
FoE PNP Group 57 Session 3

Sep 30th, 2012
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  1. (4:33:06 PM) Arcane_Scroll is now known as Arcane_Scroll[A]
  2. (4:50:08 PM) Zyrlana: After your little run in with the Pacific Front's scouting group, they leave you to deliver your cargo. (Rushing things a bit since we need to get to the fork.) After dropping off your supplies, Qin starts to get a little chatty with one of the Zebra Anarchist's guards. "Ah, the shipment of mustard gas is finally here!" Says your recipient, a rather grizzled looking zebra with
  3. (4:50:08 PM) Zyrlana: a fancy green coat.
  4. (4:51:24 PM) Zyrlana: He says to you. "And soldiers, while you're here, there's a bit of a problem with our depot, the power's out, do you think you could all fix that up? I'm sending you in a group, as there is a small infestation of radroaches, but, seeing as you made it here fine, that shouldn't be a problem, what do you say?"
  5. (4:52:38 PM) ***Zen raises an eyebrow, "Just some roaches? Heh, we'll have the power back on in no time."
  6. (4:53:17 PM) ***Kyva frowns. "Radroach? With boolet? I need smaller gun and workbench, thank you."
  7. (4:53:26 PM) Zyrlana: "Also, feel free to grab some armor from the shelves." He points to a rack of various ZA armor, gas masks, and varmint rifles.
  8. (4:53:27 PM) Kyva: "Is waste of lead."
  9. (4:53:39 PM) ***Zazi blinks a couple of times. "Radroaches?" he murmurs under his breath, "Not even worth the bullets."
  10. (4:53:42 PM) ***Zephyr simply nods.
  11. (4:53:43 PM) Zyrlana: There are plenty of facilities in this powerplant.
  12. (4:54:46 PM) ***Zephyr already has her ZA armor and gas mask, so she doesn't need another. She cautiously goes and takes a varmint rifle though... might as well.
  13. (4:54:49 PM) ***Zen raises an eyebrow, "I need some 20guage, got any?"
  14. (4:56:12 PM) Zyrlana: He raises an eyebrow in return. "You may take 10 shots, any more than that, and I'll have to ask for some sugar."
  15. (4:56:55 PM) ***Kyva was already wearing ZA armour, but she compares it to the available ones. This one was at least mildly damaged, and pulled off a corpse.
  16. (4:58:34 PM) ***Zen is wearing his combat armor with ZA symbols slapped on it.
  17. (4:58:43 PM) Zyrlana: Kyva, you notice that most of this armor is pulled from corpses as well, you don't find anything too great, you have nothing to gain from this rack, except a gas mask if needed.
  18. (4:59:42 PM) ***Zazi wonders what the benefits of a gas mask are, aside from obvious resistance to chemical attacks.
  19. (5:00:45 PM) ***Kyva finds a work bench, to modify her battle saddle for the assault rifle. She wasn't going to find anything that could use any smaller bullets anyways.. not that she could fit to her saddle at this point.
  20. (5:01:10 PM) ***Zephyr trots back up to the grizzled zebra. "Would you have any surplus medical supplies by any chance?"
  21. (5:01:32 PM) ***Zen takes 10 shots and loads them up into his saddle.
  22. (5:02:00 PM) Zyrlana: The zebra shakes his head. "Fraid not, we're always tight on those."
  23. (5:03:39 PM) ***Zephyr bites her tongue and nods. "What is the purpose of the depot if I may ask..?"
  24. (5:04:34 PM) ***Zen walks over to Zephyr, woundering the same thing.
  25. (5:04:38 PM) Zyrlana: "Storage, and so we can run this train back to the factory where you folks came from, if those supplies are where I think they're from." He points to the pallet of snack cakes and such that you guys brought.
  26. (5:06:34 PM) ***Zephyr nods, taking a deep breath, "May you offer just a roll or two of bandages? This seems like a strategic area to have functional, and I don't want anyone subcumbing to any serious infection via radroach bites."
  27. (5:08:18 PM) Zyrlana: The big zebra sighs and rolls his eyes, he gives you a small medkit, with one healing potion, 5 bandages, and 2 antidotes.
  28. (5:09:10 PM) ***Zephyr nods thankful, putting it in her saddlebags. "Thank you sir, these won't be wasted."
  29. (5:09:44 PM) ***Zazi withholds an inheret urge to grin and chuckle at Zephyr getting a free medkit out of the quartermaster (or whoever he was). "Shall we get going?" he asks.
  30. (5:10:29 PM) ***Kyva removes both guns from her saddle, and attaches her new assault rifle. She's taking quite a while, but she's humming, and seems a bit giddy about it. "Is not light machinegun.. but foal steps~!"
  31. (5:11:38 PM) ***Zen chuckles at Kyva's enthuseasume, "Be a good girl and i'll get you a mini-gun Kyva."
  32. (5:11:48 PM) Zen: *enthuseasume
  33. (5:11:59 PM) Zen: * enthusiasm
  34. (5:13:44 PM) Kyva: "Medic Zen, I am always a good girl." She pauses. "Oh, do you have minigun? ...Really?"
  35. (5:15:26 PM) ***Zen chuckles, "No but I shall endevour to get one for you Kyva."
  36. (5:16:11 PM) ***Zephyr is currently just going through her saddlebags, making sure she has what she needs.
  37. (5:17:31 PM) ***Zen is looking around for another shitgun to join the one on his battle saddle.
  38. (5:18:04 PM) Zyrlana: Zephyr, on the rack, you do find the varmint rifle you're looking for, but this one seems to have been left at the bottom of the pile, in quite high condition you'd say.
  39. (5:19:49 PM) ***Kyva giggles and blushes a little bit. "Thank you, Medic Zen. Is heeeavy thing though, maybe more than I can yet handle."
  40. (5:20:25 PM) ***Zephyr sees Zen looking for something. With her saddlebags outfited, she gets up to help him. "What'cha looking for Zen?"
  41. (5:24:48 PM) Zen: "Another shotgun, my current one is feeling lonely."
  42. (5:25:05 PM) ***Zephyr nods, looking at the rack again.
  43. (5:25:31 PM) Zyrlana: You try to help him out Zephyr, but it just looks like all the stuff you saw before, nothing special.
  44. (5:27:07 PM) Zyrlana: Zen, you notice what Zephyr seemed to miss, it's a single shot shotgun, and it looks like it's seen better days, but, it should still work.
  45. (5:27:56 PM) ***Kyva took a brief look at the equipment in the room, so when she hears Zen mention a shotgun, she tries to remember if she saw one.
  46. (5:27:58 PM) ***Zen picks it up and looks it over, "hmmm... well... better then nothing." he goes about trying to fix it.
  47. (5:29:51 PM) ***Zazi decides to take a moment to browse the racks, as well, primarily for a quality condition rifle like Zephyr found.
  48. (5:30:35 PM) ***Zen fixes the single shot up so it doesn't look like crap and loads one of his few slug rounds into it.
  49. (5:35:12 PM) ***Zephyr sits down and waits for the others.
  50. (5:35:42 PM) ***Kyva is still set up around the work table. She shakes her head at Zen's new shotgun gun. "Medic Zen.. do you want help?"
  51. (5:35:52 PM) Zyrlana: Zazi doesn't see anything particularly new, but there are a couple extra varmint rifles, in case he wanted some repair fodder.
  52. (5:36:07 PM) ***Zephyr trots over to their sniper, tapping his shoulder.
  53. (5:36:11 PM) ***Zen smirks and straps his battle saddle back on, "some times ya just need a little less gun."
  54. (5:37:17 PM) Zen: "Um... Sure Kyva. If you think you can fix it up better then I did."
  55. (5:37:22 PM) ***Zazi decides to take them, starting with one before glancing over at the quartermaster zebra to see if he was paying attention or cared before taking the second.
  56. (5:37:36 PM) ***Kyva yanks Zen's saddle off before he can strap it down. "Do you want it on other side? Is my job, yes?"
  57. (5:38:36 PM) ***Zephyr looks up at Zazi, pulling her rifle and presenting it to him, "Zazi, you're better with guns than me, would you mind giving me a working one for this one?"
  58. (5:40:56 PM) Zen: "sure?"
  59. (5:45:27 PM) ***Kyva helps Zen put his saddle back on. "Is perfect! Come to me for help with your guns anytime, Medic Zen!"
  60. (5:47:27 PM) ***Zazi turns his attention to Zephyr, taking her rifle and examining it before smiling at her. "Flawless condition! Thank you, Zephyr," he chuckles, "Give me a moment to swap my scope to it and you can have mine. It's still in good condition." With that, he sets about swapping the night scope to the new rifle before handing the old one to Zephyr.
  61. (5:47:46 PM) ***Zen smiles and straps his saddle back on, "thank you Kyva." he pats her on the head, "alright, everyone ready?"
  62. (5:48:46 PM) ***Zephyr nods with a smile, "I'd rarely use it myself. Besides, I have no ammo for it too. I'm just glad you're better outfitted, might save one of us." She places the used rifle away.
  63. (5:49:24 PM) Zyrlana: (You can find some ammo for it, I'll give you three clips.)
  64. (5:49:46 PM) Zephyr: (Redact the ammo part then ^^)
  65. (5:50:26 PM) ***Zephyr loads a clip into the rifle while they're still here.
  66. (5:51:26 PM) ***Zazi blinks a couple of times before laughing. "No ammo? No point in carrying gun if you have no ammo!" He then digs into his saddlebags, pulling out a few boxes of 5.56mm ammo from them. "Here. This should give you enough for about a half dozen clips." (30 rounds)
  67. (5:52:09 PM) ***Zephyr nods, taking them and putting them in her saddlebags. "Okay.. though if you need some ammo, I would probably still have it."
  68. (5:52:46 PM) Zyrlana: Alright, the Quartermaster points out where you can leave to get to the depot, which is actually connected. He wants you to go down into the basement of the depot, the generator being somewhere underground.
  69. (5:53:14 PM) ***Zazi chuckles softly. "Kyva and I have plenty of ammo. I must have over a hundred rounds on me!" He then perks a brow at her, "You need any tips on how to shoot?"
  70. (5:53:17 PM) ***Zen froans, "can we have a flashlight?"
  71. (5:54:12 PM) Zyrlana: "There is an auxillary powerline that is still run through the whole plant, but without the depot's generator on, the rest of the powerplant can't function."
  72. (5:54:16 PM) ***Zephyr nods slowly, "That might help... I've actually never fired a gun before..." She motions to the pristine .22 pistol on her side.
  73. (5:55:18 PM) Zyrlana: (Like the dim orange lighting)
  74. (5:55:28 PM) ***Kyva gets set to head out. "Alright. Is last call for me to service gun of friend's? No? Then lets go!" Is being completely literal, no matter how many innuendos she's unknowingly set up the past little while.
  75. (5:55:53 PM) Zyrlana: (Blargh, I'll be back in a few minutes.
  76. (5:56:04 PM) Zephyr: (Zazi can teach gun lesson then!)
  77. (5:57:52 PM) ***Zen chuckles, "Oh, we can always clean each others pieces later Kyva~" he follows her flank.
  78. (5:58:48 PM) ***Zephyr looks at Zen, rolling her eyes a bit.
  79. (6:03:25 PM) ***Kyva blinks, a little confused. "You? Oh, did you want me to teach you?"
  80. (6:04:28 PM) ***Zen chuckles, "sure. but later."
  81. (6:09:31 PM) Kyva: "Nonsense. Is primary job!" Looking after, and cleaning, the den weapons, was her job after all. "Proper cleaning is important first task. Will never shoot right if parts do not fit smooth. Very important detail..." She goes on to explain further gun maintenance details, all hilariously full of possible innuendo that she herself is completely oblivious to.
  82. (6:10:19 PM) ***Zen has sooooooooooooooooo many sex jokes for every word of that... but he just snickers and keeps walking.
  83. (6:10:20 PM) ***Zazi glances at the pistol before chuckling. "Firing a rifle is much different," he nods, "Would you like me to show or tell you?"
  84. (6:11:31 PM) Zephyr: "I think tell for now until we get to a better area for showing."
  85. (6:13:52 PM) Zen: "indeed, like a empty feild we can make a snow pony for you too shoot at."
  86. (6:14:11 PM) ***Zephyr nods at that.
  87. (6:17:39 PM) ***Zazi gives a nod before gesturing in the direction the ZA pony wanted them to head, waiting for the others before heading that direction. "Well, anyway... you want to hold it with the butt against your shoulder. Is best if you get into a prone - or laying - position, but this is not necessary. Then, you should tilt your head and gaze down the two sights along the barrel with one eye while your other is closed. When your target
  88. (6:17:40 PM) Zazi: is lined up with them, you fire! It is best to exhale and hold your breath when aiming, though. Lets you steady your aim."
  89. (6:18:54 PM) ***Zephyr nods.. retaining some of that. "I think we should get going.. but I'll take you up on training again later."
  90. (6:19:44 PM) ***Kyva leads the team towards their destination, as she discusses gun servicing with Zen. That she was constantly getting varying degrees of chuckling out of Zen made her smile. Her jokes never worked that good for others, and she wasn't even telling any.
  91. (6:20:35 PM) ***Zephyr slowly trots after the other two, looking back at Zazi.
  92. (6:21:22 PM) ***Zazi was already walking along with them. "Hmn. I guess I'll get to use my sword for a change," he hums in thought.
  93. (6:21:37 PM) Zyrlana: As you folks make your way down a short set of stairs, you see an elevator, the lights on it still working, it must be powered still by the auxillary.
  94. (6:22:34 PM) ***Zazi eyes the elevator warily. "... Are there any stairs we could take?" he asks no one in particular while looking around.
  95. (6:23:39 PM) ***Zephyr slowly steps onto the elevator, very cautious.
  96. (6:24:03 PM) ***Zen suddenly looks a little uneasy...
  97. (6:24:07 PM) Zyrlana: The elevator seems to easily handle Zephyr stepping onto it, the lights are dim, but consistant, no flickering.
  98. (6:24:49 PM) ***Zephyr stands in the center, "Um... it feels safe enough..."
  99. (6:24:59 PM) ***Kyva gets into the elevator, commenting to Zephyr, "Little medic, is most important to know: Only point gun at what you intend to kill."
  100. (6:26:13 PM) ***Zephyr nods, "Yeah.. which is why I don't usually point a gun at anything.."
  101. (6:26:50 PM) ***Kyva works the elevator controls, or looks to.
  102. (6:28:28 PM) Zyrlana: There are hastily scribbled addendums in sloppy zeberian over the buttons. "Storage" and "Generator"
  103. (6:29:01 PM) ***Zazi gives a small grumble at his failure to find an alternate route downwards, sighing and stepping onto the elevator. "If this thing breaks down, I'm going to kill that quartermaster..."
  104. (6:29:04 PM) Zyrlana: There are other buttons as well, but they're simply scratched off. There's also a key slot below the last one, opposite the fire escape emergency key slot, which is also there.
  105. (6:29:22 PM) Zen: "Um... can we take the stairs?
  106. (6:31:00 PM) ***Zazi gives a grunt. "There are no stairs."
  107. (6:31:17 PM) ***Zen grumbles and shuffles his brass hooves.
  108. (6:33:04 PM) ***Zephyr looks at the buttons, "Generator then storage, or storage then generator?"
  109. (6:33:26 PM) Zen: "Storage then generator."
  110. (6:34:02 PM) ***Kyva pulls out bobby pin and screwdriver, and tries on the unmarked key slot. "Is not -actual- job, yes? We should have look."
  111. (6:34:44 PM) Zen: "Agreed."
  112. (6:35:02 PM) Zyrlana: Kyva can't even get her bobby pin to fit into the slot. :o
  113. (6:35:16 PM) Zyrlana: It takes a very oddly shaped key you notice.
  114. (6:35:37 PM) ***Kyva shrugs. "Eh.. is different." She tries another one, curiously.
  115. (6:35:56 PM) ***Zephyr nods, "Okay then, storage it is. And while we're at it, let's try to find a key.."
  116. (6:37:03 PM) ***Kyva adjusts her glasses, and puts her stuff away. That was the emergency lock, Kyva.
  117. (6:38:29 PM) Zyrlana: So you hit the storage floor button?
  118. (6:38:43 PM) ***Kyva works on the other lock. She has a good feeling!
  119. (6:39:55 PM) ***Zephyr hasn't hit the button.
  120. (6:40:56 PM) Zyrlana: Your screwdriver slips and bends your pin into a convieniently odd shape. The keyslot sucks the pin in, and turns by itself, the elevators lights dimming as an extra set of doors blocks over the front doors. You hear a strange mechanism whir overhead, and the elevator starts to slowly chunk down, very mechanical, shunting side to side as it does so, the sound of steel on rusty
  121. (6:40:57 PM) Zyrlana: steel clunking as you slowly descend.
  122. (6:41:36 PM) ***Zephyr looks at Kyva, "What'd you do??"
  123. (6:41:44 PM) ***Kyva wears a proud smile. "I am a Zeberian wind..."
  124. (6:42:15 PM) ***Zen grumbles and sis in a corner of the elevator.
  125. (6:43:58 PM) ***Zazi twitches his ear at the clanky, unreliable sound of the elevator, shifting a bit anxiously. "Now I know why they didn't just come down here to take care of some radroaches themselves..." he grumbles, "... Probably too scared to use this damn thing."
  126. (6:44:36 PM) Zyrlana: As a side note to that, the clunks feel very solid, a lot more strong than a little wire that whizzes, though this method is much slower.
  127. (6:44:49 PM) ***Kyva 's plot was wiggling about as she turned the lock. It would have been distracting.
  128. (6:46:50 PM) ***Zen is biteing his lower lip under his gas mask. dat plot.
  129. (6:47:54 PM) ***Zephyr found her eyes wandering to Kyva's flank a little under her gas mask... until she thought of something.. off.. about this.
  130. (6:49:48 PM) Zyrlana: The floors on the electronic display pass by slowly. You skip by the generator room and the storage room as the elevator heads down, now dipping past B7, the elevator keeps going, two blank lines on the display where there would be numbers.
  131. (6:51:09 PM) ***Zephyr mane stands on end a little... maybe this was a bad idea going this far down... or maybe it was a great idea...
  132. (6:51:19 PM) Zen: "Its not supposed to do that right?"
  133. (6:51:34 PM) ***Kyva looks back at Zen, noticing him staring at her rear. "What is your thoughts on this, Zen?" She was starting to get nervous about the entire situation. Not the 'looking at plot' situation.. that didn't even occur to her... but she was expecting that Zen was staring like that because his mind had figured out something of the quest.
  134. (6:52:37 PM) ***Zazi hums in thought before tilting his head. "... You know, shoddy elevator aside... I wonder why they need a separate power source for their depot with how much power they seem to already have..." It was a relatively random thought, but he had tried to distract himself from Kyva's flank and the unnerving sounds of the elevator by mulling over various things.
  135. (6:52:45 PM) ***Zen sucks it up becuase he's the leader damn it, "W@ell... i'll go first wherever we are... Shotguns at close range makes the most sense."
  136. (6:53:47 PM) Zyrlana: (Sorry Zazi) But with the extra doors, this elevator seemed to be in pretty fine shape, despite the very dim lighting, everything seemed...solid.
  137. (6:54:22 PM) Zazi: (( For what? < < Instilling random thoughts in my character's head? XD ))
  138. (6:54:39 PM) Zyrlana: (Indeed. :3)
  139. (6:54:48 PM) Zyrlana: (I meant sorry, because I keep correcting you when you say shoddy.)
  140. (6:54:58 PM) Zazi: (( Pfffft. ))
  141. (6:55:13 PM) ***Zephyr looks at the doors, "I wonder what's down here..."
  142. (6:56:05 PM) ***Zazi unsheathes his sword with a quirked brow. "Hopefully still just radroaches," he murmurs. They probably weren't that lucky, though.
  143. (6:56:41 PM) ***Kyva finishes putting her tools away, and turns around. Plot is out of sight now. "Is just what I was thinking, Zazi. Hopefully generator room is not ambush kill-box... but that would be silly too. Would have been easier earlier."
  144. (6:57:08 PM) Zyrlana: Eventually, about a half an hour of clunking and clanking _after_ it read -- on the display, the doors slowly open, to a bare cave floor, filled with hundreds if not thousands of spider webs, or cobwebs? You couldn't really tell with how dusty it was here. Also, the already dim light turned dark, and a set of flood lights on either side of the outside tried to luminate the hallway,
  145. (6:57:09 PM) Zyrlana: but one just sparked, the other one incredibly dim.
  146. (6:57:43 PM) ***Zen moves in front of the doors, fireing bit in mouth, "alright... let move." he slowly starts walking.
  147. (6:58:08 PM) ***Zephyr 's eyes twitched. "Are you sure this is a good idea?? Maybe we should scavange some lights first??"
  148. (6:59:02 PM) Zyrlana: As Zen steps out into the darkness, spiders scurry from his hooves. They seemed to be normal sized spiders, nothing like the irradiated ones you'd see, just normal, little black spiders.
  149. (6:59:48 PM) ***Zen stomps it with his brass hoof, "nothing but spiders, come on."
  150. (7:00:15 PM) ***Zazi perks a brow at Zephyr before glancing around. "I don't think there're any lights to salvage," he murmurs, "Those floodlights seem dead or dying... and we don't have a portable powersource for them, anyway."
  151. (7:00:42 PM) ***Zephyr thinks to herself, really wishing she had some more medical supplies. "Okay.. I have two antidotes guys... just in case..." She very slowly steps behind Zen.
  152. (7:01:08 PM) ***Kyva follows Zen this time. "Ugh.. spiders. Far too small for boolet.."
  153. (7:03:04 PM) ***Kyva adjusts her glasses, and tries to look around for signs of zebra-made equipment. Something that would tell more about what happens on this level..
  154. (7:03:45 PM) ***Zephyr looks to Zazi, "Hold on guys.. Zazi has a night scope, let's at least know we're not walking into a chasm.. okay?"
  155. (7:04:14 PM) Zyrlana: You come across a what looks to be a large wall, giant yellow letters across it reading BHИMAHИE with the subtext Держитесь (You can read it as Attention Stand Clear.)
  156. (7:05:35 PM) Zyrlana: It's not very far from the elevator, as the dim light still illuminate the yellow text with an eerie glow. A red thin light washes over you all. "Stripe pattern recognized, access granted." You have no clue where the electronic voice came from, but all of a sudden, the wall starts to slide into the ground!
  157. (7:06:14 PM) ***Zazi hums in thought before sheathing his sword, taking out his rifle instead and proceeding to walk on two hooves with it, gazing through the scope all the while. "Well, since my gut is telling me we're not going to be so lucky as to find only radroaches down here..."
  158. (7:07:12 PM) ***Kyva slowly trots forwards.
  159. (7:07:51 PM) ***Zen grins, "ante up and double down." He sticks close to Zephyr
  160. (7:08:36 PM) ***Zephyr looks to where the wall receeded. "Is anyone else wondering why it said our stripe pattern was recognized?"
  161. (7:10:26 PM) ***Kyva shrugs. "Is probably Zebra-only security."
  162. (7:10:39 PM) Zen: "anyone here related to someone important in the prewar army?"
  163. (7:10:51 PM) Zyrlana: (Phone call, one sec.)
  164. (7:13:57 PM) ***Zephyr shrugs sadly, "I don't know my zebra side."
  165. (7:15:01 PM) Kyva: "Hm. Oh! Is maybe Zebra den, like our home. Is wartime security for zebras, but would be far more secure than that if it was more particular than civilian zebra."
  166. (7:15:18 PM) ***Zen is looking at Zazi.
  167. (7:19:26 PM) Zyrlana: (Back.
  168. (7:20:58 PM) Arcane_Scroll[A] is now known as Arcane_Scroll
  169. (7:21:18 PM) Zyrlana: Speaking of secure, you notice as you traverse along the dimly red lit walls, that they change color to what seems like splattered paint, until you see cuffed skeletons hanging from pegs higher up in the wall, with bullet holes in their nice suits, all of them having ID badges reading ZRI Zebra Rights Inquisition. The skeletons didn't seem too old, but the suits were ancient.
  170. (7:21:51 PM) ***Zephyr gulps, shaking visibly.
  171. (7:23:34 PM) Kyva: "Don't worry, Medic Zephyr, they are dead."
  172. (7:23:59 PM) ***Zazi examines the skeletons before stepping over to them, picking up the ID badges. "These might come in handy, if not in here then somewhere else," he nods, tucking them into his saddlebag.
  173. (7:24:52 PM) ***Zephyr continues to shudder, "But the way they died..."
  174. (7:25:27 PM) ***Zen looks around, "Some one didn't want these guys totalk."
  175. (7:26:40 PM) Zyrlana: Kyva and Zephyr notice instantly from old history books that they spent reading in the common rooms back in the den, that this ZRI is basically like the KGB of modern day russia, except the cold war era hush hush type of KGB.
  176. (7:27:49 PM) Zyrlana: The ID cards reveal that these zebras were born slightly after the war however, the youngest one being born in 2101.
  177. (7:28:16 PM) Zyrlana: The oldest being 2080.
  178. (7:28:49 PM) Zyrlana: (October 15th 2077 was the date of the apocalypse by the way, though you probably already know.)
  179. (7:29:49 PM) Kyva: "Intelligence and security agency zebras. Hm.."
  180. (7:30:12 PM) Zen: "Intresting..."
  181. (7:30:24 PM) ***Zephyr notices something seems off.. but can't put one and one together currently. "I wonder what happened to them..."
  182. (7:31:27 PM) Zyrlana: This seems to be the entry room however, and doors are open onwards the other way, strangely.
  183. (7:31:38 PM) Zen: "They got the shiot shot out of them... maybe a stalliongrad raid party wanting payback?"
  184. (7:31:53 PM) Zen: *shit
  185. (7:34:06 PM) Zyrlana: You are amazed at how solid this place looks. Your old den is just a dirt dugout with a fancy metal door and wooden ceiling, this place has the works down to it, extra thick steel walls, with no nonsense straight edge doorways.
  186. (7:34:34 PM) ***Zephyr whistles, "This place was made to last..."
  187. (7:35:03 PM) ***Zazi glances around the room. "Well, no sense in standing around gawking at some old corpses," he nods, "Let's get moving. Sooner we finish our task, the better."
  188. (7:35:27 PM) Kyva: "Oh yes.. Other army we met. They controlled much of Zeberia before, as they said, and are fighting war because new zebras took this place. Is maybe not coincidence to this, yes?"
  189. (7:36:31 PM) Zen: "Maybe they want whats in here... I for one... don't want them to have it."
  190. (7:37:16 PM) Kyva: "Is probably just secrets, if that is case. Hiding secrets."
  191. (7:37:39 PM) ***Kyva cautiously continues onwards.
  192. (7:38:15 PM) ***Zen doesn't notice shit, he's looking at Zephyr's flank.
  193. (7:39:03 PM) ***Zephyr flicks her tail before slowly following Kyva.
  194. (7:39:29 PM) ***Zazi keeps alert, gun at the ready, the agile stallion making broad sweeps and turns to make sure all sides are covered.
  195. (7:39:30 PM) ***Zen follows the zony/zebra flanks.
  196. (7:40:13 PM) Zyrlana: Kyva, when you take a few steps into the hallway, you can look down its length to see a windowed room at the end, you catch what looks to be a red light slowly uncovering, before you and everyone else except Zen just starts to hear a clanking sound, like bad pipes banging against the walls.
  197. (7:40:24 PM) Zyrlana: A faint one.
  198. (7:42:17 PM) ***Zephyr pins her ears, "This place is more than a tad creepy..."
  199. (7:42:58 PM) ***Zen notices nothing, dem mare plots distract him.
  200. (7:43:45 PM) Kyva: "There is something in room.." She tries to find something to take cover against.
  201. (7:44:17 PM) ***Zephyr just hides behind the others at that.
  202. (7:45:21 PM) ***Zen scans the room, shotguns at the ready.
  203. (7:46:10 PM) ***Zen is thinking about plots. he needs to stop doing that.
  204. (7:47:56 PM) Zyrlana: As Kyva points something out about the room, the light turns away, almost like it was an eye. Zazi notices that the dispersal of clanks almost sounds like perfectly measured hoofsteps.
  205. (7:49:05 PM) ***Zephyr looks around the room they were in, wondering if anything would be useful or dangerous.
  206. (7:49:58 PM) ***Kyva sets still in a readied stance. She was just a little in front of Zen, and her plot wiggled a little bit into the stance. She trains her guns on the window, and waits for now.
  207. (7:50:08 PM) Zyrlana: You're in a hallway, so nothing useful, but you could duck back into the main room, where there are multiple pillars.
  208. (7:50:51 PM) Zen: "I don't like this..."
  209. (7:51:29 PM) ***Zephyr looks back at the group, "Guys.. we're in a chokepoint.. maybe we should move back to the other room..? It has cover..."
  210. (7:52:49 PM) ***Zen nods in a greement and starts backing up, still watching the hall/room.
  211. (7:54:06 PM) ***Zephyr trots back to the other room, more to get out of the chokepoint than anything else. She's looking straight at the room.
  212. (7:54:10 PM) ***Kyva backs up, guns trained. "But is probably guard machine. It may not chase at all."
  213. (7:54:45 PM) ***Zazi raises a brow at the unusual noise. "Is that.." He begins, "... It couldn't be." He begins backing up with them, glancing back every so often to make sure he doesn't trip or bump in to anyone. He nods at Kyva's suggestion, aiming down the hall. "... We need to make a noise. MIght draw it out."
  214. (7:55:28 PM) Kyva: "May not shoot at all. It let us in?"
  215. (7:56:42 PM) ***Zephyr looks around this room closely for anything good or dangerous; what else would a non-combatent do currently?
  216. (7:58:08 PM) ***Kyva draws back into the previous room with the others. "Somezebra fire shot at window over there? Maybe draw thing out."
  217. (7:58:51 PM) Zen: "Um... I still have that grenade luancher"
  218. (7:59:18 PM) ***Zazi glances around for a suitably heavy object. "I think a gunshot might be a bit too loud.. we don't want to alert anything else in here to our presence," he nods. He fails to find anything suitable, though. His train of thought is cut off as he gives Zen a horrified look. "... With chemical shells. *In an enclosed area.*"
  219. (7:59:33 PM) Zyrlana: Walking down the hall is what looks to be a little unicorn mare with a glowing red eye, it locks onto Zazi if he were still standing in the hallway. "Intrusion, back door entry forbidden." It says in a low robotic tone.
  220. (8:00:18 PM) ***Zazi turns his attention back to the 'mare,' unable to help but snerk. "Gee, haven't heard that one before..." he murmurs as he lines up a shot with his scope.
  221. (8:01:31 PM) ***Zephyr looks worrid, "Wait! We don't know what it can do!"
  222. (8:03:00 PM) Zen: "It can shoot lasers from its laser face!"
  223. (8:05:43 PM) Zyrlana: Zen is about right, the unicorn's horn lowering in angle until it points at Zazi.
  224. (8:07:30 PM) ***Zazi focuses two shots in the meantime, exhaling before pulling the trigger twice, remaining calm even as the robotic unicorn takes aim at him.
  225. (8:09:51 PM) Zyrlana: The robot's laser eye dims for a second as the bullet rips through its shoulder, but it keeps walking forward towards Zazi.
  226. (8:12:32 PM) ***Zen steps out from cover and fires his shotgun at it. the first shot goes wide, the second hits home.
  227. (8:13:29 PM) Zyrlana: As Zen jumps back in the hall and gets a dead on shot with the pony, who's still a little ways away, finds one of his guns jam actually as he fires his shots. The one that missed of course. ;3
  228. (8:21:23 PM) Zyrlana: The robot shrugs off Zen's shot, the pellets bouncing off of it's sturdy frame.
  229. (8:21:50 PM) ***Zephyr can't shoot at something looking like that, even if it was just a robot! She runs for cover behind the pillars!
  230. (8:23:49 PM) ***Kyva smiles confidently, and unloads a barrage of aimed bullets. "Now is story time. Romance with Boolet. Is heart-warming tale, to die for!"
  231. (8:29:04 PM) Zyrlana: You chip a bit of metal, the robot firing for whoever in the hall is closest.
  232. (8:31:01 PM) Zyrlana: Its horn lights up and fires off a single shot, a burst of red erupting from the horn, which melts into a wall behind the trio, the shots throwing it off.
  233. (8:32:25 PM) ***Zen felt that god right past his face, "Сладкий бога солнца ебать меня с гребаный луч солнца мой чертовски задницу с луной демон таран это мое горло!"
  234. (8:32:30 PM) Zen: *go
  235. (8:32:32 PM) ***Zazi takes a breath throughout all the combat, keeping stationary with his rifle ready, the stallion already busily lining up another two shots.
  236. (8:38:03 PM) Zyrlana: Zazi's bullets rip through the robot's neck, the head cleanly falling off as the other bullet hilts into it's chest, the robot's eye fades out as it says in a very low pitched voice. "Sleep Moooooo..." it trails off as the eye fades out to black.
  237. (8:38:25 PM) ***Zen fires and... his gun jams. His eye twitches, "CUUUUUUUUUU-"
  238. (8:39:07 PM) ***Zephyr looks out from the pillar, "Is everyone okay..?"
  239. (8:39:09 PM) Zen: *somewhere, on the moon, the moon ponies can faintly hear, "-UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNT!"
  240. (8:40:16 PM) ***Kyva stops and blinks, addressing Zen. She didn't really know what he was shouting exactly, or why, so she responds. "Uh... Yes, Medic Zen?"
  241. (8:40:58 PM) Zephyr: "Zen, did you get hit??" She rushes over to him at his scream.
  242. (8:41:18 PM) ***Zen flushes a little, "oh.. um... didn't mean any of you... my gun jammed..." he smiles apologetically.
  243. (8:41:28 PM) Zyrlana: As Zen's yell echoes throughout the halls, the place sound even more eerily quiet than usual.
  244. (8:42:37 PM) ***Zephyr pins her ears down,furrowing her brow at him. "You know, if anything else is here, you could have just alerted them, right?"
  245. (8:42:47 PM) ***Zen looks at Zephyr, "No, but it did try to give me free laser eye surgery."
  246. (8:42:58 PM) ***Zazi flattens his ears at the yell, rubbing at them - a little frustrated that he wasn't able to enjoy his killshot. "... Well, so much for 'not alerting the whole place of our presence,'" he grumbles, his attention turning to the robot, "At least I got a couple good shots on it before that scream."
  247. (8:43:03 PM) Zen: "oh buggery."
  248. (8:44:03 PM) ***Kyva trots over to the side of Zen's battle saddle. "Gun jam, yes? Let me handle that for you, okay?"
  249. (8:44:37 PM) ***Zephyr trots around the room, trying to find anything now that the battle was over.
  250. (8:45:31 PM) Zyrlana: Zephyr, the walls and floors are still bare, besides the suited skeletons and the robot.
  251. (8:46:09 PM) ***Zephyr sighes, trotting over to them.
  252. (8:46:40 PM) ***Zazi puts his rifle away for a moment, making his way over to Zen and taking his shotgun, setting about repairing the jam. "Lucky it didn't backfire on you," he observes.
  253. (8:46:53 PM) ***Kyva frowns, displeased. "Well yelling at it did not work. Nor did giving once-over with my hoof. I don't know shotguns as well, I think..."
  254. (8:47:02 PM) ***Zen nods and lets Kyva do her repair thing.
  255. (8:47:42 PM) ***Zephyr looks down the hallway, "I'm going to scout ahead... if I see anything, I'll run right back, okay?"
  256. (8:50:47 PM) ***Zazi finishes the repairs and hands the shotgun back to Zen. "Here you go. The jammed barrel is a little warped, though..."
  257. (8:51:45 PM) ***Zephyr starts to slowly trot down the hallway to the end of the hallway.
  258. (8:52:48 PM) ***Zen groans, "I need another shotgun..."
  259. (8:54:35 PM) ***Kyva reloads her own gun, and follows Zephyr's rear. That zony had a cute butt, but that was just a fleeting thought. "Zephyr, we will stick together I think." She meant the whole group, but the two of them had drifted ahead so it could be taken otherwise.
  260. (8:55:26 PM) Arcane_Scroll is now known as Arcane_Scroll[A]
  261. (8:55:41 PM) ***Zephyr looks over her shoulder, nodding, "Okay then.. I'm happy to not be totally alone up here.."
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