
Content Days

Sep 30th, 2016
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  1. Music to read to:
  2. >Papers rustled around the cramped office in a discordant clamor of bureaucratic progress.
  3. >Despite the tedious methodical nature of your work sorting deeds and other assortments of official documents, you were at ease.
  4. >Some may call what you did boring; certainly most of the ponies you had met thus far would implicate such in more or less respectful terms.
  5. >You smirk to yourself as the thought recalls your first days in Equestria to the forefront of your mind.
  6. >At first it had all been too much to take in.
  7. >The stark bright pastel color palette of which everything seemed to be comprised of, the bouncy energetic ponies whom seemed to have no concept of "quiet", and most of all their accompanying insatiable curiosity and nosiness had almost driven you to the point of insanity.
  8. >So it had come at no surprise that you had eventually found yourself here in your search of refuge.
  9. >The seat of stability, order, and silent efforts upon which the foundation of all of Ponyville was made.
  10. >The unremarkable yet sizable government offices.
  11. >Despite the relatively small and dedicated working staff they had accepted you with open hooves.
  12. >Surprisingly the amount of work these ponies suffered through was staggering at times, even in comparison to human terms.
  13. >... Which is probably why it had been so easy to get a job. They had too much paperwork to deal with to afford turning away anyone willing.
  14. >Mayor Mare chastised you out of your idle introspective reverie with a sly grin and observant comment.
  15. >"Looking for someone Anon?" she noted casually from a desk over.
  16. >You kicked yourself internally as you realized you had been staring at her during your reflections.
  17. >Not that she was exactly unpleasant on the eyes you noted to yourself in afterthought.
  18. "Heh, sorry. I get a little lost sometimes I suppose. Blame the human in me."
  19. >She chuckled in response, adjusting her spectacles as she continued to stamp official documents.
  20. >"Ah yes, because I'm sure sorting ledgers is positively riveting for everypony involved."
  21. >You smile, amused by her dry wit.
  22. >Out of everypony that you had the pleasure of interacting with so far it had become obvious that the one you would eventually end up gravitating towards was the one who thought before she spoke, and only did such when she had something worth saying.
  23. >The aged and charming Mayor of Ponyville, Mayor Mare. The latent redundancy in that title always managed to elicit a giggle from you as well.
  24. >You often wondered if any of them ever realized their names were blatant caricatures of themselves.
  25. "Oh, are you saying you don't enjoy this May? Perhaps I should vote for someone else next election then."
  26. >Not being able to stand repetitiveness of course, you had given many of the equines nicknames.
  27. >While some thought you a queer fellow for it, most just passed it off as an odd human custom.
  28. >She let out a reserved laugh at the jest. "If someone wanted this job you know I would be more than glad to give it to them Anon. Sadly it seems I've been typecasted for the role."
  29. >Oh lord. It was hard not to snort at that. If only you knew how right you were.
  30. "What about me? I could throw my hat in the ring." You remark.
  31. >"Ponyville would be razed to the ground in a week Anon." She replied pointedly.
  32. "2 weeks."
  33. >"A few hours."
  34. "A day?"
  35. >"Literal minutes."
  36. >Both of you watched each other with sternly locked gazes before breaking into simultaneous smiles.
  37. >And this was how most of your weeks passed. Sharing an office with May the two of you toiled away at the eternal piles of work trading thoughts at each other from time to time to break up the mindless monotony.
  38. >All in all it was a comfortable way of living.
  39. >Unlike the hustle and bustle of a world which was only now a faint memory life here was peacefully content in comparison.
  40. >You made a modest amount of money but rarely needed it anyways, most were too welcoming to begrudge the use of such.
  41. >You had a quaint house but it was roomy enough to suit your minimalistic purposes.
  42. >There was however something that was bugging you, a tug in the corner of your mind.
  43. >Shuffling a stack of financial accounts over to one of the many overflowing "To Be Sorted" boxes you let out a sigh.
  44. >She glances up at you idly, her pure blue irises shooting you a questioning look.
  45. >"Bit for your thoughts?"
  46. >Shrugging, your fingers twirl one of the fountain pens dexterously in hesitance.
  47. "Do... Do you ever feel lonely?"
  48. >"I would have thought you were beyond stereotypical notions that just because I'm professional that I'm beyond emotion Anon." She leveled a judging look at you playfully.
  49. >Welp, you had walked into that one headfirst.
  50. "I mean, in the friends kind of way." You accompany the halfhearted explanation with a vague hand motion in the air.
  51. >Her muzzle cocks to the side, expressing her confusion.
  52. "It's just that I've been here for a few months now, and I know so many peo- ponies," The odd terminology was a pain to get used to. "but I feel as if I don't really... You know?"
  53. >Truly, you were the master of description. The audience would weep at your soliloquies of passion.
  54. >Your brow pulls together as you struggle to relate into words the feelings that had been tormenting you as of late.
  55. "I talk to others, some I'd even call friends, but every interaction just feels... Only skin deep. I'm alone in a sea of friends. If that makes sense."
  56. >She went quiet for a while, only the slight ruffling of the pages of a ledger to even note she was still stewing in her own thoughts.
  57. >You feel as if the silence created by the confession is maddeningly awkward, and it seems to press in on you.
  58. "I'm sorry, that was rather perso-"
  59. >"No." She cuts you off forcefully before softening her voice. "No it's fine Anon. I wouldn't be Mayor if I couldn't help others with their problems."
  60. >She turns a page, taking a moment to collect her thoughts.
  61. >"It's just that oddly enough, I can relate."
  62. >Well, that was unexpected.
  63. >Jabbing her hoof at a cabinet set against the far wall she brings your attention to a faded gray photo of a group of ponies standing outside a school of some sort.
  64. >"Graduating class of '56. Can you guess how many of them I still talk to?"
  65. >You turn back to her, shrugging.
  66. >"Not a single one. And that's not born out of hate or going our separate ways, I was just never social to begin with."
  67. >With a wave of her hoof she indicates the forlorn office around you.
  68. >"In a way it's why I was attracted to this job. Of course I communicate with many ponies, but generally only to hear out their complaints about the city. And it's hard to get to know others when you're giving a speech at an imposing podium."
  69. >She returns to her robotic work, flipping the pages and making quick notes randomly in the margins.
  70. "Well, that doesn't exactly help my problem though, now does it?"
  71. >She smirks a bit at the comment but doesn't respond.
  72. "Thank you. It's reassuring to know I'm not the only one."
  73. >This time she flashes you a genuine smile. "Of course, anytime Anon."
  74. "But, I would have honestly thought you were one of the most popular ponies here in town, are you telling me you don't know a single one?"
  75. >She giggles, "No, no, I'm not that much of a complete recluse. But my circle of true acquaintances is certainly diminutive."
  76. "What about a sir? Or missus, even?"
  77. >Letting out a hearty laugh, "Oh shush you! Now you're just insulting me. I'll have you know I was certainly a catch in my formative years."
  78. "That implies you aren't now."
  79. >The slight tint of a rosy blush became evident in her cheeks as she sputtered a response, caught off guard by the remark.
  80. >"Phbth, bu- Quiet you! If this is a ploy to get a raise I'll have you know it won't work, many have tried."
  81. "It's certainly getting a raise out of you though, thats for sure~" You jest coyly.
  82. >The red deepened as she grumbled and returned to focusing on the papers before her.
  83. >Time passed slowly as the numbers and words before you ran together in a confusing discordant dance.
  84. >You rubbed your temples as a headache pounded against them in bright flashes of searing pain.
  85. >She pauses in her work, a worried look splayed across her face.
  86. "Ah, just a headache, nothing serious."
  87. >"I'm sorry, would you like to leave early?"
  88. >Gesturing to the window you point out the gathering storm clouds outside, the first drips of water dashing themselves against the pane of glass in wet genocide.
  89. "I'm not exactly sure that would be a good idea right now."
  90. >Her brow furrows in confusion as she gazes out the window in thought.
  91. >"I didn't think a storm was planned today."
  92. "They can't control everything."
  93. >"Fair point, it's just unexpected."
  94. >Her expression wilted a bit.
  95. >"And I was looking forward to watering my garden..."
  96. >Your mind spurs into action at the opportunity.
  97. >Rainy day? Check. Long work hours? Check. Cute mare? Definitely check.
  98. >There were prime mischief making possibilities right here, oh yes indeed.
  100. Music to read to:
  101. >Your mind geared into action, flitting through a myriad of possible devious scenarios.
  102. >With a treacherous internal grin you finally settled on one.
  103. >Unbeknown to this graying mare you had previously made plans for today before this inopportune rainstorm.
  104. >Complex and intricate plans of utter brilliance. Now all for naught due to this sporadic weather, curse it so.
  105. >So you would just have to launch them on this poor and unsuspecting cutie- you mean victim. Victim is the better word.
  106. "Hey May, you know if you're no longer doing anything after work..."
  107. >She paused to look to you. "Yes anon?"
  108. "Want to have a picnic on the roof?" You ask simply.
  109. >"I- w- rain- what?" She blustered, extreme confusion lighting her eyes.
  110. >Sweet, you've caught her by surprise. Quickly now, finish her off while she was weak!
  111. >Rummaging through a sack you carried with you around Ponyville, you retrieve a small basket, collapsible parasol, and fluffy blue towel.
  112. >You hold them up smugly, letting your intent show through your prideful demeanor.
  113. "I had originally planned to go to the park but uh- That happened." A quick nod towards the window accentuates your comment.
  114. >The mayor stares blankly at you before snorting loudly, then devolving into barely stifled giggles.
  115. >"That sounds so silly, so how could I ever possibly even consider refusing?"
  116. >Catching yourself before you said 'It's a date!', you shout:
  117. "It's an occasion!"
  118. >Smooth, as, butter, anon.
  119. >Sometime later rain dribbled against the resistant fabric above you with dull thuds.
  120. >You sip at a bottle of tangy apple juice as the two of you enjoy each others company.
  121. >It was a removed pocket of warmth as the storm raged all around, as if mother nature was oblivious to this odd soriee.
  122. >Your towel served its function well, protecting you from the slight puddles of water pooling in certain divots in the roof below, while the parasol shielded you from the elements above.
  123. >"I must admit that this experience is a first for me."
  124. >You look over to see her nibbling on a hay sandwich you had packed, her bright eyes a stark contrast from the surrounding gloom.
  125. "I've been up here a few times actually. It's a nice place to go when you just want to get away."
  126. >Leaving out the mention of the lock you busted open to get out here of course.
  127. >"Ah- I could have sworn we locked it during construction..."
  128. "Nope. It was pretty much wide open."
  129. >Well it had become so when it had met you in a dark alley. ... Hallway. Same difference right?
  130. >Really, anything locked was just begging to be busted. With a crowbar. Several times.
  131. >The conversation lulls between you and her, and you both return to regarding the aquatic chaos.
  132. >You eventually chime in, your curiosity teasing you out of silence.
  133. "How do you feel about the rain?"
  134. >"Now- or...?"
  135. "In general I mean."
  136. >A faint smile touches at the edges of her lips.
  137. >"Well as I mentioned I wasn't exactly the most outgoing, so these days were my favorite to read on."
  138. "If you weren't outgoing wouldn't you be reading every day?"
  139. >"Shush, it at least gave me an excuse to do so."
  140. >A shiver quakes its way through her body.
  141. >Drat. You hadn't taken into account that the temperature would drop so rapidly.
  142. "Here, let me."
  143. >Tugging at the corners of your jacket you remove it with deft and practiced fingers.
  144. >How did they even pick up things in the first place with hooves?
  145. >Before she can protest you stand and drape it along her back.
  146. >She lays a hoof on your hand before you pull away however, and nods to the empty space beside her.
  147. >"I can't let you go and do that and then just freeze for me."
  148. >Letting yourself be easily coerced you gladly sidle up and lay your head against her warm body.
  149. >Score. Now was the time for you to break out your moves and-
  150. >"Thank you anon."
  151. "Pshaw, it's nothing, really."
  152. >"I mean overall. Thank you."
  153. >She continues, stopping you from interjecting.
  154. >"It was rough for us before you came. Not too many ponies were delighted to help with paperwork."
  155. >"Not that it isn't rough now-" she adds with a grin.
  156. >"But things have definitely improved."
  157. >You feel your cheeks warm at the praise, so you pointedly stare at the multicolored parasol above you hoping she didn't notice.
  158. "I'm certain you all would have managed."
  159. >"No, it's not just that Anon."
  160. >"In all honesty, before you came, life was starting to get... Stale."
  161. >"But now I actually look forward to my work. I go home content rather than just worn out."
  162. "Are you saying spending time with me is a positive experience? Are you sure you don't have a cold May?"
  163. >With a simper she turns to you.
  164. >"No, no I don't think I do."
  165. >Time passes like this, and the minutes seem to turn into hours as the weather seems to settle down into a light drizzle.
  166. "Before coming to Equestria... My life wasn't exactly what I would call good. In any sense of the word."
  167. >She listens patiently, letting you speak your mind.
  168. "Out of all the things that's happened to me, I can truly say coming here is one of the best."
  169. >"And what would take the title of being the absolute best?"
  170. "Meeting the ponies here. Making friends. Meeting you."
  171. >Your heart thuds in your chest at the surprised twinkle in her eyes.
  172. >She gives you a warm and genuine smile before laying her head against your arm, curling around you.
  173. >You could spend an eternity like this. Is that what heaven would be like? Is this heaven?
  174. >"I'm glad I met you as well anon."
  175. >Yeah. It definitely is.
  176. >As the unseen sun falls beyond the edge of Equestria, impelled upon its daily dance by the magic of Celestia, the world around seems to darken imperceptibly.
  177. "It'll be night soon May."
  178. >She hums slightly, seemingly unphased by the information.
  179. >"The work can wait."
  180. "I'm pretty sure it's the world that's passing us by rather than our jobs. We should have gone home a few hours ago, I think."
  181. >"Well the world can wait too."
  182. "If only the world would listen to you."
  183. >"It had better!"
  184. >The world would certainly be in trouble if it didn't.
  185. >You suppress a chuckle, and reach out to pet her mane.
  186. >The gesture just felt right in that moment, but you hoped it wasn't too forward.
  187. >As your fingers threaded their way through the graying stands of her hair her sigh of serenity confirmed she was perfectly fine with it.
  188. >Have you ever been in someones company, and truly happy? Not a single care or doubt in your mind, when everything was just so... Right?
  189. >There hadn't been many moments like this in your life, but you would have traded them all for this one.
  190. >So it was astounding to you that you didn't have to. That you had the luck to be in this situation and not be giving anything up for it was inconceivable.
  191. >Impossible or not however, you were going to enjoy every last minute of it, lest it be taken away from you should you blink.
  192. >Soon your rhythm of breath matches hers, and the pieces seem to fall into place.
  193. >Life was good.
  194. >...
  195. >Your boots plop in the muddy road with loud squishes.
  196. >Mayor Mare trots alongside you, apparently uncaring about the bits of dirt being flicked onto her legs by the boisterous motion.
  197. >You weren't exactly going to point it out though, lest you dampen her newfound spirits.
  198. >At least it'd be washed off in the sleepy trickle of the rain.
  199. >She's carrying your picnic basket in her teeth, as she had insisted she help you carry your things home in repayment.
  200. >If only she realized the joy of the time spent with her had no measure.
  201. >It's not long before you come to the door of your shack. There was no better word for it in all honesty.
  202. >It was a nice shack though. Somewhat. A place to live at least.
  203. >She assesses it with a stern eye before nodding, making some unknown judgment of it.
  204. >Pressing on the door you swing it inwards, dumping the towel and canopy on the floor of the small room haphazardly.
  205. >There wasn't really a point in locking the front door, ponies didn't steal. They weren't like you, breaking into places where they shouldn't be.
  206. >Passing the basket to you it soon joins the other items in a wet disarray on the hardwood.
  207. >You both talk at once, apparently trying to express gratitude in sync.
  208. "I just wanted to say-"
  209. >"Anon you should know-"
  210. >Stopping at the same time as well the situation becomes awkward.
  211. "You first."
  212. >"No, I insis-"
  213. "We'll be stuck here all day otherwise May, my thing wasn't that important."
  214. >She hesitates, unsure if you were lying or not before making a decision.
  215. >"Thank you again Anon. Today was... Pleasant."
  216. "The pleasure is all mine."
  217. >She grins. "I'm sure."
  218. >She looks to the road behind her, the unpaved path disappearing into the dark.
  219. "Are you sure you're okay with going home alone?"
  220. >"Yes, I should be fine. I don't live very far from here."
  221. >Despite the reassurance you weren't sure how you felt about that.
  222. >However who would possibly hurt her? Ponyville was a safe city, unlike the world you were used to.
  223. "Alright just be careful."
  224. >"Of course Anon. Thank you again for the wonderful lunch."
  225. "We should do it or something else again sometime?"
  226. >"I'll look forward to it. Goodbye, Anon."
  227. "Goodbye May."
  228. >You stand on your porch for a time, letting the water drip down your head and into your clothes as you watch her leave.
  229. >Eventually her form fades away into the night as she makes her way home.
  230. >With a soft click you close the door and set about your routine, preparing for sleep.
  231. >And the entire time you think only of her.
  233. Music to read to:
  234. >Tomorrow's weather was different thankfully.
  235. >The suns rays struck the soft earth of Ponyville and it rejoiced in the songs of the birds flitting through the air, and the chattering of the smaller mammals as they went about their individual studious days.
  236. >The change in mood was evident in the thoroughfare as well, you noted to yourself, casually observing a few ponies on your way to work.
  237. >Their smiles seemed brighter and there was a pep in their individual clopping steps.
  238. >Of course the equines were always perpetually bouncy but if one paid close attention there were subtle indicators that were obvious to the careful eye.
  239. >If there was anything a storm was good at it, it was cheering up folks.
  240. >It always seemed that while the rain brought sadness when it was here the rejuvenation of spirits would be soon to follow in its frothing wake.
  241. >Which was ironic in a way, how could something so depressing cause you to eventually become so happy?
  242. >With a shrug you eventually put it down as being one of life's mysteries, right under "How did they pick stuff up?"
  243. >You weren't really going to be the one to complain anyways, their joy was infectious to anyone in a near 100 mile vicinity.
  244. >If being around a hundred peppy ponies wasn't something that could make you smile then you probably had several serious problems.
  245. >Not that their constant overabundance of cheer couldn't eventually grate on your nerves... But it was pleasant in moderation.
  246. >Stepping into the foyer of town hall one of the thick oak double doors thuds behind you.
  247. >The cool stale air feels pleasant against your face as you take a deep breath, finding comfort in the familiar "taste".
  248. >Some would probably think you crazy but you would be the first to swear that every building or place had a different type of air.
  249. >And to you how it felt to breath it was as much a distinct identifying characteristic as a fingerprint.
  250. >There was smell too but that wasn't always as pleasant.
  251. >Wait... Did ponies even have hoof prints? Welp, something new to pester you till the end of time.
  252. >The joy from outside seemed to have seeped to those inside as well as Willow, the secretary, greets you amiably.
  253. >"Hello Anon, is that a smile? My, I wasn't aware you were capable of such."
  254. >Despite the friendly jibes Willow was one of few you actually got along well with.
  255. "Ello Willo, is that a friendly joke? My, today is indeed a day of firsts."
  256. >She chuckles, waving her hoof at you lightly.
  257. >"I don't know what's come over me, truly."
  258. >Packing away your things into a labeled cabinet along the wall, you note to yourself that May's has been untouched, and remains empty.
  259. >Jabbing a thumb towards it you note the peculiarity.
  260. "She not in yet?"
  261. >Willow shakes her head, frowning.
  262. >Out of the entire staff May worked the hardest, often placing the job higher ever than her own wellbeing.
  263. >You remember plenty of times when you've had to almost forcibly shove her out of her office so she would go home and get some sleep.
  264. >The mare was pretty much addicted to work. An admirable quality of course, except when it became extreme.
  265. >"She had Derpy deliver a letter, apparently not feeling well. Cold of some sort."
  266. >Understanding passes between you and Willow at that last bit.
  267. >It was probably an understatement so we wouldn't worry, but everyone knew only a hurricane would keep her from this place.
  268. >And there had in fact not been any such natural devastation since the great pegasus disaster of 96.
  269. >Something which May had endured... Here. In the offices.
  270. >Come to think of it, was this possibly your fault?
  271. >You had been the one to drag her out into the cold all night, and then let her walk home in the rain.
  272. >Shit. This probably WAS your fault.
  273. >Well there was no point in moping, this situation would only be rectified with actions not regret.
  274. >If there was anything you did well it was settling your debts.
  275. >Considering how you got to this world in the first place, and just how happy she made you, you personally owed that mare far more than she could ever realize.
  276. >However there was still a mountain of work to do. Papers to be sorted, documents to be stamped, and letters to be written to notify the various officials of Equestria Ponyville's seasonal schedule...
  277. >You paused in the foyer, staring at her desolate shelf, wracked with indecision.
  278. >"You know as well as I do it's not going anywhere."
  279. >Your body startles slightly, broken out of your ruminations by Willow's steady voice.
  280. >Glancing over to her you see she had been watching you from behind her note laden desk.
  281. >"The work. It's not going anywhere."
  282. >With a nod she points at May's cubby, a tone of understanding seeping into her words.
  283. >"However you should be."
  284. >Your aforementioned slight smile broadened, your hesitance alleviated and your resolve strengthened.
  285. "Thanks Willow. Owe you one."
  286. >Grabbing back the satchel you had just stashed it slings and thumps against your back comfortably, the strap a familiar weight on your shoulder.
  287. >"She hasn't been happy you know."
  288. >The door open mid-swing you look back over your shoulder.
  289. >"For a while. She hasn't been happy."
  290. >"And then you came along, and I'm not sure what human magic you wove but she's different now. For the better."
  291. >"So we're even Anon. Completely."
  292. >You dip your head in acknowledgment and duck back outside into the sun.
  293. >You were no longer business anon, destroyer of paperwork.
  294. >You were now mission anon, and your goal was to take care of a sick mare.
  295. >Which meant you were going to need a few things.
  296. >Devious mission anon things, your tools of the trade, evil instruments of hate and torture so pure bile rose in your throat at the mere thought.
  297. >...
  298. >A hour or so later you stood outside of Mayor Mare's house with a bouquet of daisies, each full of a pure insipid poison know as "Bright Yellow"...
  299. >A bag heavily laden with a couple of blood red ripe tomatoes, probably also full of poison...
  300. >And a small bundle of bitterroot, a local herb known to be good for assisting in the restoration of health.
  301. >ALSO FULL OF POISONOUS POISON. Or was it venomous? Snake logic.
  302. >Really the distinction didn't matter. This mare was going down, she would soon meet her fate.
  303. >In her weakened state there was no way she could possibly defend against one so well versed in the ways of martial arts like you.
  304. >Prepping your first ultimate move you raised a fist and...
  305. >Knocked on the door.
  306. >You strain to hear as a raspy voice barely emanates from behind it.
  307. >"... in..."
  308. >Well that was all the consent you would ever need.
  309. >Pressing your hand against the varnished surface it swings open with little force.
  310. >The inside of the house was disparate from the atmosphere outside.
  312. Music to read to:
  313. >Most of the windows had curtains drawn, and the only sources of light were assortments of candles placed oddly on the furniture.
  314. >"Anon? What are you doing here?"
  315. >Turning your eyes to the source of the noise you spot a tan face watching you out from under a swath of blankets, situated on what you assumed to be a long couch.
  316. >A lock of pink hair had threaded itself out from under the blanket, and you studied it with curiosity.
  317. >She quickly tucks it back away, seemingly ashamed.
  318. >"Oh, sorry, didn't have time to-"
  319. >She pauses mid-sentence to stifle a cough, the blankets shuddering as her lungs sputtered.
  320. >"d-dye it today."
  321. >Laying the bouquet of flowers down on a table you set to work in the nominally furnished kitchen.
  322. >Oh well, it would suit your minimal purposes.
  323. "Why do that in the first place?"
  324. >"Anon, no one would take me seriously. I'd look like Pinkie."
  325. "I don't take you seriously anyways."
  326. >She giggles, the motion instigating another round of hacking.
  327. >"You're not being very nice to an old sick mare Non."
  328. >You tsk, bopping your head mockingly with a ladle you had procured.
  329. "Such a shame, however shall I live with myself?"
  330. >"But you already d-"
  331. >The remark was cut off by another fit, her breathing still stuttered even once it had settled.
  332. "Maybe the old sick mare should be quiet until I'm finished?"
  333. >She didn't respond, but you could feel the sarcasm emanating from behind you.
  334. >The water bubbles happily, a foam building around the edges of the pan as you stirred in slices of tomato and powdered bitterroot.
  335. >Collecting a few other spices from her understocked cupboards the ingredients start to come together into a delightfully smelling soup.
  336. "To answer your original question..."
  337. >Sloshing the soup around you deftly distribute sizable portions to two bowls.
  338. "I'm here to make sure the title of mayor passes to me after you feebly succumb to the sniffles."
  339. >She scoffs loudly as you place a bowl in her awaiting hooves and take a seat on the rug across from her.
  340. >Taking a disapproving whiff she eyes it critically, making a show of being unimpressed.
  341. >A few tentative slurps later and it was soon empty, the immediate improvement evident in a satisfied sigh.
  342. >"As mayor you would not only destroy Ponyville but half of Equestria."
  343. "Hey, give me credit, at leassst seventy-five percent of Equestria. I'm not some underachiever."
  344. >"To say you were an underachiever would be an understatement."
  345. >This elicits chuckles from the two of you, hers devolving yet again into strangled whimpers.
  346. >Worriedly you stand by her, placing a reassuring hand against her side.
  347. >Soon they thankfully peter out, however leaving her too exhausted to raise her head.
  348. >She whispers something too low for you to catch.
  349. >Leaning in she repeats herself, the words scratchy and haggard.
  350. >"H-hold me."
  351. >Glad to comply you wrap your arms under the soft blankets and lift her easily before resituating yourself where she had been.
  352. >With a soft whine she curls up into a tight ball of cloth on your chest, her eyes shut tight as each painful breath leaves her.
  353. >Straining to not even twitch a muscle she soon evens out, sleep relaxing her features.
  355. Music to read to:
  356. >Finally letting yourself loosen you take the time to truly take stock of the situation.
  357. >With a haphazard plan, shaky will, and mild determined actions you once again found yourself in calm proximity to this mare.
  358. >And these moments... Felt like the highlights of your life.
  359. >Were you falling for her?
  360. >She murmurs something, her brow trembling from troubled dreams.
  361. >Feeling concern flare in the pit of your stomach you realize that answer was yes.
  362. >Yes you were.
  363. >Soothingly you smooth her faded pink hair back, trying to comfort her anxiety.
  364. >It works and she slackens once again.
  365. >Oh god, you were indeed.
  366. >The hours melt away like this but you found it hard to mind.
  367. >Even a year could pass by in this way and you wouldn't notice.
  368. >Sometime later her eyes crack open slightly, confused and hazy, focusing on you.
  369. >"Anon?"
  370. "Hmm?"
  371. >"Am I having a nightmare?"
  372. >Your chest thrums with a chuckle.
  373. "No, no I don't believe so."
  374. >With a slight grin she yawns.
  375. >"Must be a dream then."
  376. >She adds a bit more in afterthought.
  377. >"Because you're here."
  378. >You could only hope she didn't feel the flutter in your heart.
  379. >Keep it together man, don't become a giggly schoolgirl just because of some sleepy flirtatious mar-
  380. >"And I wouldn't have it any other way..."
  381. >Goddammit.
  382. "Shush May, you're tired."
  383. >"Mhmmm..."
  384. >She unwraps from her warm cocoon a bit, crawling up to nuzzle into the crook of your neck.
  385. >You find it hard not to coo at the adorable display.
  386. >Don't let cute mares walk all over you anon, or else you'd be nothing but a puppet to them.
  387. >Or in this case don't let them sleep all over yo-
  388. >She lets out another fulfilled sigh before digging herself closer to you, the blanket now just a covering.
  389. "My strings are yours."
  390. >Your self-derisive commentary goes unnoticed and unappreciated.
  391. >Reaching your hand up you let it play idly with a strand of the cotton candy colored mane.
  392. >Hmm... Did you personally dislike or enjoy the color on her?
  393. >It took away from the mature perception she exuded, yet having something so blatantly girlish and young on her was... Endearing in a way.
  394. >Really you were fine with either or.
  395. >The candlelight flickers intricately dancing shadows on your forms as they burn their lifeblood, hot wax spilling down the sides of the copper stands slowly.
  396. >Her comfortable warmth against you, the darkened atmosphere, and your serene mood soon were taking their toll on your constitution.
  397. >Your eyelids begin to droop, a heavy weight pressing down against them.
  398. >Before the darkness takes you you remark a few last things to yourself.
  399. >Today had been a good day.
  400. >Wait, could horses get humans sick?
  401. >...
  402. >Doesn't matter, still worth.
  403. >And you let your dreams embrace you delicately, the walls soon fading from view.
  405. Music to read to:
  406. >Something rubbed up against your chest.
  407. >It was soft and warm. Rather than frighten you awake the feeling only coaxed you to the surface sweetly, and with a deep breath your eyes sprung open.
  408. >Most of the candles had burned out a long time ago, the only evidence they were ever there to begin with being tiny puddles of wax in the dishes below the stands.
  409. >The room was still partially illuminated however by a few rays that managed to sneak between the curtains, their bright beams fixating on random spots on the floor like a shattered disco ball.
  410. >Turning your attention to your side you find her there, deep in slumber.
  411. >Only being familiar with the professional character she generally played the sight of her sprawled out half over the side of the couch, faded bubble gum hair in disarray, and glasses heavily skewed across her muzzle was enough to melt the heart of even the most stalwart of individuals.
  412. >It was only with a concerted effort that you did not reach over and snuggle against her equine form.
  413. >Carefully removing the blanket and a lost wandering hoof from your chest you stand up to silently stretch your muscles in the dim light.
  414. >Her silken voice pipes up from behind you a few minutes into the daily routine of working troublesome cricks out of your body.
  415. >"Oh, hello Anon, did I uh... Fall asleep on you?"
  416. >She cringes at the end of her sentence, obvious fear dancing in the blue pools of her eyes.
  417. >The portrayal left you curious. What was she so afraid of?
  418. >With you a nod you bend over to grasp at the tips of your toes, trying to pull a particularly painful area of your back.
  419. >"Ah fiddle, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to, I suppose I was just so sick I wasn't thinking I-"
  420. >Raising a calm hand she quiets down, her sentence stopping abruptly.
  421. >She avoids your gaze as you raise back up, the taut tangle in your shoulder finally unwound.
  422. >You were surprised by this overzealous outburst from her.
  423. >May was often methodical and usually prioritized a tactful serene grace over her emotions, so this was uncanny of her character to say the least.
  424. >The two of you had become particularly close recently, so why this over a simple show of affection?
  425. "It's alright. You needed a friend to help comfort you through your sickness, and I was happy to answer that call."
  426. >Her eyes narrow with worry as she glances back.
  427. >"You're not mad?"
  428. >Baffled you exclaim your next sentence a bit more forcefully than you mean to, the tone sharper than intended.
  429. "Why would I possibly be mad?"
  430. >She winces slightly, and you feel a pang of regret at not watching your voice.
  431. >Looking down at her hooves she fiddles with them for a bit, her mouth opening a few times as she tries to figure out what exactly it was that she wanted to say.
  432. >Despite the consideration when she finally does speak up it comes out in a bit of a tumble.
  433. >"It's just that I'm not a or or nice looking and and to just fall asleep with such a delightful soup mmmmphfuh!"
  434. >Exasperated she flops down face first into a blanket she had piled in her lap.
  435. >Even with the tidbits you were no more elucidated on what was going on than before.
  436. "May it was nothing, really."
  437. >She whimpers something into the blanket that you barely catch.
  438. >"Ruining, again, dumb, old, mare."
  439. "What?"
  440. >She startles, obviously unaware she had said that loud enough to be heard.
  441. >"I-I'm sorry Anon. I'm still sleepy, I'm not thinking straight. Forgive me, in my years I tend to ramble..."
  442. >Staring down at her you nod politely, acknowledging the statement without agreeing to it.
  443. >Even if she was technically the human equivalent of a politician -
  444. >May had always been an atrocious liar.
  445. >You knew she would eventually come clean of her own free will.
  446. >She wasn't the element of honesty but she could never sit on something that was troubling her for very long.
  447. >Pirouetting in a half turn briskly on the heel of your foot you stride to the kitchen and prepare the wood stove again.
  448. >It was not long before the pleasant aromatic smell of coffee wafted throughout the living room.
  449. >Compared to the coffee beans that humans grew an Earth Pony's variety far outshined it.
  450. >Taking down two clay cups you pour an equal amount of the black liquid in both.
  451. >In yours you mixed two heaping spoonfuls of sugar with enough cream to bring the color to a nice rich tan.
  452. >Sweetness, but moderated by the cream.
  453. >For hers only a dash of brown sugar, a spot of milk, and a few drops of glistening honey.
  454. >Strong, but with a pleasant aftertaste.
  455. >In a way the types of coffee to which you both were partial to mirrored your distinct personalities in someways...
  456. >Or it was just coffee and you were over-thinking it. Probably the latter.
  457. >Placing the cup in her awaiting hooves she smiles in thanks before sipping at the steaming drink with a reserved dignity.
  458. >Setting yours down on the small table with a soft tap you throw open the curtains in a swift movement, letting the sun's soft gaze flow in unobstructed.
  459. >Gently seating yourself in a chair opposite her you take a few sips at your own concoction.
  460. >Time quietly tiptoes by in the next half hour like this, the muted twitters of the birds outside a discordant symphony that accentuated the comfort of the moment.
  461. >Settling into the cotton cloth of your seat you take a few observing glances at May.
  462. >The bottom of the cup sat primly in the divot of her hoof, the side steadied by the touch of another.
  463. >She raised it slightly, her eyes closed as she relished in the warmth the drink brought.
  464. >The sun's light struck her face at an angle, the shadows of the tendrils of her hair giving her countenance a dreamlike quality.
  466. Music to read to:
  467. >She shudders subtly as you watch, the heat from the coffee in the pit of her stomach spreading.
  468. >Looking up suddenly she catches your eyes, blushing as she turns away.
  469. >Whether the red tint was from the coffee's strength or her own abashed embarrassment you were unsure.
  470. >Staring pointedly at some imagined fixed point on the wall she spent a few minutes directly avoiding your gaze.
  471. >"Why do you care?"
  472. >Flinching from the sudden departure of restful calm, you considered the odd question.
  473. "What do you mean?"
  474. >She turns finally, inspecting you with an unreadable demeanor.
  475. >"Why do you care about me?"
  476. >With a shrug you savor another gulp of your coffee before answering.
  477. "Why wouldn't I?"
  478. >Becoming reticent she peers down into the cup grasped tightly in her hooves, mulling over the words of her eventual response.
  479. >"I'm just an old sad damned mare Anon."
  480. >"I've been nothing but a drain on you and those around me, and you should..."
  481. >"Just leave me to toil away in my dusty office like everypony else did right where I belong."
  482. >Carefully you situate your mug on the table before you, next to the aurulent flowers.
  483. >"I'm not a pony worth caring for... I'm washed up Anon. Past my prime."
  484. >Stepping across the carpet in a few short strides she fails to notice you, her self deprecating soliloquy leaving her oblivious to the world around her.
  485. >"I don't even know why you try, I've just wasted your time for my own selfish joy-"
  486. >She cuts off as you lean in, thumb under her muzzle lifting upwards, your lips pressing against hers softly.
  487. >Her eyes widen in startled shock but she doesn't resist the forward action.
  488. >Instead she seems to soften and let you pull her into a closer embrace.
  489. >Her eyelids flutter closed as she presses herself against your chest, her diatribe stifled for the moment.
  490. >You can feel the thrumming of her heart through your shirt, a pleasant rhythm that accented the fervor of your emotions.
  491. >It was difficult not to push the gesture further, your mind yearning to ease all of her worries.
  492. >Eventually you break the personal caress with a pang of regret.
  493. >She seems muddled as she returns to reality, her thoughts thrown into disarray by the simple kiss.
  494. >You had never told or hinted at your feelings for her, so the act was probably a sudden revelation.
  495. >Which could have been done with more tact in retrospect. Maybe smooching her into silence wasn't the best idea.
  496. >Well at least it worked.
  497. >When she finally gathers a response it comes out tentatively, the feeling in the words betraying her.
  498. >"Are you... Sure?"
  499. >And those words were laughably cliche.
  500. "Why wouldn't I be? I don't often show affection May, this is a one time offer for only three easy down payments."
  501. >The serious facade cracks marginally, but she bolsters on.
  502. >"I know of nicer mares who like you Anon."
  503. >You wink suggestively.
  504. "Sounds like a party."
  505. >"Younger mares. Who you could properly spend your life with... Not... Me."
  506. "You can invite them if you'd like."
  507. >Sighing she drags her hoof across her face, fed up with your shenanigans.
  508. >Kiss them then perplex them. The old anon one two combo. It never failed.
  509. "I don't care about younger mares."
  510. >Her eyes peek over the tip of her hoof at you.
  511. "I don't give a fuck about anyone else here May."
  512. >An eyebrow raises at the vulgarity but she doesn't interrupt.
  513. "I barely know their names, or who they are, or what they do."
  514. >You point at her forcefully, trying to convey the weight of the emotion in the movement.
  515. "But you? I wake up in the morning looking forward to talking you."
  516. >She removes the hoof from her face, her scrutiny intent upon you.
  517. "Hell, I think of you on the way to work. It's the only reason I still go in the first place."
  518. >You pause for one ephemeral instance to consider and organize everything that you had to say, no, needed to say.
  519. "You remember that day we met in the office when I swung by to grab the deed?"
  520. "That was the only time I had truly related to someone else here in weeks."
  521. "And you were the only pony I had met that was even worth knowing."
  522. >Your face creases in the concentration of the moment.
  523. "And the months that have passed since then? With you? They haven't been wasted, they've been WELL-spent."
  524. "So don't ever sit there and tell me-"
  525. >You punctuate each word with a jab of your finger.
  526. "That you aren't-"
  527. >Your voice grew hard, the statements steeled by your conviction.
  528. "Worth-"
  529. >The feelings that had been storming in your mind the past few days bled into your words.
  530. "Loving."
  531. "Because May, you're beautiful. Stunning even. And I don't give a single damn how long you've lived, because nothing would make me happier than to live the rest of it by your side."
  532. >With a huff your tirade is brought to a close, a few deep breaths returning normalcy to your lungs and breathing pattern.
  533. >You see her shoulders tremble almost imperceptibly, her eyes watering a bit.
  534. >Well now you fucked up. Kicking yourself internally you try to make a hasty apology.
  535. "May, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been so, look it's alright just forget everything I sai-"
  536. >It was your turn to be cut off as she springs from her sitting position at you.
  537. >A feat unusually spry for her - it catches you completely off guard.
  538. >Throwing her hooves around your chest she nuzzles against you, a few tears dribbling into your shirt.
  539. >A tad unready you just pat her head idly, hoping the situation would become less embarrassing for the both of you sometime here soon.
  540. >"I'm sorry I'm such an idiot Anon."
  541. "It's uh- It's alright."
  542. >"I just thought... My relationships in the past have never gone very well. I'm not 'interesting', or I care too much about work."
  543. >"I didn't want to get hurt again, or much worse, disappoint you."
  544. "You will never disappoint me. Ever."
  545. >She grins.
  546. >"Oh? So it's your job to let me down then?"
  547. >You laugh suddenly, the tenseness of the occasion dissipated with a single comment.
  548. >Your mirth spreads to her, and soon the two of you are chuckling along like a couple of rambunctious foals.
  549. >The giggles eventually taper off as she perks up to plant a kiss on your lips.
  550. >The childish pecks soon turn passionate, her warm body snuggling against yours.
  551. >You would be the last to protest against such things too, so instead you settle into it and match her in intensity.
  552. >Your mind addled by the close contact a few thoughts stir in the back of your head, vying for your attention.
  553. >First, your life was certainly on an upward trend.
  554. >Second, did you leave the wood in the stove burning?
  555. >Third, you were going to love every minute of this~
  557. Music to read to:
  558. >The fire of the pristine brass candle flickered in a sporadic dance in front of you.
  559. >Reaching out with a hand you smooth a crumple in the fabric of the table covering.
  560. >The movement only served to create a dozen more surrounding it.
  561. >With a grumble you return your arm to your lap, nervously twiddling your thumbs around each other in a tiny rhythm.
  562. >Could time move at a slower pace? Was it doing it to spite you?
  563. >It wasn't long before you began to trace circles around the rim of the wine glass to your left.
  564. >Being still when you were waiting for someone was a form of unbearable torture.
  565. "-appetizer sir?"
  566. >Blinking in confusion your head snaps to attention.
  567. >The waiter pony before you holds your gaze with a lethargy.
  568. >Or at least you perceived it to be so, it was hard to tell in the dim lighting of the restaurant.
  569. "Come again?"
  570. >He watches you for a moment, as if the act of repeating himself took an extreme effort.
  571. "I said, would you like an appetizer sirrr?"
  572. >He slurred the r, making his obnoxiousness obvious.
  573. >His arrogance would not bait you however.
  574. >Especially not on tonight of all nights.
  575. "I'm fine, thank you."
  576. >With a swish of his tail he turned away, trudging off to check on some other diners.
  577. >Or rather abuse them with his personality you note to yourself.
  578. >Why was he still working here, anyway?
  579. >It certainly wasn't because of his award winning smile that was for sure.
  580. >Sighing you look back to the glass of pale red liquor, but a flash of gray in the reflection of its pure surface catches your eye.
  581. >You look up, your line of sight darting around the room as you tried to find-
  582. >And there she was.
  583. >The color bled from the world around her, everything paling in comparison.
  584. >The curtails of her long lavender dress dragged only slightly on the carpet of the restaurant as she took hesitant steps towards your table.
  585. >It wasn't that she seemed unsure, but more... Embarrassed?
  586. >In the entirety of the time you've worked with May you can't recount a time when she had dressed up so effeminately.
  587. >She was always as professional as possible.
  588. >But now...
  589. >Her glasses had been swapped for a sleeker black model, a touch of glossy purple lipstick that brought out their fullness on her lips, and a hint of crimson blush had been touched upon her cheeks.
  590. >And was that mascara under her eyes? The accent was subtle, not overdone in the slightest.
  591. >These differences were only further highlighted by the fact she had ironed her hair flat.
  592. >The music being played by a local band hit a high note, as if heralding her arrival.
  593. >You were transfixed as she made her way over, her hips swaying with each hoofstep.
  594. >Hitching up her dress a tad she sidled into the velvet booth.
  595. >"Interesting place to choose anon-"
  596. >She paused, noticing your fixated stare.
  597. >With a shy smile she looked back down at the table, a pair of simple ivory earrings swaying from the movement.
  598. >"O-oh comon, it isn't that bad, I still know how to accessorize."
  599. >She glances back to you.
  600. >"Well, to an extent."
  601. >Inhaling deeply you noticed a faint subtle hint of lilac, the fragrance as tantalizing as it was memorable.
  602. "You are..."
  603. >You leaned forwards, cupping your hands over her hooves.
  604. "Beautiful."
  605. >Stunned for words her familiar shy smile returned.
  606. >"Careful anon, you might just make a mare feel pretty."
  607. >Raising one of her hooves you kissed it softly.
  608. "She should be feeling that and so much more."
  609. >It was hard to distinguish whether the deepening red on her cheeks was the makeup or an evoked warmth.
  610. >"Oh stop it you!"
  611. >Anyone else might have thought the tone was harsh, but you knew she was being playful.
  612. "Hmm, I'm surprised you even owned a dress, much less makeup."
  613. >"I'll have you know I was quite the partier in my day Anon."
  614. "I'm not sure that a political conference is a party May."
  615. >Her nose scrunched a bit as she mock pouted.
  616. >"Oh? And you have experience in this area Non?"
  617. "If we weren't in a nice restaurant at the moment I'd show you the sickest robot."
  618. >She tipped her head to the side quizzically before shrugging it off as a human custom.
  619. >"Sick dance moves and making those watching sick are two very disparate things."
  620. "Hey now, don't be rude."
  621. >Muffling a giggle with a hoof she let out a fulfilled sigh.
  622. >"I'm thankful you invited me out, even if I am ignoring work for it."
  623. "That's the thing May, there's always work. You need to have a bit of fun every once in a while."
  624. >"I know I know."
  625. "Besides, what kind of man would I be if I didn't take my adorable mare on dates?"
  626. >Ah, there was the deep red blush you knew and loved.
  627. >She sputtered temporarily before finding her words.
  628. >"Q-quiet I haven't told anypony yet."
  629. "Aww, ashamed of me?"
  630. >"No I just-, It's not that-, You-"
  631. "Teasing May, just teasing."
  632. >"Hrmph."
  633. >She crossed her hooves in indignation.
  634. >"You know better than anyone that I want the announcement to be special."
  635. "Wow, you make it sound like we're getting married. Shall I take the knee now?"
  636. >Was there even a proper word to describe that shade of red?
  637. >"I'm going to murder you An-"
  638. > "M-mayor mare!?"
  639. >You choked back laughter as her eyes went wide at the returning server.
  640. >The disrespectful waiter stood before your table with his mouth agape.
  641. >While May probably thought he had overheard her jibe he was probably more surprised that the lone human in all of Equestria was the one dining with the mayor of the town.
  642. >One who was currently drop dead gorgeous.
  643. >All you could do was smile smugly as he looked betwixt the two of you a few times more than necessary, his mind floundering to make the connections.
  644. >Quickly collecting herself she ordered a sweet tea with lemon and a fizzied rootstalk for you.
  645. >Essentially root beer, it was the closest thing to a soda you had found here thus far.
  646. >Scurrying off his previous slack attitude seemed to have dissipated in the face of one who held the highest respect of any in ponyville.
  647. >Besides the princesses of course. And the power puff lesbian squad. And the primordial demigod of chaos... Alright, one of the most respected then.
  648. >Either way the specifics were ultimately irrelevant.
  649. >You were just happy to see his smirk wiped off his muzzle.
  650. >"I know that look, that's your 'I'm up to no good look.'"
  651. >The corner of your mouth lifts slightly, a hint that would give your emotions away to her.
  652. >She knew you well enough by this point to tell.
  653. "Do you know that waiter?"
  654. >Pausing she searched within her herself for information.
  655. >"Hmm... Yes, yes I think I do. Pearl's kid Emerald, I believe."
  656. "And you know her too?"
  657. >She nods in affirmation.
  658. >"Pearl runs the local jeweler, her ledgers are important to keeping track of Ponyville's income."
  659. >Growing suspicious her eyes narrow.
  660. >"Why do you ask Anon?"
  661. "Wellllll-"
  662. >You steeple your hands in front of yourself, trying to give off a villainous vibe.
  663. "He may or may not have been uncourteous to me. I was insulted, really. My pride wounded."
  664. >"Your pride? I wasn't aware that small of an amount could be harmed."
  665. >You chuckle but continue on unabated.
  666. "Being the upstanding virtuous figure I am, I think he needs to be set straight by a role model."
  667. >Her eyebrows raise conspiratorially as she catches your drift.
  668. >"Yes, yes indeed he does."
  669. >Switching to idle chatter it wasn't long before he finally returned to the table with your drinks.
  670. >Setting down the glasses shakily the colt seemed a bit flustered.
  671. >Before he could pipe up and take your orders however May took the chance to interject.
  672. >"Emerald, how's your mother doing?"
  673. > "O-oh she's uh fine fine..."
  674. >He trailed off nervously, fidgeting a bit as he waited for the right time to quickly change and be over with the conversation.
  675. >"Everything good with the shop?"
  676. > "Mhmm, sales are up-"
  677. >Tactfully she cuts him off as while inspecting the wine glass in her hooves
  678. >"That's great hun. Say, have you met my friend Anon here?"
  679. >His eyes shifted quickly from left to right, sensing that the innocuous question might be a trap of some sort.
  680. > "Uh, Just tonight actually."
  681. >"Oh, really?"
  682. >Her saccharine tone was sickeningly sweet.
  683. >"Well, you should know that he's a deaaaaar friend of mine. You both have gotten along well, right?"
  684. >You were sure that if it were any brighter in here that there would be visible beads of sweat on his forehead.
  685. > "O-of course-"
  686. >"And I would expect only the kindest of treatment for my dearest of friends."
  687. > "Totally-"
  688. >"And I would be sorrreeely disappointed if I heard they were disrespected~"
  689. > "Y... Yes."
  690. >The quivering colt gulped in anxiety.
  691. >"Well that's great then!"
  692. >With a beaming smiled she brought her hooves together swiftly with a sharp clop, causing him to startle.
  693. >"I'll have a hay sandwhich to start, and Ano-"
  694. "Just a salad, thanks."
  695. >"A hay sandwhich and just a salad Emerald."
  696. >Nodding the colt darted off in the next heartbeat, the tassels of his waiters uniform billowing a bit behind him.
  697. >May looks back to you, a moment of silence falling between the two of you.
  698. >Hastily suppressed laughter soon broke that silence.
  699. "Wow, even I felt like I had my tail between my legs. You didn't have to grill him that hard May."
  700. >She shrugged, a smile from the joy still plastered on her face.
  701. >"Some in Ponyville would describe me as an old cranky mare Anon, sometimes it's fun to play the part."
  702. >"Especially when you get a reaction like that."
  703. >You couldn't help but mirror her mirth.
  704. "Can't disagree with you on that point."
  705. >It wasn't long before your meals were delivered, and it was much to your combined enjoyment that Emerald seemed to be in a particular hurry to please the two of you.
  706. >If your drinks went empty they certainly weren't kept that way for much longer.
  707. >Complementary crescent rolls also appeared on your table too at some point.
  708. >As the night wore on the two of you consumed your fill of fine Equestrian cuisine.
  709. >While some animals did eat fish here you had to generally catch it yourself if you wished for it.
  710. >Thought after quite some time spent in these lands you found that you could live without juicy steaks and succulent hamburgers.
  711. >The wide array of roasted vegetables, spiced pies, and diverse salads were more than enough to sate your palate.
  712. >Even though you hadn't cared that much about the greener side of the food pyramid back home, it had since grown on you during your new life.
  713. >You recall the conversation about meat with Twilight when you had first arrived, and the vivid green color she had turned when you described the general eating habits of humans.
  714. >She had recommended you keep that tidbit of information to yourself.
  715. >Which was excellent advice in hindsight, there was no telling how some of the ponies here would view you if they knew the kinds of things you used to imbibe.
  716. >"Anon do you miss...?"
  717. "Miss what?"
  718. >May pauses for a moment, the hesitation to bring up the topic evident in her eyes.
  719. >"Family, friends, home, do you... Miss any of it?"
  720. >Your grip tightens around the glass imperceptibly as you wince in consideration of the question.
  721. >Concern shows on her muzzle but she doesn't backtrack as you nod in assurance.
  722. >Calming yourself you take a swig of the crimson liquid, letting it coat the entirety of your mouth with a swish before gulping it down.
  723. >Letting the familiar taste comfort you, you take a moment to find the right words.
  724. "Of course. Almost every day."
  725. >She takes a sharp breath.
  726. "But... I wouldn't trade it for any of this."
  727. "Of course we will miss the way things used to be, but it's just that, missing. To actually go back and give up all of the time and effort I've put into the way that things have played out... Never."
  728. "Especially since I have you."
  729. >She lets out the breath, putting her hoof between your hands, leading you to rub it reassuringly.
  730. "My life then was just that, my life Then. This is my life Now. And as was a common adage of wisdom among us humans, 'no backsies'."
  731. >Her nose crinkles.
  732. >"That sounds like something Pinkie would say Anon."
  733. "Then she's a wise mare indeed."
  734. >Oddly she agrees with that statement.
  735. >"Fair enough."
  736. "What kind of answer were you expecting?"
  737. >Her expression grows distant as she ruminates on your question.
  738. >"When you get to my age there are things you regret leaving behind, or doing wrong."
  739. >"I don't want you to have to go through that.
  740. >"And I certainly don't want to be between you and those goals."
  741. >You scoff at the implication.
  742. "The only thing you're between right now is your own happiness May."
  743. "I chose this."
  744. >You grab her hoof again in between your hands.
  745. "I chose you."
  746. >Looking around you indicate the room with a free hand, before finally resting it back over hers again.
  747. "And I don't have a single regret about where it's landed me."
  748. >Tentatively she smiles, her countenance a warm glow.
  749. >As the jazz that fills the room begins to hit softer notes the two of you merely sit there, enjoying the company of the other.
  750. >Neither of you spoke for a while, as breaking the peace felt like it would be a desecration of it.
  751. >There wasn't anything to say anyways.
  752. >Nothing needed to be said.
  753. >Besides capping off your drinks the waiter left you be as well.
  754. >Soon without realizing an hour had passed, the music finally beginning to wane off as other tables were cleared, the coverings being put away.
  755. >Idly she remarks on it, the only thing that's been said in a long while.
  756. >"It would seem we are loitering."
  757. "You're the mayor, I'm pretty sure you can loiter as much as you'd like."
  758. >"While I would love to do that, I'm not positive it I can Anon."
  759. "You could make it law if you wanted too."
  760. >She giggles, shrugging.
  761. >"That'd be an easy way to get impeached."
  762. "Pshaw, who needs work anyways."
  763. >"As much as I'd like to be a slacker like you, it'd get boring."
  764. "Not having work is boring?"
  765. >With a mock gasp of horror you lean back in the booth.
  766. >She sighs hyperbolically, exaggerating it.
  767. >"What would I even do?"
  768. "Spend every day with me for starters."
  769. >"Hmm... Now would that be enjoyable, or torture?"
  770. "Probably the latter if I was being honest."
  771. >Another laugh.
  772. >It was odd, but you lived for those tiny expressions of joy.
  773. >In a sort of feedback loop whenever you could make her happy it only further enriched your mood as well.
  774. >It was a kind of music to your ears, as cliche as that was.
  775. >Trading back loving insults, jibes, and assorted deeper conversations you both finally depart from the restaurant, the waiter a bit too hasty in his goodbyes.
  778. >The crispy night air brushes against your face softly as the two of you make your way down Ponyville's main road.
  779. >Many if not all of the shops are already closed, with only a few ponies still meandering about.
  780. >They give you furtive glances but keep to themselves.
  781. >The thudding of your boots against the ground fill the quiet.
  782. >May inhales deeply of the cool breeze, her dress fluttering behind her.
  783. >"I believe life has gotten a lot better around here."
  784. "Rampant chaos gods, changeling invasions, and general mayhem is better?"
  785. >"You didn't even go though that Non."
  786. "I know, I'm the next curse Equestria has to deal with."
  787. >"We're all doomed then?"
  788. "Definitely."
  789. >"What are your powers?"
  790. "Seducing cute mares, filing important paperwork, and consuming mass amounts of food."
  791. >"Truly, a monster."
  792. "Thank you. I pride myself on my abilities."
  793. >She smirks, but stops entertaining your irrelevant thread of conversation.
  794. >"Overall it has. For me."
  795. "Did you miss the part about the curse?"
  796. >"I used to focus so hard on my work because nothing else mattered to me... But now..."
  797. >This time you don't interject.
  798. >"There's more to my life. More to live for. Namely you Anon."
  799. >Breaking out in a wide grin you're unable to contain yourself.
  800. >"Tonight, everday, I live for these moments spent with you."
  801. >The two of you walk a bit further before coming to small arboretum set off to the side of the town.
  802. >Motioning to a nearby bench your jaunt is paused.
  803. >She lays her head into your lap, cuddling close against you in the chilly wind.
  804. "We do both have to go home at some point."
  805. >"I'm the mayor, and I say we never have to go home."
  806. "Aye aye capi-taaaan."
  807. >"Mrs. Capitaaan to you."
  808. >Before you can retort she shifts, draping her hooves over your legs as she balls up into your side.
  809. >You find yourself unable to move or respond as you are assaulted with such an adorable display.
  810. >Oh well, perfect opportunity to run your fingers through her mane.
  811. >She almost purrs as you do so.
  812. >Some time passes as the moon only raises further into the night sky.
  813. >"It's hard not to worry about the future, even in the peaceful lulls."
  814. "Something weighing on your mind?"
  815. >"I'm going to die before you, you know."
  816. "I think you severely underestimate my wanton disregard for self preservation."
  817. >"Going to be old and wrinkly."
  818. "Nothing a little lotion couldn't work out."
  819. "And only if I get to work it in. You in. Sexually."
  820. >You feel her stomach rumble with a chuckle.
  821. >"You? Work me in? What if my hips break?"
  822. "Strips of cloth and two sticks, good ol splints and good as new."
  823. >"I'm not sure it works like that Anon."
  824. "It'd definitely work like that."
  825. >"You're an idiot."
  826. "Damn straight."
  827. >She perks up, bringing her mouth to yours in a gentle kiss.
  828. >The trees sway softly as your world skips a beat, the rustling of the leaves a white noise in the background.
  829. >All of it fades away as you wrap your arms around her in a tight embrace.
  830. >"And I love you for it."
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