
Descent Into Chaos

Dec 13th, 2016
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  1. >"Anon! Come and meet our new neighbors!"
  2. >Your father's voice intrudes into your bedroom, muffled by the door.
  3. >With a sigh of exasperation you tear yourself away from the computer screen and hit pause just as Captain Titus prepares to curb stomp an ork.
  4. "Coming!"
  5. >You yell in response.
  6. >You leave the confines of your room and bound down the stairs, eager to say hello and get back to purging greenskins as quickly as you can.
  7. >From the living room you can hear your father making conversation with an unfamiliar voice, obviously belonging to the neighbor.
  8. >You enter the living room and are met with a tall slender man with grey hair and a beard to match, as well as a girl seemingly your age with her own grey hair obscuring half of her face.
  9. >Both are wearing matching suit-vests.
  10. >Weird, you wouldn't be caught dead wearing the same as your dad.
  11. >His noir detective attire is just ridiculous.
  12. >Everyone having noticed you by now prompts your father to introduce you.
  13. >"Ah, there he is! Anonymous, this is Discord, and his daughter Eris. They moved in just a few houses over."
  14. "Uh, hi."
  15. >You say with a brisk wave to no one in particular.
  16. >Immediately Discord sets upon you extending his hand for a handshake.
  17. >"An absolute pleasure to meet you Anonymous my boy, your father says you go to Canterlot High."
  18. >You reciprocate the gesture and shake with the man.
  19. "That's right."
  20. >"EXCELLENT! I'm taking over Physics from Time Turner, and I won't have the time to help my dear Eris to find her way around tomorrow. Do you think you could help show her around the school in the morning?"
  21. "I guess."
  22. >You say with a hint of apprehension.
  23. >Discord beams at you.
  24. >"Wonderful, she'll meet you outside the physics room tomorrow morning then."
  25. "Cool..."
  26. >Is your only response before you slip away and head back to your room.
  27. >As you leave you swear Eris gives you an evil smile.
  29. >Back in your room the carnage resumes.
  30. >Unpausing your game allows Titus to finish putting his ceramite clad boot the foul xeno's skull as you return to ripping and tearing through orks.
  31. >"Do that again, it was cool!"
  32. >The intruding voice nearly causes you to jump out of your chair.
  33. >Pulling your headset off you swivel your chair around only to end up face-to-half-face with Eris.
  34. >"Hi neighbor."
  35. >She says, her voice soft and feminine with a touch of huskiness to it.
  36. "Why the fuck are you in my room?"
  37. >Is your reply.
  38. >Eris pulls back from your face and laughs a little.
  39. >"Gee, here I thought a guy would be happy to have girl in their bedroom. Relax, I'm just looking around.
  40. >She smirks.
  41. >"Gotta say, I've seen better. You really went with the minimalist approach eh?"
  42. >You sigh and shake your head.
  43. "Well you've had a look around, you can get out now."
  44. >"Nah."
  45. "The fuck do you mean 'nah'?"
  46. >"I mean nah, our old men are still shooting the shit, so I figure I'll stick around here instead of being bored to death."
  47. >You sigh with exasperation.
  48. "Suit yourself."
  49. >You say as you turn back to your PC.
  50. >Grinding through the horde of savage ork boyz you can feel Eris staring holes in the back of your head.
  51. >Attempting to pay it no mind you redouble your slaughter of the greenskins.
  52. >"Watcha playing?"
  53. >Interrupts your unwelcome guest.
  54. "40K Space Marine."
  55. >You state flatly.
  56. >"Looks violent."
  57. "It is."
  58. >"Can I try?"
  59. "No."
  60. >The declaration shuts her up for a moment, only the sound of an ork being disemboweled by your chainsword breaks the silence.
  61. >You hear Eris flop down on your bed.
  62. >"Is it safe to lay on this?"
  63. >She asks.
  64. "What do you mean /safe/?"
  65. >"I'm not laying on a mass grave of your unborn kids am I?"
  66. >Facing your computer leaves you unable to see the snarky grin on her face.
  67. "Only if you're on top of a sock."
  68. >You fire back.
  69. >Eris claps and laughs.
  70. >"I like you Anonymous, you're a quick one."
  71. "It's not mutual."
  72. >Is your reply.
  73. >"Aww, why not? I'm fun!"
  74. "Oh, I'm just not big on girls who decide they've got free reign of my house."
  75. >"Hey, your dad said I could."
  76. >You grunt in dissatisfaction.
  77. >Eris huffs and once again flops on your bed.
  78. "What exactly do you want from me?"
  79. >You ask angrily.
  80. >"I dunno, some sort of entertainment."
  81. "Sorry, I'm all out."
  82. >The hostility in your reply shuts her up again.
  83. >You return to your rhythm of violent ork removal.
  84. >In fact, you almost completely forget Eris is even there.
  85. >That is until you feel a weight on top of your head.
  86. >You pull away from the back of your chair and turn to face your tormentor, only to see Eris smiling smugly with her breasts resting against the top of your chair's back rest.
  87. >"Too heavy?"
  88. >Is her obnoxiously smarmy reply.
  89. "Can you not?!"
  90. >You shout.
  91. >"Aww, whatsa matter? Playing for the other team or something?"
  92. "No, I just want to play my fucking game, is that too much to ask?"
  93. >Eris steps back, obviously taken aback by your outburst.
  94. >"Hey, I just thought-"
  95. "You thought wrong! Now fuck off and leave me in peace."
  96. >Thoroughly pissed off you gesture towards the door before turning back to the computer.
  97. >The next time you turn away, the room is empty and the door is still closed.
  98. ==========
  99. >The crisp morning air bites at you as you trudge from the bus stop to the school's entrance.
  100. >You shove past the crowd of students that take up space around the doors and slip inside the building.
  101. >Heading towards your locker you feel your phone buzz.
  102. >Half-assedly you check your notifications
  103. >'1 text from Incognito: Hey son, don't forget to show Eris around. You said you would.'
  104. >Fuck.
  105. >After yesterday, you were less than enthusiastic about having to deal with Eris' shit again.
  106. >You deposit your shit in your locker and head for the physics room.
  107. >Upon arrival you see no sign of Eris.
  108. >You're tempted to take it as a no show and leave, but you decide to check the actual classroom just in case.
  109. >You swing the door open, and the motion activated lights flicker on, still no Eris.
  110. >Well, you tried. Time to get on with the day.
  111. >You pull the door shut and turn around, only to be greeted by Eris wearing a smug grin.
  112. >Startled by her sudden appearance you jump back and hit the door with the back of your skull.
  113. "Fuck! Can you stop doing that."
  114. >Eris giggles.
  115. >"No, I can't."
  116. >You grumble something indiscriminate under your breath as you step back into the hallway proper.
  117. >"So where to first Mr. Fancy Pants?"
  118. >Asks the daughter of disharmony.
  119. "Who're you calling Fancy Pants?"
  120. >You reply.
  121. >Eris raises her visible eyebrow and gestures towards your suit and tie.
  122. >"You don't have to get all dressed up for little old me you know."
  123. >You roll your eyes with a scoff.
  124. "This is my everyday attire I'll have you know."
  125. >"You do know it's a school, not a formal event right?"
  126. "Coming from a film negative Robbie Rotten, that's rich."
  127. >Eris laughs.
  128. >"Touché Anonymous, touché. Now how about the tour?"
  129. >With a sigh you gesture for Eris to follow you.
  130. "The sooner we get it over with the better."
  131. >The next fifteen minutes are spent meandering around the school, Eris in tow as you show her the different wings and point out which classrooms are which.
  132. >All the while Eris makes snide commentary.
  133. >"Computer Lab? Must be your second home."
  134. >"How many 'private biology lessons' do you think Ms. Chrysalis has given?"
  135. >"Let's keep away from the theatre, I don't want any drama on my first day."
  136. >Etcetera etcetera.
  137. >Admittedly, some of them were funny.
  138. >You probably would've laughed at a few, had they come from someone other than her.
  139. >Your soured impression, however was enough to stifle your sense of humor.
  140. >As you continue to trudge through the halls with your companion, other students begin to stop and stare.
  141. >Whether they're staring at you or Eris you don't care, but the extra attention doesn't exactly work wonders for your mood.
  142. >Eventually you find yourself back in the foyer, having covered just about everything.
  143. "Congratulations, you should be able to get around on your own now more or less."
  144. >You state flatly.
  145. >"All thanks to my hero Anomalous!"
  146. >Eris croons mockingly while exaggeratedly batting her eyelashes at you.
  147. "Anonymous."
  148. >"I'm just joking Anemone. Try taking that stick out of your ass."
  149. "Whatever, I've got a class to get to. Have a nice life."
  150. >You sneer as you turn to head for your chemistry class.
  151. >You hear Eris say something, but you block it out and push onward through the hallway.
  152. >Now that that's over with, you can focus on the daily grind.
  153. >Chem first, followed by English, P.E. and pre-calc.
  154. >At least you get all the shitty stuff out of the way before lunch.
  155. >After that it's animation, programming, a study block and physics.
  156. >Most of the last half of the day is just you fucking around in the computer lab.
  157. >Kickass.
  158. >But you're not to keen on going to physics with Eris' dad at the helm now.
  159. >Though to be honest you don't know much about him.
  160. >Maybe he's not as obnoxious.
  161. >While absentmindedly walking towards your first class you notice someone approaching from behind.
  162. >Before you can turn around you feel a hand grab your shoulder.
  163. >"How's my good buddy Anonymous doing today!"
  164. >Derek.
  165. >Fuck...
  166. "Oh you know, as good as I can do on a Monday that has you in it."
  167. >Derek tightens his grip on your shoulder and begins to wrench it backwards.
  168. >"Haha real funny Anon."
  169. >He says through clenched teeth.
  170. >"Now correct me if I'm wrong, but I could've sworn I saw you with that hottie new girl earlier."
  171. "Yeah, what of it?"
  172. >You hiss.
  173. >Derek the Douche yanks your shoulder backwards, forcing you to face him.
  174. >"I just want to make sure that you're not thinking of hoarding such a cutie for a dork like yourself."
  175. >The choice of words betrays the friendly tone in his voice.
  176. >You roll your eyes.
  177. "Believe me, if you want to go after her, I'm the last person you need to worry about."
  178. >You snark as you force his hand off your shoulder.
  179. "Go ruin someone else's day why dont you?"
  180. >Derek doesn't take kindly to your response and rather than letting you leave, hammers the back of your calf with his boot.
  181. >In response your leg gives out and you hit the floor with a thud.
  182. >"I don't like your attitude."
  183. >Sneers Derek.
  184. >"And I don't Like yours."
  185. >Both you and Derek quickly turn your attention to the intruding voice, only to see Discord standing [spoiler](ON THE EDGE)[/spoiler] just a few feet away from you.
  186. >Your tormentor backs away from you and starts to walk away.
  187. >"Whatever."
  188. >As your foe leaves Discord steps towards you and offers his hand.
  189. >"Friend of yours, Anonymous?"
  190. >He asks rhetorically.
  191. "Hardly."
  192. >You say as you grab his hand and pull yourself up.
  193. >"Oh, and here I thought you were on the floor for comfort."
  194. "Yeah, nothing makes me happier than a cold laminate floor first thin in the morning."
  195. >You dryly retort as you dust yourself off.
  196. >"By the way, I wanted to ask you if you managed to show Eris around yet."
  197. "Yeah, I got that out of the way already."
  198. >Discord smiles.
  199. >"Excellent, I hope she wasn't a handful for you so early in the morning."
  200. "Better than yesterday I guess."
  201. >You mumble offhandedly.
  202. >"Hmm?"
  203. "Nothing... It went well."
  204. >"I'm glad to hear it! I can't thank you enough."
  205. >He beams.
  206. >"I would've shown her around myself if I wasn't so busy. Speaking of which, you probably have a class to get to."
  207. "Yeah, I was on my way before /that/ happened."
  208. >Discord shrugs.
  209. >"Well then, don't let me keep you."
  210. >He says.
  211. >You mock salute and take off for chemistry.
  212. >"I'll see you last period!"
  213. >He calls as you run off.
  214. ==========
  215. >Chemistry went by uneventfully.
  216. >The teacher droned on about chemical bonds, and you scribbled in your notebook.
  217. >Typical chem class.
  218. >One down, seven to go.
  219. >On your way to English you stop at your locker.
  220. "Thirty-six, twenty-four, thirty-six."
  221. >You repeat to yourself as you dial in your locker combo.
  222. >The lock clicks open, and you retrieve your books.
  223. >Or book rather.
  224. >The English teacher was an odd one.
  225. >Rather than Shakespeare or some novel of historical significance, he had insisted on the class reading "The Restaurant at the End of the Universe".
  226. >Whatever value it had was lost on you, probably because it was a sequel, of which you hadn't read the previous entry.
  227. >With the book secured within your backpack you swing the locker door shut, bringing you face-to-face, once again with...
  228. >You guessed it.
  229. >Eris.
  230. >And just like the two previous times, you jump back surprise.
  231. "Jesus fuck!"
  232. >Eris smirks at your display.
  233. >"Do all girls scare you this bad, or is it just me?"
  234. >She asks with a hand on her hip.
  235. >Not deigning to reply, you simply half roll your eyes and snap your lock back into place.
  236. >"Oh come on, don't tell me you're going mute on me. Your replies are half the fun!"
  237. >Maintaining silence, you turn from your locker back into the hallway, and start walking.
  238. >Eris follows along beside you.
  239. >"So where to now 'Nonymous?"
  240. >She asks.
  241. >You say nothing.
  242. >"Come ONNNNNnnnnn "
  243. >Whines your companion.
  244. >"Don't make me do the talking for both of us."
  245. "..."
  246. >"Alright, you asked for it!"
  247. >You scoff as Eris props her hand up as if she was working a puppet.
  248. >"So Handnonymous, how was class?"
  249. >She asks her hand.
  250. >"It was bad."
  251. >She responds to herself in a poor facsimile of your voice.
  252. >"Aww, is that why you're so grumpy?"
  253. >Her hand shakes back and forth to indicate a negative response.
  254. >"No, I'm grumpy because someone shit in my cornflakes!"
  255. >The daughter of Discord feigns shock.
  256. >"Oh dear! Who would do that?"
  257. >"I DID!"
  258. >Declares the phalenged appendage.
  259. >"But Handnonymous, why would you shit in your /own/ cornflakes?"
  260. >Inquires Eris.
  261. >"Because I needed something to be upset about, I enjoy being angry!"
  262. >The vapid ventriloquist display does little to amuse you, but sends Eris into a fit of laughter.
  263. "I don't sound like that."
  264. >You grumble in irritation.
  265. >"Oh my gosh!"
  266. >Squeals Eris.
  267. >"His first words! *sniffle* They grow up so fast..."
  268. >As if on cue, a single tear forms in Eris' visible eye before she wipes it away with a single finger.
  269. >"But you're right, you sound more like this. *Ahem-hem*"
  270. >With her throat cleared she gives you a smile before delivering a hauntingly perfect impression of yourself.
  271. "I'm Anonymous, and I'm a big grumpy nerd!"
  272. >Between being upset by her continued mockery, and absolutely bewildered by how the fuck she managed to perfectly emulate your voice, the latter is where you place your attention.
  273. "How the fuck did you do that?"
  274. >Is the question you ask.
  275. "How the fuck did I do what?"
  276. >Is the question you receive from seemingly, yourself.
  277. "Just... Stop it!"
  278. >You snarl.
  279. "It's fucking creepy"
  280. >Eris switches back to her own voice.
  281. >"Keep talking, and I won't have to do it for you."
  282. >Is her reply.
  283. >You let out a long sigh.
  284. "Don't you have your own class to get to?"
  285. >"Oh, right."
  286. >Eris thinks for a moment.
  287. >"Room 42 is just ahead right?"
  288. >She asks.
  289. >"We came this say this morning but I'm not entirely sure."
  290. >Wait, room 42?
  291. >Sonuvabitch! That's where YOU'RE headed!
  292. >Oh joy, all the boredom of English class combined with the terror of Eris' deliberate attempts at annoying you.
  293. >It's almost as if some nefarious force was manipulating things just to drive you crazy.
  294. >Your internal musings are interrupted by the grey haired girl nudging your arm.
  295. >"Oi! Earth to Anonymous, is this the way to room 42?"
  296. >Snapping back to reality, luckily without any fluctuations in gravity, you grumble out a response.
  297. "Yeah. That's where I'm headed."
  298. >Eris perks up when she hears this.
  299. >"You mean we get to take English together!?"
  300. >You sigh and nod your head in affirmation.
  301. >Eris clasps her hands together.
  302. >"Oh goodie! A whole class with my bestest buddy Anonnymoose!"
  303. "God have mercy..."
  304. >You moan to yourself as you walk through the door into the classroom.
  305. ==========
  306. >*spap*
  307. >*spap*
  308. >*spap*
  309. >*spap*
  310. >*spap*
  311. >Spitballs.
  312. >Each impacting with the back of your neck.
  313. >Where are they coming from?
  314. >Eris.
  315. >Every few moments, since class started a small wad of tissue has come flying through the air an-
  316. >*spap*
  317. >...
  318. >Does /that/.
  319. >In frustration you grab your binder and hold it behind your head to shield your neck from the tide of tissue paper artillery.
  320. >Two spitballs slam into the binder in succession.
  321. >For a few seconds the assault lets up.
  322. >Only for one to smack you in the forehead.
  323. >Looking at the chair of the person in front of you reveals a wet spot where it ricocheted from.
  324. >From her corner at the back of the room you can hear Eris giggling.
  325. >Goddamn it.
  326. >Stealing a glance at the clock you find that there's only 20 minutes left in class.
  327. >Fuck it, if you can spend 10 minutes without being pelted with damp paper it'll be a win.
  328. >You raise your hand and wait for your teacher to notice.
  329. >"Question, Anon?"
  330. >Asks Mr. Page.
  331. "Can I go to the bathroom?"
  332. >"Be quick about it."
  333. >He says before turning to his book.
  334. >Not fucking likely.
  335. >Quietly you pack your backpack, and scurry out the door.
  336. >Hell yeah, now you can just fuck around while you wait the bell.
  337. >No more spitballs.
  338. >You saunter through the halls on a collision course with cafeteria.
  339. >Might as well grab a muffin or something seeing as you've got the time.
  340. >You round the corner into the foyer and are greeted by none other than Eris leaning casually against the wall.
  341. >"Ditching out on English huh? Who knew you were such a bad boy?"
  342. >Her wry smile stretched across her face ever so smugly.
  343. >You, however are more concerned with how she managed to get here before you.
  344. "How the fuck?.."
  345. >"Don't worry Anon, I won't tell on you!"
  346. >She says while miming a zipper over her lips.
  347. >You're still more interested in how she managed to get here from class, before you did.
  348. >There is some serious warp fuckery at play here.
  349. "Seriously, how the fuck did you get here before I did?"
  350. >Eris shrugs.
  351. >"You ask too many questions Anon."
  352. >That's not the response you were hoping for.
  353. >"So now that we're playing hooky, what's the plan?"
  354. "The plan was to get the hell out class and away from you and your spitball bullshit."
  355. >*spap*
  356. >"Plan failed then Nonny."
  357. >Says Eris as she brandishes a hollowed out pen.
  358. >[Internal screaming]
  359. "Oh for fuck's sake!"
  360. >*spap*
  361. "Fuck me!"
  362. >"Buy me a drink first, then we'll see."
  363. >[Internal screaming intensifies]
  364. >Unfortunately for you, your chance at refuge has evaporated before your eyes, like a mirage just as you're about to reach the water's edge.
  365. >But there is a way to get away from your vest wearing tormentor.
  366. >Without warning you leap into a sprint and peel out towards the nearest bathroom, leaving a confused Eris in your wake.
  367. >With the speed of Scooby-Doo on laxatives you burst through the door to the men's washroom and lock yourself inside a vacant stall.
  368. >Now all you have to do is wait out the bell, and by extension, Eris.
  369. >Quickly, you check your phone.
  370. >17 minutes to next period.
  371. >Longest 17 minutes of your life.
  372. ========
  373. >Lunch.
  374. >Your reward for powering through the first half of the day.
  375. >Settling down at your usual cafeteria table you retrieve a sandwich and bottle of [favourite cola beverage] from your backpack.
  376. >Stripping the foodstuff of its clingwrap you take a bite from the edge of the sandwich.
  377. >Right as your teeth make contact with the bread you stop and look from left to right, and back again, half expecting Eris' mug to be pressed uncomfortably into your field of view.
  378. >Much to your relief, that is not the case.
  379. >You bite firmly into the bread and meat ensemble and let out a sigh.
  380. >No Eris' means you can enjoy your meal in relative peace.
  381. >You're not entirely sure as to why Eris seems so hell-bent on pestering you at her leisure.
  382. >In all honesty, you did realize that you were a bit harsh during your initial interaction, but now, any thoughts of an apology were well and truly out the door.
  383. >Not only did you now share English with her, but pre-calc as well.
  384. >All throughout the spitballs were continuous.
  385. >And of course, when you were broken up into pairs to mark the quiz that your teacher had delivered, Eris' jumped at the opportunity to saddle up with you.
  386. >Being new, and familiar with you gave the teacher reason enough to let her.
  387. >However, instead of marking the quiz as directed, she opted to continue pushing your buttons
  388. >As well as close range tissue paper mortar shelling.
  389. >As much as you had disliked pre-calc before, it looked as if you're bound to loath it from here on out.
  390. "Fucking Eris..."
  391. >You mutter under your breath between bites of sandwich.
  392. >Like Pinkie Pie cranked all the way to eleven, and with her misplaced desire to make people happy removed in favour of self-amusement at your expense.
  393. "Fuck today."
  394. >As you munch on your sandwich, and mull your thoughts on your intrusive new neighbor your usual lunch period compatriot arrives.
  395. > Gilda takes her place across from your seat as she plops her lunch tray onto the table surface.
  396. >"'Sup dweeb?"
  397. >Asks your leather adorned amigo.
  398. "Nothing of interest bitch-tits."
  399. >You state.
  400. >"Oh come on, that's bullshit and you know it. Everyone saw you with that new chick this morning."
  401. "Yeah, so?"
  402. >"Oh come on!"
  403. >Gilda whines.
  404. >"Did you finally find someone willing to let you get your dick wet?"
  405. "Fuck off, I only showed her around this morning because I was asked to. She's fucking insufferable. Worse than you!"
  406. >Gilda laughs.
  407. >"Whatever faggot, if you don't want her, I'll go for her."
  408. "Get in line then rug muncher, Derek already took a number."
  409. >Her face visibly sours at the mention of Derek's name.
  410. >As far as you knew, the only other person who reviled Derek as much as you did was Gild.
  411. >In fact, your mutual hatred for the bastard was what brought the two of you together.
  412. >While her reputation as a bully waned over time, and was nearly eradicated by the arrival of Sunset Shimmer, being friends with Gilda gave you near total protection from other bullies over the years.
  413. >Except Derek.
  414. >Derek was less of a bully, and more of an arch enemy.
  415. >Rather than torment you, or try to make you feel weak he focused on trying to start shit.
  416. >Fights, arguments, it was never a one-sided ordeal.
  417. >He seemed to thrive off of mutual conflict as opposed to outright making you miserable.
  418. >Similarly, he did the same with Gilda.
  419. >Hence your long-standing friendship.
  420. >But seriously, fuck Derek.
  421. >"You told him to fuck off right?"
  422. "I told him he could have her."
  423. >You say with a shrug.
  424. "I told you, I'm not fucking interested."
  425. >"Not interested in what Anon?"
  426. >Interjects Eris' voice.
  427. "Fuck me..."
  428. >You groan.
  429. >"Not even if you payed me."
  430. >Snipes Gilda.
  431. >"Not on a first date"
  432. >Eris chides.
  433. >Both girls give each other a look over before Eris speaks again.
  434. >"So Anon, aren't you going to introduce me to your friend?"
  435. >"Yeah dweeb, introduce us."
  436. "You've got a working voice, do it yourself."
  437. >"It's two against one jackass."
  438. >Gilda says.
  439. "Fine! Gilda, this is Eris..."
  440. >You grumble as you gesture towards your tormentor.
  441. "And Eris, this is Gilda."
  442. >You wave your hand from Eris to Gilda.
  443. "Happy now?"
  444. >The two girls look at each other for a moment, seemingly sizing the other up.
  445. >Suddenly, as if there was some unspoken agreement reached between them, they both clasp hands like Arnie and Carl Weathers in Predator.
  446. >This display worries you slightly.
  447. >Gilda sits back down and motions for Eris to do the same, much to your chagrin.
  448. >Eris, of course takes a seat.
  449. >You really don't like the direction things are going.
  450. >"So Anon..."
  451. >Begins Eris as she produces a sandwich of her own seemingly out of thin air.
  452. >"What classes do you have after this?"
  453. "Hopefully none with you."
  454. >You sigh.
  455. >She makes a mock hurt expression before turning to Gilda.
  456. >"Is he always like this?"
  457. >"A total dork? For as long as I've known him."
  458. >Replies your lone friend.
  459. "Thanks for all the kind words G."
  460. >You say, sarcasm dripping from your words like venom.
  461. >"Just calling it like I see it."
  462. >She replies with a smirk.
  463. >You roll your eyes as you finish your sandwich.
  464. "Whatever."
  465. >You say as you grab your [favourite cola beverage] and stand up.
  466. "I wanna get a head start in the lab before the minecraft autists start eating up all the bandwidth."
  467. >"Aww, you wouldn't leave the poor new girl all alone at the mercy of a stranger would you?"
  468. >Eris whines mockingly.
  469. >You ignore her.
  470. "I'll see you later G."
  471. >"Try to move every now and then so you don't get a stroke from sitting at the computer so long, alright nerd?"
  472. >The mock concern in Gilda's voice overbearing.
  473. "Yeah yeah, just as long as you don't let your last to brain cells get knocked out of your skull in wrestling practice."
  474. >You reply.
  475. >"I'd still have more left than you dweeb"
  476. >This time you just wave dismissively as you walk away.
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