16:29] Arkalest YOU WILL NEVER FORGET WHO YOU ARE.
  183. [16:31] Arkalest [Yet they did. ]
  184. [16:32] Arkalest The shuttle gets swallowed by a tunnel- This time the lights are blue. [And such arrogance.]
  185. [16:32] =-= Arkalest has changed the topic to “// Current location: Precinct 2// Landing Strip”
  186. [16:32] Sabina "They are not alone in that sin."
  187. [16:32] <--| Shinaobi has left #Adeva3IC (96 Radiant Dome Engulfs the Unholy)
  188. [16:33] Arkalest [We partook of that, once. Long ago. Then we learned that everything forgets, with time] Now the smells are..
  189. [16:34] Sabina "Forgive my poor manners, but I have failed to introduce myself. Sabina Norland, at your service."
  190. [16:34] Arkalest There are a dozen of them. Sweat- Humanoid, salty. Ferrous blood, and the clear taste of water. The oils Josephus uses to tend to his weapons, the ozone scent of elecricity. [It is a pleasure to meet you, Sabrina.]
  191. [16:36] Arkalest [Sabina. An interesting name.]
  192. [16:36] -->| ckk1857 (AndChat294@201AA392.62481F5A.8C0EBC76.IP) has joined #Adeva3IC
  193. [16:36] Sabina "I was named after my aunt. My mother's oldest sister. At least one woman in each of our generation takes this name."
  194. [16:37] |<-- ckk185 has left (Ping timeout: 127 seconds)
  195. [16:37] Arkalest [Ritual inheritance. Does the song get passed down as well?]
  196. [16:39] Sabina "I apologize, I do not understand what song you are speaking off."
  197. [16:39] Arkalest [You pluck at the strings, and the world dances to your tune. ]
  198. [16:40] Arkalest The shuttle slows to a crawl. [You say a note, and it echoes among the stars.]
  199. [16:40] Arkalest [We sing too]
  200. [16:40] Sabina "Oh," Her fingers drift to her wrist. "It is, passed from Keeper to Keeper. Not by blood, but by right of guardianship."
  201. [16:41] Arkalest [A hefty weight to bear for someone so small.]
  202. [16:43] Sabina "It is a weight that must be borne and I was not selected without justification."
  203. [16:43] Arkalest [We all have all of our little weights, little one. Are you alone in this?]
  204. [16:44] Sabina "My ancestors walk with my every step."
  205. [16:45] Arkalest [And they whisper to you their thoughts, guiding you onwards. Their flesh is gone, but they endure.]
  206. [16:45] Sabina "And through me they guide the clan."
  207. [16:46] Arkalest [A vessel, filled. You may break, but water flows and reforms, free of the bounds of the flesh]
  208. [16:48] Arkalest Sabina: The smell of damp leaves- Potent, musky. Rotting vegetation. Flowers. A dozen scents you have no names for..
  209. [16:48] Sabina "You are the first person other than the previous Keeper who understands this."
  210. [16:49] -->| ckk185 (AndChat294@84247F80.62481F5A.8C0EBC76.IP) has joined #Adeva3IC
  211. [16:49] Arkalest Sabina: There's a soft rustle- And you feel some warmth next to your wrist.
  212. [16:50] Arkalest The wood there creaks and shifts- A seed slowly uncurling into a three-leaved flower.
  213. [16:50] Sabina "Is this you?" She turns to the flower, inspecting it closer.
  214. [16:50] |<-- ckk1857 has left (Ping timeout: 123 seconds)
  215. [16:51] -->| ckk1857 (AndChat294@30745DDF.7BC8BA85.8C0EBC76.IP) has joined #Adeva3IC
  216. [16:51] Arkalest Angular petals- A light lilac outside, brighter red towards the inside. A single fragment of something yellow and cristalline at the center..
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  218. [16:52] Arkalest [A part. Take it- It is a gift. It is rare to find ones with this type of knowledge- The knowledge born of widened horizons and shared burdens. ]
  219. [16:52] Arkalest The shuttle has slowly lowered itself in a cavernous hangar- Literally. The curving ceiling appears to be completely made of rock,. save for the circular bulkheads and turquoise neon lights.
  220. [16:53] Sabina "Thank you, it is beautiful." She gently plucks the flower, and after a moment's consideration places it in her hair.
  221. [16:56] Arkalest [If you ever feel lonely, it will keep the loneliness away. And in time, perhaps, it will allow for a far deeper understanding.] You hear a ramp open with a hiss- Gravity slowly settling againsy our bones in a soft, dull weight.
  222. [16:57] Sabina "I will remember you words." She stands up and heads to the ramp."Thank you again, and may your travels be safe."
  223. [16:57] Arkalest [May you bloom forevermore. ]
  224. [16:57] -->| ckk185 (AndChat294@2BD5BCA9.62481F5A.8C0EBC76.IP) has joined #Adeva3IC
  225. [16:57] Arkalest Sabina: And the moment your feet touches the ramp the smells just...Disappear. Yet...
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  227. [16:58] Arkalest A sweet scent lingers for a moment more...
  228. [16:58] Arkalest Then the world brutally intrudes once again as a bulkhead opens
  229. [16:59] Arkalest The air inside the cavern is slightly damp- Chilly, and the floors are gleaming with reflected light. No others shuttles are parked here, just raised landing platforms- And an open bulkhead, casting a blue light.
  230. [17:00] Arkalest Three figures step through- Slowly, metal clattering against metal.
  231. [17:00] Sabina waits just past the ramp
  232. [17:01] Arkalest "Sabina Norland?" The voice is neutral- Masked by electronic reverberations. You hear more metllic clicking as the echoes of the question die against the walls.
  233. [17:02] Sabina "That is correct." She bows her head "I am at your service."
  234. [17:02] Arkalest "Please come forward."
  235. [17:03] Sabina steps approaches them.
  236. [17:03] Sabina approaches them.
  237. [17:03] -->| ckk1857 (AndChat294@A12C9184.FD897F5F.4042D19F.IP) has joined #Adeva3IC
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  239. [17:07] Arkalest Sabina: Even with your bones made heavier by gravity your looping gait closes the gait faster than you'd have thought. Three humanoids- A small one, less tall than you at the center- And two tall ones,flanking them. The smallest one is wearing an utterly featureless white helmet, carapace-like and without any seam. Two long ears jut out from behind it- All a dull shade of white, like the...
  240. [17:07] Arkalest ...coat the figure is earing- Save for blue stripes around the wrists- Thin wrists, supporting hands with sleek, long fingers that taper off. That isn't the weirdest thing about them
  241. [17:07] Arkalest The weirdest is that they aren't thinking anything
  242. [17:08] Arkalest Unlike the two guards- A bit of cold doubt, crushed betwen the immobile rocks of duty and self-assurance. They're wearing something not unlike the riot armor you once saw Josephus wear.
  243. [17:08] Arkalest Bulbous shoulder, elbow and knee pads- Round helmets with four lenses at the center as their only features. No visible weapons-Almost as tall as you.
  244. [17:10] Arkalest Their knuckles are covered in a fine spiderweb of grey lines, and the only hint of colour are blue circles on their shoulderpads. "I am welcoming you to Precinct 2, Miss Norland."
  245. [17:10] Arkalest The central figure slowly bows their head- And you realize they seem to be sort of folded down.
  246. [17:11] Sabina "I thank you for your hospitality."
  247. [17:12] Arkalest "Now-" Behind you, the slow rumble of machines unfurling to unload cargo. "My associates will take care of the cargo."
  248. [17:12] Arkalest Sabina: The rocks fray. Small spiderwebs, hairline fractures- But they're there. Doubt, sinking in.
  249. [17:12] Sabina nods
  250. [17:12] Arkalest But they simply nod and fan out, stepping in snch- Doubt growing with each stop...
  251. [17:13] Arkalest Only to be quashed and be replaced by a slight dab of queasiness as they pass you..
  252. [17:14] Arkalest "Would you mind me asking how was your travel?" Their diction is pitch-perfect- No trace of an accent or anything vaguely resembling intonation
  253. [17:16] Sabina "It was quite agreeable in all regards, though I was not sure what to expect of it."
  254. [17:17] Arkalest They nod. "We hope it would not trouble for you to follow us at the reporting hall?"
  255. [17:17] Sabina "Please lead on, it is no trouble."
  256. [17:18] Arkalest They turn around- Fully standing up, nearly reaching your height on lean, prenshile-looking feet- Right as their thick tail swishes behind them- Topped by what appears to be a curled up floower...
  257. [17:18] Arkalest .Or clenched digits.
  258. [17:19] Arkalest They saunter into the corridor- Up to an iris-shaped door. A twitch of the tail- Faster than you can see- And a commpad rings, the sound of an elevator coming down audible even through the doors.
  259. [17:19] Arkalest The being puts its hand behind their back. "Forgive me for my curiosity, but.." The featureless helmet turns to you. "Where did you find that camelia?"
  260. [17:21] Sabina "It was a gift. The. . . person, in the ship gave it me."
  261. [17:21] Arkalest "......The Zaofu?"
  262. [17:21] Arkalest "I mean-" Their head dips, and you see the ear twitch. "The shuttle of the Zaofu?"
  263. [17:22] Sabina "They never gave me their name. But it was the shuttle that I spoke to."
  264. [17:22] Arkalest "......."
  265. [17:23] Arkalest The elevator grinds to a halt, and the figure gestures for you to enter. "........You made some very powerful friends today, miss."
  266. [17:23] Sabina steps forward.
  267. [17:24] Sabina "It was a pleasant conversation."
  268. [17:24] Arkalest "Yes, and I dearly hope you recorded it."
  269. [17:25] Arkalest Their hands go up, and the alien dims their visor.
  270. [17:25] Sabina "May I ask why?"
  271. [17:25] Arkalest A pair of icy blue eyes fix on you-A single grey lock falling across them.
  272. [17:25] Arkalest "It has been quite a while since the Phedrian allmind deigned to speak to someone in person."
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