
Occupy Wall Street + 15O

Sep 11th, 2011
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  1. Hello World,
  3. I've been on the lookout for useful documents lately. Information that has been gathered almost in its entirety from the protests in Spain (#spanishrevolution). Truth be said, Spanish protesters seemed to have imitated the strategies of Tahrir Sq in Cairo. I share this documents, hoping that in the following months they will be of use to many of you.
  5. On September 17th, we will experience a global anti-banks day (see: to which I hope you can join us. On October 15th, there are calls for demonstrations worldwide by a civic-platform in Spain known as Real Democracy Now (see: In the UK, Anonymous has joined such call to action under the name of #OpUnity (see:
  7. I hereby provide you all, my fellow protesters, with several guides. Not all of them may be applicable to your country, but they will still be useful to illustrate you and your surroundings:
  11. Let me give you a brief intro to each of the documents available...
  13. "Mobile Tactics for Participants in Peaceful Assemblies" - Will show us how to use 3G Mobile phones to quickly spread a message, tactics to avoid authorities during 'heated' moments and generally some good tips in the use of this new technology for and by protesters.
  15. "Bustcard" - It is a 6 page document that illustrates in a concise way what are your rights when being stopped by the authorities, it also provides useful contacts when arrested during political campaigns. (NB: It applies only to UK legislation since it was done by GBC, look for a similar organisation in your country for a helping hand
  17. "Consflow" - A one page diagram showing neatly how consensus may be reached, truth be said the process is far more complex, but it is extremely useful to inform wider public and those beginning in assemblies.
  19. "Doing It" - A document with some interesting thoughts on 'Doing It Without Leaders'. Talks about consensus, role of leadership and alternatives to our current lifestyle and how it is organised.
  21. "Dynamisation of Popular Assemblies (ES&EN)" - This document was produced by one of the Commissions from AcampadaSol (Madrid). Here, the Assembly Dynamisation Commission shared some of their thoughts on how to organise and make effective popular assemblies by their experiences in Madrid during the mass protests. Some useful tips for those starting in the role of moderators, spokespersons, minutes team and the like. Thanks to 15M London for the translation (
  23. "Handbook for Non-Violent Campaigns" - An extensive guide (152 pgs.) by anti-war activists. It talks about non-violence itself and how can it be understood. It also provides training exercises and strategies of non-violence as well as some case studies.
  25. "ShortConsensus" - A slightly more extensive version of the previous "Consflow". Some more tips on how to reach consensus and organising assemblies via spokespersons for instance.
  27. "Why & How We Camped in Madrid" - (Several Languages) It gives a first-hand version of the motivations behind the protests, links to further info, organisational charts and more valuable info when setting up extensive protest camps.
  29. I trully hope you put all this knowledge to good use, see you on the streets!
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