
Log 0011

Oct 31st, 2016
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  1. [4:35 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Oh boy here we go.
  2. [4:36 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: After a good end for that segment of nightmare, you once again gather around the golden table, on your throne, this one journey to dreamland.
  3. [4:36 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: A hourglass is balanced on the statuette's head, as the King frowns.
  4. [4:37 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The sand flows, and indicates that it will run out in roughly 5 - 7 minutes.(edited)
  5. [4:38 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle is playing with Nephelle, both of which never really had much of an elven companion to play with due to their circumstances.
  6. [4:38 PM] Mizuki: (Koga, will recelle come with us on the next dream or is she staying here?)
  7. [4:38 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (She most likely will unless convinced not to)
  9. [4:39 PM] Faerie: (DMPC, don't bully)
  10. [4:39 PM] Faerie: (Also do not steal)
  11. [4:40 PM] §upposition: Denalthir sits calmly, watching Recelle and Nephelle play with each other and smiling gently
  12. [4:41 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Mizu, do you have your Bullet ready, with a spell stored?)
  13. [4:41 PM] Kaperis: "--Eight! Nine! Ten! Eleven!..." John is to the side, thrusting his spear in the air. He'd appeared while he was in the middle of his drill. He can't stop until he finishes two more sets of all eighteen attacks!
  14. [4:41 PM] Mizuki: Alicia sits on one of the chairs smiling - "So, what do you all think the next nightmare will be? I have a feeling it's a dungeon next" - She said while petting the cat Azura(edited)
  15. [4:42 PM] Mizuki: (bullet ready?)
  16. [4:42 PM] Kaperis: ... They all look exactly the same.
  17. [4:42 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Dohohoho, nothing then)
  18. [4:42 PM] Faerie: (Nyazura. Sorry, I'll keep silent now!)
  19. [4:43 PM] Mizuki: ( :surprisedpopo: )
  20. [4:43 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Azura narrows her eyes, as if enjoying this. She gives out a low purr, stretching comfortably while patted.
  21. [4:43 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It's a housecat that seems to have lost all its wild instincts.
  22. [4:44 PM] Kaperis: (Why do you grin, oh grinning bobcat~)
  23. [4:45 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Given that the group has mostly gathered, the only thing that seems to limit people is the omnious hourglass.
  24. [4:47 PM] Kaperis: "--Four! Five! Six!..."
  25. [4:47 PM] Mizuki: "What's up with that hourglass? Do we need to sleep and get in a dream before it runs out? I don't remember that being there last time" - Asks Alicia
  26. [4:48 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The King huffs a bit. "No, I just have it out for fun. Of course it's something like that."
  27. [4:48 PM] Mizuki: (rude king)
  28. [4:48 PM] Kaperis: "--Eighteen! One! Two!..." No, seriously, aren't they all just the same move?
  29. [4:48 PM] Kaperis: "--Eighteen! One! Two!..." No, seriously, aren't they all just the same move?
  30. [4:49 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle stops playing with Nephelle, petting her on the head affectionately, and finds a throne to sit on, checking her rifle.
  31. [4:49 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "I am mostly ready, yes." Recelle confirms, grinning.
  32. [4:50 PM] Mizuki: "I'm glad you're coming with us too Recelle" - Said Alicia with a smile - "I thought we would never see each other again.
  33. [4:51 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "That would be a bit lonely." Recelle chuckles. "I am not ready to pass on yet. There's more to do, no? And there's that little princess." She winks. "I am paid well, after all."
  34. [4:51 PM] Kaperis: "--Seven! Eight!..."
  35. [4:52 PM] Faerie: (What's a ghost need the jink for? John, how many sets is that? :sadpopo:)
  36. [4:52 PM] Kaperis: (Last one~)
  37. [4:53 PM] Mizuki: "That's true!" - Alicia laughs - "About that, she isn't here tonight it seems... Maybe busy awake doing princess stuffs"
  38. [4:53 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "But... Don't princess let other people do stuffs for them instead?" Recelle asks with a puzzled look on her face.
  40. [4:54 PM] Mizuki: "Also, Raz... Thanks a lot for the longsword you gifted me some time ago, but I guess I'm not very good with heavy weapons like that." - Said Alicia giving the longsword back to the paladin and turning to Recelle - "Well... You may be right. I hope she's alright."
  41. [4:55 PM] Kaperis: "...Haa, eighteen!" John completes his eighteen identical techniques and sets his spear upright, wiping his brow. "Whew, finished!"
  42. [4:56 PM] Faerie: (Raz is kill)
  43. [4:56 PM] Sawai: (tfw to servant to play ToS for me)
  44. [4:56 PM] §upposition: (same)
  45. [4:56 PM] Kaperis: (Same :sadpopo: )
  46. [4:57 PM] Mizuki: (same what? :sadpopo:)
  47. [4:57 PM] Kaperis: (I want a human bot to grind in my stead.)
  48. [4:58 PM] Mizuki: (oh :sadpopo:)
  50. [4:59 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The time drifts away, and slowly, you feel your body getting heavier, and your conscious fading slowly.(edited)
  51. [5:00 PM] Kaperis: (Ah, shit, I forgot to ask. Kogasa, is it okay if I sold my greatsword and crossbow in between?)
  52. [5:01 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Without further information from anything, your consciousness is slowly being plunged into darkness.
  53. [5:01 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Sure)
  54. [5:01 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Selling is questionable)
  55. [5:01 PM] Kaperis: (Market price, or less? They weren't magic or anything, though the greatsword was kind of exotic.)
  56. [5:01 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (You'd be a Town Guard selling weapon, heh)
  57. [5:01 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (half market)
  58. [5:02 PM] Kaperis: (Most of John's weapons are his! I mark the ones that actually belong to the town.)
  59. [5:02 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Without any further preparation...
  60. [5:02 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Everything fades to black.
  61. [5:02 PM] Mizuki: (who needs preparation?)
  62. [5:03 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (If you needed it, too late!)
  63. [5:03 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Should've acted quickly!)
  64. [5:03 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... and then it all fades back into red. Red?
  65. [5:04 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... You find yourself waking up on stone, cold ground stained with sticky, old blood. There's a small, barred windows roughly 10 feet above you.
  66. [5:04 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It's ... A spacious jail cell, with four sets of cot that smells rather strangely.
  67. [5:04 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The bars are metallic, and the surrounding is relatively dark. Moonlight from the windows illuminate your surrounding.
  68. [5:05 PM] Sawai: (Suppo, you're playing while doing event? :cryingpopo: )
  69. [5:05 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The jail is strangely quiet.
  70. [5:05 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (I demand to be beerp'd while GMing! :flamingpopo: )
  71. [5:05 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Those with darkvision can see out of the jail cell, to the one... across the hallway.
  72. [5:06 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It's similar in fashion, but a few... Shambling prisoners in similar state wanders that cell, aimlessly.
  73. [5:06 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Upon closer inspection, they are... Quite dead.
  74. [5:06 PM] Kaperis: "... So, this is what it looks like from this side," John muses. He doesn't seem bothered by his surroundings.
  75. [5:07 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: What will you do, prisoners?
  76. [5:07 PM] Mizuki: "Uh... So here we are" - Said Alicia getting up and trying to look around - "Apparently it really was a dungeon. See anything, Azura?"
  78. [5:07 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "I see dead people." Azura murmurs, quoting nobody in particular.
  79. [5:07 PM] Mizuki: "Undead?" - She asks
  80. [5:08 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Of a sort, it seems." Azura murmurs telepathically. She silently crawl out...
  81. [5:08 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Azura takes a look left, then to the right, before sneaking back to Alicia.
  82. [5:09 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "No sign of living. A few dead people reanimated in the jail cells. All are locked up."
  84. [5:10 PM] Mizuki: "I see... " - Alicia approaches and checks their cell door. Is it open?(edited)
  85. [5:10 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... No, it's locked.
  87. [5:11 PM] Kaperis: John remembers a story that reminds him of this. A land where the undead are corralled and lead to the north, where they are locked away to await the end of the world...
  88. [5:11 PM] Mizuki: "Everyone, there are undead out there for those that can't see on the dark, like me" - Alicia explains - "Everything seems to be locked inside a cell though. Including... Us."
  89. [5:11 PM] Runic: "Locked?"
  90. [5:11 PM] Kaperis: "... but why?" John wonders to himself. He looks for anything nearby.
  92. [5:11 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Perception, John.
  93. [5:12 PM] Kaperis: roll 1d20+4
  94. [5:12 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+4]: 15, Result: 19
  95. [5:12 PM] Runic: "Well I can always try to use my tools to unlock the cell if you want" Lexon says still lying on a cot(edited)
  96. [5:13 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You found a piece of iron in one of the cot, presumably for picking locks. Beyond that... There's a small pamplet, with text written in Common, in the cot as well.
  97. [5:13 PM] §upposition: Denalthir turns in one of the cots uncomfortably
  98. [5:13 PM] Kaperis: John reads the pamphlet aloud for the others.(edited)
  99. [5:14 PM] §upposition: "Hngphgh, what is this..."
  100. [5:14 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Day of the Dead approaches, and Orcus shall rise. Stay safe and sound by the carrywagon, with the high noon of the third triad brings forth the tiding of the watery grave. Sixteenth night, we stir."
  101. [5:14 PM] §upposition: She grudgingly rises to her feet after a bit, and looks at the others
  102. [5:14 PM] Runic: "What kind of riddle is that?"
  103. [5:14 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Lexon, it's no riddle: It's written in Thief's Cant.
  104. [5:14 PM] Mizuki: while John reads the pamphlet. Alicia decides to search for something too. Maybe there's something else he missed while looking around?
  105. [5:15 PM] Mizuki: roll 1d20+8
  106. [5:15 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+8]: 13, Result: 21
  107. [5:15 PM] Kaperis: (Sorry, meant to say he read it aloud.)
  108. [5:15 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Day of the Dead approaches, and Orcus shall rise." is the only part of the pamplet that is understandable normally.
  109. [5:15 PM] Mizuki: (THE POWER OF FEATS)
  110. [5:15 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It elsewise seems to indicate for whoever that understands this to find a safe place and hide.
  111. [5:16 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: In the darkness, across the jail cell, in the other jail cell, there's writing on the wall, written in blood.
  112. [5:16 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "We are all doomed"
  113. [5:16 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It's smeared by more blood, but still understandable. Somewhat.
  114. [5:16 PM] Runic: Lexon ponders a moment thinking hardly about the pamphlet
  115. [5:16 PM] §upposition: Denalthir approaches the door to the cell and analyzes it
  116. [5:17 PM] Runic: "Oh wait a second" Lexon relizes, "theives cant"
  117. [5:17 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It's a general knowledge that Orcus is a demon lord, who governed undeath. But that's the extend of that general knowledge.
  119. [5:18 PM] Mizuki: "Orcus uh... " - Said Alicia
  120. [5:18 PM] Mizuki: (religion roll)
  121. [5:18 PM] Mizuki: roll 1d20+5
  122. [5:18 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+5]: 11, Result: 16
  123. [5:18 PM] Kaperis: "Yeah, they usually aren't very good at riddles," John says to Lexon.
  124. [5:18 PM] Runic: Quickly snatching the pamphlet away from John, he analyzes the message
  125. [5:18 PM] Kaperis: "--?"
  126. [5:19 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Orcus is the demon lord, later worshipped as a god, who governs over death and undeath.
  127. [5:19 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: He's responsible for many incidents in the multiverse involving undeath.
  128. [5:19 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: He has a famous artifact, Wand of Orcus, that grants the wielder unlimited power over Necromancy.
  129. [5:20 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Orcus resides in his Palace, deep in Abyss, most of the times.
  130. [5:20 PM] Runic: "Apparently, the message is telling to seek safety as far as I can tell"
  131. [5:20 PM] Kaperis: (Meta: Most non-Wizard necromancers are Clerics given power by Orcus.)
  132. [5:20 PM] Kaperis: (Well, in the settings where Orcus shows up, anyway.)
  133. [5:21 PM] Faerie: (Orcusthrone, Orcussword, Orcuscastle)
  134. [5:21 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Orcustoilet, too.)
  135. [5:21 PM] §upposition: (Smells like undeath :sadpopo: )
  136. [5:21 PM] Mizuki: "Well, I guess everyone already knows who Orcus is" - Said Alicia - "Care to lend me that lockpick, John? I might be able to open the cell."
  137. [5:21 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (So, like teen spirit?)
  139. [5:22 PM] Runic: "Hmmm? If you want to, go for it" Lexon tosses the lockpick at Alicia
  140. [5:22 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle frowns. "I don't like jails."
  141. [5:22 PM] §upposition: Denalthir steps away from the door and allows Alicia access
  142. [5:23 PM] Runic: "Just don't break it before unlocking the cell" Lexon says giving a smirk
  143. [5:23 PM] Kaperis: John, appalled by the unsanitary state of the cells, figures the prison guards must be gone. "... You can do that?" He hands it to Alicia with a highly suspicious stare.
  144. [5:23 PM] §upposition: "Won't wanna cause a ruckus breaking it instead, heh"
  145. [5:23 PM] Mizuki: "Leave it to me" - Alicia smiles and tries to open the cell door
  146. [5:23 PM] §upposition: "...Not that we're even sure that there's much of anyone else in here..."
  147. [5:24 PM] Runic: "Well in the meantime, let me try to see where we are"
  148. [5:24 PM] Mizuki: "And uh... Don't think too much, John"
  149. [5:24 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Sleight of hand, Alicia.
  150. [5:24 PM] Mizuki: (do I have +2 bonus from dex?)
  151. [5:24 PM] Mizuki: (from fighter)
  152. [5:25 PM] Mizuki: roll 1d20+7
  153. [5:25 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+7]: 19, Result: 26
  154. [5:25 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Hm.
  155. [5:25 PM] Runic: Lexon tries to climb the 10 ft wall, and attempts to grab on to the barred window holding onto it to lift himself into view
  156. [5:25 PM] Mizuki: (probably that)
  157. [5:25 PM] Kaperis: (Dex mod only, unless you have Sleight of Hand as a proficient skill.)
  158. [5:25 PM] Mizuki: (and ysss)
  159. [5:25 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: click
  160. [5:25 PM] Mizuki: (I do!)
  161. [5:25 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The door is unlocked.
  162. [5:25 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Lexon: It's an easy climb, and...
  163. [5:25 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ...
  164. [5:26 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Looking out, you see what appears to be... a crowd.
  165. [5:26 PM] Mizuki: With a smile, Alicia hands the lockpick to John - "Thanks"
  166. [5:26 PM] Kaperis: He takes it back with a slightly forced smile.
  167. [5:26 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The windows open to a courtyard of some sort, surrounded by presumably jail cells and buildings.
  168. [5:26 PM] Runic: "The heck is going on out there"
  169. [5:26 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: There's... roughly 300... 400? "people" out there.
  170. [5:27 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: They carry an empty expression, moaning and shuffling...
  171. [5:27 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You might be able to get their attention if you give it a shout.
  172. [5:27 PM] Kaperis: (pls no)
  174. [5:27 PM] Runic: (This seems like a really bad idea)
  175. [5:27 PM] Mizuki: (they're undead for sure :sadpopo:)
  176. [5:27 PM] Faerie: (Can undead sense the living? Even if they're dsguised as fellow undead?)
  177. [5:28 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Undead have no inherent ability to sense the living as far as you know.)
  178. [5:28 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (However, some might)
  180. [5:28 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Hmm.
  181. [5:29 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Lexon, give me an arcana check.
  182. [5:29 PM] Kaperis: (Depends! Normal zombies usually can't, but some -- like maybe those ghouls we fought once -- have abnormal senses.)
  183. [5:29 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You are likely not proficient, so straight int.
  184. [5:29 PM] Runic: roll 1d20-1
  185. [5:29 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20-1]: 5, Result: 4
  186. [5:29 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Thanks.
  187. [5:29 PM] Runic: (whelp)
  188. [5:29 PM] Mizuki: "Azura, tell me if you spot anything" - Said Alicia telepathically - "I can't see much on this darkness"
  189. [5:29 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Azura narrows her eyes. "Nothing has changed in the jail cell across from ours thus far."
  190. [5:30 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... She carefully prowls forth, looking down the passageway left and right... "All clear, Master."
  191. [5:30 PM] Kaperis: John walks out of the cell. If it's too dark to see clearly, he'll light a torch.
  193. [5:30 PM] §upposition: Denalthir cautiously enters the hallway and sees if she can find any traces of life having been through here recently
  194. [5:30 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You do so...
  195. [5:30 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ...
  196. [5:30 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Mrh...?" "Gran..."
  197. [5:30 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Moaning and groaning sounds.
  198. [5:31 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The shuffling undeads in jailcells, noticing the fire and source of light, shambles forth, reaching out and grabbing onto the cell bars, clanging and banging...
  199. [5:31 PM] Runic: Being a rouge for the majority of his life, Lexon decides not to try to grab the attention of anyone, whether they're alive or or undead for that matter
  200. [5:32 PM] Runic: And decides to ignore the giant crowd of mindless creatures within the courtyard
  201. [5:32 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... The sound echoes throughout the jail, as the groans rises in crescendo, into angry wails.
  202. [5:32 PM] Mizuki: "John put out that fire, those undead are making a lot of noise..." - Said Alicia alarmed - "Denalthir and Azura can lead the way for us!"(edited)
  203. [5:32 PM] Runic: Lexon drops back down and joins with the rest of the group
  204. [5:32 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The jail itself seems to stir, from how animated and agitated the dead are.
  205. [5:32 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... No, it's not your imagination.
  206. [5:32 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The walls - the walls behind you, they are being tackled by undeads.
  207. [5:33 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: THUD
  208. [5:33 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: THUD
  209. [5:33 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: THUD
  210. [5:33 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Fortunately, jail are built with riots in mind.
  211. [5:33 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... THUD
  212. [5:33 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: THUD
  214. [5:33 PM] Mizuki: Alicia doesn't like that... - "Stay close to me Azura!"
  215. [5:34 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Azura hisses softly, climbing up Alicia.
  216. [5:34 PM] Runic: "I don't like the sound of what's happening at all!" Lexon whispers to the group
  217. [5:34 PM] §upposition: "Easy now, surely a few crawlers won't spook the likes of you lot too hard..." Denalthir continues, unperturbed
  218. [5:34 PM] Kaperis: (Fuck, a sec, sorry.)
  219. [5:35 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+2
  220. [5:35 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+2]: 10, Result: 12
  221. [5:35 PM] Kaperis: "Hrm." John tries extinguishing the torch.
  222. [5:35 PM] Runic: "We should probably try to get our bearings of this place" Lexon queitly suggests "And with very little noise at that"
  223. [5:35 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle screams, whipping out her dagger, stabbing at something unseen.
  224. [5:35 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+6
  225. [5:35 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+6]: 9, Result: 15
  226. [5:35 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d4+4
  227. [5:35 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d4+4]: 3, Result: 7
  228. [5:35 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: splurt
  229. [5:36 PM] Runic: "Aww jeez, Recelle, you okay?"
  230. [5:36 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Recelle pulls her dagger up - she had pierced an animated hand that was going for her.
  231. [5:36 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Y-yeah, it's just... I was spooked..."
  233. [5:37 PM] §upposition: "See, handled. We can get through here easily."
  234. [5:37 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ....
  235. [5:37 PM] Mizuki: "Don't worry..." - Asnwered Alicia - "Lead on Denalthir, I can't see much"
  236. [5:37 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Religion check, all of you.
  237. [5:37 PM] Runic: "Uhmm, before you all get confident, I should probably say this first"
  238. [5:38 PM] Mizuki: roll 1d20+7
  239. [5:38 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+7]: 16, Result: 23
  240. [5:38 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Your soul freeze, as you hear a piercing wail. And you recognize this scream, Alicia. Not good - there's a Banshee around.
  241. [5:38 PM] Runic: "There's a horde out there, probably about 300 or 400 so of the undead"
  242. [5:38 PM] Runic: roll 1d20-1
  243. [5:38 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20-1]: 10, Result: 9
  244. [5:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Banshees are dead elves who are bound to a site, as a punishment for the wrongdoing they did in life.
  245. [5:39 PM] §upposition: roll 1d20+3
  246. [5:39 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+3]: 20, Result: 23
  247. [5:39 PM] §upposition: ( :cyclone: )
  248. [5:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Ghostly, they haunt places and refuse to pass on.
  249. [5:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... They can sense living creatures, are incorporeal (Passes through solid objects), flies.
  250. [5:39 PM] Mizuki: (whoops, it was 1d20+5)
  251. [5:40 PM] Kaperis: (The important part: what can hurt them?)
  252. [5:40 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Their touch rots and corrupts life. Their visage is so terrible, it frightens those who are weak-willed.
  253. [5:40 PM] Kaperis: (Also, I need a sec...)
  254. [5:40 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Their wail is legendary, and can instantly slay those in range.
  255. [5:41 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The legendary spell, Wail of Banshee, known by the highest of Necromancers, is named after them.
  256. [5:41 PM] Faerie: (watching intently)
  257. [5:41 PM] KogasaGaSagasa:
  258. [5:41 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Because writing is a pain.(edited)
  259. [5:41 PM] Mizuki: After hearing the blood chilling scream Alicia shivers - "Careful everyone, there's a banshee around!"
  261. [5:42 PM] Mizuki: (time for MAGIC MISSILE)
  262. [5:42 PM] Mizuki: (hopefully I won't run out of mana)
  263. [5:42 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: On alert, you,
  264. [5:42 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+2
  265. [5:42 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+2]: 11, Result: 13
  266. [5:43 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Those with less than or equal 13 in Passive Perception are surprised.
  267. [5:43 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Roll iniative.
  268. [5:43 PM] Runic: roll 1d20+3
  269. [5:43 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+3]: 17, Result: 20
  270. [5:43 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+2
  271. [5:43 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+2]: 9, Result: 11
  272. [5:44 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+4
  273. [5:44 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+4]: 2, Result: 6
  274. [5:44 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+1
  275. [5:44 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+1]: 9, Result: 10
  276. [5:44 PM] §upposition: (How was passive perception determined again?)
  277. [5:44 PM] Mizuki: roll 1d20+2
  278. [5:44 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+2]: 15, Result: 17
  279. [5:44 PM] Mizuki: (Koga, surprised?)
  280. [5:45 PM] Mizuki: (I have 9 passive perception, but I got that feat recently)
  281. [5:45 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Your perception check modifier +10)
  282. [5:45 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (You have 9? With Observant you have 14)
  283. [5:45 PM] Mizuki: (cool)
  284. [5:45 PM] §upposition: (So I should have 13 with +3 after that point increase upon levelling)
  285. [5:45 PM] Mizuki: (oh, also!
  286. [5:45 PM] Mizuki: (I swapped my str for my wisdom, so I probably have more now)
  287. [5:45 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: 13 isn't enough!
  288. [5:46 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (MIZUPLS - you likely do )
  289. [5:46 PM] §upposition: ( :cyclone: urprised)
  290. [5:46 PM] §upposition: roll 1d20+1 init
  291. [5:46 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+1]: 17, Result: 18
  292. [5:46 PM] Mizuki: (+1 modifier from wis, +2 from wiz, + feat)
  293. [5:46 PM] Mizuki: (how much is that? :sadpopo: sorry)
  294. [5:47 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (+5 from feat, so 18 Passive Perception)
  295. [5:47 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Well, it doesn't reallllly matter. >evil grin<
  297. [5:47 PM] Faerie: (didn't you get Alert, :cyclone:?)
  298. [5:47 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Lexon, something is wrong. Your turn.
  299. [5:48 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You see no immediate enemy.
  300. [5:48 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (John is background until availability!)
  301. [5:48 PM] §upposition: (I had alert originally rolled, but since we only just now got feats, I went according to this game's levelling)
  302. [5:48 PM] §upposition: (So I don't have it now :sadpopo: )
  303. [5:49 PM] Mizuki: ( @Faerie why aren't you playing?)
  304. [5:49 PM] Runic: "What was that thing you said just now Alicia? A banshee" Lexon asks, unaware of the situation
  305. [5:49 PM] Kaperis: (ok back)
  306. [5:49 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Roll init John)
  307. [5:49 PM] Kaperis: roll 1d20+1
  308. [5:49 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+1]: 5, Result: 6
  309. [5:49 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (And does 13 hit your Passive Perception?)
  310. [5:49 PM] Runic: Lexon carefully looks around, trying to find what Alicia was talking about
  311. [5:49 PM] Faerie: (Don't have my sheet at hand, plus watching's kind of fun)
  312. [5:49 PM] Kaperis: (Yes)
  313. [5:49 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (kk, you are similarily surprised)
  314. [5:50 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You take your action to observe?
  315. [5:50 PM] Kaperis: (Wait, what? I misread; does it 'hit' my passive perception?)
  316. [5:50 PM] Mizuki: "Basically they are ghosts able to resist both physical and elemental damage" - Explains Alicia in a hurry - "So, stay on watch, it is likely coming for us right now!"
  317. [5:50 PM] Kaperis: (Mine is 14.)
  318. [5:50 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Assuming you have "AC" of 13, does it hit you?)
  319. [5:50 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Ok, you are fine)
  320. [5:51 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Without anything explicit, your turn will be passed.
  321. [5:51 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Denalthir once Lexon is done.
  322. [5:52 PM] Runic: (Can't really do anything can I at this current time I guess)
  323. [5:52 PM] Runic: (Pass I guess)
  324. [5:52 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Del.
  325. [5:52 PM] §upposition: (Heh)
  326. [5:53 PM] Mizuki: (Fae pls
  327. Myth-Weavers is an online community that focuses on play by post gaming. We are home to hundreds of active games, many still recruiting. Our character sheet system supports dozens systems, including d20, GURPS, WoD, and even the new D&D5e. Come join our ever-growing community of thousands of active members!
  328. [5:53 PM] §upposition: Denalthir looks around her to gauge the situation: it feels like they're surrounded
  329. [5:53 PM] §upposition: (How many of em, where are they)
  330. [5:54 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (You can't tell beyond that there's something tense happening, and there may or may not be 0 - X banshees around!)
  331. [5:54 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The sound of zombies clanging their cell bars and the thumping outside the wall isn't stopping either.
  332. [5:55 PM] §upposition: (Useful terrain in the prison, or just a hallway?)
  333. [5:55 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It's a 10feet wide cooridor... That if you are too close to the walls a zombie might be able to grab you unless you eliminate them.
  334. [5:55 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The jail cell itself is 15 by 15 feet.
  335. [5:56 PM] §upposition: (So I can see a zombie?)
  336. [5:56 PM] Kaperis: John can't use his pike and hold a torch at the same time! "If they aren't quieting down, someone should take out a light!"
  337. [5:56 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (A dozen or so behind bar.)
  338. [5:56 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (they are locked up)
  339. [5:57 PM] §upposition: "...That could be troublesome. I want to light those up. Any objections?"
  340. [5:57 PM] Kaperis: (So, they're only a threat if they escape the bars or we get too close, then.)
  341. [5:57 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Or if they somehow developed psychic powers and mind blast you, yeah.)
  342. [5:57 PM] Kaperis: (Suddenly, mindflayers)
  343. [5:57 PM] §upposition: Denalthir looks at the zombies behind bars, wanting to elminate as many threats as possible
  344. [5:57 PM] Faerie: (Thanks, Runic. I'm going home soon!)
  345. [5:58 PM] Runic: (You're welcome Fae)
  346. [5:58 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You look at them.
  347. [5:58 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ...
  349. [5:59 PM] §upposition: "...Just as well."
  350. [5:59 PM] §upposition: (Are they immune to POISON)
  351. [5:59 PM] §upposition: (I can roll this)
  352. [5:59 PM] §upposition: (To find out)
  353. [5:59 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Zombies often are :sadpopo: )
  354. [5:59 PM] Kaperis: "Okay, but we might need your magic later. Aren't there too many?" John asks.
  355. [5:59 PM] §upposition: (Oh...)
  356. [5:59 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Indeed, the number of zombies behind bar is a bit...
  357. [5:59 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: High.
  359. [6:00 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You can run out of magic missile about 200 times if you want to kill all the zombies in the jail in general, given a rough guess.
  360. [6:00 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: That's likely an underestimation, as well.
  361. [6:00 PM] Mizuki: "Maybe we should go back to our old cell?" - Suggested Alicia - "This place is a bit tight, and if we're not careful and touch the walls... Well..." - She points at the zombies
  362. [6:00 PM] Kaperis: (Now, if we have some AoE, on the other hand...)
  363. [6:00 PM] §upposition: Denalthir looks beyond the zombies: maybe there was something flammable around, like bundles of hay...
  364. [6:01 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You are still in the jail cell, for the most part.
  365. [6:01 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Moving out to the hallway is doable, aye.
  366. [6:01 PM] §upposition: "...Nothing to be done."
  367. [6:02 PM] §upposition: Denalthir prepares a firebolt and keeps her eyes open for any incoming threats
  368. [6:02 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Alright.
  369. [6:02 PM] Kaperis: (This is literally the time Fae would be the most useful by far, and he's gone :sadpopo: )
  370. [6:02 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Alicia, your turn. What will you do?
  371. [6:03 PM] Mizuki: (am I inside the cell or on the corridor?)
  372. [6:03 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Inside cell.
  373. [6:05 PM] Kaperis: (The corridor was only how wide, again?)
  374. [6:05 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (10 feet.)
  375. [6:05 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (that's already spacious by jail design.)
  376. [6:05 PM] Kaperis: (And the cell is 15x15?)
  377. [6:05 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Yep)
  378. [6:05 PM] Mizuki: Alicia stays put and prepares a firebolt. She knows the banshee is coming
  379. [6:05 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Alright, erm.
  380. [6:06 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: I just want to say that I am sorry.
  381. [6:06 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Azura's turn.
  382. [6:06 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: She... Covers Alicia's ears. You are Deafened, Alicia.
  383. [6:06 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Banshee's turn.
  384. [6:07 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... From the wall, burst forth a banshee's head, who grins at you all. "I ... See... Yoooooooou!" The word, you, turns into a magical wail.
  385. [6:07 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You are able to cast your firebolt at the banshee.
  386. [6:07 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: @§upposition @Mizuki please take your ready action!
  387. [6:08 PM] Kaperis: John knows his weapon well. It isn't made for spaces like this. Will John encounter difficulty using his pike in the corridor? Would it be possible to use it with a shorter grip to make it easier?
  388. [6:08 PM] Mizuki: Alicia launches the firebolt against the banshee's face!
  389. [6:08 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You should be fine in the corridor.
  390. [6:08 PM] §upposition: Denalthir lines up her shot and releases it alongside Alicia!
  391. [6:08 PM] Mizuki: (btw, I'm on my phone now)
  392. [6:08 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You don't need to change your grip per se, but you are proficient in different methods of piking.
  393. [6:08 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Go for it.
  394. [6:09 PM] §upposition: roll 1d20+4 (is it still even +4)
  395. [6:09 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+4]: 8, Result: 12
  396. [6:09 PM] Mizuki: Roll 1d20+5
  397. [6:09 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+5]: 13, Result: 18
  398. [6:09 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Dene, you hit the wall instead of the banshee.
  399. [6:09 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Alicia, you hit the banshee.
  400. [6:09 PM] Kaperis: (Did Sawai die?)
  401. [6:09 PM] Mizuki: Roll 1d10
  402. [6:09 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d10]: 4, Result: 4
  403. [6:09 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... The banshee's struck, but that doesn't stop the Banshee!
  404. [6:09 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Banshee Wails!
  405. [6:10 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Everyone BUT Alicia, who's Deafened by Azura, make a DC 13 Con save.
  406. [6:10 PM] Mizuki: (even Azura?)
  407. [6:10 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Yep.)
  408. [6:10 PM] §upposition: roll 1d20+3 ><
  409. [6:10 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+3]: 2, Result: 5
  410. [6:10 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (I'll roll that one)
  411. [6:10 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+2
  412. [6:10 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+2]: 1, Result: 3
  413. [6:10 PM] Runic: roll 1d20+2
  414. [6:10 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+2]: 20, Result: 22
  415. [6:10 PM] Mizuki: (oh god, I'm so dumb ;-;)
  416. [6:10 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Azura faints.
  417. [6:10 PM] Kaperis: roll 1d20+4
  418. [6:10 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+4]: 3, Result: 7
  419. [6:10 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20
  420. [6:10 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20]: 2, Result: 2
  421. [6:11 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: John, Dele, Azura, Recelle
  422. [6:11 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You are at 0 HP, and faints.
  423. [6:11 PM] Mizuki: (dismissed or just fainted?)
  424. [6:11 PM] §upposition: (T)
  425. [6:11 PM] §upposition: (K)
  426. [6:11 PM] §upposition: (O)
  428. [6:11 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 3d6
  429. [6:11 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [3d6]: 6,2,5, Result: 13
  430. [6:11 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Those that made it, /take 13 psychic damage/
  431. [6:11 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The legendary Wail of Banshee seeks to steal your soul; you feel your very soul flickers, and a few of you drops to the ground.
  432. [6:12 PM] §upposition: Denalthir grasps at her ears, but entirely too late! Her firebolt breaks apart against the cold prison wall, and she collapses unceremoniously against the concrete
  433. [6:12 PM] Mizuki: (do I take damage too?)
  434. [6:12 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (No.)
  435. [6:12 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Alicia, you feel Azura's wakened paw slips away from your ears.
  436. [6:12 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You are not longer Deafened.
  437. [6:13 PM] Runic: "ACK" Lexon yelps, followed by him quickly covering his ears from the shrieking sound
  438. [6:13 PM] Mizuki: (I'm so sorry Azura ;-;)
  439. [6:13 PM] Kaperis: John drops on the spot.
  440. [6:13 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle faints!
  441. [6:13 PM] Kaperis: (AoE save or die, with this dicebot :sadpopo: )
  442. [6:13 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The banshee cackles, entering the jail cell slowly, materializing afore you. "Your souls... Shall be mine!"
  443. [6:14 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Ahaha. I gave you hints on Wail of Banshee, describing it.)
  444. [6:14 PM] Mizuki: "I'm such an idiot!" - Says Alicia on the verge of tears - "I'm sorry Azura..."
  445. [6:14 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Any form of preparation against Wail of Banshee will be count as immunity.)
  446. [6:14 PM] §upposition: (Nice playing with you all, it was fun :sadpopo: )
  447. [6:15 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle stabilizes. John stabilizes. Lexon, your move.
  448. [6:15 PM] Mizuki: "You're going to pay for this" - Shouts Alicia to the banshee
  449. [6:15 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: A Banshee stands before you!
  450. [6:15 PM] Kaperis: (Like... covering your ears? That actually does anything?)
  451. [6:15 PM] Runic: "Ugh, my ears!" Lexon complains
  452. [6:15 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (As long as you are unable to hear her.)
  453. [6:15 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (... or if you are undead or a construct.)
  454. [6:15 PM] Kaperis: (So, then no.)
  455. [6:16 PM] Runic: Lexon takes a quick glance, if everyone is alright... and its not the case seeing its only him and Alicia still standing
  456. [6:16 PM] Runic: "Just you and me now to take this thing down now, Alicia! Let's go!"
  457. [6:16 PM] Runic: Lexon draws out his shortsword and goes for a quick slash against the banshee
  458. [6:17 PM] Runic: roll 1d20+3
  459. [6:17 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+3]: 3, Result: 6
  460. [6:17 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You look at the Banshee...
  461. [6:17 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Wisdom Save, Lexon.
  462. [6:17 PM] Mizuki: Alicia sheates her shortsword, she won't need that now
  463. [6:17 PM] Runic: roll 1d20
  464. [6:17 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20]: 4, Result: 4
  465. [6:17 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The Banshee is otherworldly... In ugliness! It reminds you of that... that... dead...
  466. [6:18 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Your mind snaps. You are frightened. Your arms weaken, your legs melt into jelly. But you are able to fight.
  467. [6:18 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You lash out, but your strike grazes the wall.
  468. [6:18 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You are Frightened for 1 minute.
  469. [6:19 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Anything else? You may not move toward the Banshee, but you can stand your ground.
  470. [6:19 PM] Mizuki: (I'm going to burn everything now, get ready to carry me for a while :sadpopo:)
  471. [6:19 PM] Runic: Lexon can only stand his ground at the current situation
  472. [6:20 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Are there no something that you can steal from your fallen comrades to help? Perhaps even resusitate them...
  473. [6:20 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Hm.
  474. [6:20 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Alicia, your turn.
  475. [6:20 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You look at the Banshee, and fear strikes your heart. Please, give me a Wisdom Save.
  476. [6:20 PM] Mizuki: Roll 1d20+3
  477. [6:20 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+3]: 3, Result: 6
  478. [6:20 PM] Mizuki: (fugg)
  479. [6:21 PM] Kaperis: (I want a new dicebot :T)
  480. [6:22 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You are frightened, but that can't stop you now.
  481. [6:22 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Not like this, at least.
  482. [6:22 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You are frightened for 1 minute.
  483. [6:22 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (A frightened creature has disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls while the source of its fear is within line of sight.)
  484. [6:22 PM] Faerie: (Potions, holy water)
  485. [6:23 PM] Mizuki: After staring at the banshee's face, Alicia couldn't say anything else... It was ugly, way uglier than she expected it to be. That won't stop her now though! She casts Magic missile!(edited)
  486. [6:23 PM] Faerie: (Did Recelle dieded?)
  487. [6:23 PM] Kaperis: (How much do potions cost, again? Could I , like, retroactively say I got some?)
  488. [6:23 PM] Mizuki: Roll 3d4+3
  489. [6:23 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [3d4+3]: 2,2,3, Result: 10
  490. [6:23 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (She's disabled and dying, but stabilized.)
  491. [6:23 PM] Mizuki: And then!
  492. [6:23 PM] §upposition: (We never woke up, or I'd have those potions I make in my kit :c)
  493. [6:23 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The magical bolts strike the banshee, who lets out a wail in pain. Nothing as bad, of course.
  494. [6:24 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Oh, you have those potions. Check the google document!)
  495. [6:24 PM] Kaperis: (Fae: Recelle, John, Denalthir, and the familiar went from full to 0 mostly before getting a turn.)
  496. [6:24 PM] §upposition: (Eh)
  497. [6:24 PM] Mizuki: On a fit of rage and fear mixed together, she casts it again!
  498. [6:24 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Action Surge - and Magic Missile.
  499. [6:24 PM] Mizuki: (action surge)
  500. [6:24 PM] Faerie: (Dicebot please)
  501. [6:24 PM] Mizuki: Roll 3d4+3
  502. [6:24 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [3d4+3]: 2,1,3, Result: 9
  503. [6:25 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: A barrage of magical missiles rain down on the banshee, causing the arrogance to be wiped off its face, and it shimmers in pain.
  504. [6:25 PM] Sawai: (>everyone dying)
  505. [6:25 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... She lunges forth, trying to stangle you, Alicia.
  506. [6:25 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Lexon, you are able to strike at the Banshee, who ignored you!
  507. [6:26 PM] Runic: Lexon goes for another strike!
  508. [6:26 PM] Runic: roll 1d20+3
  509. [6:26 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+3]: 15, Result: 18
  510. [6:26 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Hit.
  511. [6:26 PM] Mizuki: Alicia covers her ears as hard as she can in panic!
  512. [6:26 PM] Runic: roll 1d6+4
  513. [6:26 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d6+4]: 1, Result: 5
  514. [6:26 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Sneak attack as Alicia is threatening the Banshee!
  515. [6:26 PM] Runic: (Dicebotpls)
  516. [6:27 PM] Runic: roll 2d6
  517. [6:27 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d6]: 1,5, Result: 6
  518. [6:27 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Your shortsword sinks into the banshee, where her heart would've been located at. It writhes in pain, but continues her focused assault...
  519. [6:27 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "You... beauty... It belongs to me....!"
  520. [6:27 PM] §upposition: (Oh, so I have the set of potions then?)
  521. [6:27 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It reaches for Alicia's throat.
  522. [6:27 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Yep)
  523. [6:27 PM] §upposition: (Just read the doc finally)
  524. [6:28 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+4
  525. [6:28 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+4]: 13, Result: 17
  526. [6:28 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 2d6+2
  527. [6:28 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d6+2]: 4,3, Result: 9
  528. [6:28 PM] Mizuki: "NOOO GET AWAY!!" - She screams. It was way too frightening, even for her.(edited)
  529. [6:29 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The hands tighten... But passes your throat, Alicia. Your throat tightens as if you swallowed a piece of ice, for a moment, and you feel your soul leaving your body for a moment.
  530. [6:29 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Your neck... bruised.
  531. [6:29 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The banshee scowls, looking even more ugly.
  532. [6:29 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Lexon, your move.
  533. [6:29 PM] Runic: Lexon, desperate to save Alicia, frantically keeps slashing at the banshee
  534. [6:30 PM] Runic: roll 1d20+3
  535. [6:30 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+3]: 19, Result: 22
  536. [6:30 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Hit!
  537. [6:30 PM] Runic: roll 1d6+4
  538. [6:30 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d6+4]: 5, Result: 9
  539. [6:30 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Sneak attack.
  540. [6:30 PM] Runic: roll 2d6
  541. [6:30 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d6]: 6,5, Result: 11
  542. [6:30 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: In your desperation, time itself seems to stop.
  543. [6:31 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Between one moment and next, you are able to move, pinpointing at a glimmer of... Something.
  544. [6:31 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You struck.
  545. [6:31 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... The sword passes through the Banshee, who gives a wail in pain, as it fades from sight.
  546. [6:31 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Combat's over.
  547. [6:31 PM] Runic: "I-its dead!"
  548. [6:32 PM] Runic: Lexon falls down into a sitting position shaking and panting a bit from the fear that still hasn't yet totally passed
  549. [6:33 PM] Mizuki: Alicia is still covering her ears, her legs shaking... If it weren't for Azura and Lexon... She would be probably dead.
  550. [6:33 PM] Runic: "You okay Alicia?"
  551. [6:33 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: This is not a good time to relax.
  552. [6:33 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The wall thuds, and the jail cells still are full of excited zombies.
  553. [6:33 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Things can only go downhill from here; this is a Nightmare, after all.
  554. [6:34 PM] Faerie: (Feelio when Halloween campaign feature :smugsatori:)
  556. [6:34 PM] Mizuki: "I-I am, thanks" - She answers shaking - "Lets... take care of our companions before those zombies manage to come out!"
  557. [6:34 PM] Runic: Lexon, still in the sitting position, slides over to the closest one to him due to his legs still feeling a little weak and tries to wake them up.
  559. [6:35 PM] Mizuki: She kneels and tends to Azura, while looking at the pockets of her companions for potions or healing supplies
  560. [6:35 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You ... Can almost feel the malice from the one who claims himself to be the puppetteer, displeased at you dispelling his draconic form and defying him.
  561. [6:35 PM] Mizuki: Still shaking uncontrolably
  562. [6:36 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The message on the wall, across the jail cell... It's almost as if it was written for you.
  563. [6:36 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Or perhaps it's just paranoid?
  565. [6:36 PM] Runic: Lexon identifies the one that closest to him and trying to wake them up is John
  566. [6:36 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You are able to loot Healing Potions from your companion - specifically, Denalthir .
  567. [6:37 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: If you previously had Potion of Healing, you are able to use them.
  568. [6:37 PM] Mizuki: (how many?)
  569. [6:37 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Denalthir should be carrying 3 Potion of Healing atm?)
  570. [6:37 PM] §upposition: (2?)
  571. [6:37 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (This is a lie.)
  572. [6:37 PM] Kaperis: (How long does it take to recover from incap normally?)
  573. [6:38 PM] Mizuki: (did I take any damage?)
  574. [6:38 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... upon closer examination, one of the potion out of 3 is Anti-Cold.
  575. [6:38 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Yes.)
  576. [6:38 PM] Runic: (13 psychic I believe)
  577. [6:38 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (9 Necrotic from choking)
  578. [6:38 PM] Faerie: Can you, like, potion someone with Medicine so they can stabilize the others?)
  579. [6:38 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ( Yes. )
  580. [6:38 PM] Runic: (Yeah, so 22 total then?)
  581. [6:38 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ( Takes an hour of short rest.)
  582. [6:38 PM] Faerie: (And then short rest it up or somesuch? t. Pot jew)
  583. [6:39 PM] Kaperis: (Can't really call it being a jew if nobody can normally afford them.)
  584. [6:40 PM] Faerie: (I'm sorry, I'm stranded here taking care of my sister so I haven't joined :sadpopo:)
  585. [6:40 PM] §upposition: (I'm still unconscious, come steal my potion pls)
  586. [6:40 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: There's not much you are able to do; Perhaps locking the jail cell back up, and waiting for an hour in the dark would be the best course of action.
  587. [6:41 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Or charge out there, and see if the zombies would be nice enough to negotiate for a potion or two, perhaps?
  589. [6:41 PM] Mizuki: Alicia takes the lockpick from John's pocket approaches the cell door, and with a deep breath, tries to relock it
  590. [6:41 PM] Runic: (How many zombies are in the cells?)
  591. [6:41 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (about 6 - 12 per cell; the cells are overpacked.)
  592. [6:41 PM] Kaperis: (As many as there used to be inmates)
  593. [6:42 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (it's as if all the thieves and rogues in the cities somehow got themselves in before the Z Day.)
  594. [6:42 PM] Mizuki: Roll 1d20+5
  595. [6:42 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+5]: 10, Result: 15
  596. [6:42 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: click
  597. [6:42 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Waiting for an hour in the dark?
  598. [6:42 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: If so, you are able to Short Rest.
  599. [6:43 PM] Runic: Lexon turns and looks at the door that had been previously unlocked... and seemingly locked by Alicia
  600. [6:43 PM] Mizuki: She puts the lockpick on her pocket and sits down on a corner. Azura resting on her lap
  601. [6:43 PM] Faerie: (Do you get to spend hit dice of you're at 0?)
  602. [6:43 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Yeah.)
  603. [6:43 PM] Mizuki: (rest for one hour, arcane recovery)
  604. [6:44 PM] Runic: (We saving potions now?)
  605. [6:44 PM] Kaperis: (Was there an action for recovering HP during short rests?)
  606. [6:44 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (You are able to spend your Hit Dices!)
  607. [6:45 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Let me find it)
  608. [6:45 PM] Mizuki: (how does that work?)
  609. [6:45 PM] KogasaGaSagasa:
  610. [6:46 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: So, in the case of a level 10 barbarian whose at 0, he is able to roll 1d12+X, and repeat until he rolled up to 10, or until he feels alright with it.
  612. [6:46 PM] Mizuki: (so what do I roll for that?)
  613. [6:47 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (You have 2 d10's and 2 d6's.)
  614. [6:47 PM] §upposition: (Am I recovering while being knocked out then, or do I have to 'wake up' first?)
  615. [6:47 PM] Faerie: (Both get your CON mod, however)
  616. [6:47 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (You are recovering and partaking in the short rest.)
  617. [6:47 PM] Mizuki: (and how do I recover hit dies?)
  618. [6:47 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Long Rest.)
  619. [6:47 PM] Mizuki: (cool)
  620. [6:47 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Long Rest is 8 hours, usually involving sleep. You are able to reset your hit dies and all your HP)
  621. [6:47 PM] §upposition: roll 1d6+3
  622. [6:47 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d6+3]: 3, Result: 6
  623. [6:47 PM] Kaperis: (I think you have to wait 1d4 hours to recover from stable/unconscious, then you can spend Hit Dice?)
  624. [6:48 PM] §upposition: Roll 1d6+3
  625. [6:48 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d6+3]: 1, Result: 4
  626. [6:48 PM] Mizuki: Roll 2d10+2
  627. [6:48 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d10+2]: 9,3, Result: 14
  628. [6:48 PM] Mizuki: (coolio)
  629. [6:48 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (You can roll them one by one, Mizu)
  630. [6:48 PM] §upposition: Roll 1d6+3
  631. [6:48 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d6+3]: 5, Result: 8
  632. [6:48 PM] Mizuki: (oh, the 2 was a misstype)
  633. [6:48 PM] §upposition: I'll stop at 18 total with those 3 hit die spent
  634. [6:48 PM] Kaperis: (Also, do the zombies ever get bored and shut up during this time? :sadpopo: )
  635. [6:48 PM] Mizuki: (take the first one only pls :sadpopo: )
  636. [6:48 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Ok, um.
  637. [6:49 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: During this rest, you are able to stir awake, and feel rather weakened, and hear the going-on from Alicia if you choose to.
  638. [6:49 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The zombies are unable to find the source of light, and died down after...
  639. [6:49 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 6d6
  640. [6:49 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [6d6]: 1,5,6,4,4,3, Result: 23
  641. [6:49 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: 23 minutes.
  643. [6:50 PM] §upposition: Denalthir comes to after a short while, back in the cell they started in. Her ears still ring, and she gives a shiver, feeling a chill deep inside her from the Banshee's wail
  644. [6:51 PM] Mizuki: (Koga, what about Azura?)
  645. [6:51 PM] Mizuki: (will she roll too?)
  646. [6:51 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Good question)
  647. [6:51 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d4
  648. [6:51 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d4]: 4, Result: 4
  649. [6:51 PM] Kaperis: (Don't you have to resummon?)
  650. [6:51 PM] §upposition: It takes a bit more time for her hearing to return to normal, but afterward she consults Alicia about what happened
  651. [6:52 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (I was kind; I made it so that both the familiar and Recelle get death saves; familiar should be dismissed at 0 instead of being knocked out)
  652. [6:52 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d8
  653. [6:52 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d8]: 8, Result: 8
  654. [6:52 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d8
  655. [6:52 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d8]: 1, Result: 1
  656. [6:52 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d8
  657. [6:52 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d8]: 1, Result: 1
  658. [6:52 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d8
  659. [6:52 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d8]: 3, Result: 3
  660. [6:53 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle looks worse for the wear, but she's awake now at least. The tip of her ears seem to droop.
  661. [6:53 PM] Kaperis: John lifts his head eventually and looks around. He pulls himself up against the wall and listens along with Denalthir. The word 'cheap' comes to mind.
  662. [6:53 PM] Mizuki: Alicia explains everything to Denalthir
  663. [6:53 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ...
  664. [6:53 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The Banshee left behind a pile of ghostly ectoplastic dust.
  665. [6:53 PM] Mizuki: (A-Azura?)
  666. [6:54 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Azura is ... Fine.
  667. [6:54 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: As far as you can tell.
  668. [6:54 PM] §upposition: "...I'll have to remember not to take those things too lightly again." Denalthir scoffs.
  669. [6:54 PM] Mizuki: (awake?)
  670. [6:54 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: She limps around a bit, before prancing around.
  671. [6:54 PM] Runic: Lexon looks at the ectoplasmic dust left behind
  672. [6:54 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... That was an interesting experience, Master. I am glad that you are safe."
  673. [6:54 PM] Runic: "Since we killed that pain in the ass of a ghost, can we actually have any use for whatever it dropped?"
  674. [6:55 PM] Runic: Lexon asks curiously(edited)
  675. [6:55 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The dust should be... of value for alchemy and the like.
  676. [6:55 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You may collect it and perhaps sell it later?
  677. [6:55 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Digging around the dust, you see the dust is covering up a small, charred phrase.
  678. [6:56 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: [Nightmare] "Welcome to the Nightmare. I found you..."
  679. [6:56 PM] Mizuki: "I'm sorry, I'm such an idiot! I knew about her wail, but I was too dumb to do anything" - She answers telephatically, her eyes tearing up - "Thanks for covering my ears... You saved us all"(edited)
  680. [6:57 PM] Runic: Lexon pockets the dust
  681. [6:57 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Ideal solution would be casting Silence, Master. Once you are of sufficient arcane poweress, perhaps that should be a topic of study?" Azura suggests, pawing Alicia softly in comforting paws.
  682. [6:57 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Lexon, write "200 GP worth of Banshee Dust" down in your inventory.
  684. [6:58 PM] Kaperis: John didn't really get a good look at it, but... "Maybe we could try making earplugs?" He's got some gauze in his healer's kit.
  685. [6:58 PM] Mizuki: "Y-Yes... Thanks..." - She answers while carefully hugging the cat
  686. [6:58 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle seems crestfallen. "Well... Should I start sniping down the zombies? I have about 20 shots with me..."
  687. [6:58 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Azura gently licks Alicia. It tickles.
  688. [6:59 PM] Runic: "That doesn't seem like a good idea Recelle" Lexon replies
  689. [6:59 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You are not really wounded too badly, but you still feel a bit empty inside - as if your soul was being violently torn away.
  690. [6:59 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "A, ahaha, I guess not..."
  691. [6:59 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle seems more nervous than before, staring at the message. Is she really free, as she is?
  693. [7:00 PM] Runic: "It'd be cool and all to see a bunch of these undead to have they're heads explode, but that makes a bunch of noise" Lexon sighs
  694. [7:00 PM] Kaperis: John tries to remember what the instructors had said about emergency undead situations. Are most zombies drawn to loud noise?
  695. [7:01 PM] §upposition: Denalthir notices the message, and approaches Recelle, turning her away from it and inspecting her for wounds
  696. [7:01 PM] Runic: "Don't worry, at this point, we'll probably need you to do it soon Recelle"
  697. [7:01 PM] §upposition: ...But mainly distracting her from it
  698. [7:01 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "I wonder... What will happen if I die here. You'll be captured by the demon, but what about me? ..." Recelle shudders, unwilling to think any further about it. But the thought crawls in her mind... [Recelle is Frightened while in the Nightmare until further notice.]
  700. [7:02 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Somewhat, John; The best thing to do about zombies is to contact the local Temple for exorcism.
  701. [7:02 PM] §upposition: "Recelle. you will not die. You're a mercenary right? Since when do you fear death? It's very unbecoming of you."
  702. [7:02 PM] Kaperis: "Then you won't die here," John says simply, patting Recelle on the shoulder as he pushes to his feet.
  703. [7:02 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "M-maybe..."
  704. [7:02 PM] Mizuki: "N-No one is going to die Recelle" - Says Alicia trying to help - "We just need to be more careful..."
  705. [7:02 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle seems unconvinced. "I-I'll be ok, I just need some time..."
  707. [7:03 PM] §upposition: Denalthir reaches inside her baggy clothing, not quite used to it, and fishes out a Potion of Healing
  708. [7:03 PM] §upposition: She shoves it into Recelle's hand.
  709. [7:03 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Failing that, or if situation gets out of hand, John: A Temple, especially of good gods, will be the last bastion of defense, and innocents should be directed to said location.
  710. [7:03 PM] Kaperis: (How many Hit Dice can I roll, again?)
  711. [7:03 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "A-ah, thanks." Recelle smiles weakly at the gesture.
  712. [7:03 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Up to your maximum; you should roll them one by one since you might overheal)
  713. [7:03 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (And you can stop anytime)
  714. [7:04 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (So, if you are comfy with half HP, you can stop after hitting that mark)
  715. [7:04 PM] Kaperis: roll 2d10+4
  716. [7:04 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d10+4]: 8,3, Result: 15
  717. [7:04 PM] §upposition: "...Live strong."
  718. [7:04 PM] §upposition: Denalthir stands back up and moves herself back to a wall to rest and think of how to proceed
  719. [7:04 PM] Runic: Lexon decides to gets some rest as well
  720. [7:05 PM] Runic: roll 2d6+2
  721. [7:05 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d6+2]: 2,4, Result: 8
  722. [7:05 PM] Kaperis: roll 2d10+4
  723. [7:05 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d10+4]: 6,6, Result: 16
  724. [7:06 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Recelle brings out a small package of food, and shares some with you. It's mostly nuts and berries from Windsmere, and it seems to remind her of how real things are for a moment.
  725. [7:06 PM] Mizuki: "No more fires" - Alicia says sitting on a corner - "Walking in the dark is bad, but drawing attention to us is even worse"
  726. [7:06 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: She's still shakened, and mentally unstable, but she should hold for the moment.
  727. [7:07 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "I... I can keep an eye out." Recelle suggests nervously.
  728. [7:07 PM] §upposition: "It's alright, I can take care of it. Take care of yourself Recelle"
  729. [7:08 PM] Mizuki: "Sit and get some rest, Recelle" - Suggested Alicia
  730. [7:09 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle does so, munching on some trail rations, huddling with her musket close by, as nervous as she can be.
  731. [7:09 PM] Kaperis: "Aah, I shouldn't have traded in my crossbow..." John laments. "Sorry. Not being able to use your weapon in a situation like this must be tough. I've got a few spares, though!" John offers Recelle his backup flail, or a couple javelins.
  732. [7:10 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "A-ah, no, that's alright! I am really not that great with most weapons..." Recelle expresses her lack of proficiency in most weapons, even simple ones, unless it's ones that she specifically trained for...
  733. [7:11 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... She's merely one of the many survivors of a race behind in time, after all.
  734. [7:11 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Thanks for the gesture. I- I am sure I can cover your back." Recelle nods to herself.
  736. [7:12 PM] §upposition: "...Weapons hm?"
  737. [7:12 PM] Kaperis: "... What?" John doesn't seem to understand. "... See this pointy part? It's supposed to go into the person attacking you. Don't worry, it's weird at first, but you get used to it pretty fast!" John's voice betrays absolutely no condescension or sarcasm.
  738. [7:12 PM] Faerie: (Aight, chief, drop me off when you feel like it.)
  739. [7:12 PM] Mizuki: "M-Maybe I could teach you how to wield a sword later?" - Asked Alicia. She didn't want to admit it, but she was pretty nervous too - "Just like you teached me how to use a musket..."
  740. [7:13 PM] §upposition: Denalthir fishes around once again...where did she put that thing...
  741. [7:13 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Azura mewls softly, nuzzling against Alicia's thigh. "Plan, Master. Have a few plans, and be prepared - and always expect the unexpected. For you are Magus."
  742. [7:13 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Something feels wrong.
  743. [7:13 PM] §upposition: She pulls out the piece of Wand that Recelle had split for her and 3 others. Now, if any, was the time to use it
  744. [7:13 PM] Kaperis: There's a twinkle in his eye as he holds out the Javelin.
  745. [7:13 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... And by that, I mean there seems to be one more person with you in the jail cell.
  746. [7:14 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: [Nightmare] The number is wrong. It's always wrong.
  747. [7:14 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ...
  748. [7:14 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: But it was just Razmik.
  749. [7:14 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Razmik: You've fallen asleep, and found yourself in a jail cell with your comrades.
  751. [7:15 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle hesitantly holds the Javelin.
  752. [7:15 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... It feels awkward holding a stick like this that I can't shoot with..." Recelle admits.
  753. [7:15 PM] Kaperis: (... To be fair, they're called simple weapons for a reason :smugpopo:. How skinny is this elf?)
  754. [7:16 PM] Mizuki: "A-A plan? " - Asked Alicia telephatically - "Lexon Said there's a lot of undead down there, and I don't even know how to get out of this place yet... I'll be more careful from now though.."
  755. [7:16 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Wizard skinny :smugpopo: )
  756. [7:17 PM] Mizuki: "I won't be surprised anymore" - telephatically
  757. [7:17 PM] Faerie: Razmik simply lowers the piece of cloth covering his mouth. Thinly cloaked this time, he effusively greets the group.
  758. [7:17 PM] Kaperis: "Hm. I've heard of people attaching spikes to the ends of miniature cannons like yours, too. So it'll probably be a lot like that."
  759. [7:17 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Y-yeah..."
  760. [7:18 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle's proficiency: Firearms, dagger, darts, slings, quarterstaffs, light crossbows. (A la wizard, + firearms)
  761. [7:18 PM] Runic: Lexon waves at Razmik in the dark "Hey Razmik, glad to see you here. More the merrier"
  762. [7:18 PM] Faerie: "Fancy seeing you all here! What is this place, did you get sent here long ago?" Everything looked a bit dirty, to be honest, and some of his companions looked like they had seen (another) ghost.(edited)
  763. [7:18 PM] §upposition: Denalthir acknowledges Razmik with a simple greeting: "...Shield your ears."
  764. [7:18 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ( :ghost: )
  765. [7:18 PM] Kaperis: John's taller than her! It's probably about the right size for a quarterstaff, for Recelle!
  766. [7:19 PM] Faerie: (Boo!)
  767. [7:19 PM] Faerie: roll 1d100 rolling for mood
  768. [7:19 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d100]: 8, Result: 8
  769. [7:19 PM] Runic: Lexon shifts closer to Razmik in order to breifly explain what has happened so far... as well as Dnalthir's jokingly warning
  770. [7:19 PM] Runic: (Dicebotpls)
  771. [7:19 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "I hope that's the only ghost around here...." Recelle whispers.
  772. [7:20 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Jail's a rather oftenly haunted place, what with the wrongly jailed and executed and all, and from the way the moon sits in the sky, it's going to be a long night.
  773. [7:20 PM] Faerie: Suddenly catching up to the fact that he was probably not supposed to make much noise, Razmik squats as he listens to Lexon's explanation with intent.
  775. [7:21 PM] Faerie: (At least we didn't get ported to Castlevania)
  776. [7:21 PM] Kaperis: John mentions the contents of the pamphlet, too.
  777. [7:21 PM] Mizuki: "Raz..." - Alicia starts - "Thanks for the sword you gave me the other day, but I fear I'm not very good with heavy weapons such as this one... You can take it back" - She Said handing him the longsword(edited)
  778. [7:22 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Oh Fae, I checked the other day: Your shield can be, and likely is, emblem'd to carry symbol of the Morninglord; your shield literally counts as a holy symbol too if you want it, as it's standard-issued by your Order)
  780. [7:23 PM] Kaperis: John chuckles. Swords never felt right to him, either. One can easily picture knights and heroes wielding swords, but that's so not him.
  781. [7:23 PM] §upposition: (While we're here, remind me how those wands worked again? I don't think I wrote it down but iirc, 4 charges of Ray of Frost or something like that?)
  782. [7:23 PM] Faerie: ''That's alright - you're honestly a lot nimbler than everything about you would suggest.'' Razmik packs the sword, ad offhandedly comments: ''What's this cat doing in a place like this?''
  783. [7:23 PM] Mizuki: (3 charges)
  784. [7:23 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (2 charges, each charge can be used to cast Scroching Rays that deal Cold damage)
  785. [7:24 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Spending 2 charges let you cast it at level 3 instead of 2)
  786. [7:24 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Spending all charges can cause it to break at a low chance. It recharges at Dawn of each day.)
  787. [7:24 PM] Faerie: (Yeah, I've been using it as a spellcasting symbol for the most part, except when using the Bloodaxe or whatever else)
  788. [7:24 PM] Faerie: (Also, I don't think Alicia has made explicit her Arcane Focus)
  789. [7:24 PM] Mizuki: "Oh, it's Azura, on a different form this time" - Alicia answers
  790. [7:25 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Azura greets Razmik, walking over and nuzzles a little against the Paladin.
  791. [7:25 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Only very little. She then daintly walks back beside Alicia.
  792. [7:26 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Razmik. Your holy symbol.
  793. [7:26 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You feel heat from it. It's not alit, but it feels like it ... Almost hurts.
  794. [7:26 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You can tell, without Divine Sense, that this place is filled with your deity's enemies.
  796. [7:27 PM] Mizuki: Alicia kneels and pets Azura - "Now that we're well rested, should we move? I don't like this place..."
  797. [7:28 PM] Faerie: ''Ah, hello.'' He really had no clue how that worked. And why not a dog? Still, the stench in here - it stung his nostrils and made him feel like sneezing.
  798. [7:28 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "You would not be considering the path of Necromancy, would you, Master?" Azura asks, as if... Curious. "I do not have qualm either way, Master."
  799. [7:28 PM] Faerie: (I'd probably throw up if I used sense here, huh :sadpopo:)
  800. [7:28 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (If you are lucky, that'd be all.)
  801. [7:28 PM] Faerie: (Oh, man.)
  802. [7:28 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Joking, joking.)
  803. [7:29 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Divine Sense shouldn't sicken you. It's a tool, not a detriment.)
  804. [7:29 PM] Kaperis: "We should find higher ground. A place with a prison like this would have a lookout tower with a good range of view."
  805. [7:29 PM] Runic: "I agree with John, that seems like a good course of action"
  806. [7:30 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Y-yeah, maybe find a shrine... Guards are suspicious and superstitious, especially in jails, right?" Recelle suggests.
  807. [7:30 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Maybe there's a shrine to Helm or something..."
  808. [7:30 PM] Faerie: Yeah, it didn't exactly take a whole lot of focusing to sense in there. Razmik felt a rather uncomfortable sensation - like pins and prickles on his hands, and an immaterial weight over his heads - whenever he closed his eyes for more than an instant.
  809. [7:31 PM] Mizuki: "I may not sound very wizard-like speaking like this, but... I feel like it's wrong to perturb the dead." - Answered Alicia - "I have no interest in necromancy.(edited)
  810. [7:31 PM] Kaperis: "Oh, thanks, but I'm all right. I polished mine this morning," John says, adjusting his helmet.
  811. [7:31 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You've actually heard of rumor of guards that asks to keep a black cat around the barrack in order to drive away evil spirits, John. But that might've been exaggeration or a rumor.
  812. [7:31 PM] Faerie: ''A shrine, ah... in a place like this?''
  813. [7:31 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "I don't actually know." Recelle says :sadpopo:
  815. [7:32 PM] Kaperis: (... What color is Azura?)
  816. [7:32 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (What color IS Azura, Alicia?)
  817. [7:32 PM] Mizuki: (She's one of those cute orange cats)
  818. [7:32 PM] Kaperis: (Tabby!)
  819. [7:32 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ( "You wield Azura's Star? How... how can such a thing be possible?" )
  820. [7:32 PM] Faerie: (Aww, I thought it'd be black. That's cute.)
  822. [7:33 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ( Don't worry ,Azura's black inside. :smugpopo: )
  823. [7:33 PM] Mizuki: (like that)
  824. [7:33 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Azura glances around, prancing a little.(edited)
  825. [7:34 PM] Faerie: (Oh my god, Azura just got like thrice as cute)
  826. [7:34 PM] Kaperis: (No wonder it was the first to die in a zombie scenario.)
  829. [7:34 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ( But yeah, you lots DID start in a proverbial dungeon. I didn't lie. :smugpopo: )
  830. [7:35 PM] Kaperis: "Anyway, let's get started. This has code black written all over it, but we'll need to look to be sure." John takes the lead out of the cell.
  831. [7:35 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Let's not waste time unlocking the jail cell!
  832. [7:35 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It opens after some fiddling!
  833. [7:35 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: BAM!
  834. [7:35 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... I mean, quietly.
  836. [7:36 PM] Mizuki: Alicia follows John out of the cell
  837. [7:36 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The zombies either have poor vision, or just doesn't seem to be too interested in you for some reason.
  838. [7:36 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You are able to walk around and explore in the dark. Your armors would clank once in a while, but it doesn't seem to be a huge issue.
  840. [7:37 PM] Kaperis: "--Oh, right." John advises Razmik not to use any Paladin powers that'd create bright light, except as a last resort. Light agitates the zombies.
  841. [7:38 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... the jail cells are formed like 3 sides of a square.
  842. [7:38 PM] §upposition: Denalthir heads up the expedition, since she is one of the few with Darkvision
  843. [7:38 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: A ㄇ , if you will.
  844. [7:38 PM] §upposition: She proceeds cautiously, wary of any further ambushes
  845. [7:39 PM] Faerie: ''Creating light is a bit above of my scope, but I get the picture. Ah, maybe someone else should have this.''
  846. [7:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: On what is the "north" side of the building, there are offices and stairs that possibly lead to the administration. Otherwise, each wing carries about 20 cells each, each cramped full with people.
  848. [7:39 PM] Faerie: Razmik passes the driftglobe over to Lexon, after a word of warning. ''Catch.''
  849. [7:39 PM] Faerie: (Just slaaam.)
  850. [7:40 PM] Kaperis: (Careful, make sure you don't hurt nobody.)
  851. [7:41 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: There isn't anything... ./immediately/ dangerous, from the look of things? You are able to go out to the courtyard, but from the crack of door .... You can spot about 400 or so zombies outside.
  852. [7:41 PM] Mizuki: "I'm not really looking forward to entering another room full of zombies ehehe" - Said Alicia nervously - "Maybe we should climb those stairs for now?"
  853. [7:41 PM] §upposition: "...Should we check the offices?"
  854. [7:41 PM] Faerie: ''Sure wish somebody could at least turn it up, though. The light, that is.''
  855. [7:41 PM] Faerie: (I'll stop now)
  856. [7:41 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: 2 sets of stairs lead up, one lead down.
  857. [7:41 PM] Kaperis: Once outside, John looks for a tower or something similar with a good view.
  859. [7:41 PM] Runic: Lexon casually catches the driftglobe "Not sure how to use this, but I'll figure it out"
  860. [7:42 PM] Kaperis: Is this whole place a prison? A castle? Fortress?
  861. [7:42 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It seems to be a dedicated prison. You are unable to tell, but you seem to be in middle of a city?
  862. [7:42 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Looking out from a window, you spot things such as wizard's towers and a keep at a far distnace, with buildings inbetween... all around.
  863. [7:43 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The city is completely dark, and silent.
  864. [7:43 PM] Faerie: (I don't know anything about Dark Souls, but didn't it start in a prison littered with undead?)
  865. [7:43 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: For a city of this scale, you estimate at least of 50 thousands in population....
  866. [7:43 PM] Mizuki: (spooky adventure)
  867. [7:43 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: This is not right.
  868. [7:43 PM] Kaperis: (Already made that reference. :T)
  869. [7:43 PM] Faerie: (:sadpopo:)(edited)
  870. [7:44 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Any cities, even with curfew laws, would at least have some sounds or lights from the keep.
  871. [7:44 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The patrols at night would carry torches.
  872. [7:44 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It's not like this. Not supposed to be.
  874. [7:45 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The number of zombies, 400 strong, out in the courtyard is a worrysome notion as well.
  875. [7:45 PM] Mizuki: Alicia tries to remember stories of cities completely lost by undead... Surely, she heard something before
  876. [7:46 PM] Kaperis: "... It's as bad as I thought, huh..." A code black outbreak. John's only heard of them. An infestation worthy of complete and utter quarantine. Everything within the bounds was to be considered a lost cause.
  877. [7:46 PM] Mizuki: Roll 1d20+5
  878. [7:46 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+5]: 9, Result: 14
  879. [7:46 PM] Mizuki: (she didn't :sadpopo: )
  880. [7:46 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Necropolis. Cities completely lost to the undead plague, or perhaps ... Well.
  881. [7:46 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: There are many form of "City of the Dead".
  882. [7:47 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: A: Everyone are infected slowly, and it triggered overnight. Minimal struggle, most citizens are turn to undead, news spread across the planes of existance. Gods likely involved.
  883. [7:47 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: B: City struck by city-wide spell, likely Epic in scale. Likely involve wizards or clerics of the highest caliber, if not gods themselves.
  884. [7:48 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: C: It's a city started by undeads.
  885. [7:48 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: D: Other possibilities exist.
  886. [7:48 PM] Faerie: ''From what Lexon told me, there's probably not much of a population to be had here, if the rest's anything like the place we just got out of.'' Razmik clutches his pouch, thinking of any potential uses for holy water in a place swarming with the living dead.
  887. [7:48 PM] Kaperis: "But... if everyone's gone already, whose nightmare is this?" John wonders aloud.
  888. [7:49 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You feel a familiar shift in the air... As a dragon, made of rainbow, materializes next to Azura.
  889. [7:49 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Azura licks it.
  890. [7:49 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "I can ans- ee, that tickles." The dragon whimpers and giggles softly.
  891. [7:49 PM] Faerie: ''John, how do you usually deal with such occurences back in Armsdale? Er, rather, how would you be supposed to react?'' He somewhat doubted John's hometown had ever had to deal with something of this scale.
  892. [7:50 PM] Mizuki: "That 's a good question, John..." - Answers Alicia - " There's probably someone still alive, somewhere"
  893. [7:50 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The .... pseudodragon? floats up in the air, riding on a rainbow bubble. Drastically out of place compare to rest of the scenery.
  895. [7:51 PM] Faerie: ''Hold that thought.'' Razmik considers, and brings something that never quite left his mind up: ''Back at the table, with the King... the gemstones.''
  896. [7:53 PM] Kaperis: "...I try not to imagine it anyway," John mumbles.
  897. [7:53 PM] Faerie: He pauses, as if waiting for his companions to remember. ''The king said beings of all shapes, forms and kinds had been swallowed by that... demon.'' and adds, holding back his contempt. ''As we have already seen, some undead retain some of their intelligence, and in some cases, even sentience. As for who's the one dreaming this, would it be possible...?''
  898. He begs the question.
  900. [7:55 PM] Mizuki: Can undead dream? Wondered Alicia
  901. [7:55 PM] Kaperis: The worst that's happened to Armsdale is a necromancer messing with a graveyard, miles from the populated areas of town. Once the barricades were up, adventurers didn't take long to sort it out.
  902. [7:55 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: As if charmed by the dragon, Azura starts playing with the dragon, wrestling it playfully as it fights back gently. It's a furball tumbling with a lizard. They both have enough sense to not make too much noise, however.
  903. [7:55 PM] Mizuki: (can I roll anything for that?)
  904. [7:55 PM] §upposition: "...I'm sure it'll become apparent soon enough. We should find out where to go from here though."
  905. [7:55 PM] Kaperis: John looks at the dragon. "Uh, do you have any idea what this is?" he asks it.
  906. [7:55 PM] §upposition: Denalthir looks around, nervously
  907. [7:55 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Undeads? It's questionable how dreams are. No one is sure.)
  909. [7:56 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Hmm?" The dragon says, pinned by Azura.
  910. [7:56 PM] Kaperis: (I forget his/her/its name. Sorry.)
  911. [7:57 PM] Mizuki: Alicia stares at Azura and the dragon smiling. It's good to see Azura is having fun, at least.
  912. [7:57 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Ohh. It's a story that never happened, in the never-ever land, told by the demons." Izzifinir - Izzi - mewls in defeat.
  913. [7:57 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "That the demon lord, Orcus, will one day have his kingdom in the land of men, and that the undead shall rise and replace the living in eternal dominion." The dragon blows a small, rainbow bubble.
  914. [7:58 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Orcus tried time and again - but never succeed anywhere in the multiverse." The dragon giggles. "But for those that died... Does it matter that Orcus never won?"
  915. [7:59 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "This is the Folly of Heroes." The dragon grins. "Nightmare of those that they cannot, could not, or forgot to save."
  917. [8:00 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Izzi looks nervously at the moon. And pushes the triumpant Azura off his back. She then flats its wings, floating a little...
  918. [8:00 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "I shouldn't stick around for too long, least the demon eat me. But I'll keep my eyes on you!" The dragon mewls.
  919. [8:01 PM] Kaperis: "Uh... thanks," John says, waving. :sadpopo:
  920. [8:02 PM] Faerie: (Wait, >she? Damnit, the king was right about the harem)
  921. [8:03 PM] Runic: Lexon gives a wave goodbye as well, still not too used to the bewildering creature that apears and goes as it pleases
  922. [8:03 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Izzi's gender is unknown - I never assigned it any, so I use any pronoun that I feel like for him/her/it.)
  924. [8:03 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (it's only... The Gate and the Key.)
  925. [8:04 PM] Faerie: ''Ah, that is quite useful to know, thanks.'' And a mouthful, too. But it made him wonder. ''Will you be alright? What's that bit about the demon, does it know you're here?''
  926. [8:04 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "He can't catch me~" The dragon makes a small, sing-song voice, before fading away.
  928. [8:05 PM] Kaperis: Heroes, demons... This feels a bit out of John's pay grade. His reaction would be to evacuate any survivors safely, and that doesn't seem to be a concern here. "So, what should we do?" he asks the group.
  930. [8:05 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Kill Orcus. Surely that will help." Azura uncharacteristically made a joke, to Alicia.
  931. [8:06 PM] §upposition: "Keep exploring."Denalthir peeks around the next corner without the others, to scout ahead
  932. [8:06 PM] Mizuki: "I honestly have no idea" - Said Alicia - "Full of zombies inside, full of zombies outside"
  933. [8:06 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You mapped out the location for the most parts.
  934. [8:06 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... the first floor.
  935. [8:06 PM] Faerie: ''What a funny creature.'' Not even Razmik was sure if he was refering to the fun-sized dragon, or to his fellow's feline familiar. (Whoa, alliteration)
  936. [8:06 PM] Mizuki: With a smile Alicia pets Azura - "Sounds easy!"
  937. [8:06 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Again, you can go... Up, down, or outside. Or back in your jail cell?
  938. [8:07 PM] Kaperis: John scans the horizon one more time, trying to see if there's anything he overlooked.
  939. [8:07 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: I am not sure where you would like to go, or what you would like to do... Adventurers.
  941. [8:07 PM] Runic: (Anywhere but the courtyard)
  942. [8:07 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: There's nothing out there. The city is dead.
  943. [8:07 PM] §upposition: Denalthir approaches the down staircase with some trepidation...and slowly desends, to see if anything is ahead down there.
  944. [8:08 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The sky is devoid of any night birds. There are no people out there.
  945. [8:08 PM] §upposition: (Sneakily if possible)
  946. [8:08 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: No fire, no smoke, no signs of life.
  947. [8:08 PM] Mizuki: Alicia follows Denalthir carefully
  948. [8:08 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Whoever's still alive, they'd be hiding very very well.
  949. [8:08 PM] Kaperis: (meta: Orcus can't pop into the normal world on a whim. This kind of thing always takes plotting, and more importantly, magic. John saw some wizard towers in the distance. )
  950. [8:09 PM] §upposition: (inb4 Orcus was already summoned :smugpopo: )
  951. [8:09 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Hm.
  952. [8:09 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You walk down the stairs, to the basement of the jail complex.
  953. [8:09 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It seems to be the high security jail cells.
  954. [8:09 PM] Kaperis: (Well, yes, that seems to be the case :sadpopo: But maybe we'll find answers? There's got to be something sustaining the nightmare, if we're here.)
  955. [8:09 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: There is an iron gate that leads into the cell complex, with a guard post.
  956. [8:10 PM] Faerie: Well, if there was no one alive to be found nearby, maybe their first move should be to scout out for someplace a bit more fruitful to explore.
  957. [8:10 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The guard post is empty, but whoever left their post left the keys behind as well.
  958. [8:10 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You have obtained the keys to the jail complex.
  959. [8:10 PM] Kaperis: (Resident Evil SE)
  960. [8:11 PM] Faerie: ''John is probably right; getting to a better vantage point could be a good idea. Maybe from one of the nearby towers, no?''
  961. [8:11 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Of note, the High Security area is unlocked already.
  962. [8:11 PM] Faerie: (That doesn't give me a very good feeling at all)
  963. [8:11 PM] §upposition: Denalthir pockets the keys quietly and continues onward in the basement. She peeks into a few of the high security cells as she approaches them to see if there is anything of interest.
  964. [8:11 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: They are mostly empty. But...
  965. [8:12 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Hail, and halt, travellers. You be the living?" You hear a voice from the darkness. Those with darkvision can see... A small band of half-elves, a dwarf or two, and halflings.
  966. [8:12 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The voice is quiet.
  967. [8:13 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "The moon's high and you are down in neverland, what be the day of the hour? Questionable is the nature of man, no?"
  968. [8:13 PM] Kaperis: John is on guard immediately, but he squints through the darkness. How could people be here?(edited)
  969. [8:13 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Thieves' cant.
  970. [8:13 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "What's the situation outside? Get me, friend?" is the translation(edited)
  971. [8:14 PM] Runic: Lexon, quickly makes notice of the message and deciphers it
  972. [8:14 PM] Kaperis: (Man, Runic, we're gonna need you for this whole scenario.)
  974. [8:14 PM] §upposition: Denalthir eyes the band of travellers warily, examining them to determine what type of people they were
  975. [8:14 PM] §upposition: (Anything I can roll to spot anything about them?)(edited)
  976. [8:14 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It's not a message. It's ... Thieves, speaking in your chillax language.
  977. [8:14 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Investigation, I suppose?
  978. [8:15 PM] Mizuki: Alicia unsheates her shortsword - "Who's there?"
  979. [8:15 PM] §upposition: roll 1d20+1 invest
  980. [8:15 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+1]: 15, Result: 16
  981. [8:15 PM] Runic: "They basically ask how is the situation ourside is. They also refer to us as friends" Lexon explains to his own group
  982. [8:15 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You are now able to speak in thieves cant, Lexon; "Speak like this nonsensibly," [with actual meaning here.]
  983. [8:15 PM] Runic: "Let me talk to them"
  984. [8:15 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Of note that thieves cant should be longer than the actual meaning.
  986. [8:16 PM] Kaperis: (John definitely doesn't know how to translate Thieves' Cant, but would he be aware of its existence?)
  987. [8:16 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Very much so.)
  988. [8:16 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (... The thieves guild does not exist.)
  989. [8:16 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ( :smugpopo: )
  991. [8:17 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (For you, it's as understandable as Druidic, except spoken by scums. And that one dude who used to be part of a guild that doesn't exist. Maybe. )
  993. [8:17 PM] Faerie: ''Why are we stopping by to navel gaze at a time like this?'', was all Razmik could think to himself.
  994. Well, at least Lexon seemed to know his way around undead philosophers...
  995. [8:18 PM] Faerie: It really was going over his head, for the most part.
  996. [8:20 PM] Runic: "Aye, I can read the man's will fine, but the moon has lost it's shine and the night is dark and bleak and hard to see" Lexon responds [Only I can understand friend, and how outside is, very bad it seems]
  997. [8:20 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Their expression brightens as you returns their word in the cant; "Brothers and sisters, then. Let us discard the cant - I see you consort with paladin and the like. Adventurers? They be nice folks, aye - used to be one until I took a few arrows in the kneecaps. Bluest time, I say." [Man, why are you even with those dampers?] One of them says quietly, waving you over. "For now, let's exchange information."
  998. [8:21 PM] §upposition: (This entertains me greatly)
  999. [8:22 PM] Plasmagica: (channel is being transfered to voicechat in 5 minutes prepare you best in character accents)
  1000. [8:22 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (I can't do voice :sadpopo: )
  1001. [8:22 PM] Mizuki: (pls not tonight :sadpopo: )
  1003. [8:23 PM] Runic: "Mhm, tis would be most useful if they could understand eachother" Lexon gives a chuckle [By fate and lack of option](edited)
  1004. [8:23 PM] Runic: (I don't even have my phone connected so I'll be muted)
  1005. [8:24 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... It looks like a group of commoners, really. The type that you would forget that you saw the other moment that you glance away. In situation like this, though, that's not working out so well.
  1006. [8:25 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Upon closers inspections, you can note that they carry the tools of their trade. No, not like baskets of fruits or trade goods... Daggers, pouches filled with unknown substance, sets of picks and keys.
  1007. [8:25 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: John, you know by heart that if they aren't thieves, there are no thieves under the sky.
  1008. [8:26 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Paladin friend, care to do us a service first?" The dwarf speaks.
  1009. [8:26 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... And reveal someone that seems a bit pale - a half-elf "commoner", with a bite wound. "Need you to remove the poison from this vein. He's bitten."
  1010. [8:27 PM] Mizuki: Alicia sheates her sword but doesn't get too close
  1011. [8:27 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The half-elf grunts in pain, resisting something. "No, pa. I don't need help from some... some paladin."
  1012. [8:27 PM] Faerie: Raising his voice for the first time after entering the place, Razmik snaps out of it.
  1013. [8:27 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Shut it boy."
  1014. [8:27 PM] Mizuki: (just a sec, brb)
  1015. [8:28 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... Yes, pa. I sure like you." [Fuck you.] The half-elf says, dejected.
  1016. [8:28 PM] Faerie: All he managed to pay attention to was ''paladin'', and service, so naturally he voluntereed. ''I hear, what would you ask of me?''
  1017. [8:28 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "You deaf?" The dwarf shakes his head, and... opens the jail cell, showing you the half-elf.
  1018. [8:29 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "See if you are able to take care of my boy? Remove the poison in him, else we have to put him down like a dog." The dwarf sighs.
  1020. [8:29 PM] Kaperis: John is offended. Some of his friends have had their careers cut short that way! Cute kids, though...
  1021. [8:29 PM] §upposition: Denalthir decides to let the Paladin handle it, before she herself steps in
  1022. [8:30 PM] Kaperis: (Kogasa will get this because [nerds].)
  1023. [8:30 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ( :smugpopo: )
  1024. [8:30 PM] Faerie: Ah. ''I'll see what I can do; send the boy over, first.'', he states.
  1025. [8:31 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: They shrugs, with one helping the half-elf over.
  1026. [8:31 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... There's a nasty bite wound, it looks...
  1027. [8:31 PM] Faerie: They looked dangerous, but if they really needed someone to take care of poison, and if it really was serious, they'd have no trouble doing so.
  1028. [8:31 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Wrong.
  1029. [8:32 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It's discolored, blue and green, with grey color spreading across the arm that was bitten.
  1030. [8:32 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The half-elf doesn't seem able to move on his own?
  1031. [8:32 PM] Faerie: He wasn't incredibly versed in poisons, but it seemed to be as bad as their tone would suggest.
  1032. [8:32 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The one carrying him, a halfling, bows his head. "Please, sir Paladin. Surely you are able to help our kind, oh benevolence!" [He's not gonna smite us, right?]
  1033. [8:33 PM] Kaperis: (I think they're inferring that they need -magic- healing for this.)
  1035. [8:33 PM] Faerie: ''What did this to you?'' for a moment, the was reminded of Illiad's staggered form, kneeling in front of a pack of rabid ghouls.
  1036. [8:34 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "A zombie." The half-elf speaks quietly. "Their bite - infection. Deadly, turn people after a while if they don't get lucky. I don't think I am too lucky."
  1037. [8:34 PM] Faerie: Without needing to be requested a third time, he gets to work; didn't really need to know exactly what it was to get rid of it, thankfully.
  1038. [8:34 PM] Mizuki: Alicia approaches the half-elf - "I might be able to do something as well." - She says(edited)
  1039. [8:34 PM] Mizuki: (What can I roll for that?)
  1040. [8:34 PM] Faerie: (Remove poison remove poison from premises)
  1041. [8:34 PM] Faerie: (That's 5 from my pool, I think)
  1042. [8:35 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: A small prayer and a gentle touch later, the ... wound visually gets better.
  1043. [8:35 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The veins return to normal, a gush of black blood flows out, hissing and turning into nothingness.
  1044. [8:35 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The half-elf seems visibly better. He rotates his arm a bit, before nodding. "Won't interfere with work. Thanks, guv. Saved my life." [Thanks.]
  1046. [8:36 PM] Mizuki: "Well, guess I don't need to do anything"- She says
  1047. [8:36 PM] Faerie: ''Does that... still hurt?'', he asks, concerned. Nasty piece of work.
  1048. ''Think nothing of it.''
  1049. [8:36 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Now then. This area is safe as long as you are quiet. Ghost girl can't get down here." The dwarf speaks quietly. "Can even start a fire, we just don't like it much."
  1050. [8:37 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "No ventilation." One of the halfling adds.
  1052. [8:37 PM] §upposition: "Ghost girl? The wailing one?" Denalthir notes with slight interest
  1053. [8:37 PM] Kaperis: (Shit, I was scrolled up)
  1054. [8:37 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "No pain, no gain, guv." The half-elf says coolly.
  1055. [8:37 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... Yeah. You heard her earlier, right? That soul-piercing scream..."
  1056. [8:37 PM] Mizuki: "By ghost girl, do you mean the banshee?" Asks Alicia? - "We just took care of that"
  1058. [8:38 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Well, then." The dwarf chuckles. "Fine piece of work."
  1059. [8:38 PM] §upposition: "Last scream you heard was a few of us losing our ears" Denalthir picks at her ear saying that
  1060. [8:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "We move around in the morning hours, and use the prison as our base of operation now." The dwarf explains. "She can't appear in the morning hours, and deter other survivors at night time. This area is as safe as it gets."
  1061. [8:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "We are too familiar with the jail, shall we say." The dwarf grins.
  1063. [8:39 PM] Mizuki: "I see... Is the city completely lost?" - Asks Alicia
  1064. [8:39 PM] Kaperis: John watches quietly.
  1065. [8:39 PM] Runic: Lexon gives both a laugh and smile at the understandment
  1066. [8:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "And you - you are welcomed to share a jail cell with us anytime, brothers and sisters." The dwarf grins.
  1067. [8:40 PM] Sawai: (>losing our ears)
  1069. [8:40 PM] Sawai: (w-what happened this time :surprisedpopo: )
  1070. [8:40 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "The city?" The dwarf shakes his head.
  1071. [8:40 PM] Faerie: (We're all deaf now. Surprise!)
  1072. [8:40 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "No, not the city, you daft girl. What are ya, from another world?"
  1073. [8:40 PM] Runic: (Basically a banshee went REEEE )(edited)
  1074. [8:41 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Ten weeks ago - the Orcus Tragedy." The dwarf explains. "The world's dead, girl."
  1076. [8:42 PM] Sawai: (g-good thing I was busy)
  1077. [8:42 PM] Kaperis: "You seem to be doing fine." John's voice comes from an unexpected angle; he must've wandered over there while others were distracted. It also sounds much lower than normal.
  1078. [8:42 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Some daft adventurer got a hold of the Wand of Orcus and sought to destroy it, but his companion wizard or something turned out to be Orcus Cultist." The dwarf explains.
  1079. [8:42 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "The wand blew up, took out half of the world. The other half didn't survive the aftermath."
  1080. [8:43 PM] Faerie: ''What.''
  1081. [8:43 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Fine? That's relative, boy." The dwarf chuckles, regarding John carefully...
  1082. [8:43 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... Officer."
  1084. [8:44 PM] Faerie: Razmik hurriedly tries to establish contact with the divine. Half the world dying in a single second like that sounded like something straight out of a bad novel.
  1085. [8:44 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: There's a faint contact.
  1086. [8:44 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... The gods are watching, Razmik.
  1087. [8:45 PM] Kaperis: After a moment of hard staring, John sighs. "... I'm not on duty. And I can't exactly throw you in jail, can I?"
  1088. [8:45 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The dwarf chuckles. "Do not worry, boy, we are not on duty either."
  1089. [8:45 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: He winks. "There's little for theives to do when there's nobody to steal from. Not that we are - we are merely honest citizens."
  1090. [8:46 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Yeah, honest, pa. I love you so much." [Right. Fuck you too.] The half-elf replies to the dwarf's words.
  1092. [8:47 PM] Kaperis: John offers a halfhearted smile, making a conscious effort of putting biases aside. This isn't the place for it.(edited)
  1093. [8:47 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "And I love you too, son, should have some cereal for lunch before the oats mature." [Right back at you, boy.]
  1095. [8:47 PM] Kaperis: (>should have some cereal for lunch before the oats mature.)
  1096. [8:48 PM] Kaperis: (I get the feeling the insult was a lot more colorful in reality.)
  1097. [8:48 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... We are just trying to survive, officier." The dwarf says. "As are you, I presume. Living is good."
  1098. [8:48 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ( :smugpopo: )
  1099. [8:48 PM] Faerie: (Same :sadpopo:)
  1101. [8:49 PM] Kaperis: "But are there more people in the city? You're the first we've seen."
  1102. [8:49 PM] Faerie: Hmm. A father and his adoptive son trying to endure the end of the world at undead hands. Seemed legit, right, Razmik? (I wanna roll Insight)
  1103. [8:49 PM] Mizuki: Alicia doesn't know what do say without triggering the "are you from another world" question again, so she just stay quiet instead
  1104. [8:49 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Go for it.)
  1105. [8:49 PM] Faerie: roll 1d20+3
  1106. [8:49 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+3]: 4, Result: 7
  1107. [8:49 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "That depends on what you mean, officer." The dwarf's eyes glint. "There are people... And then there are cultists."
  1109. [8:50 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Azura paws at Alicia gently.
  1110. [8:50 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Razmik:
  1111. [8:50 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: They are totally father and son figure.
  1112. [8:50 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Bonded by their paternal bond, the two stand strong against the world.
  1113. [8:50 PM] Mizuki: "How did you get bitten, boy?" - Asked Alicia
  1114. [8:51 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Surely, it's a sign that humanity is not lost yet.
  1115. [8:51 PM] Runic: ( :smugsatori: )
  1116. [8:51 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "I am not your boy, girl." The half-elf says, coolly. "... Scouting runs for supplies went wrong. Got spotted by a cultist, brought my brothers and sisters time."
  1117. [8:52 PM] Kaperis: "Cultists? What do they have left to do here?" John asks. It seems like they've won already.
  1118. [8:53 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "The cultists..." The dwarf muses. "Nothing, I suppose. They have the world now, and all they need to do is to finish us all off, or something. Or maybe breed with the dead? I don't know, officer. I ain't done no necromancy."
  1120. [8:54 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: A halfling girl walks up, offering you some soft fur to sit on, and some food and drink.
  1121. [8:54 PM] Kaperis: John doesn't know a thing about necromancers, nor demons. But he can hazard a guess at what the next step would be, for them...
  1122. [8:55 PM] Kaperis: "Well, have you seen anything they do? Gathering materials, for instance?"
  1123. [8:55 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The dwarf rubs his beard.
  1124. [8:55 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Well... They seem to 'herd' the dead. Occasionally collecting body parts."
  1125. [8:56 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Their security is tight; ghosts and the like watching from the astral. Hard to find out more details."
  1126. [8:57 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "But you might be able to know more from the Temple District?" The dwarf suggests. "A few orders banded together and put aside their philosophical differences. Last week I checked, they were still standing and resisting against demons and the dead."(edited)
  1127. [8:57 PM] Faerie: 'Breed with the dead', that sounded very in-tune with how disgustign Necromancy was, in general. Still, treating the undead like cattle sounded like what they had witnessed before coming in.
  1128. [8:59 PM] Mizuki: "I guess that might be out best bet" - Said Alicia
  1129. [8:59 PM] §upposition: "Wait. Doesn't that mean...going outside?"
  1130. [9:00 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Hm." The half-elf nods.
  1131. [9:00 PM] Faerie: ''Wonder why they'd do that - the cultists, I mean, not the clergy members. I doubt the passage'd be safe, either way.'' He scratches the back of his head. ''You all don't have much left to do over here, ah?''
  1132. [9:01 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Do? Brother, we just want to survive and grow old somewhere, at this rate." The dwarf chuckles. "Some mead or rum by the fireside... Ah. If only any taverns are still open."
  1133. [9:01 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... Surely, we all want the same thing." The dwarf muses.
  1134. [9:01 PM] Faerie: (I'm surprised they haven't killed themselves yet)
  1135. [9:02 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (They are mutliclassing into wizards and grinding exp to learn plane shift.)
  1136. [9:02 PM] Runic: Lexon queitly gives a sadden nod
  1137. [9:02 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ( :smugpopo: )
  1138. [9:03 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ( Survival trick #1: "Fuck off the surface of the world.", fantasy edition)
  1139. [9:03 PM] Mizuki: "Well, you guys should come with us to the Temple district." - started Alicia - "Everything went to shit anyway, no one cares if you're a thief anymore"
  1140. [9:03 PM] Faerie: (>thief
  1141. triggererered)(edited)
  1142. [9:03 PM] Kaperis: John's concerns are a bit more pressing than rampant necrophiliacs. Demons and such are alien to him... but he remembers the old stories. Where he's from, they've only survived as oral history, but the tales tell of a dynasty of ancient heroes, battling back the forces of darkness. The latter's goal in most of the stories was frequently the same: open the Door, and let the Dark Lord in.
  1143. [9:03 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "We are honest citizens, girl." The dwarf chuckles. "And no, we are more... Comfortable skulking around here, you understand." The dwarf grins.
  1144. [9:04 PM] Kaperis: "Are there demons living here, too?"
  1145. [9:04 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "It's bad to have to listen to those... paladins..." The half-elf grits his teeth.
  1146. [9:04 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Demons? Yeah. Tons." The halfling girl speaks up, her voice old and wizen.
  1147. [9:05 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "One thing to look out for is at night time. You don't want light - it doesn't just attract the dead, but the demons as well." She says, slowly.
  1148. [9:06 PM] Mizuki: "He bad is it during the day?" - Asks Alicia
  1149. [9:06 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... Shadows, for example. Your shadow can split from you and become a spirit that haunts you. But there are shadow demons, that like to disguise themselves between the undead shadows, striking those who are fooled." The halfling girl explains. "At least during the day, the ghosts can't appear, and shadows are banished. It's why we roam the rooftop during daytime."(edited)
  1150. [9:07 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "The streets are packed during the day time hours." The half-elf says. "Seems like the dead repeats some of their habits from back when they yet lives."
  1151. [9:08 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Things that you can see and understand aren't scary." The halfling explains, wise in her own ways.
  1153. [9:08 PM] Kaperis: John nods sullenly. "Is that the worst of them?"
  1154. [9:09 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... The dwarf shakes his head. "News from the West, from Restwatch. There was a Undead Balor."
  1155. [9:09 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "We don't know anything, but Restwatch was gone."
  1156. [9:09 PM] Kaperis: (FUCK.)
  1157. [9:10 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... It's a town of twenty thousand before Orcus Tragedy." The half-elf explains. "It's not longer on the map, from what the refugees said."
  1158. [9:10 PM] Mizuki: "Sounds terrible though. To be bound into doing whatever you did in life, over and over again even after death" - Lamented Alicia
  1159. [9:10 PM] Faerie: ''A balor?'' was he for real? ''You're saying there's not only undead, and demons roaming around, but-''
  1160. [9:10 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Yeah." The dwarf grins. "We'd rather not go to the Temple District - too big a target, you see."
  1161. [9:10 PM] Faerie: ''An undead demon is also going about? That's unreal.''
  1162. [9:11 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Skulking like mice... It's not too bad."
  1163. [9:11 PM] Faerie: (We're fucking done for!)
  1164. [9:13 PM] Kaperis: John lapses into silence. There's no point in making people more afraid based on a gut feeling. But if they're summoning mythical horrors like that, the grand finale can't be far off...(edited)
  1165. [9:13 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle... nods. "Huh. Sounds as bad as it was like back in the days."
  1166. [9:19 PM] Kaperis: (Is it okay if our characters know what Balors are? They're kind of iconic. Like, when someone says 'demon', the picture that comes to mind is either a Pit Fiend (inaccurate) or a Balor.)(edited)
  1167. [9:20 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Very much so)
  1168. [9:20 PM] Faerie: (I really get the feeling we're all talking with as low of a tone as we can muster, from all these parentheses)
  1169. [9:20 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (It's a DC 0 to know Balor as Big Bad Demondaddies)
  1170. [9:20 PM] Plasmagica: (whats the difference between a balor and balrog)
  1171. [9:20 PM] Kaperis: (One has a 'G'... and that's pretty much it.)(edited)
  1172. [9:21 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Balrog are Tolkien, Balor's Balrog with the trademark scrubbed off and has a more concrete list of abilities)
  1173. [9:21 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Balor is also a reference to mythology)
  1174. [9:21 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ( The balors found in Dungeons & Dragons have little relation to the mythical Balor of Irish mythology, actually being based on the balrogs of The Lord of the Rings,[2] and some of its derivation can be seen in its physical description, with its fiery aura, sword and flaming whip.[3] )
  1175. [9:22 PM] Kaperis: (Balrog is also the black guy in Street Fighter, or the commie boss in the JPN version.)
  1177. [9:22 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Kappls)
  1178. [9:23 PM] Faerie: (Or the fast clawduder in the bootlet Vietnamese versions!)
  1179. [9:23 PM] Kaperis: (Oh, god, they rotated the names a third time?)
  1180. [9:24 PM] Faerie: (I was kidding, but better not think about it too much.)
  1181. [9:24 PM] Faerie: (Ahem.)
  1182. [9:24 PM] Kaperis: (Anyway, decision point: Where to?)
  1183. [9:25 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The GM does not have a map of the city or anything like that.
  1184. [9:25 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Instead, travelling will be done "from District to District, or to notable points".
  1185. [9:25 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Is that fair? :smiley:
  1186. [9:25 PM] Runic: (sure)
  1187. [9:25 PM] Kaperis: ( Waypoint system!)
  1188. [9:26 PM] Faerie: Razmik was feeling a bit sluggish today, for some reason. He scolds himself for it, ''No, no, can't be daydreaming now'', and then asks the group on their opinion on the matter.
  1189. [9:26 PM] Runic: (also first place might be temple, unless something else intresting comes up)
  1190. [9:26 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The City, as we'll call it, is known as Silverkeep. The only know District thus far is Temple, and only notable place outside of it is the Prison.
  1191. [9:26 PM] Mizuki: "Well, it seems like we have 2 options" - Said Alicia - "We either go right now, or wait until the morning... What will it be?"
  1192. [9:26 PM] Faerie: ''Looks like we don't have much of a choice; we need to move if anything's going to be happening. Anything not-bad, at least.''
  1193. [9:27 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... Need a guide?" The half-elf inquires. "... If you promise to keep me alive as much as you can, I don't mind repaying the favor that you've done for me."
  1194. [9:27 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Good." The dwarf merely states.
  1195. [9:28 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "You can call me... Shadow." He says, attempting to sound cool. But the dwarf interjects. "John, please. What have I told you about using such a childish name?"
  1196. [9:29 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... But Pa..."
  1198. [9:29 PM] Kaperis: John looks up. "Huh?"
  1199. [9:29 PM] Faerie: (SHADOW)(edited)
  1200. [9:29 PM] Faerie: ( NO I AM FUCKING DONE (Sorry, I wan't expecting that :sadpopo:))(edited)
  1201. [9:29 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Huh?" Shadow-the-John looks at John.
  1202. [9:29 PM] Kaperis: (Dark Smoke Puncher)
  1203. [9:30 PM] §upposition: ( :sadpopo:)(edited)
  1204. [9:30 PM] Kaperis: (Death Destroyer)
  1205. [9:30 PM] Faerie: ''Er.''
  1206. [9:30 PM] Faerie: (MOTHERFUCKING DARK. SMOKE. PUNCHER. Check it, yo)(edited)
  1207. [9:30 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle stifles a giggle.
  1209. [9:30 PM] Kaperis: (xXxShadokilla360xXx. Okay, I'll stop.)(edited)
  1211. [9:31 PM] Faerie: ''Ow. But I'm sure we can do with your help, ...Shadow.'' Razmik resisted the urge to call him hedgehog. That really prickled.
  1212. [9:31 PM] Kaperis: (Triggered :firepopo: )
  1213. [9:31 PM] Mizuki: (Fae pls)
  1214. [9:32 PM] Mizuki: (:firepopo:)
  1215. [9:32 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow-the-John grins brightly. It's nice to have someone refer to him by his cool street-name.
  1217. [9:32 PM] Runic: ( :sadpopo: )(edited)
  1218. [9:32 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The dwarf smacks his forehead.
  1219. [9:32 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Just call my boy John. He'll respond."
  1220. [9:32 PM] Kaperis: ... But what's wrong with John? Human John doesn't ask out loud.
  1221. [9:32 PM] Faerie: (I can't even take it seriously. Imagine having to do this shit over microphone)
  1222. [9:33 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Yeah, pa, I'll respond with all of my love like the burning sun over the silver moon." [And fuck you with a stick, pa.]
  1223. [9:33 PM] Faerie: ''If anything, it'll be good for making it clear who we're addressing, don't you think?'' Razmik asks John, still amused.
  1224. [9:33 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (I'll tell you right now, I am giggling like a madman)
  1225. [9:34 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (This is also why I can't do voice.)
  1226. [9:34 PM] §upposition: "Shadow is fine" Denalthir says with the straightest face
  1227. [9:34 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Hey, hey, maybe I should get a streetname too. Jager?" Recelle suggests.
  1228. [9:34 PM] Runic: Lexon can only wait in silence, trying to keep a straight face
  1229. [9:34 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... Hmm. Maybe I should append that to mine. Shadow Jager... Yes."
  1230. [9:35 PM] §upposition: "...Recelle is fine."
  1231. [9:35 PM] Kaperis: "Hmm... you can call me Guard, if you'd like. A lot of people prefer that, I notice," John says.(edited)
  1232. [9:35 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Azura slips and falls off Alicia.
  1233. [9:35 PM] Mizuki: Even after almost being murdered by a banshee, Alicia is trying really hard to supress her laughter
  1234. [9:35 PM] Faerie: (Shadow the John. Like, maaaaan.)
  1235. [9:35 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... You notice your familiar contorting in pain as it stifles a laugh.
  1236. [9:36 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle pouts.
  1237. [9:36 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Yes. I, the Shadow Jager, will guide your ways, adventurers. This is my hometown, after all." John-the-thief says proudly.
  1238. [9:36 PM] Faerie: (Stealing names isn't nice!)
  1239. [9:36 PM] Faerie: (Stealing names isn't nice!)
  1240. [9:37 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... Let's get a move on in the morning, Shadow." Recelle says.
  1241. [9:37 PM] Kaperis: John (human) glances at the others. "What? Really, you don't have to feel bad for using my last name. I know we're friends."
  1242. [9:38 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Oh, nono, we'll call you John instead of like, calling Shadow Jager John." Recelle adds.(edited)
  1243. [9:38 PM] Kaperis: (John hasn't revealed his last name before, I think?)
  1244. [9:38 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow Jager gives Recelle a standoffish "Humph", as if satisfied being acknowledge by his new name.
  1245. [9:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... The Dwarf smacks his forehead.
  1246. [9:39 PM] Faerie: (Not that I remember!)
  1247. Friends? Hey, that was nice. ''But is that really your last name, though?''
  1248. [9:39 PM] Runic: ( Sawai flashbacks)
  1249. [9:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... Sorry, my kid's a bit soft in the head department."
  1251. [9:40 PM] Mizuki: "Soo, Shadow" - Starts Alicia trying her best not to laugh - "What do you prefer, go out right now under the night's shadow or wait until morning?"
  1252. [9:40 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... The day will be fine." Shadow Jager replies. :sadpopo:
  1254. [9:40 PM] Faerie: (ALICIAAAAAAAA :firepopo: )(edited)
  1255. [9:40 PM] Mizuki: (:firepopo:)
  1256. [9:41 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "We'll primarily be using the skyway- ah, the rooftop." Shadow Jager explains. "We have setup planks and the like, but it might require some jumping around."
  1257. [9:41 PM] Kaperis: "Hm? Sure. There's been a Guard in the Armsdale Watch since it was founded!"
  1258. [9:41 PM] Sawai: (>Sawai flashbacks)
  1259. [9:41 PM] Sawai: (huh?)
  1260. [9:41 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Do not worry. I, Shadow Jager, will show you around the town."
  1261. [9:41 PM] Sawai: (don't bully me! :sadpopo: )(edited)
  1262. [9:41 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Says John, the Shadow Jager, proudly.
  1263. [9:42 PM] Faerie: ( some notes, look at what you're making me do, Koga
  1264. [9:42 PM] Kaperis: John sometimes wishes people wouldn't shout 'Guard!' at him, though. It's kind of rude.
  1265. [9:42 PM] Mizuki: "Cool" - Said Alicia sitting down smiling - "We better get some rest now"
  1266. [9:43 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Hey, if you want to clear out some of the buildings around the area, go right ahead." The Dwarf says. "But it sounds like you are a bit beaten up after that encounter with the ghost girl, eh? Just take care of yourself."
  1267. [9:43 PM] Sawai: (Runic, what did you mean by Sawai flashbacks! :cryingpopo: )
  1268. [9:43 PM] Faerie: That really made Razmik curious. Were all families in Armsdale named after their trade, or something? He didn't imagine someone willingly changing their last name to Guard, so surely he was able to believe John.
  1269. [9:44 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You are able to benefit from a Long Rest, such as it is, in the underground prison. The area's patrolled by the Thieves, even.
  1270. [9:44 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You feel safe, as long as you clutch onto your purse at night.
  1272. [9:45 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: In the morning hours - once you are done with your prep.
  1273. [9:45 PM] Faerie: (WAIT WAIT FUG, we could have done some scouting for sure)
  1274. [9:45 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (You could.)
  1275. [9:45 PM] Mizuki: (actually... I may need to go to bed :sadpopo:)
  1276. [9:45 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (If you wish to do so, lte me know)
  1277. [9:45 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Mizupls)
  1278. [9:46 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (But this is a good place to "wake up")
  1279. [9:46 PM] Faerie: (Sidequest: ->Yes/No? | Even if said sidequest is just beating up some things to look for valuables)(edited)
  1280. [9:46 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The Thieves WOULD feel a lot safer if you clear out the main building of undead - as long as you don't agitate the courtyard zombies too much.
  1281. [9:46 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Bonus if you clear THOSE out.
  1282. [9:47 PM] Mizuki: (lets do it :jew: )
  1283. [9:47 PM] Runic: (just the little humph of satisfaction Sawai, that Jaeger made after happily being called his streetname)
  1284. [9:47 PM] Sawai: ( :sadpopo: )(edited)
  1285. [9:48 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: On the matter of zombie bites: Zombies are infectious, and on failed Con Save of variable DC, you would be infected. Poisoned for 1 day, after which you die and turn into zombie.
  1286. [9:48 PM] Sawai: ( :shockedpopo: )
  1288. [9:48 PM] Faerie: ''Sure. We can take a stroll and patrol before bedtime; if that's what it takes. Who is coming with?''
  1289. [9:48 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Or, well, if you are slain.)
  1290. [9:48 PM] Faerie: (Not on my watch, nerds)
  1291. [9:49 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Medicine check of sufficient DC or Paladin Lay on Hands, of course, and some more powerful methods such as Neutralize Poison all works.)
  1292. [9:49 PM] Runic: "I'll come with, hand me one of your longswords you got back from Mizu, the extra reach would be nice for these things"
  1293. [9:49 PM] §upposition: Denalthir stands and volunteers: She needs to show this place the correct balance of power.
  1294. [9:50 PM] Faerie: (We also have a scroll of lesser restoration around - that's another fuck-poison bullet)
  1295. [9:50 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Shadow Jager ... Will rest for the day. Despite his vigor, he's still winded from the Poison from earlier.
  1296. [9:50 PM] Faerie: (Just pocketed the scroll, if nobody minds)
  1297. [9:50 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle, however, is ready to go. She even seems less frightened of things, due to the comedic Shadow Jager's appearance.
  1299. [9:51 PM] Mizuki: "I'll go too!" - Alicia gets up
  1300. [9:52 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: With a bit of directions from the Thieves, you understand that the building is split up into two wings on the two sides - purely prison cells - and the main building is of three levels plus the basement.
  1301. [9:52 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The first level is mostly just offices and the like, for paperworks - of which jails have a ton - and a kitchen that's been raided clean.
  1302. [9:53 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The upstair buildings are the barracks and armory, as well as lookout tower.
  1303. [9:53 PM] Faerie: (someone give me a color, quick)
  1304. [9:53 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Brown)
  1305. [9:53 PM] Mizuki: (purple)
  1307. [9:53 PM] Faerie: (Brown it is. Brown cloaks are cool, purple's for nerds)
  1308. [9:53 PM] Mizuki: (;-;)
  1309. [9:54 PM] Runic: (pets mizu)(edited)
  1310. [9:54 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Should you reach the lookout tower... The Thieves advice against you ringing the bell.
  1311. [9:54 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Alarm is... Bad.
  1313. [9:54 PM] Runic: Lexon decides against that
  1314. [9:54 PM] Faerie: (Is that also a Dark Souls reference? Hexen, maybe? I'm probably overthinking it, no reason a tower wouldn't have a bell... right?)
  1315. [9:55 PM] §upposition: (I think this is a giant TWD reference :sadpopo: )
  1316. [9:55 PM] Runic: (very doubtful something good will be accomplished by ringing two bells here)
  1317. [9:56 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Alright.
  1318. [9:56 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You head... Out of the High Security prison, and once again pass by the giant metal door.
  1319. [9:56 PM] Mizuki: (inb4 Lexon gets drunk and ring the Bell)
  1320. [9:56 PM] Kaperis: (n-no)
  1322. [9:57 PM] Runic: (there's not enough alcohol for that to happen :smugpopo: )
  1323. [9:57 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It's dark outside; What's the party formation?
  1324. [9:57 PM] Faerie: They might end up scouting for that lookout place, after all
  1325. [9:57 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You have 3 positions: Front, mid, or back.
  1326. [9:57 PM] Runic: Lexon will help up front
  1327. [9:57 PM] Faerie: Formation? Well, go figure. Do we have enough space to have 3 people in one rank?
  1328. [9:57 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle, for example, takes Back position automatically because fuck you. :sadpopo:
  1329. [9:58 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: There's "enough".
  1330. [9:58 PM] Kaperis: Front for John, naturally.
  1332. [9:58 PM] §upposition: Denalthir will go mid (Because that's the mage lane amirite)
  1333. [9:58 PM] Mizuki: Middle for Alicia
  1334. [9:58 PM] Faerie: Lexon being in front would be good for scouting/fuckering with traps, were there any. This is very vaguely a dungeon-duder-place, so sure, sounds legit
  1335. [9:58 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (2 top, 2 mid, 1 bo- wait.)
  1336. [9:58 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Yeah, alright.
  1337. [9:58 PM] Kaperis: Or someone who can see in the dark...
  1339. [9:59 PM] Runic: (Lexon can... Feel it out for traps I guess
  1340. [9:59 PM] Faerie: Razmik heads to the jungle.
  1341. [9:59 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Up the stairs... Into the dark barracks. Spooky.
  1342. [9:59 PM] Faerie: (''pool tango pls suppert thanks'')
  1343. [9:59 PM] Kaperis: (Wait, Dwarves don't get low light vision?)
  1344. [10:00 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Skulking in the dark may be against some of your nature (Paladin and Guard), but... It beats accidentally getting ripped apart by over ten dozen zombies.
  1345. [10:00 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The stair leads to, first, a guard post and a set of iron door. It's... Locked.
  1346. [10:00 PM] Kaperis: (Wasn't one of us one?)
  1348. [10:01 PM] Faerie: (Yeah, Lexon.)
  1349. [10:01 PM] Runic: "Locked huh?"
  1350. [10:01 PM] Runic: "Who has the lockpick we found? I'll try to unlock it"
  1351. [10:01 PM] Faerie: How sturdy did the door look?
  1352. [10:01 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ...
  1353. [10:01 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20
  1354. [10:01 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20]: 18, Result: 18
  1355. [10:02 PM] Kaperis: John has the lockpick, available to whoever wants it.
  1356. [10:02 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle gently reminds the party, that you've found the keys to this place.
  1357. [10:02 PM] Faerie: ''Lexon, not a bad idea. Please allow me a second, first''
  1358. [10:02 PM] Kaperis: That works too.
  1359. [10:02 PM] §upposition: "Oh right..."
  1360. [10:02 PM] Runic: Lexon ignores Recelle
  1361. [10:02 PM] Faerie: ''Well.''
  1362. [10:02 PM] §upposition: Denalthir fishes out the keys
  1363. [10:02 PM] Runic: "John, lockpick."
  1364. [10:02 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... I mean..." Recelle just shrugs.
  1365. [10:02 PM] §upposition: "John, take these." She hands them over quickly
  1367. [10:02 PM] Kaperis: He goes to open it.
  1368. [10:03 PM] Faerie: Razmik closes both his eyes, and... open his eye, so to speak (YouknowwhatI'msayin'? Divine sense, bruh)
  1369. [10:03 PM] Runic: !
  1370. [10:03 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: click
  1371. [10:03 PM] Runic: (kap)
  1372. [10:03 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Oh, good, good, Razmik! Good!
  1373. [10:03 PM] Runic: (don't put you in a chokehold)(edited)
  1374. [10:03 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You sense undead.
  1375. [10:03 PM] Runic: (fug it's open)
  1376. [10:03 PM] Faerie: ''Well, yes, very useful, Razmik. Through the door now, please, instead of all around?'', he chides to himself.(edited)
  1377. [10:03 PM] Kaperis: (To be fair! Picking a lock usually means one has to break it.)
  1378. [10:03 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: In front of you, below you out in the court yard, and around the directions of the two wings.
  1379. [10:04 PM] Runic: Lexon feels a little dispointed
  1380. [10:04 PM] Kaperis: (We might wanna lock this again at some point.)
  1381. [10:04 PM] Mizuki: (just a sec, brb)
  1382. [10:04 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The one in front of you is mixed and tainted.
  1383. [10:04 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You are getting a mixed signal.
  1384. [10:04 PM] Runic: (Alicia got to unlock and lock a cell door! Why not the thief?)
  1385. [10:05 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It's a celestiead. What the hell is a celestiead?
  1386. [10:05 PM] Runic: (she actually got to unlock it again I think :sadpopo: )
  1387. [10:05 PM] Kaperis: (We didn't have keys then!)
  1388. [10:05 PM] Runic: ( :firepopo: )(edited)
  1389. [10:05 PM] Faerie: (CeleStaed?)
  1390. [10:05 PM] Kaperis: ( :surprisedpopo: )
  1391. [10:07 PM] Mizuki: (back)
  1393. [10:07 PM] Faerie: ''Uh, a word of advice: I hear something ringing back at me from inside. It's definitely not an undead, and... potentially, it might not be hostile, but we better be cautious either way.'' He eyes Lexon, still holding the lockpicks.
  1394. [10:08 PM] Kaperis: Open it, then?
  1395. [10:08 PM] Faerie: ''Right. John and I should go in first, probably. Is anyone still roughed up and in need of some help?''
  1396. [10:08 PM] Runic: Lexon can only stare at the lockpicks in his hand, a moment passes"yeah" he says and goes back to full alert
  1397. [10:08 PM] Kaperis: (We rested, didn't we?)
  1398. [10:08 PM] Mizuki: (shortrest)
  1399. [10:08 PM] Runic: (no)
  1400. [10:09 PM] Faerie: (Yeah, dunno if everyone spent enough dice to get to a comfortable level of HP)(edited)
  1402. [10:09 PM] Runic: "I should be good to go"(edited)
  1403. [10:09 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (As fighters... You can ALSO just Second Wind during Short Rest for free.)
  1404. [10:10 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (You realize; it recharges with the short rest. Unless it's interrupted.)
  1405. [10:10 PM] §upposition: "I'm fine."
  1406. [10:10 PM] Kaperis: (Ohh, I see. I didn't know it worked out of combat.)
  1407. [10:10 PM] Faerie: (Fug, I didn't know that. It's basically a free hit die each rest, neat)
  1408. [10:10 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Just tell Fae that you want to show him who the boss of Gym is, second wind, and then stop.)
  1409. [10:11 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Well
  1410. [10:11 PM] Faerie: Everyone seemed to be in working condition. The voice inside Razmik's head went off: ''Alright, let's just kick this thing o- er.''
  1411. [10:11 PM] Faerie: Instead, he pushes the door open. Carefully.
  1412. [10:11 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The door swings open once you are ready...
  1413. [10:11 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ..
  1414. [10:11 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: There's a forest, almost, inside. Not of trees, but of hanged jail guards.
  1415. [10:12 PM] Faerie: (Wait, why do they have to enter battle with me :sadpopo:)
  1416. [10:12 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It seems that someone have hanged them up and flayed most of their skins.
  1417. [10:12 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: They are barely recognizble.
  1418. [10:12 PM] Runic: ( :sadpopo: )
  1419. [10:12 PM] Mizuki: (>not hostile)
  1420. [10:12 PM] Runic: "Gross" Lexon whspers
  1421. [10:12 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It's a ... public meeting room, or a dining hall, but whatever was on the table is now mostly just bloody filth.
  1422. [10:13 PM] Kaperis: John cooly looks around for movement. Raz said there were undead in here, right?
  1423. [10:13 PM] Mizuki: Alicia readies herself, sword in hand!
  1424. [10:13 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: THere's no sign of anything, living or dead, immediately.
  1425. [10:13 PM] Faerie: ''Yeah, I never said there weren't unded in here, either...''
  1426. [10:13 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The corpses hung up? They not longer register anything, dead or alive, undead or whatever.
  1427. [10:13 PM] Mizuki: "See anything, Azura?"
  1428. [10:13 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Azura shakes her head. "Someone, or something, have an obsession. Obsessed people are unreasonable. Best be careful, Master."
  1430. [10:14 PM] Faerie: Razmik reaches back for his shield, and straps it to his arm.
  1432. [10:14 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Your shield is still warm to the touch, the holy symbol agitated by the undead swarming all around this world.
  1434. [10:15 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Pushing past the forest of dead people, just a bit, you see a pristine-looking man, sitting in a circle made of... human leather.
  1435. [10:15 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: A peaceful look is in his face, as he lets out an angelic sigh.
  1436. [10:15 PM] Mizuki: (tru leatherman right there)
  1437. [10:16 PM] Faerie: ''Phew, good thing I didn't get it emprinted on my armor instead...'', Razmik half-laments in his head.
  1438. [10:16 PM] Faerie: (:sadpopo:)
  1439. [10:16 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Ahh... Visitors." He opens his eyes, standing up, smiling sweetly. White robe covers his body, and set of steel breastplate, adorned with... what once would be a holy symbol at his chest.
  1440. [10:16 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Instead, the emblem was ripped out at some point.
  1441. [10:17 PM] Mizuki: "Are you one of those cultists?" - Asks Alicia
  1442. [10:17 PM] §upposition: Denalthir stands at the ready
  1443. [10:17 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Me? No, no... I am the jailer." He smiles.
  1444. [10:17 PM] Kaperis: As does John.
  1445. [10:17 PM] §upposition: She eyes the being warily
  1446. [10:17 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Razmik.
  1447. [10:17 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: This is an Aasimar. Or was.
  1448. [10:17 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: He's the source of undead detection from earlier.
  1450. [10:18 PM] Kaperis: (Damn, this is a bad time, but I have to shower shortly)
  1451. [10:18 PM] Mizuki: "The hell have you done to all those people?" - Asks Alicia disgusted
  1452. [10:18 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: He caresses one of the human leather. "Look, Tom. Visitors. People coming in... When it's not visiting hour."
  1453. [10:18 PM] Faerie: He saw how it was. It pinged as something angelic, but that didn't necessarily mean it was good. Razmik tries to get a feel for its movements, speech and tone of voice. It presented itself as amiable so far, at least.
  1454. [10:18 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Tom, Tom, what should we do?" He asks, looking at the human leather. "Tom. Are you ok?"
  1455. [10:19 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... He then bites down on the human skin, ripping a chunk of it.
  1456. [10:19 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: And chews.
  1457. [10:19 PM] Faerie: ''Excuse me. What happened to 'Tom'?''
  1458. [10:19 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Tom..."
  1459. [10:19 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Ah, yes, visitors." He looks back up, smiling at you.
  1460. [10:19 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "This is not the visiting hour."
  1462. [10:19 PM] §upposition: "Oh, so sorry to intrude." Denalthir suddenly pipes up
  1463. [10:20 PM] Faerie: ''...''. He was never particularly queasy, but this would have made him heave if he hadn't seen some stuff already.
  1464. [10:20 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "That's ok. You look like you have such... Soft and supple skins."
  1465. [10:20 PM] §upposition: She's...smiling
  1466. [10:20 PM] Faerie: (P l s)
  1467. [10:20 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "And you... Brother. Are you of Lathander?" The Aasimar smiles happily.
  1468. [10:21 PM] Mizuki: Alicia can't help but look disgusted... This is too much...
  1469. [10:21 PM] Kaperis: Jailor? This guy obviously belongs in irons, and that'd be generous. John holds his ground, spear ready.
  1470. [10:21 PM] §upposition: No...Denalthir is grinning at this person...thing
  1471. [10:21 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "I am of St. Cuthbert." He continues, "A clergy here that guards the prisoners from revolting, and to cure them of their disease."
  1472. [10:21 PM] Faerie: A feeling of uncomfort settled into Razmik's stomach as he heard the word ''brother''. ''Indeed, I am an initiate of the Morninglord.''
  1473. [10:21 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Oh, their diseased, sinful skins..."
  1474. [10:21 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: He laughs.
  1475. [10:21 PM] Faerie: ''Ah. The Cudgel.''
  1476. [10:21 PM] Runic: Lexon can only feel disgust and hate towards the jailor
  1477. [10:21 PM] §upposition: "I wonder how soft your skin is..."
  1478. [10:21 PM] §upposition: Denalthir chuckles
  1480. [10:22 PM] Faerie: It was hard to imagine Sait Cuthbert approving of skinning the living and then eating them, in all honestly.
  1481. [10:22 PM] §upposition: (H O B O G R I N x 2)
  1482. [10:22 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Come, come... Give your skin to me." He smiles softly, drawing a morningstar. "Don't resist. It'll be hard to kill you intact."
  1483. [10:22 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: He steps forward.
  1484. [10:22 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Initiative.
  1485. [10:22 PM] Mizuki: Roll 1d20+2
  1486. [10:22 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+2]: 13, Result: 15
  1487. [10:22 PM] Runic: Roll 1d20+4
  1488. [10:22 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+4]: 7, Result: 11
  1490. [10:22 PM] Kaperis: roll 1d20+1
  1491. [10:22 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+1]: 12, Result: 13
  1492. [10:23 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+2
  1493. [10:23 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+2]: 16, Result: 18
  1494. [10:23 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+2
  1495. [10:23 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+2]: 2, Result: 4
  1497. [10:23 PM] §upposition: roll 1d20+1
  1498. [10:23 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+1]: 4, Result: 5
  1500. [10:23 PM] Runic: (dicebotpls)
  1501. [10:23 PM] Faerie: roll 1d20
  1502. [10:23 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20]: 17, Result: 17
  1503. [10:23 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+4
  1504. [10:23 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+4]: 11, Result: 15
  1505. [10:23 PM] Kaperis: (asdf I'm gonna run to shower like last time, is that all right? Could John just attack like a bot this turn? :sadpopo: )(edited)
  1506. [10:23 PM] Faerie: (Hot damn, I've been consistenly getting good initiative rolls for a long time)
  1507. [10:24 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Sure.)
  1508. [10:24 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (I'll burn your abilities though, even if not Action Surging)
  1509. [10:24 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Azura's turn!
  1510. [10:24 PM] Faerie: ''Reconsider.'' Razmik seizes him up with his eyes, stepping to his side with his shield-hand placed on the hilt of his sword.
  1511. [10:24 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: She hisses. "Desecrator..."
  1512. [10:25 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Azura charges and circles the Aasimar, biting his ankle.
  1513. [10:25 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Harassment of the highest order.
  1514. [10:25 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Razmik.
  1515. [10:25 PM] Faerie: ''What wisdom is there to find in doing such a thing, jailor? Be honest.''
  1516. [10:26 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Hm? You don't understand. We all were rotting.. Rotting..."
  1517. [10:26 PM] Faerie: (For mechanics and such, does he still ping as celestial?)
  1518. [10:26 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: His eyes mist up. "Such beautiful skin. I need to save... savor them all. Rotting skins... My skins... No..."
  1519. [10:26 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (He pings as celestial... and undead.)
  1520. [10:27 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Celesti-ead)
  1521. [10:27 PM] Faerie: (...What.)
  1522. [10:27 PM] Runic: (the hell does celestial entitle?)(edited)
  1523. [10:27 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (He counts as undead type, but is formerly celestial.)
  1525. [10:26 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: His eyes mist up. "Such beautiful skin. I need to save... savor them all. Rotting skins... My skins... No..."
  1526. [10:26 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (He pings as celestial... and undead.)
  1527. [10:27 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Celesti-ead)
  1528. [10:27 PM] Faerie: (...What.)
  1529. [10:27 PM] Runic: (the hell does celestial entitle?)(edited)
  1530. [10:27 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (He counts as undead type, but is formerly celestial.)
  1531. [10:29 PM] Faerie: With a sudden gesture, Razmik speaks up against the flayer, and attempts to make it turn.
  1532. ''Poison the world of the living no longer! Cease to tarnish The Cudgel's name with your actions!''
  1533. [10:29 PM] Faerie: (Channel Divinity, Turn the Unholy yadda yadda)
  1534. [10:29 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+3
  1535. [10:29 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+3]: 16, Result: 19
  1536. [10:29 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+3
  1537. [10:29 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+3]: 13, Result: 16
  1538. [10:29 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: DC?
  1539. [10:29 PM] Faerie: And points his finger at him as hard as he can.
  1540. [10:29 PM] Faerie: (Good question)
  1541. [10:29 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Made 19
  1542. [10:30 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Paladin spell DC)
  1543. [10:30 PM] Faerie: (Just says it's a wisdom saving throw, let me check futher)
  1544. [10:30 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: He likely succeed.
  1545. [10:30 PM] Faerie: (Oh, it's that? Save DC is 13)
  1546. [10:30 PM] Faerie: (Yeah)
  1547. [10:30 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Ahahah! Hahaah!" He laughs.
  1548. [10:30 PM] Faerie: (What a weirdo.)
  1549. [10:31 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "No, no, YOU are the one that's tarnished, brother... Give your skin to me. GIVE IT TO ME!" He shouts.
  1551. [10:31 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "And get this damn cat away from me. I have no need for vermin skins."
  1552. [10:31 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Razmik, anything else?
  1553. [10:32 PM] Faerie: Yeah, Razmik unsheathes and looks at him as menacingly as he can.
  1555. [10:32 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle pauses.
  1556. [10:32 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Aims.
  1557. [10:32 PM] Faerie: ''Prove me dirtied, brother.''
  1558. [10:32 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+1 wisdom
  1559. [10:32 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+1]: 1, Result: 2
  1560. [10:33 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... And pauses again.
  1561. [10:33 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "I... What?"
  1562. [10:33 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle is unable to pull the trigger!
  1563. [10:33 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Alicia, your turn.
  1564. [10:34 PM] Mizuki: "I'm sorry Denalthir. You won't be able to see how soft his skin is after I'm done incinerating it!" - Said Alicia casting searing smite on her shortsword and charging forward with a slash!
  1565. [10:34 PM] Mizuki: Roll 1d20+5
  1566. [10:34 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+5]: 15, Result: 20
  1567. [10:34 PM] Mizuki: (it's +5, right?)
  1568. [10:34 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You charge forth...
  1569. [10:34 PM] Faerie: (That's weird, he rolled with advantage against my turning attempt. Probably because ex-celestial?)
  1570. [10:34 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: As your blade goes to him, Give me a Wisdom save.
  1571. [10:34 PM] Faerie: (Also, you roll with advantage, Mizu)
  1572. [10:35 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (He has turn resistance, yes, due to his holy nature.)
  1573. [10:35 PM] Mizuki: Roll 1d20+3
  1574. [10:35 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+3]: 12, Result: 15
  1575. [10:35 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Your minds were clouded for a second.
  1576. [10:35 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Someone tells you that it's not a good idea to strike a clergy, especially one such as... This.
  1577. [10:35 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You said fuck that noise.
  1578. [10:35 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Your attack goes through!
  1579. [10:35 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Roll damage.
  1581. [10:36 PM] Mizuki: Roll 1d6+3
  1582. [10:36 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d6+3]: 1, Result: 4
  1584. [10:36 PM] Mizuki: Roll 1d6
  1585. [10:36 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d6]: 3, Result: 3
  1587. [10:36 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Ahh... Holy, cleansing flame!" He laughes as he's lit by the fire.
  1588. [10:36 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "My skin, my skin! It feels so much cleaner... Cleaner..." His eyes bulge and he laughs.
  1589. [10:36 PM] Mizuki: "Don't you dare touch Azura!" - Shouts Alicia
  1591. [10:37 PM] Mizuki: (pass)
  1592. [10:37 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: John.
  1593. [10:37 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: erm.
  1594. [10:37 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "For Winds-" John catches himself. Not in Kansas anymore.
  1595. [10:37 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Step forth, strike... Or attempt to.
  1596. [10:37 PM] Faerie: (:sadpopo:)
  1597. [10:37 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20 wisdom
  1598. [10:37 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20]: 19, Result: 19
  1599. [10:37 PM] Runic: (nice)
  1600. [10:37 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+6 to hit
  1601. [10:37 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+6]: 15, Result: 21
  1602. [10:38 PM] Faerie: (Solid.)
  1603. [10:38 PM] Runic: (double nice)
  1604. [10:38 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d10+5
  1605. [10:38 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d10+5]: 6, Result: 11
  1606. [10:38 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d8 Distracting Strike
  1607. [10:38 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d8]: 2, Result: 2
  1608. [10:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The next attack against the Aasimar has Advantage.
  1609. [10:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The Dragon Slayer roars quietly... Piercing the Aasimar.
  1610. [10:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: He looks unfazed. "Er tu, friend?"
  1611. [10:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Lexon.
  1613. [10:40 PM] Runic: Lexon runs straight towards the jailer and trys to perform an uppercut
  1614. [10:40 PM] Runic: Rolling wisdon
  1615. [10:40 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Attack with Advantage.
  1616. [10:40 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Ah
  1617. [10:40 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Right
  1618. [10:40 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: go for it
  1619. [10:40 PM] Runic: Roll 1d20
  1620. [10:40 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20]: 7, Result: 7
  1621. [10:40 PM] Faerie: (>uppercut
  1622. You're not drunk enough for this!)
  1623. [10:40 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You... stop.
  1624. [10:41 PM] Runic: (thanks dicebot
  1625. [10:41 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You can't do this. No.
  1626. [10:41 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Your arm freezes.
  1627. [10:41 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It's... Not a good idea, no. Not against someone such as him. No.
  1628. [10:41 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: No.
  1629. [10:41 PM] Runic: Lexon decides to hide for now
  1630. [10:41 PM] Faerie: No?
  1631. [10:41 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: He smiles at Lexon.
  1632. [10:41 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Good boy..."
  1634. [10:41 PM] Runic: Roll 1d20+4
  1635. [10:41 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+4]: 16, Result: 20
  1636. [10:42 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You hid behind.... Someone.
  1637. [10:42 PM] Runic: (end turn)
  1638. [10:42 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Denalthir.
  1639. [10:42 PM] Mizuki: "The hell are you doing, Recelle, Lexon? He's a fucking madman, look around you!" - Shouted Alicia losing her temper
  1640. [10:42 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "I am trying!" Recelle replies. "My finger, my iron sight won't land on him!"
  1641. [10:43 PM] §upposition: Denalthir sees the two before her acting strangely...
  1642. [10:43 PM] §upposition: "Let's try this"
  1643. [10:43 PM] Runic: Lexon can only keep silent, frustrated
  1644. [10:43 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ( Sanctuary meme stronk )
  1647. [10:43 PM] §upposition: She slowly raises her hand...and points at the Aasimar
  1648. [10:44 PM] §upposition: (True Strike!)
  1649. [10:44 PM] Faerie: ''Keep your eyes on him, you don't want him to club you while you're looking at Recelle back there!'', Razmik shouts. This madman was dangerous, the tarninshed, missing symbol on him should have been proof enough.
  1650. [10:44 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You channel the Arcane energy, in order to strike unerringly at target next round. For that next strike could be a ray of HEALING BOLT, it's not strictly considered aggressive by this GM.
  1651. [10:44 PM] Faerie: (>Sanctuary)
  1652. [10:44 PM] Faerie: (AH.)
  1653. [10:45 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Your spell goes through.
  1655. [10:45 PM] §upposition: (How far is he from me)
  1656. [10:45 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (30 feet.)
  1658. [10:46 PM] Faerie: (Wait, shit, I assumed Razmik was also within striking range since I got close before initiative. How far away am I?)
  1659. [10:46 PM] §upposition: Denalthir stands her ground, staring straight into his eyes.
  1660. [10:46 PM] §upposition: (Pass)
  1661. [10:46 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (You are like 10 feet or so.)
  1662. [10:46 PM] Faerie: (DAMNIT.)
  1663. [10:46 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "That's fine, don't worry. You die now." He smiles, raising his morningstar.
  1664. [10:46 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Grant me strength, Orcus."
  1665. [10:47 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 2d4+4 Healing Words
  1666. [10:47 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d4+4]: 4,4, Result: 12
  1667. [10:47 PM] Faerie: ''Orcus!'' That took care of most of his story. The relevant part, at least.
  1668. [10:48 PM] Mizuki: "I knew it, you're just a damn cultist" - Said Alicia
  1669. [10:48 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... Smite."
  1670. [10:48 PM] Kaperis: (here.)
  1671. [10:48 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+5
  1672. [10:48 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+5]: 3, Result: 8
  1673. [10:48 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... His mace... Shines with a black light. Channel Divinity: Guided Strike.
  1674. [10:49 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Power Attack.
  1675. [10:49 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d6+10 against Alicia
  1676. [10:49 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d6+10]: 5, Result: 15
  1677. [10:49 PM] Faerie: (>Power attack What the shit.)
  1678. [10:49 PM] Mizuki: (ouch)
  1679. [10:49 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Alicia. You feel what appears to be a ram striking you.
  1680. [10:49 PM] Faerie: (Wait, can you declare a power attack after seeing the roll?)
  1681. [10:50 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... you still stand? Tough skin." He says, his Sanctuary going away.
  1682. [10:50 PM] Kaperis: (Yeah, I think it has to be before, or else the accuracy mod would be meaningless.)
  1683. [10:50 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Yeah. He declared the penalty already. Be careful, folks.)
  1684. [10:50 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Next strike, then."
  1685. [10:50 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Azura claws at the aasimar!
  1686. [10:51 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Razmik.
  1687. [10:51 PM] Mizuki: Alicia almost fell to the floor, that one hurt. Way more than the banshee. She couldn't say anything
  1689. [10:52 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Your wound feels festered, Alicia.(edited)
  1690. [10:52 PM] Faerie: Razmik knew the jig was down. Recelle and Lexon's failed attempts - they weren't in any way divine intervention, no. He himself could do something similar, if it were really needed. This guy was a lunatic.
  1691. [10:52 PM] Mizuki: (I can use exp. retrato to get away without being hit, right?)
  1692. [10:52 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It itches.
  1694. [10:53 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Erm.)
  1695. [10:53 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Not with exp. retreat, but with action -> disengage)
  1696. [10:53 PM] Faerie: Razmik gets in striking range, and without much flourish attempts to get a solid hit in.
  1697. [10:53 PM] Faerie: (Roll normally now?)
  1698. [10:53 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Yeah
  1699. [10:53 PM] Mizuki: (does action surge recharges after a short rest?)
  1700. [10:54 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Sanc's down by the time he tried to hit Alicia.
  1701. [10:54 PM] Faerie: roll 1d20+4
  1702. [10:54 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+4]: 15, Result: 19
  1703. [10:54 PM] Faerie: !
  1704. [10:54 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Short or Long)
  1705. [10:54 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (So yes, Alicia)
  1706. [10:54 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: 19 is a hit.
  1707. [10:55 PM] Mizuki: (that means I can cast it, right?)
  1710. [10:55 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Exp. reterat is bonus, you have action and move after)
  1711. [10:55 PM] Faerie: As he swung upwards in an arc, the decay and degeneracy present in that very rooom flashed in front of his eyes. Razmik's blade stops just short of the Aasimar cultist's body, if for an instant
  1712. [10:55 PM] Mizuki: (I mean action surge)
  1713. [10:55 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Yeah)
  1714. [10:56 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (You can Action Surge since you short-rested.)
  1715. [10:56 PM] Faerie: And he roars out, ''Begone, fiend!''
  1716. [10:56 PM] Faerie: roll 3d8+4
  1717. [10:56 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [3d8+4]: 3,5,1, Result: 13
  1718. [10:56 PM] Faerie: Smite.
  1719. [10:57 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "No, no... No..." He shakes his head. "Orcus is the true god..." Your blade emites a radiance that seems to melt his skin.
  1720. [10:57 PM] Faerie: Before pressing his weapon against its armor, going right through... It.
  1721. [10:57 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Underneath that pearly white aasimar skin, only a black, oozing, pulsing SLIME remains.
  1722. [10:57 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: He pulls back a step, removing the weapon from his body.
  1723. [10:57 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "I ask you this, Paladin." He speaks, his voice contorted.
  1724. [10:58 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "When the world was destroye by Orcus, what did St. Cuthbert do?"
  1725. [10:58 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Nothing." He grins, his mouth dripping black ooze.
  1726. [10:58 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "I swear revenge to Orcus, for Orcus, by Orcus. This is fair retribution, for the most tasty of Toms..."
  1727. [10:59 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... he still stands, Razmik. What will you do?
  1729. [10:59 PM] Faerie: How did Alicia look?
  1730. [10:59 PM] Faerie: She should be about right next to Razmik
  1731. [10:59 PM] Mizuki: (what do you mean?)
  1732. [11:00 PM] Faerie: (How close to fucking DYING are you?)
  1733. [11:00 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Alicia looks bloodied and winded. What's worse, the morningstar's strike dealt a blow that was festering, the impact spot looking grey, blue, and green....
  1734. [11:00 PM] Sawai: ( :cryingpopo: )
  1735. [11:01 PM] Faerie: Alright, if moving to her side won't provoke an attack by the Aasimar, Razmik sidesteps next to her.
  1736. [11:01 PM] Mizuki: (one more hit like that and I'm kill 9 hp left)
  1737. [11:01 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Tom... Tom, oh Tom." He cackles, insanity settling in.
  1738. [11:01 PM] Faerie: That's all.
  1739. [11:01 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You step next to Alicia.
  1741. [11:01 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle...
  1742. [11:01 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+6
  1743. [11:01 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+6]: 3, Result: 9
  1744. [11:01 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+6
  1745. [11:01 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+6]: 19, Result: 25
  1746. [11:01 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 2d6
  1747. [11:01 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [2d6]: 6,2, Result: 8
  1748. [11:02 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d12+4
  1749. [11:02 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d12+4]: 5, Result: 9
  1750. [11:02 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Hits the Aasimar right in the forehead, splattering his brain. In return, the Aasimar looks blankly at Recelle.
  1751. [11:02 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: And grins.
  1752. [11:02 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Alicia, your turn.
  1753. [11:03 PM] Mizuki: (Rolling for smite)
  1754. [11:03 PM] Mizuki: (remind me :sadpopo: )
  1755. [11:03 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d6 fire very hot
  1756. [11:03 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d6]: 4, Result: 4
  1757. [11:04 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The aasimar...? burns.
  1759. [11:04 PM] Mizuki: "I'm not retreating!" - Shouted Alicia - "You're going down... Right now!"
  1760. [11:05 PM] Mizuki: Alicia sends 3 magic missilea flying the Aasimar's way
  1761. [11:05 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll it.
  1762. [11:05 PM] Mizuki: Roll 3d4+3
  1763. [11:05 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [3d4+3]: 3,3,4, Result: 13
  1764. [11:05 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The aasimar cackles, as arcane energy strikes it.
  1766. [11:06 PM] Mizuki: With a deep breath, Alicia recovers a bit of her strenght
  1767. [11:06 PM] Mizuki: Roll 1d10+2
  1768. [11:06 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d10+2]: 2, Result: 4
  1769. [11:06 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Second Wind: 4 HP
  1771. [11:07 PM] Mizuki: And casts magic missile again!
  1772. [11:07 PM] Mizuki: Roll 3d4+3
  1773. [11:07 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (This burst :sadpopo: )
  1774. [11:07 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [3d4+3]: 3,3,2, Result: 11
  1775. [11:07 PM] Faerie: ...For what it's worth, Razmik offers his answer, readied the instant Recelle struck the cultist.: ''When the world was destroyed by the one you worship now, what did you do?, to uphold your duty in service to others?''
  1777. [11:07 PM] Mizuki: (done)
  1778. [11:07 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The Aasimar buckles and falls.
  1779. [11:08 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The black ooze that forms the muscle around his silvery bones melt away, the animating magic not longer functioning.
  1780. [11:08 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You hear a whisper.
  1781. [11:08 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Thank you..."
  1782. [11:08 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Combat over.
  1784. [11:08 PM] Runic: "Fucking bastard"
  1785. [11:08 PM] Faerie: He doesn't even entertain the idea of letting him answer -not that Alicia would leave him, after peppering him with high-impact force damage like that- ''Nothing'', he says. ''You turned, you...''
  1786. [11:09 PM] Faerie: ''Liar.'' A string of insults would do no one good; he was gone.
  1787. [11:09 PM] Runic: Lexon comes out of hiding, and walks towards what's left
  1788. [11:09 PM] §upposition: "...Well at least I didn't need to waste my energy on that..." Denalthir relaxes all at once having been tensed up, ready to blow the Aasimar to pieces
  1789. [11:09 PM] Mizuki: With a smile, Alicia leans on Raz.
  1790. [11:09 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle walks over, and studies the remain.
  1791. [11:10 PM] Kaperis: roll 1d20+3
  1792. [11:10 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+3]: 3, Result: 6
  1793. [11:10 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  1794. [11:10 PM] Kaperis: (Diebot, why)
  1796. ----
  1798. Over at whisper:
  1800. [11:11 PM] Kaperis: Was trying to figure out how the victims died
  1801. [11:12 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle assists you.
  1802. [11:12 PM] Kaperis: And ultimately, whether the men were dead by the time they were skinned
  1803. [11:12 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Well.
  1804. [11:12 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The story likely went that the guards were turned, one by one, including the aasimar.
  1805. [11:12 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: He likely worked with all he've got, and was one of the first to fall due to spending his power to help others.
  1806. [11:13 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: That lingering... resentment, that he wanted to keep everyone alive and well, was twisted into the wish to keep their skins.
  1807. [11:13 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Indeed... All their skins weren't rotting anymore.
  1808. [11:13 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: He skinned a bunch of zombies, and /healed the skins/.
  1810. ----
  1812. [11:10 PM] Faerie: ''A, Alicia! Do you feel alright?'', doing his best to not worry too much
  1813. [11:11 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle pokes around the remain a little, fishing out the breastplate, and goes through the personal belongings that remained behind.
  1814. [11:11 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d20+3
  1815. [11:11 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+3]: 18, Result: 21
  1816. [11:11 PM] Mizuki: "Yeah... I'm alright" - She smiles - "It just h-hurts a little"
  1817. [11:12 PM] Runic: Lexon waits for Recelle to finish salvaging anything useful before deciding to stomp on the black goo due to frustration(edited)
  1818. [11:12 PM] Faerie: ''Denalthir, can you take a look at her? That didn't look very good...'' He helps alicia down into a sitting position. ''Try to take deep breaths''
  1819. [11:13 PM] Faerie: ''Show us where he hit you, I'm certain it'll need treating.''
  1820. [11:14 PM] Mizuki: "Don't worry too much, I'm alright" - She replied sitting down
  1821. [11:14 PM] Kaperis: John paces slowly beside the rows of skinned bodies, looking them up and down.
  1823. [11:14 PM] §upposition: "..."
  1824. [11:15 PM] Mizuki: "With a bit of rest I'll be fine!"
  1825. [11:15 PM] §upposition: Denalthir looks her up and down
  1826. [11:15 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "It's never good to say that when there are zombies around, Alicia." Recelle says, holding Alicia down from behind.
  1827. [11:15 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Azura paws at Alicia, hissing.
  1828. [11:15 PM] Faerie: ''And Recelle - Hey, be careful with that. It might still be tainted; that backstabber did something weird to the symbol on his armor.''
  1829. [11:15 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Get checked, Master."
  1830. [11:16 PM] Runic: "First he leaves the prison keys hanging around for some to snatch, hand then he has some dumb divine intervention thing" Lexon mumbles, as while still stomping on the liquid mess
  1831. [11:16 PM] §upposition: Denalthir approaches Alicia and prods at her in several places around the wound. "It'd be almost impossible to fix this, barring a miracle."
  1832. [11:16 PM] §upposition: That said...she takes out her herbalism kit.
  1833. [11:16 PM] Kaperis: John pokes at one with a piece of debris, examining the flesh.
  1834. [11:16 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle takes the loot and cleans them up. "I am used to dealing with infectious filth. Mostly"
  1835. [11:16 PM] §upposition: "Let's see what we can do."
  1836. [11:16 PM] Mizuki: "A-Alright" - Said Alicia poiting to the place struck by the morning star - "Thanks..."
  1837. [11:17 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Breastplate, Morningstar (As mace), and a Wand.
  1838. [11:17 PM] §upposition: (Medicine check, proficiency. Since I increased my WIS to 14 that's a +2 mod right? Proficiency would make that +4?)
  1839. [11:17 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Yeah.
  1840. [11:17 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Go for it.
  1841. [11:17 PM] §upposition: roll 1d20+4
  1842. [11:17 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+4]: 17, Result: 21
  1843. [11:18 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: First of all.
  1844. [11:18 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: That wasn't Power Attack.
  1845. [11:18 PM] Kaperis: John glances over at Recelle. "Huh? What do you mean?"
  1846. [11:18 PM] Faerie: (I'd like to know what it is, first. Poison? Some weird fucking undead curse? Disease?)
  1847. [11:18 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: That was a Divine Eminence, of unholy power.
  1848. [11:18 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: it channeled the power of Orcus and struck Alicia. Alicia is Poisoned, and will turn into a zombie in a day.
  1849. [11:19 PM] Mizuki: (TASUKETEE)
  1850. [11:19 PM] Kaperis: (Same stuff that was on the boy, then?)
  1851. [11:19 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Secondly, it was Necrotic Damage! :smugpopo:
  1852. [11:19 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Slightly different; this one is more "direct")
  1853. [11:19 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (But principle is the same)
  1855. [11:20 PM] Faerie: (Oh... his Channel Divinity took no action, then?)
  1856. [11:20 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (I cheated for drama.)
  1857. [11:20 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ( :smugpopo: )
  1858. [11:21 PM] Faerie: (:firepopo:)
  1859. [11:21 PM] KogasaGaSagasa:
  1860. [11:21 PM] Kaperis: "Hey, Recelle, if you've done this before, can you tell me what you make of this?" He motions Recelle over to the body he's looking at.
  1861. [11:21 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Huh? Um... A dead body, reanimated..." Recelle goes over the process of what she learned while surviving.
  1862. [11:21 PM] Mizuki: Alicia stares at Denalthir and whispers - "I-Is it too bad?"(edited)
  1863. [11:22 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ".. And then flayed while twitching necrotically."
  1864. [11:22 PM] §upposition: (I don't know, is it? :smugpopo: )
  1865. [11:22 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (If untreated she dies.)
  1866. [11:22 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (If treated she's 100% fine.)
  1867. [11:22 PM] §upposition: (So that 21...)
  1868. [11:22 PM] Faerie: (All Channel Divinity effects take a normal action to use then, right?)
  1869. [11:23 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Nah.)
  1870. [11:23 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Read carefully. This one is part of attack roll. Some others are Reactions.)
  1871. [11:23 PM] Faerie: (Ahh, not even a bonus action, then. Got it.)
  1872. [11:24 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (The Heightened Healing Word was bonus action.)(edited)
  1873. [11:24 PM] Kaperis: "Mm. Thought so... These have all kinds of injuries, but if you look closely, you can see the bite marks on most." John rubs his chin and looks back where the Aasimar once stood.
  1874. [11:24 PM] Runic: Lexon hardly satisfied venting his anger, decides to stop
  1875. [11:24 PM] Faerie: (Hmhmm. Anyways, either Denalthir tries treating that shit or I clap at it until it goes away, again. Healing kits must be a bit hard to come by, no?)(edited)
  1876. [11:25 PM] Mizuki: (come check me Fae, I think we need a Paladin^tm to cure this thing :sadpopo:)
  1877. [11:25 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Not really :sadpopo: )
  1878. [11:25 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ( Denalthir literally trip over charges out there in hermithood)
  1879. [11:25 PM] Faerie: (If that's the case :sadpopo:)
  1880. [11:25 PM] Mizuki: (oh, then I'm good?)
  1881. [11:25 PM] §upposition: (So my medicine roll was just to determine the nature of it then? I imagined I wouldn't be able to do a thing about it)
  1883. [11:26 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Oh. I didn't actually realize.
  1884. [11:26 PM] Kaperis: "--Huh, that's weird."
  1885. [11:26 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Yeah, you ... Had Alicia distracted by Azura.
  1886. [11:26 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: With a quick stab and draw, you cleansed the diseased area. Some antiseptic and salve later, Mizu's wound look much cleaner.
  1887. [11:27 PM] Faerie: Razmik is hopeful about Denalthir's aid. She didn't seem like much of a certified health expert, but he thought it better to leave that nasty would to her in fact quite-capable hands.
  1889. [11:27 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Yeah, well." Recelle shrugs helplessly.
  1890. [11:27 PM] §upposition: (Has it spread to her blood though??)
  1891. [11:28 PM] §upposition: (Or is this good enough)
  1892. [11:28 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Mind if I let them down and sort of... make sure they don't reanimate?" Recelle asks. "And then we can properly bury them a bit.
  1893. [11:28 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Your expert opinion says yes.)
  1894. [11:28 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "I don't know. With fire or casket or something."
  1897. [11:28 PM] Kaperis: John walks over. "The, uh... the skins here don't show any injuries at all."
  1898. [11:28 PM] Faerie: ''Do you think that's enough?'', Razmik asks while standing up to get a better look at the place. John and Recelle were already on it, so he goes over to whatever other corner there was and looks around.
  1899. [11:28 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Ew." Says Recelle.
  1900. [11:29 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "That ass-imar must've healed the skin..."
  1903. [11:29 PM] Mizuki: "Thank you, Denalthir" - Said Alicia covering her wound - "I'm alright now"
  1904. [11:29 PM] §upposition: "...You'll be fine Alicia." Denalthir pats her shoulder and shoves her last Potion of healing into her.
  1905. [11:29 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You feel a lot better, Alicia. It stopped stinging and itching.
  1906. [11:30 PM] Faerie: ''Recelle, you can leave most of that to me. You're absolutely right, though - we can't leave the departed without giving them their due last touches.''
  1907. [11:30 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Oh. Should I look around the room and loot?"
  1908. [11:31 PM] Faerie: (How much holy water would that take? Er, does it even take holy water? All I know is that Razmik should be able to do something about it.)
  1909. [11:31 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Seems like Recelle's just looting, at this point, if Razmik is taking over that.
  1910. [11:31 PM] Mizuki: Alicia pets Azura, gets up and approaches Raz to help
  1911. [11:31 PM] §upposition: @Mizuki (Pls claim your potion of healing)
  1912. [11:31 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (You don't exactly have to. Holy water prevents reanimation as well as decaptitation)
  1913. [11:31 PM] Mizuki: (okay, thanks!)
  1915. [11:31 PM] Kaperis: John nods to Recelle and turns to Raz. "Shouldn't we bury what's left of the guy as well?" he asks with a shrug.
  1916. [11:31 PM] Faerie: ''Sure, just be careful and don't touch anything weird. Alicia, if you feel better, you can help me take some of these off...''
  1917. [11:31 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (It's expensive otherwise.)
  1918. [11:32 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (1 holy water per body. But arguably, you can just throw a Bless on them :neutral_face: )
  1919. [11:32 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (And tell Morninglord to stop them from fucking off to undeath)
  1921. [11:32 PM] Faerie: (Oh geez.)
  1922. [11:33 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It's almost a bit eerie how you were supplied Holy Water. Then you realized the oracles must've see uses for them.
  1923. [11:33 PM] Faerie: (When you say ''Bless'', do you mean the level 1 spell for 3 bodies a cast, or a general ''yeah, please don't let them fuck off unto undeath''?)
  1924. [11:33 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Level 1 spell.)
  1927. [11:33 PM] Faerie: (How many bodies are there :firepopo:)
  1929. [11:33 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (15.)
  1930. [11:33 PM] Runic: (my body can't keep being up, I'm passing out now, night I'll put in exp later)
  1931. [11:33 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (That's all the guards beside the handful that weren't here/ran :sadpopo: )
  1932. [11:33 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (EXP? Sec.)
  1933. [11:33 PM] Faerie: (Would I have to cast it 5 times, then?)
  1934. [11:33 PM] Kaperis: (How long does it take the undead to rise? Because these probably aren't fresh.)
  1935. [11:34 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (2200 / 5)
  1936. [11:34 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (440)
  1937. [11:34 PM] Faerie: (Holy fuck.)
  1938. [11:34 PM] Mizuki: (I gotta head to bed)
  1939. [11:34 PM] Runic: Alright I'll add it later night
  1940. [11:34 PM] Mizuki: (need to wake up early tomorrow!)
  1941. [11:34 PM] Runic: Night mizu
  1942. [11:34 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (They aren't fresh, but bodies... the less likely they are to reanimate, the better.)
  1944. [11:34 PM] Runic: (same)
  1945. [11:34 PM] Kaperis: (Can a dead zombie re-reanimate?)
  1946. [11:35 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Can they? :smugpopo: )
  1947. [11:35 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (There are undead balor running around, you are asking weird questions. :smugpopo: )
  1948. [11:35 PM] Mizuki: (well, good night!)
  1950. [11:35 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Night Mizu.
  1951. [11:35 PM] Kaperis: (Night~)
  1952. [11:36 PM] Faerie: (Good night. Mind if we go on and finish up here, get rid of the corpses, and such?)
  1953. [11:36 PM] Mizuki: (how long would that take?)
  1954. [11:36 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (You can go bed!)
  1955. [11:36 PM] Kaperis: (Too long~)
  1956. [11:37 PM] Faerie: (I mean without you, if you can't stay up longer it's understandable)
  1957. [11:37 PM] Mizuki: (I-I'll help)
  1958. [11:37 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Searching through the barrack and cleansing the dead of their ski- I mean sin.
  1959. [11:37 PM] Mizuki: (a little more)
  1960. [11:37 PM] Faerie: (But yeah, probably not a sensible amount of time considering you need to be up early)
  1961. [11:37 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You found 12 sets of longswords, 12 sets of leather armor. Those are in good condition.
  1962. [11:37 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... 120 GP in pay readied to be hanged out.
  1963. [11:37 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: [Nightmare] Why are there 15 guards.
  1964. [11:38 PM] Mizuki: "Anything I can do to help?" - Asked Alicia
  1966. [11:38 PM] Kaperis: John picks up the paladin(?)'s morningstar and turns it over in his hand.
  1967. [11:38 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It's ... It was carefully maintained, with vigil and devotion.
  1968. [11:38 PM] Faerie: ''Can you take a look at the Aasimar's gear, Alicia? Particularly that wand - I'm sure you'll know something about it''
  1969. [11:39 PM] Faerie: (It was a Cleric! War domain, or Razmik would have been a tad angrier)(edited)
  1970. [11:39 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: On the handle, charred words from St. Cuthbert's teachings are etched onto it.
  1971. [11:39 PM] Kaperis: (I don't think Clerics can cast smite spells?)
  1972. [11:39 PM] Mizuki: "I'll do it!" - Alicia picks the breastplate up and examines it
  1973. [11:39 PM] Faerie: (CLERIC OF ORCUS :sadpopo:)
  1974. [11:40 PM] Kaperis: (Pay attention to John, Fae :T)
  1975. [11:40 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The breastplate isn't magical.
  1976. [11:40 PM] Mizuki: (are breastplates heavy or medium?)
  1977. [11:40 PM] §upposition: "...You should have someone take a look at that before you trouble it..."
  1978. [11:40 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Medium, 14+max2dex)
  1980. [11:41 PM] Faerie: (Sorry, busy daydreaming :firepopo:)
  1981. [11:41 PM] Mizuki: "I wonder if it's cursed" - Thinks Alicia
  1982. [11:41 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It's not magical enough for that.
  1983. [11:41 PM] Mizuki: (cool)
  1984. [11:41 PM] Faerie: ''John, is that weapon... adequate?'' meaning, did he think it was fucking cursed, or anything?
  1985. [11:42 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The weapon probably meant a lot to the aasimar during his life.
  1986. [11:42 PM] Kaperis: "Oh, yeah. It's really hard to oil a morningstar, you know. This looks well taken care of," John replies.
  1987. [11:42 PM] Mizuki: Alicia puts down the breastplate and picks up the wand
  1989. [11:42 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It's the Wand of Orcus, a legendary artifact! ... Just kidding.
  1990. [11:43 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You note it to be a Wand of Cure Wounds, but somewhat broken.
  1991. [11:43 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: The command word is unknown; a rest, short or long, is required to study it.
  1992. [11:43 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Properly that's how it's done :sadpopo: )
  1994. [11:43 PM] Faerie: Something felt off about the flayed corpses. Well, beyond the obvious fact that they had been flayed by an old servant of The Cudgel, that is - something about their numbers and the weapons in the barracks? Razmik couldn't shake that feeling off...
  1995. [11:44 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Each charge cures 1d8+1 HP, and there are ... 6 charges left. It does not longer recharge.
  1996. [11:44 PM] Kaperis: ... How many skins are there? John's not squeamish.
  1998. [11:44 PM] Faerie: (Can I roll Insight? [Nightmare] made it sound more like a gut feeling, instead of something like Investigation)(edited)
  1999. [11:45 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: There are 11.9 skins.
  2000. [11:45 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: .9, because Tom's chewed pu.
  2001. [11:45 PM] Faerie: (Morbid. :sadpopo:)
  2002. [11:45 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: [Nightmare] The skins don't match. The count is wrong. The count is always wrong.
  2004. [11:45 PM] Mizuki: "I'll take a better look at this wand later to find out the command word" - Said Alicia - "But it's a somewhat broken wand of cure wounds. Should be useful"
  2006. [11:45 PM] Kaperis: John only knows that one's name because of it!
  2007. [11:46 PM] Kaperis: (So, wait, there are actually 2 extra bodies hanging here?)
  2008. [11:46 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: After a short or long rest, anyone that can use Cure Wounds can use the wand, and it heals for 1d8+1, unable to spent multi-charge, and has 6 charges.
  2009. [11:46 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (3)
  2010. [11:46 PM] Kaperis: (3, right.)
  2012. [11:46 PM] Kaperis: Are any of the bodies not like the others?
  2013. [11:46 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: No.
  2014. [11:46 PM] Faerie: Cure wounds? Hey, that could replace Razmik! Intriguing...
  2015. [11:47 PM] Faerie: (Gibb rolls?)
  2016. [11:47 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: They all seem like... Bodies of some dead humanoid guards.
  2017. [11:48 PM] Faerie: Maybe some of those just didn't belong in this room? Or in this whole place, rather. Looked like guards, yes, but ''the count was always wrong.''
  2019. [11:48 PM] Kaperis: 12 sets of equipment, 12 skins (almost), 15 bodies. Is this... what, a glitch? Hrm.
  2020. [11:48 PM] Faerie: (Someone pocket the money we found)
  2021. [11:48 PM] Mizuki: "Hey, is it okay if I keep this breastplate? I could use a better armor." - Asked Alicia
  2022. [11:49 PM] Faerie: ''120 gold, looks like they were missing some for that next payroll, too...''
  2023. [11:49 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "For one, it would help you not being too beaten up by morningstars." Azura calmly comments. "Master, do be careful."
  2025. [11:49 PM] Faerie: Something very wrong was... had happened in here.
  2026. [11:50 PM] Kaperis: (are we overthinking this, or is it actually supposed to mean something? Derp.)
  2027. [11:50 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: "Hey, maybe 3 sets of the bodies were flayed, and their skins got the equipment and walked out." Recelle jokes.
  2028. [11:50 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Then thought about it for a moment.
  2029. [11:50 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Then shudders.
  2031. [11:51 PM] Faerie: (Well, my spaghetti's ready to be rolled)(edited)
  2032. [11:51 PM] Mizuki: "It's okay, right?"- She smiles while petting Azura - "I'll try to be more careful"
  2033. [11:51 PM] Kaperis: "M-maybe not..." says John. "Unless they took their pay with them."
  2034. [11:52 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Investigation, John... Or anyone.
  2035. [11:52 PM] Faerie: ''Maybe they were being underpaid? Not that 8 gold is little money, but at least it's a possibility.''(edited)
  2036. [11:52 PM] Faerie: roll 1d20-1
  2037. [11:52 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20-1]: 15, Result: 14
  2038. [11:52 PM] Kaperis: roll 1d20+3
  2039. [11:52 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+3]: 10, Result: 13
  2040. [11:53 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: It might just be your imagination. You can't tell exactly from the body with the skins removed.
  2041. [11:53 PM] Faerie: (What do the numbers mean?! This is about to get as bad as that time we got the thinking axe, isn't it?)
  2042. [11:53 PM] Mizuki: alicia wonders too. Something very wrong might have happened here.
  2043. [11:53 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: [Nightmare] One of the bodies looks like Windsmere soldier that you vaguely remember.
  2044. [11:54 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: But... You might be wrong.
  2045. [11:54 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... No, you are probably wrong. It can't be.
  2046. [11:54 PM] Mizuki: Roll 1d20+12
  2047. [11:54 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+12]: 3, Result: 15
  2048. [11:54 PM] Mizuki: (pfft)
  2049. [11:54 PM] §upposition: roll 1d20+1
  2050. [11:54 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d20+1]: 9, Result: 10
  2051. [11:54 PM] §upposition: Welp
  2052. [11:54 PM] Kaperis: ... That's ridiculous. John adamantly dismisses it.
  2054. [11:55 PM] Faerie: ''But... how would such a thing happen?'' He was thoroughly appalled by the possibility. No way someone belonging to another dream somehow winded up in here. ...Right?
  2055. [11:55 PM] Mizuki: (oh hold on)
  2056. [11:55 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Surely, it's just your imagination. The logical - as logical as it goes - is that the skins are a form of material for undead creature, and there are 3 "Human Guards" out there right now... That are actually undead.
  2057. [11:55 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Right?
  2058. [11:55 PM] Mizuki: (I have spare points on skill checks thanks to Alicia's passive)
  2059. [11:56 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Mizupls)
  2061. [11:56 PM] Faerie: (How's that work?)
  2062. [11:56 PM] Kaperis: "Anyway, if Recelle's right, these bodies were already turned when they were skined. And... then the skins were healed."
  2063. [11:56 PM] Mizuki: (I'll add points, my check is now 20)
  2064. [11:56 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Damn Observant.)
  2065. [11:56 PM] Mizuki: (5 points spent)
  2066. [11:57 PM] Faerie: (Spent? What kind of magic is this?)
  2067. [11:57 PM] Kaperis: John shrugs. "Guess he felt like he had to do what he couldn't when they were alive."
  2068. [11:57 PM] Mizuki: (Alicia can gather information outside, and thanks to that she can add points on skill checks)
  2069. [11:57 PM] Mizuki: (first time I'm using that)
  2070. [11:58 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: roll 1d100
  2071. [11:58 PM] BOTDiceBot: Dice: [1d100]: 84, Result: 84
  2072. [11:58 PM] Mizuki: (at least that's how I think it works)
  2073. [11:58 PM] Kaperis: ... Also, he probably wouldn't have skinned strangers, nor let them trot off on their own. These were precious to him.
  2074. [11:58 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Alicia. Your mind snaps for a moment.
  2075. [11:59 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Having finally been able to remember things, people, faces that you seen for the past month.
  2076. [11:59 PM] Kaperis: (M-mindbroken)
  2077. [11:59 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: You never realized it, but those people that you don't remember, those Background Casts. If you think about it hard enough, you realized, much to your horror. Those names that you don't remember, those people that you never really got to know. You compare your memory with some of the zombies. They can't be real, they aren't real -
  2078. [11:59 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: A lot of them are... Almost carbon copies.
  2079. [11:59 PM] Mizuki: (fug I get it)
  2080. [11:59 PM] Mizuki: (this castle is windsmere)
  2081. [11:59 PM] Mizuki: (city*)
  2082. [11:59 PM] KogasaGaSagasa: Fake people, fake beings, generated by the nightmare.
  2083. October 31, 2016
  2084. [12:00 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: You feel a sharp pain in your mind.
  2085. [12:00 AM] Mizuki: (I... Don't get it :sadpopo:)
  2086. [12:01 AM] Kaperis: (The nightmare fills in roles it doesn't have the souls for, apparently.)(edited)
  2087. [12:01 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (There are people out there, who you don't remember off the top of your head. Those people - in the nightmares, they are the "extra" people, with roles filled in by the Nightmare.)
  2088. [12:02 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Any of those people are candicates for Things Going Wrong.)
  2089. [12:02 AM] Mizuki: (oooh)
  2090. [12:02 AM] §upposition: Denalthir approaches Alicia and puts a hand on her shoulder. "Don't zombify on me now, I'd like to think my treatment worked but I can always cauterize you. What's wrong?"
  2091. [12:02 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (tl;dr they are eligible for Agent Smith to hop in.)
  2093. [12:03 AM] Mizuki: Alicia explains it to the party. She would never have guessed it worked like that
  2094. [12:03 AM] Kaperis: "Bullshit."
  2095. [12:03 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "That... That can't be true." Recelle calmly explains.
  2096. [12:03 AM] Mizuki: (so that means everyone is actually seeing different people?)(edited)
  2097. [12:03 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "I mean... some people aren't real? Then what am I?"
  2098. [12:04 AM] §upposition: (Aw geez)
  2099. [12:04 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (It means that the faceless soldier that died, the faceless orc that died, the faceless zombie outside might all be the Nightmare filling in the number, "Acting")
  2100. [12:04 AM] §upposition: (A C T O R)
  2101. [12:05 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (That they aren't real souls trapped in the Nightmare.)
  2102. [12:05 AM] Faerie: ''Look, somehow I managed to get enough pity to summon an angelic steed that helped us bring someone back from undeath, but there's just no way I'm going to swallow that.''
  2103. [12:05 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... N-no." Recelle shakes her head. "I... I can't believe that. That's ridiculous!"
  2104. [12:05 AM] Faerie: Even if he did, how to wrap one's head around that? And what would it even mean?
  2106. [12:06 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "The numbers still don't match!" Recelle cries out.
  2107. [12:06 AM] Faerie: (THE NUMBERS)
  2108. [12:06 AM] §upposition: Denalthir hugs Recelle tightly. "Easy now...Calm yourself."
  2109. [12:07 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle breaks down and cries, frightened of reality, as it is.
  2110. [12:07 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "What if I am not real?"
  2111. [12:07 AM] Kaperis: "... Take it back."
  2114. [12:07 AM] Mizuki: "I shouldn't have said anything" - Thinks Alicia a bit too late. What she should say to Recelle now? She's the one being direcly affected by that.
  2115. [12:07 AM] §upposition: "Ssssh, Recelle, you're plenty real. You're here right now, I'm hugging you. You're real."
  2116. [12:07 AM] Kaperis: John stares directly at Alicia. "That was a lie. Take it back."
  2117. [12:08 AM] §upposition: Denalthir takes a more gentle tone with her voice and holds her quietly
  2118. [12:08 AM] §upposition: ...The same sort of voice she'd use with Nephelle
  2119. [12:08 AM] Mizuki: "You're very real to me Recelle... We fought together and I trust you. For me, that was as real as it can be"
  2120. [12:10 AM] Mizuki: "You teached me how to use a musket... We talked to each other. There's no way you're not real" - She concluded
  2121. [12:10 AM] Faerie: As far as Razmik could gras,p -most - of what had been going on in these nightmares was real, including the people in them.
  2122. [12:10 AM] Sawai: (w-what's happening :cryingpopo: )
  2123. [12:10 AM] Faerie: ''Recelle - you... think you may not be real? Is that it what you fear?''(edited)
  2124. [12:10 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "..." Recelle nods. "I... I understand. I think. The nightmare - it's not completely filled with... S-souls? What's real, what's not real..." Recelle wonders. "The people that aren't... Real. They are only 'real' in the Plane of Dream."
  2125. [12:11 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "In the Stellar Alchemy, they are the Elementals of Dreams..."
  2126. [12:11 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle... Nods.
  2127. [12:11 AM] Mizuki: (Alicia fugged up with everything)
  2128. [12:11 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "I mean... How do I guarantee to you, that I am not the Nightmare's pawn?" Recelle frowns.
  2129. [12:11 AM] Faerie: ''So, in need for more beings to recreate what was real, it pulls them from... somewhere else?''
  2130. [12:12 AM] Mizuki: (:cryingpopo:)
  2131. [12:12 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "I think I am real. I hope I am. I am with you, and I work for you, but I don't know... For sure." Recelle pauses.
  2132. [12:12 AM] Sawai: (h-how, why! :cryingpopo: )
  2133. [12:12 AM] Faerie: The Plane of Dream?
  2134. [12:12 AM] Kaperis: "Just shut up!" John turns around and moves toward the door the party entered from.
  2135. [12:14 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: There are people, lost souls trapped in the Nightmare... And there are people, native elementals to Plane of Dreams, drawn by the demon and the Nightmare, as well. They are a figment of imagination, and can only exist because your imagination, or the soul's imagination, or the demon's imagination, gives them form.
  2136. [12:14 AM] Mizuki: Alicia hugs Recelle - "You're real to me and to everyone in this party. You had a history, and that was real too. There's nothing to worry about"
  2137. [12:14 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ... Which one is which?
  2138. [12:15 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Azura runs after John, meowing softly.
  2139. [12:15 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle nods, calming down.
  2140. [12:15 AM] Sawai: (Azura is a cat now? :surprisedpopo: )
  2141. [12:15 AM] Mizuki: (Yes)
  2143. [12:16 AM] Mizuki: "Lets go after John too..." - Said Alicia
  2144. [12:16 AM] §upposition: (But I should get ready to sleep. Since tomorrow's not technically a holiday and all :sadpopo: )
  2145. [12:16 AM] Faerie: ''You're uncertain of your existence, and at the same time, aware of the possibility you might not be'' It wasn't easy to think about, or to digest, but Razmik concludes: ''I think that's proof enough that you really do exist; why would a figment question their lot? You're conscious of it, doesn't that reafirm the fact that you're real, to you?''
  2146. [12:17 AM] Faerie: His head was starting to boil.
  2147. [12:17 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Yeah, we should sleep!)
  2148. [12:17 AM] Faerie: (Oh god what, tomorrow's not a holiday?)
  2149. [12:17 AM] §upposition: (Not in the retail world :sadpopo: )
  2150. [12:17 AM] Mizuki: (;-;)
  2151. [12:17 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Azura nuzzles softly against John's feet, giving off a low purr.
  2152. [12:18 AM] Mizuki: (RECELLE I'M SORRYYYY)
  2153. [12:18 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "... I am... Not going to forget anyone." Recelle murmurs. "I am going to write everyone's names down... On paper."
  2154. [12:18 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: "That way, everyone will be real."
  2155. [12:18 AM] §upposition: (I am the saddest fucking popo right now)
  2156. [12:19 AM] Mizuki: (me too)
  2158. [12:19 AM] Mizuki: (I didn't expect feels)
  2159. [12:19 AM] Kaperis: John stands still just outside the door. Slowly, he looks back and down at Azura. "Hah... I didn't think someone would really follow me. But you should go back. You'll be missed." He continues back to... the thieves' den, he thinks. Probably. Doesn't matter.
  2160. [12:19 AM] Mizuki: Alicia goes after John too
  2161. [12:19 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Azura clings onto John's feet for a bit, before climbing up John like a tree. Meowing softly.
  2162. [12:20 AM] Faerie: Where was he going? Shit, better follow suit, too.
  2163. [12:20 AM] Mizuki: (gotta head to bed for real)
  2164. [12:21 AM] Mizuki: (lets end it for tonight?)
  2165. [12:21 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Yeah. Get your exp :smugpopo: )
  2166. [12:21 AM] Kaperis: John places her on the ground "I'll... be back. Tell them for me, okay?" The guard heads off to vanish for a while.
  2167. [12:21 AM] Mizuki: (local girl ruins everything :firepopo:)
  2168. [12:21 AM] Faerie: (How much exp for the weed talk?)
  2169. [12:21 AM] Kaperis: (This was actually pretty excellent, and I'm glad Alicia rolled it~)
  2170. [12:21 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Faepls)
  2172. [12:22 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: mfw now if John ever dies, a few ton of Dreamland natives disappaer forever
  2173. [12:22 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Since John is the only one that'll remember the extras :smugpopo:
  2174. [12:22 AM] Faerie: (Something to do with one of John's flaws? He really doesn't like to see people being called disposable, so I guess it extends to being considered nameless, faceless or unreal...)
  2175. [12:23 AM] Kaperis: ( :smugpopo: )
  2177. [12:24 AM] Kaperis: (Like Koga said. John remembers their names.)
  2178. [12:24 AM] Mizuki: (I don't know if I should have said it all :sadpopo:)
  2179. [12:24 AM] Faerie: (But guys, are you the real you?)
  2180. [12:24 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ( There are no wrong or bad RPs! )
  2181. [12:24 AM] Kaperis: ( H A P P Y | H A L L O W E E N )
  2182. [12:24 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: ( If dreams are only real as long as you remember it, then RPs are real as long as you roleplay it! )
  2184. [12:25 AM] Mizuki: (anyway, gotta go!)
  2185. [12:25 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Go!)
  2186. [12:25 AM] Mizuki: (nighty!)
  2187. [12:25 AM] Kaperis: (But seriously, Mizu, don't feel bad. Drama enriches the game!)
  2188. [12:25 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: (Night)
  2189. [12:25 AM] Kaperis: (As long as its IC.)
  2190. [12:25 AM] Faerie: (Why the fuck not? It's a good hook, gives us an excuse to m e t a p h y s i c a l a n g s t :smugsatori:)
  2191. [12:25 AM] Sawai: (I don't get it, what happened to Recelle? :sadpopo: )
  2192. [12:25 AM] Kaperis: (Recelle was just told she's a dream.)
  2193. [12:25 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: We now exit IC mode for full OOC and discussions.
  2194. [12:25 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: o7
  2195. [12:26 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Slightly worse than that.
  2196. [12:26 AM] Faerie: Well, yeah
  2197. [12:26 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Recelle was told that there's a chance that everything and evreyone could be a figment of imagination.
  2198. [12:26 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Princess? MIGHT NOT BE REAL.
  2199. [12:26 AM] Faerie: A certain someone hinted at her being nonexistent. That's pretty scary.(edited)
  2200. [12:26 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: Everyone PC can check for real-ness by arranging to meet up IRL
  2201. [12:27 AM] KogasaGaSagasa: But Recelle... :smugpopo:
  2202. [12:27 AM] Kaperis: She doesn't know how good she has it :T She's way too memorable.
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