

Jan 5th, 2015
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  1. Plugin Hooks
  2. ==========================================
  3. Actions
  4. =====================
  5. admin_head
  6. admin_footer
  7. admin_menu
  8. comment_closed
  9. comment_form
  10. comment_flood_trigger
  11. comment_id_not_found
  12. comment_post
  13. core_files_loaded
  14. delete_comment
  15. delete_post
  16. edit_comment
  17. edit_form_advanced
  18. edit_post
  19. edit_page_form
  20. edit_post
  21. generate_rewrite_rules
  22. init
  23. manage_posts_custom_column
  24. parse_query
  25. password_reset
  26. pingback_post
  27. plugins_loaded
  28. private_to_published
  29. publish_phone
  30. publish_post
  31. retrieve_password
  32. save_post
  33. shutdown
  34. simple_edit_form
  35. switch_theme
  36. template_redirect
  37. trackback_post
  38. user_register
  39. wp_blacklist_check
  40. wp_footer
  41. wp_head
  42. wp_login
  43. wp_logout
  44. wp_meta
  45. wp_set_comment_status
  47. ======================
  48. Filters
  49. ======================
  51. all_options
  52. author_email
  53. author_link
  54. author_rewrite_rules
  55. bloginfo
  56. category_description
  57. category_description
  58. category_link
  59. category_rewrite_rules
  60. category_save_pre
  61. category_template
  62. comment_author
  63. comment_author_rss
  64. comment_content_presave
  65. comment_edit_pre
  66. comment_email
  67. comment_excerpt
  68. comment_save_pre
  69. comments_number
  70. comments_popup_template
  71. comments_rewrite_rules
  72. comment_text
  73. comment_text_rss
  74. comment_url
  75. content_edit_pre
  76. content_save_pre
  77. content_save_pre
  78. content_save_pre
  79. date_rewrite_rules
  80. day_link
  81. default_content
  82. default_excerpt
  83. default_title
  84. excerpt_edit_pre
  85. excerpt_save_pre
  86. excerpt_save_pre
  87. feed_link
  88. format_to_edit
  89. format_to_post
  90. get_comment_author
  91. get_comment_author_email
  92. get_comment_author_IP
  93. get_comment_author_link
  94. get_comment_author_url
  95. get_comment_author_url_link
  96. get_comment_date
  97. get_comment_excerpt
  98. get_comment_ID
  99. get_comments_number
  100. get_comment_text
  101. get_comment_time
  102. get_comment_type
  103. get_the_excerpt
  104. get_the_guid
  105. get_the_time
  106. home_template
  107. link_rating
  108. list_cats
  109. list_cats
  110. locale
  111. loginout
  112. manage_posts_columns
  113. mod_rewrite_rules
  114. month_link
  115. name_save_pre
  116. option_
  117. page_link
  118. page_rewrite_rules
  119. page_template
  120. phone_content
  121. post_comment_text
  122. post_link
  123. post_rewrite_rules
  124. posts_join
  125. posts_join_paged
  126. posts_where
  127. posts_where_paged
  128. pre_comment_approved
  129. pre_comment_author_email
  130. pre_comment_author_name
  131. pre_comment_author_url
  132. pre_comment_content
  133. pre_comment_user_agent
  134. pre_comment_user_domain
  135. pre_comment_user_ip
  136. pre_option_
  137. preprocess_comment
  138. pre_user_id
  139. query_string
  140. query_vars
  141. register
  142. rewrite_rules
  143. rewrite_rules_array
  144. root_rewrite_rules
  145. sanitize_title
  146. search_rewrite_rules
  147. single_post_title
  148. status_save_pre
  149. stylesheet
  150. stylesheet_directory
  151. stylesheet_directory_uri
  152. stylesheet_uri
  153. template
  154. template_directory
  155. template_directory_uri
  156. the_author_email
  157. the_category
  158. the_category_rss
  159. the_content
  160. the_content
  161. the_content
  162. the_date
  163. the_excerpt
  164. the_excerpt_rss
  165. theme_root
  166. theme_root_uri
  167. the_permalink
  168. the_posts
  169. the_time
  170. the_title
  171. the_title
  172. the_title_rss
  173. the_weekday
  174. the_weekday_date
  175. title_edit_pre
  176. title_save_pre
  177. xmlrpc_methods
  178. year_link
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