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Jul 26th, 2016
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  1. Jul 21 00:38:08 <SavanahHolland> It's not time to die yet Elspeth, you know this. When did she get here, tiled flooring.. tiles walls, once white tile that was slowly covering with mold and dried blood, it always seemed to smell like blood here. Her eyes constantly adjusting.. sometimes the lights would blare on to the point where everything was so bright and she could barely see.. sometimes it was pitch black. Laying on the commonroom couch, eyes closed, it was still a dream, or maybe memories of the past, who knows besides Elspeth and those who kept her there. Curled up, wearing a simple mint green dress, white stockings, her hair in two long blonde pigtails.. curled up, twitching. Dreams were the funniest things, weren't they? The sound of the television buzzing.. evening, the sound of nothing but the television, no crickets, no other students.. nothing, lights dim as they often did during the evening.
  2. Jul 21 00:44:52 <Knave> At some point, an orange cloud had drifted into the room, carrying Emmett underneath it. Perhaps he had been on his way somewhere, perhaps he had meant to read in the chairs. Nevertheless, when he sees Elspeth, he looks around the room and then takes up a seat beside the couch. The goggles he is wearing today fit oddly well with his slightly bohemian suit, which looks like he must have shook dust off it, each lens the size of a saucer and crossed with some strange latticework that makes them resemble the eyes of a fly, seen close up. It is through these goggles that he intently watches Elspeth sleep, until it apparently occurs to him that this might seem disquieting or odd, and so he cartoonishly sits up straight and crosses his legs, places a book in his lap and continues to stare at her sleeping form without guile.
  3. Jul 21 00:50:04 <SavanahHolland> Sweating, both outside and inside her dream.. looking as if she were obviously trapped in a nightmare, something she had the pleasure to live through for many months while she was missing from Sunnybrook.. There was always screaming, Elspeth knew by then that screaming never helped, it only made them angier.. but the others never seemed to learn that until Elspeth never heard their screams.. or voice again. Looking down at her nails.. there weren't any was the problem.. it hurt so badly. Shivering, closing her eyes, the door opened, and with that her eyes fluttered open, staring at the back of the couch cushion from her curled up position, breathing heavily.. where was she? Checking her nails.. still so short- but that wasn't the issue, the animal blood under her nails, the smallest splatter of it on her dress.. it happened again didn't it? In her head she hears the clock chime, there was no clock in the commonroom, was there?
  4. Jul 21 00:57:07 <Knave> Emmett watches this, and once or twice takes a note. When she stirs awake, he waits a moment, and is for his own viewing makes a point of looking down at his book and then looking up as if he had not realized. Very gently he asks, "Are you awake?" and then, "Are you all right, Fraulein Elspeth?" As much as there is a care in his words and the way he speaks them, it's matched by what sounds like intellectual curiosity.
  5. Jul 21 00:59:44 <SavanahHolland> It wasn't the fact that she likely killed a small animal without even remembering that bothered her, not that that wasn't a bit of a concern.. it was the dream, it felt so real which just made her stomach turn and body twitch. She slowly moves to sit up, the very faint splatter of blood on her dress and under her fingernails obvious with this new position. "I ahm fine." she half mumbles- it was an obvious lie.. suprisingly from someone who was quite good at it- lying I mean.
  6. Jul 21 01:04:06 <Knave> He notes the blood, notes the lie in his head with a little nod. Details to be considered later, perhaps. "Your sleep seemed fitful." He comments without any obvious tone, "I thought perhaps I should wake you, but thought as many times that I should leave you be." He shuts his notebook in his lap, possibly just for the tone of it or for a moment's occupation of his hands, "Do you often sleep in the common room?"
  7. Jul 21 01:07:01 <SavanahHolland> She buries her face in her hands, rubbing her eyes in some attempt to wake herself up more.. "No, I doh noht, i do not remember falling ahsleep here." she didn't remember falling asleep at all is the problem.. what did she even do?
  8. Jul 21 01:10:03 <Knave> "Ah." Emmett says with a smile all front-teeth and an understanding tone, "I have fallen asleep at my studies many times. The human body is a poor vehicle for a busy mind." He taps on his notebook's cover, then puts it away inside his jacket, then his smile drops as he remembers pretence, "I saw you. Sleeping here. And I thought, perhaps, I should watch over you. In case... you were disturbed."
  9. Jul 21 01:11:56 <SavanahHolland> While most /normal/ people might find that creepy, Elspeth was actually the furthest thing from normal, so that helped in Emmett's case. "Thank youh, I vas jast having a nightmare, iht is normal."
  10. Jul 21 01:15:06 <Knave> Emmett nods deeply, "Nightmares. As far as we are from understanding sleep and dreaming, we are further still from nightmares, that still we call them by the name of a spirit." He pauses, looking off at some indeterminate point, half-mutters to himself, "Perhaps..? But no. Untenable. So many, would be detected. The symbol would be the signifier." He shakes his attention loose of his thoughts and turns back to face Elspeth, "Apologies. Nightmares. Fascinating things."
  11. Jul 21 01:16:50 <SavanahHolland> "Perhaps iht is easy toh sahy that vhen youh dohn't have them, after youh doh you feel mohre terrified than curious ohf them." she sighs, indicating with her hand for him to come over and join her on the couch.
  12. Jul 21 01:20:05 <Knave> Emmett sits by her, moving sluggishly, distractedly, his lips moving very slightly with his thoughts. Would he call them nightmares? No. Perhaps they were dreams, but he could not fear the visions that came in his sleep. Truly, yes, they terrified him, but he was a mortal. Mortal man is terrified by the stroke of the lightning. Genius traps it, tames it. That one must reside in the other is but circumstance, unfortunate
  13. Jul 21 01:20:05 <Knave> but true. Emmett has been staring at the wall in consternate silence for more than half a minute.
  14. Jul 21 01:22:09 <SavanahHolland> Elspeth stares and watches him in his silence much like he had while she was asleep, moving to lean against him and wrap her arms around his arm, closing her eyes. Tile, she decides against keeping her eyes closed, just keeping them open without blinking while staring up at him. "How have youh been?" she asks, wondering what he had busied himself with since the dance.
  15. Jul 21 01:26:04 <Knave> He drifts without start from his thoughts, glancing down at her distractedly, "I have been fine. I am still finding things out about the campus and its students." His tone suggested that perhaps things started happening after he finished finding things out. He glances again at her arms around his, and then hesitantly lets his free hand rest upon her arm, a gesture with its intentions rooted in affection but its affect entirely divorced from it.
  16. Jul 21 01:28:29 <SavanahHolland> "Thaht is goohd.. Youh behing fine I meahn.. I have been vaiting for the cafe toh get started soh I can start vorking.." she sighs, she'd have it wait a tad longer..
  17. Jul 21 01:29:57 <Knave> He turns his head to look down at her through the inhuman goggles, "Cafe? I am afraid I do not believe you had mentioned. You will be working in a cafe?" For a genius, he was apparently slow on the uptake.
  18. Jul 21 01:31:30 <SavanahHolland> Siobhan nods, making a pleased noise "Ja, the- kitty cafe, the one Cass owns, ja?" she nods, sighing.. mind you she'd likely be payed decently for working at a cafe.. seeing as she will be the 'main character'/
  19. Jul 21 01:34:07 <Knave> Cass' name has come up in his research, and perhaps he has heard of their acquiring a business, but the only recognition he shows is a small nod. "I see. A... kitty cafe?" Possibilities of meaning flash through his mind, none of them seeming particularly plausible, "I am not familiar with the term."
  20. Jul 21 01:54:06 <SavanahHolland> "Vell.." she blushes a tad, realizing it might be embarrassing to admit to someone like him "Iht is a cafe, vhere vaitresses and vaitors vear cat ears ahnd tails.. ahnd vear somevhat skimpy clothing toh attract customers"
  21. Jul 21 01:58:06 <Knave> His lips become a thin grey line while he thinks about this explanation. The concept is not wholly alien, but until recently Emmett has kept a healthy distance from human sexuality. He frowns for a moment as the ethical implications of underage girls dressed in revealing outfits to attract customers, then moves on in his mind to the nature of paraphilia and why it should help that they are dressed as cats. After some time he begins to slowly nod, "The... principle is sound. Yes. I think I understand."
  22. Jul 21 02:00:20 <SavanahHolland> "Iht's a bit perverted I realize, buht iht's a cuhte cafe and I have a loht of friends vorking there." she shrugs, sighing and leaning into him more "Youh should visit vhile Ih'm vorking vhen it ohpens~" she teases.
  23. Jul 21 02:03:19 <Knave> The idea of its perversion seems to wash over him without judgement, and he says absently, "If it would make you happy." The way that his body very slightly jerks as he freezes is extremely evident to the girl leaning into his arm. Perhaps he did not mean to reveal so plainly that he was interested in making her happy, and perhaps he did not realize it himself. He looks away, and fiddles with his goggles to disguise the fact that his sickly blush has risen in his cheeks.
  24. Jul 21 02:05:42 <SavanahHolland> Elspeth can only seem to grin at his reaction, leaning up and over so she can leave a light peck on his cheek "Youh're sveet." she says, teasing once more, he was odd, but certainly was sweet- in her mind anyways.
  25. Jul 21 02:10:19 <Knave> "You are the first-" He says, turning to her very suddenly, "You are the first to call me sweet. And cute." He looks serious, even self-conscious, pushing the weird goggles up to his forehead, "I fear perhaps that you see in me what is not there, or that you tease me. Or, perhaps..." He pauses with his mouth open just enough to see his front teeth, "Perhaps I am only sweet and cute at your side." He moves to shuffle away dramatically, but he's very weak and even Elspeth could keep an easy hold of him if she was trying, "And I ramble to you so. I apologize."
  26. Jul 21 02:13:22 <SavanahHolland> And dramatic it is! If anyone is weaker than Emmett, it's probably the tiny crippled girl. Still trying to hold on to his arm but due to him moving away really unable. "Noh need toh apologize, I believe that youh are sveet- cuhte, I vould noht jast say iht toh tease youh or jast toh lie." she says, frowning a tad. "I quite like youh."
  27. Jul 21 02:19:05 <Knave> Emmett turns back to her, hesitantly puts a finger to her chin as she does to him, "I am sorry to doubt you. It is... it is a product of my mind. To question is to know." He shuts his eyes in frustration, sighing, "And again, I am rambling." He looks into her eyes, lifting her face to his, "I am sorry that I do not see in myself what you see in me."
  28. Jul 21 02:22:18 <SavanahHolland> Elspeth allows him to do so, staring in his eyes with her bright green ones.. disturbingly catlike. She leans in, deciding to leave a peck on his lips rather briefly "Doh noht be sorry, iht is noht yourh fault, buht as long as I am around, I vould like toh prove those things true toh youh, that youh're sveet."
  29. Jul 21 02:27:27 <Knave> He nods slightly, then lets his hand drop. "Yes. To prove is noble." He seems to deflate slightly and his eyes wander off again, "What good is the hypothesis without rigour? Testing. Proving. We must show what we find, or who will know that we have found it. We are not a universe of one." As he speaks he shifts between borderline mania and solemnity, and appears to be talking to no-one so much as himself. It's not clear, as he stares at the wall, if he remembers Elspeth is there or not.
  30. Jul 21 02:29:36 <SavanahHolland> She moves to slowly guide his chin back to her, offering him a soft warm smile.. despite the splatter of blood on her dress. "Vell, goohd thing I ohnly have to prove iht toh youh, I ahm content vith that much."
  31. Jul 21 02:34:16 <Knave> His eyes seem to search the room around Elspeth before they find her, and his stark face is rendered for the first time in her knowing him into something abjectly pitiable. He looks once again into her eyes, this time his deep brown gaze speaking of uncertainty and smallness, where he usually projects even in his failure grandeur. Then, his eyes flicker to the bloodstains and his face shifts - not all at once, but as if there was a brief battle behind his eyes - into a look of curiosity. "Elspeth, would you talk to me a little of your art? Of the magic you work?"
  32. Jul 21 02:37:11 <SavanahHolland> She moves a slender white hand to his cheek, glancing up at the lights.. still dimmed thoughts seem to dance in her mind at what he requested of her. "Perhaps youh vould rather see..?"
  33. Jul 21 02:38:39 <Knave> He follows her gaze for a moment, pulling his goggles back down before looking back to her with restrained eagerness, "Certainly, I vould be privileged."
  34. Jul 21 02:47:17 <SavanahHolland> She slowly moves away from him.. if only so she doesn't get blood on him.. despite this being one of the most tame summoning.. She pops open her heart locket, a razor falling into her bare hand as she then pulls out a tiny blood stained box of matches, lighting one and holding it while her other hand goes to work, using her pointer finger as the bloody subject.. some twisting needed to get this correct, and in seconds she manages to slice open her pointer finger, setting the blade down and squeezing the blood out from her pointer finger.. it being used to extinguish the flames.. and once it does, it also seems to take away all other light in the room. A streak across the open air of white from where the match had lost it's light, little sparkles of stars, and a woman's figure dances into existence. Pure white in every meaing of the word. A lovely figure of a woman, smooth, pure white skin that glints in the shining moonlight that did not even seem possible.. they were inside afterall. The most human-like devil. With silky ivory hair that flows behind her and turns into the stars themselves. The sound of the heart beating.. animalistic in appearence despite the obvious shape of a woman.. it's palms longer than an average human's.. similar to a monkey's paw. Moving to slowly cower into the corner, staring with irisless eyes at Emmett, the sound of a heart thumping.. a rather showy display as the lights seem to slowly turn back on.
  35. Jul 21 02:56:58 <Knave> "Fascinating." Emmett says after watching all of it with a slightly open mouth. His attention flutters between the cowering figure and Elspeth, "I must know - is all of that necessary? Must it be your blood? What of the blood and the flame brings forth the spirit, and why this one and not some other?" He tilts his head, then looks up at the lights, "And the lights. They dimmed. As if the ritual perhaps interfered with local electronics. Unless it was a trick of light itself? Was our vision merely interfered with?" He pulls his notebook back out from his jacket and stares at Elspeth in fascination.
  36. Jul 21 03:12:06 <SavanahHolland> "Perception.. ours vas changed soh it appeared darker.. I believe it ohnly vorks vith mhy blood because they ahre bound toh me and mhy bloodline.." that was her best explaination for all of his questions anyways..
  37. Jul 21 03:16:58 <Knave> "I see." He nods enthusiastically, and his smile is one of pure joy. It looks unusual on his face. "And the spirit - you call it a demon, ja? What is its nature?"
  38. Jul 21 03:18:10 <SavanahHolland> "Devil" she corrects "Demons ahre more powerful, ja? Mohre like humans than devils.. And vhat doh you mean by nature?"
  39. Jul 21 03:22:11 <Knave> "More human." He repeats curiously, then clarifies, "What is it, in essence? Is it a being of flesh? Where does it come from? Is it mortal? When you conjure it, is it created from aether or drawn from its home?"
  40. Jul 21 03:25:33 <SavanahHolland> "I do noht know." she sighs, staring at the frightened devil in the corner, an abomination. "Many of mhy devils have died, and they cahn anyvays be brought back bhy being summoned, I believe they cahn noht die."
  41. Jul 21 03:28:06 <Knave> "How do you know they are the same each time?" He asks, in his element, "Have you ever placed on them a distinguishing mark?" He leans forward, peering at the thing, "Mark it somehow, vanish it, and then conjure it once more. If the mark remains, it is one being. If the mark is gone, it is created anew or plucked from elsewhere each time. A first step in understanding your art."
  42. Jul 21 03:31:43 <SavanahHolland> "I know thehy are the same each time, they have memories, remember people thihngs.." Like The Ram remembering Zita, or The Lamb remembering Zeke...
  43. Jul 21 03:33:53 <Knave> He nods, "Memories are a mark. What else can they be, after all? Writing. Recording" He laughs to himself once, only half-manic. "Then do they speak?"
  44. Jul 24 22:30:32 <SavanahHolland> Elspeth hum, glancing to the creature and appearing to be in thought "Ja, vell- The Ram and The Lahmb cahn.. I do noht allow The Ram to." she points to the cowering beast woman in the corner "Iht cannot."
  45. Jul 24 22:33:33 <Knave> "Interessant." Emmett nods, tapping his chin, turning his face to Elspeth, "Then, they are sapient, at least these two, and yet they serve you? Is this also the work of magic, or do they owe you some natural fealty?"
  46. Jul 24 22:37:57 <SavanahHolland> "Magic, pehraps, mhy family has made mahny deals vith.. demons and devils, ja? This one being the first that is knowhn toh us, it is passed dowhn.. neither the persohn." she points to herself, then points to the creature "orh the devil- have a choice."
  47. Jul 24 22:39:23 <Knave> "Fascinating." He says, not leaning towards Elspeth with his big bug-eye goggles obscuring his face, "But, perhaps, I should pry no further, if this is a familial matter. I would not presume on such intimate knowledge..."
  48. Jul 24 22:43:50 <SavanahHolland> "Ihf youh have questions, I vould be villing toh answer, I doh noht mind you knowing." she smiles softly, leaning into him. Oh you know, just kinda sorta flirting- with a devil in the room. Normal teen stuff.
  49. Jul 24 22:46:03 <Knave> "Very well. If you insist." He turns his head back towards the devil, "What are its abilities? Is it sapient? In what ways are the three, this, the Ram, and the Lamb, distinct from one another?"
  50. Jul 24 22:52:31 <SavanahHolland> Elspeth smirks "vell i vouldn't say I insisted~ Jast offered." humming for a brief moment, thinking really.. "This one I believe cahn navigate in the darhk rather easily.. agility as vell.. I cannoht valk usually, so Ihf I need toh run, she is vhat I need." bites her lip "Ja, sapient as farh as I know.. Theyh each have different abilties.. summons, appearences.. ohne cahn speak english freely vhile the other twoh cannot, The Ram ahnd this muhst be summoned.. buht The Lamb cohmes and goes ahs she pleases.."
  51. Jul 24 22:58:08 <Knave> "Interessant." Emmett repeats, nodding his head along with the explanation and looking down slightly as he begins to mutter, "Appears to be a system of esoteric rules of debts and duties held by summoned creatures. Occult trappings. Invoked intentionally, perhaps? Mimicked by the naive? Seemingly arbitrary, possible energy requirement." He is silent for a moment, "Fire. Flame. Light and heat, quenched by blood, possible requirement of genetic identification to validate ritual-" He swings his head up back towards Elspeth and raises his voice to slightly above a normal volume again from a murmur all at once, "If indeed the arrangement is a family one."
  52. Jul 24 23:01:27 <SavanahHolland> "Iht is.. I vould be tooh much of a coicindence othervise.. Ihf say, I vere toh die- it vould be passed down the the next female borhn in our family.. ahnd it continues that vay until our bloodline noh longer exists."
  53. Jul 24 23:04:08 <Knave> "Indeed." His voice returns to normal, and the intent posture relaxes slightly, "It would appear that it is all very explicable, and that the trick of it is the arrangement of the deal in the first place."
  54. Jul 24 23:07:33 <SavanahHolland> "Ja." she says with a tad of boredom herself.. The Lamb no longer seeming to be of much use to anyone as she slowly starts to disappear in what could be assumed to be a cloud of mist with what appears to be stars in it before finally just fading away completely.
  55. Jul 24 23:10:57 <Knave> Emmett watches this with mild interest. "I think perhaps the simplicity of the affair is intentionally obfuscated, to give the other party the illusion of greater power. Mystique." He says, conversationally.
  56. Jul 24 23:15:50 <SavanahHolland> "Doh be more careful vith vords that most people vouldn't know.. I cahn understand frohm context, but I have knowhn English forh less than a year." she lets out a soft snicker. "And vell, perhaps.."
  57. Jul 24 23:18:44 <Knave> Emmett turns a little, ratty smile on her at that, "Less than a year? You speak it very well. Very little accent." He seems to be looking at her face in the pause after, and clearly is when he hastily pushes his goggles up to his forehead again, "Elspeth, I find myself... would you mind, if I..." He looks away, "Never mind. A passing thought. Dismiss it."
  58. Jul 24 23:21:08 <SavanahHolland> She smiles softly, snickering then "Youh flatter me.. I knowh thaht's noht true.. the accent is rather heavy.." then raising an eyebrow.. dismiss it..? "Youh cahn imagine someone as intrested in youh as I am cannot jast dismiss something like that.. doh tell?"
  59. Jul 24 23:24:10 <Knave> "It is my interest in you that distracts me." He sighs, raising a gloved hand to his temple, "You... I am not ordinarily a student of aesthetics, understand, I- I had thought I had exhausted the usefulness of such studies, but... I find my eye drawn inevitably to her face."
  60. Jul 24 23:27:54 <SavanahHolland> Her eyebrows knit together curiously.. blinking but otherwise staring at him "Her face..? Vhat doh youh mean?" how strange..
  61. Jul 24 23:29:45 <Knave> "I mean." His eyes widen as he realizes his mistake repeated back to him, "Your face, Elspeth, I- I misspoke, I apologize. My mind is... clouded." He flops forward, resting his head in his hand.
  62. Jul 24 23:33:27 <SavanahHolland> Her smile only seems to be drawn out more.. was this a weird way of saying he found her pretty? How strange.. but it seems to get a soft giggle from her, Elspeth moving a hand to take his chin in, pulling him closer as she lays back, him now on top of her in this ahem.. new position. "Vhat a strange vay toh vord it.. cuhyte."
  63. Jul 24 23:37:28 <Knave> "I-" He says, stupefied and moved by her as easily as a mouse in a lion's paw, "I have no way with words. I am not gifted in that field." He stammers, his lips still moving after he finishes talking, not all that far from hers, "Perhaps you have... a talent for intuiting me?" He says, hopefully.
  64. Jul 24 23:40:48 <SavanahHolland> "Perhaps.." she purrs "I vould like toh believe so anyvays.." moving him rather dangerously close to herself.. despite Elspeth being much smaller.. she finds controlling him rather easy.. not in the sense of mental manipulation, but more so if she wants him to blush.. she can certainly make that happen.. if she wants him to move- she can make that happen if she wished. "I quite like youh.. so it vould make sense.."
  65. Jul 24 23:43:58 <Knave> "Elspeth," He says with a set determination, then pauses for several seconds to work up some more, "I would like very much to kiss you, if you would like me to." He speaks in the earnest and plain voice of a boy who had considered the romance genre a footnote in his studies compared to the important things.
  66. Jul 24 23:46:34 <SavanahHolland> She can only seem to find herself grinning.. adorable really.. well perhaps sweet more than anything else, it made her chest feel fluttery. Some red spreading through her cheeks despite the grin. "I vould like that quite a biht."
  67. Jul 24 23:53:20 <Knave> He moves hesitantly and clunkily, and when he finally does touch his lips to hers the kiss he gives is extremely chaste and not, to be frank, very good at all. For a moment it seems like he considers involving his tongue and then thinks better of it. He seems to be embarrassed of the whole affair.
  68. Jul 25 00:05:40 <SavanahHolland> Elspeth closes her eyes.. and just enjoys herself as he fumbles.. how innocent, it's refreshing in all honesty.. Once he finds himself finishing.. he quickly realizes that it's Elspeth's turn. Pushing him back and moving over top of him.. she'd have to show him how to actually do it? Doesn't she? Biting her own lower lip and staring into his eyes with a smirk before finding herself leaning into him, lips pressed against his. Warm and soft.. she was with an Incubus for a long period of time.. of course she'd know how to kiss rather well.. slipping some tongue in, remembering how he tried to.. now she's just showing off really.
  69. Jul 25 00:08:34 <Knave> Emmett, though entirely unused to it, is receptive, managing to enjoy Elspeth's more experienced efforts. Underneath her, he is practically perfectly still, only his lips and tongue moving in a vain attempt to keep up with her. After a while he gets the bright idea to loop one arm around Elspeth's back, rather than just leaving both hands hovering in the air like he's a barely-articulated doll.
  70. Jul 25 00:14:45 <SavanahHolland> Smart for him.. the small girl at this point just stradling his chest, leaning down with her lips at his, letting her own experience fuel her, pressing her back into his arm, one hand pressed into the couch next to his head, holding her up, the other moving to carress his cheek. After another whole minute, she slowly removes herself from the kiss between them, slowly leaving kisses from the corner of his mouth down to his cheek and making their way to his neck, finding herself buried there as she covers his neck with nibbles and kisses.
  71. Jul 25 00:17:09 <Knave> Emmett seems to be entirely overwhelmed by this, stammering silently at the air, his hand kept on Elspeth's back only by gravity. He's not rendered entirely speechless, babbling out the odd word or phrase in both English and German, but nothing coherent comes out.
  72. Jul 25 00:23:14 <SavanahHolland> Poor boy.. Elspeth realizes that she's probably overdoing it.. well, that sure as hell has never stopped her before. Faint bites and hickys to his neck, the hand that was at his cheek moving down to slowly outline the left side of his body teasingly.. she didn't want to break him over something this silly however. Removing her lips from his, both hands on the couch on either side of his head to support herself, looking down at him with a preditorial grin.
  73. Jul 25 00:31:06 <Knave> Mild terror, admiration, and vast curiosity play across Emmett's stark, pinched face. His dark brown eyes spark briefly beneath her. He glances past her arm, towards the door, "Perhaps I should go."
  74. Jul 25 00:38:52 <SavanahHolland> Oh certainly not.. she wouldn't allow that, grabbing his wrist before he can find himself leaving on his own two feet "Must youh really?" she asks him, green eyes turning soft to him.
  75. Jul 25 00:42:23 <Knave> "I-" His eyes search over her, and the room beyond her, colour rising to his cheeks, "I have much to think about."
  76. Jul 25 00:43:59 <SavanahHolland> "Alone..?" she asks.. seeming both disappointed and saddened by this.. She continues to hold his wrist, bringing it to her lips briefly before letting go.
  77. Jul 25 00:46:48 <Knave> "I have always done my thinking alone..." He says, distracted me, "The solitude brings silence. Solace." He says by way of explanation, wiggling slightly underneath her.
  78. Jul 25 00:48:20 <SavanahHolland> "Perhaps.. vhat exactly doh youh need silence toh think about.. is iht for this..? Uhs?" she asks.. feeling some concern rising in her chest.
  79. Jul 25 00:50:15 <Knave> He smiles, and for all its rattiness it is a reassuring smile, full of a strange kind of admiration and conviction, "You give me much to think about, Elspeth. My experiences with you continue to be unique."
  80. Jul 25 00:54:43 <SavanahHolland> She slowly moves off of his chest, finding herself sitting normally as she moves to adjust him herself so he's sitting up now. "They vill continue toh be soh- alvays.. If youh need time alone toh think, I trust iht vill be fine."
  81. Jul 25 00:56:23 <Knave> "Thank you." He says with a nod as he gets up rather hurriedly. He takes a step away, then turns on the spot and takes Elspeth's right arm by the wrist, raising the back of her palm to his lips and kissing it sweetly, "Until I see you again, fair Fraulein." He bows his head in goodbye.
  82. Jul 25 01:01:09 <SavanahHolland> - Scene Kissed ~
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