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  1. Total:'fold'+'arm'+'breast' 65
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  3. 'fold'+'arm'+'breast' per word 1.45000020077e-05
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  7. New Spring - Robert Jordan.txt : 5
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  9. contempt wrapped the word “work.” once again her dress was pure red, and she wore her fringed shawl as though on appointed duties. moving to a corner facing moiraine, she folded her arms beneath her breasts. “continue. i wish to observe.” there was nothing for it but to obey. perhaps spurred by elaida’s presence, siuan and myrelle did their very best.
  11. the white-haired sister had good taste and restraint. be silent, listen, and observe. squirming on her seat cushion, siuan appeared about to stand when eadyth finally turned to face them. folding her arms beneath her breasts, she took a deep breath. “for six years you have been taught that the second greatest rudeness is to speak directly of someone’s strength in
  13. dresses, however, siuan joined her for tea in her rooms before going down to supper, but instead of taking a cup, she flung herself down in a leaf-carved armchair and folded her arms angrily beneath her breasts. her face was anything but stiff, and her eyes were blue fire. “that bloody fangfish of a woman will be the bloody death of
  15. dresses, however, siuan joined her for tea in her rooms before going down to supper, but instead of taking a cup, she flung herself down in a leaf-carved armchair and folded her arms angrily beneath her breasts. her face was anything but stiff, and her eyes were blue fire. “that bloody fangfish of a woman will be the bloody death of
  17. be green ajah.” she frowned faintly at siuan. “don’t hover, girl. stand over there until you are needed.” siuan took up a stance by the fireplace, back stiff and arms folded beneath her breasts. no real servant would have stood so—or frowned so—but iselle no longer noticed her. “do sit down, moiraine,” she went on with a smile, “and i will
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  20. The Eye of the World - Robert Jordan.txt : 0
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  23. The Great Hunt - Robert Jordan.txt : 0
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  26. The Dragon Reborn - Robert Jordan.txt : 0
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  29. The Shadow Rising - Robert Jordan.txt : 3
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  31. decided over breakfast. “you know about her plans for . . .” he began roughly, then made a sudden shift. “help me? how? that is what moiraine says.” egwene sternly folded her arms beneath her breasts, holding the scarf tight, in the way nynaeve used to address the village council when she meant to have her way no matter how stubborn
  33. began to bustle about, tossing a handful of leaves into the kettle, directing faile to find metal cups in one of the bundles against the wall. alanna, with her arms folded beneath her breasts, never took her eyes off perrin, their heat conflicting with the coolness of her face. “year by year,” verin continued, “we find fewer and fewer girls who
  35. troubling sense. our orders from the tower were clear, yet it is also clear that carridin has others. i can only postulate dissension among the forsaken.” “the forsaken,” jeaine muttered, folding her arms tightly; thin white silk molded her breasts even more revealingly. “what good are promises that we will rule the world when the great lord returns if we are
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  38. The Fires of Heaven - Robert Jordan.txt : 7
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  40. the harp, and natael bent over the instrument, shaking his head. in a moment the soothing sounds came again. “a melon couldn’t be swollen enough for your head,” egwene muttered, folding her arms beneath her breasts. “and a stone couldn’t be as stubborn! moiraine is only trying to help you. why won’t you see that?” the aes sedai smoothed her silk
  42. the bloody maidens may not tell her everything anymore, but they don’t bother to keep anything from her, either. “why did you want to see me?” to his surprise, she folded her arms beneath her breasts and paced the short length of the room twice before stopping to glare at him. “this was not a regard-gift,” she said accusingly, shaking the
  44. her. “did you decide to come early? alone?” egwene whirled to face amys, her sun-darkened face too youthful for her white hair, and leathery-cheeked bair. both stood with their arms folded beneath their breasts; even the way their shawls were pulled tight spoke of displeasure. “i fell asleep,” egwene said. it was too much before time for her story to work.
  46. eyes were the same, though, deep blue and strong. “an oath you gave to me, and broke. i should double your time for that.” dropping her gaze from his, she folded her arms beneath her breasts, growling, “that has already been taken care of.” “you mean they punished you for oathbreaking? if you’ve had your bottom switched for it, it doesn’t
  48. swords, he swung his eyes back to her. “i suppose you still will not tell me where egwene is?” “all you need know is that she is far from here.” folding her arms beneath her breasts, she could feel her heart beating through her ribs. was she making a dangerous mistake because of a pretty face? “and safer than any action
  50. twisted, and with a wide-eyed yelp elayne found herself on tiptoe, wondering whether her wrist would break before her arm came out of her shoulder. birgitte just stood there, arms folded under her breasts, and had the nerve to raise an eyebrow questioningly! elayne gritted her teeth. she would not ask for help. “release me, cerandin,” she demanded, wishing she did
  52. twisted, and with a wide-eyed yelp elayne found herself on tiptoe, wondering whether her wrist would break before her arm came out of her shoulder. birgitte just stood there, arms folded under her breasts, and had the nerve to raise an eyebrow questioningly! elayne gritted her teeth. she would not ask for help. “release me, cerandin,” she demanded, wishing she did
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  55. Lord of Chaos - Robert Jordan.txt : 6
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  57. it. irritably she placed another domino, and the tower collapsed with a clatter, spilling ivory tiles onto the floor. with a click of her tongue, she turned from the table, folding her arms beneath her breasts. “where is demandred? seventeen days since he went to shayol ghul, but he waits until now to inform us of a message, then does not
  59. “he says you’re the dragon reborn,” larine spluttered. the girls in the rest of the room apparently had not heard; they gasped. “i am,” rand said wearily. larine sniffed and folded her arms beneath her breasts. “as soon as i saw that coat i knew you had gotten a big head, running off with an aes sedai the way you did.
  61. on directing his veiled aethan dor as they searched through the columns with the maidens, something they had no need of direction to do. aviendha, on the other hand, arms folded beneath her breasts, wore such a mix of frown and approval that he had no doubts about her. “yesterday went very well,” he told sulin firmly. “from now on, i
  63. chair almost violently, then studied him and took another breath before speaking. “ji’e’toh is the core of the aiel. we are ji’e’toh. this morning you shamed me to the bone.” folding her arms beneath her breasts and fixing him eye to eye, she lectured him on his ignorance and the importance of hiding it until she could rectify the matter, then
  65. table stood with chairs behind it near one wall, did nynaeve realize they had gained a train of followers. more than a dozen aes sedai entered on their heels, nisao folding her arms tightly beneath her breasts, and dagdara with her chin thrust forward as though meaning to walk through a wall, shanelle and therva and. . . . all yellow
  67. the a’dam as moghedien scurried out. that could be a problem. how had nynaeve and elayne lived with those torrents of dread? still, that was for later. facing siuan, she folded her arms beneath her breasts. “this won’t do, siuan. i know everything. daughter.” siuan tilted her head. “sometimes knowing gives no advantage whatsoever. sometimes it only means sharing the danger.”
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  70. A Crown of Swords - Robert Jordan.txt : 4
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  72. to me in that manner, siuan,” myrelle was saying. not only loud enough to be heard across the clearing, but cold enough to take the edge off the weather. arms folded tightly beneath her breasts, she was drawn up to every inch of height, imperious to the point of bursting. “do you hear me? you will not!” “are you lost to
  74. birgitte, and they harbor secrets as a grain barn harbors rats. they’ve become aes sedai, eyes and hearts. even nynaeve is twice a stranger, now.” “you have your own secrets.” folding her arms under her breasts, she sat on the foot of his bed. the way she looked at him, you would have thought he was a tavern puzzle. “for one,
  76. but as it was, all he could do was blunder on. “in any case,” he said cautiously, “there’s only one thing i can do.” “and what might that be?” she folded her arms tight beneath her breasts, and her foot began tapping ominously, but he knew this was the right thing to do. “send you away.” just as he had elayne,
  78. somara and fifty more maidens waiting when he woke. he tugged the stocking the rest of the way up. “do you have a viewing?” min sat back on her heels, folded her arms beneath her breasts and gave him a firm look. after a moment, she decided it was not working and sighed. “it’s cadsuane. she is going to teach you
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  81. The Path of Daggers - Robert Jordan.txt : 4
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  83. to want to be away from that silence, too. the windfinders were waiting not far from where the servants had the pack animals, waiting impatiently and staring about imperiously, arms folded beneath their breasts, copying renaile. alise marched up to them, marking renaile out as the leader after one sweeping glance. elayne and aviendha she ignored. “come with me,” she said
  85. mountains of weight with any kinswoman. as the column began to wend its way toward the hills, elayne looked at aviendha and birgitte. aviendha simply stood there with her arms folded beneath her breasts; she had the woman-wrapped-in-her-own-hair angreal clutched in one hand. birgitte took lioness’s reins from elayne, adding them to those of her own horse and aviendha’s, then walked
  87. clattered as sevanna shifted her shawl in anger. “you take too much on yourself, therava. that is mine; give it to me!” she held out her hand, but therava merely folded her arms beneath her breasts. “there have been meetings among the wise ones,” the stern-eyed woman told sevanna. “we have reached certain decisions.” the women who had come with her
  89. at dawn, but as soon as the man left, he had stopped looking like a poleaxed bull and started . . . this! standing, she adjusted her pale green coat, folded her arms beneath her breasts, and confronted him directly. “what else can it be?” she asked calmly. well, she tried for calm, and almost made it. she loved the man,
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  92. Winter's Heart - Robert Jordan.txt : 6
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  94. loyal to gold, and only as long as the gold lasts. if they don’t betray for more gold first. i’m sure this once lady birgitte will agree with me.” arms folded tightly beneath her breasts and heeled boots planted wide, birgitte grimaced, as always when anyone used her new title. elayne had granted her an estate as soon as they reached
  96. making everyone around her accept it. including aes sedai. elayne thought she might be just a little in awe of alise herself. “they still deny they can channel,” alise muttered, folding her arms beneath her breasts, and frowned at the woman facing reanne. “they can’t, really, i suppose, but i can feel . . . something. not quite the spark of
  98. again! “i am telling you,” she said, much more calmly than she felt, “there is no way for me to break the shield. talaan is too strong.” “two,” zaida said, folding her arms beneath her breasts and staring at nynaeve as though she really could see the weaves. nynaeve pushed tentatively at the shield. she might as well push at a
  100. help recalling. “i am setalle anan, and my best rooms are occupied by captain of the air lord abaldar yulan,” mistress anan said calmly, unintimidated by so’jhin or blood. she folded her arms beneath her breasts. “my second-best rooms are occupied by banner-general furyk karede. of the deathwatch guards. i don’t know whether a captain of the green outranks them, but
  102. then she flung up her hands and stalked out after cadsuane, muttering under her breath. she slammed the door behind her. “i liked you better with your own hair.” alanna folded her arms beneath her breasts and studied him. anger and joy warred with one another in the bond. “i had hoped that being close to you would be better, but
  104. into place. her husky drawl sounded impressed. “a strict taskmistress, she can teach.” “sometimes you can see the forest, woolhead, if you’re led to it by the nose,” min said, folding her arms under her breasts. the bond carried approval, but he did not think it was for deciding to give up on finding the renegades. “remember she wants an apology
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  107. Crossroads of Twilight - Robert Jordan.txt : 6
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  109. one of the sideboards, and even when essande brought her robe and pointedly held it out for her, she merely put it on and resumed her pose with her arms folded beneath her breasts. she had released saidar, but the turtle was still in her hand, and elayne suspected she was ready to embrace the power again in an instant. neither
  111. to have their guardians looking over their shoulders. there was no one else in the room aside from birgitte, standing in front of the tall arched windows with her arms folded beneath her breasts. bright midday sunlight flooding through the clear glass set in the casements made her a silhouette of displeasure. “trakand welcomes all of you, and i welcome all
  113. after all, he took talking to a dead man in his head as a matter of every day, and that was hardly sane. “you have to do something,” min muttered, folding her arms beneath her breasts. “logain’s aura still speaks of glory, stronger than ever. maybe he still thinks he’s the real dragon reborn. and there’s something . . . dark
  115. the wise ones were a different proposition. edarra appeared not much older than perrin, yet her cool blue eyes seemed to have seen far more than he ever would. she folded her arms beneath her breasts in a rattle of bracelets. and with a touch of impatience. “even shaido know how to embrace pain, perrin aybara. it will take days to
  117. masema, stinking of madness and filled with a scornful hate. you must be willing and able to hurt a stone. edarra, her face as unreadable as the aes sedai’s, arms folded calmly beneath her breasts. even shaido know how to embrace pain. it will take days. sulin, the scar across her cheek still pale on her leathery skin, her gaze level
  119. before it dropped her onto the carpets. she refocused her scowl on siuan, who stood just inside the entry flaps with her blue-fringed shawl on her arms and her leather folders pressed to her breasts. the blue-eyed woman’s eyebrows raised slightly at egwene’s startlement. “here,” egwene said irritably, thrusting the paper at her. this was no time to be jumping and
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  122. Knife of Dreams - Robert Jordan.txt : 15
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  124. and ends. the amyrlin’s stole. what sort of dignity she could maintain while being birched was beyond her, but that was the future; this was now. silviana studied her, arms folded beneath her breasts, until the door closed behind the other two reds. “you aren’t hysterical, at least,” she said then. “that makes matters easier, but why aren’t you hysterical?” “would
  126. she had hoped for, and all watching to see who entered. myrelle herself, sitting on a sturdy straight-chair in a silk robe covered with red and yellow flowers, her arms folded beneath her breasts, wore such a perfect expression of calm on her olive face that it only pointed up the heat in her dark eyes. the light of the power
  128. and again, first with one hand then the other. silent tears trickled down the tall woman’s cheeks, and seta looked afraid that she would be next. edesina and teslyn, arms folded beneath their breasts, were watching with no expression whatsoever while mistress anan frowned her disapproval over teslyn’s shoulder. whether disapproval of the slapping or of what bethamin had done to
  130. let out a gasped “oh!” planting herself in front of him, close enough that she interfered with joline’s hasty scramble to her feet, mistress anan studied him with her arms folded beneath her breasts in a way that increased the generous cleavage displayed by her plunging neckline. despite the dress, she was not ebou dari, not with those hazel eyes, but
  132. of thanks for the end of the aiel war. those went out of fashion very quickly, as i recall.” birgitte sat down on the arm of the next chair and folded her arms beneath her breasts. “i could arrest mellar,” she said quietly, “and have him put to the question. you’d have no need of hark then.” “a poor joke, my
  134. of thanks for the end of the aiel war. those went out of fashion very quickly, as i recall.” birgitte sat down on the arm of the next chair and folded her arms beneath her breasts. “i could arrest mellar,” she said quietly, “and have him put to the question. you’d have no need of hark then.” “a poor joke, my
  136. to the black tower tomorrow, as well. tell them to count how many asha’man they see.” “so he’s planning a big battle. another big battle. against the seanchan, i suppose.” folding her arms beneath her breasts, birgitte frowned at the map. “i’d wonder where and when, except we have enough in front of us to be going on with.” the map
  138. as long as the dragon reborn. when i die, everyone will be free to go to war with the seanchan again if they wish.” min slammed her book shut and folded her arms beneath her breasts. “don’t you talk that way!” she said, red-faced with anger. the bond also carried fear. “the prophecies, min,” he said sadly. not sad for himself,
  140. that he bonded you, and you know i know. is he afraid?” “he’s never afraid,” min said. “except for me or. . . .” she set her jaw stubbornly and folded her arms beneath her breasts, fixing cadsuane with a glare that dared the green sister to do her worst. by the tangled mix of emotions ranging from fear to shame
  142. years older than any living aes sedai, rather than half a dozen years younger than himself. he had to find someone to teach her more. “rand al’thor,” min said angrily, folding her arms beneath her breasts, “you are not going to let that woman—” “your viewings are never wrong,” he broke in. “what you see always happens. you’ve tried to change
  144. it will soon be whole again, and i will not be sorry to see it so.” lifting the pole from her shoulders, egwene set down the pails of water and folded her arms beneath her breasts. she had tried to maintain a calm demeanor since being captured—well, except when she was being punished—but this encounter would have tried a stone. “you
  146. flung up her hands in disgust when he failed to relent. another surprise had been tuon. “don’t be foolish, toy,” she had drawled in his tent, standing over him, arms folded beneath her breasts, while lopin and nerim plied their needles and he gritted his teeth. her proprietary air, very much a woman making sure her property was repaired properly, had
  148. crude. she was no tavern maid to enjoy a bit of slap and tickle. besides, he could almost feel all those eyes watching. someone snickered. selucia rolled her eyes. tuon folded her arms beneath her breasts and looked up at him through her long eyelashes. “do i remind you of your sister?” she asked in a dangerous tone. “or perhaps your
  150. that. helmet under his arm, he ducked into the tent to find what must have been most of the camp’s officers gathered around a large map spread out on a folding camp table. half wore segmented breastplates lacquered in horizontal red and blue stripes, the other half red and yellow. they straightened and stared when he walked in, men from khoweal
  152. his cloak had leaked through. odd, the things you noticed at times like this. “i was instructed to ask for it, my lady,” he said, his voice steady. dyelin, arms folded beneath her breasts, grunted sourly. she was not far from scowling. mistress harfor, resplendent as always in her crimson tabard with the white lion spotless on her formidable bosom, sniffed
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  155. The Gathering Storm - Robert Jordan.txt : 4
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  157. to tell the difference. merise spoke. “graendal’s plans. tell me again what you know of them.” the tall aes sedai—of the green ajah, like cadsuane herself—maintained a stern expression, arms folded beneath her breasts, a silver comb slid into the side of her black hair. the taraboner woman was a good choice to lead the interrogation. or, at least, she was
  159. but you’d learn to fix that quickly if taught by sisters.” there was an audible sniff, and aviendha spun. melaine stood behind her. the golden-haired wise one had her arms folded beneath her breasts, and her stomach was starting to bulge with child. her face was not amused. how had aviendha let the woman walk up behind her without hearing? she
  161. and i were pillow-friends during our days as novices. the others decided that if i were to renew the relationship, perhaps it would lead to my gaining valuable information.” egwene folded her arms beneath her breasts. “it seems reckless to assume she would trust you. however, elaida’s thirst for power is guiding her to make reckless moves of her own, so
  163. that? what did she do, my lady?” “nothing, i hope. go!” the two men—one worker, one soldier—hurried off, and the other three workers remained at the table, looking uncomfortable. nynaeve folded her arms beneath her breasts, considering her plan. rand had determined that his hunt for the domani king had hit a wall with the death of the messenger. nynaeve wasn’t
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  166. Towers of Midnight - Robert Jordan.txt : 3
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  168. it looked remarkably like a badger’s tail glued to his head, except that he did not feel like being murdered today. it had already been a bloody awful evening. joline folded her arms beneath her breasts. “it appears that your reports of this…creature that is chasing you were accurate.” she sounded skeptical. he had lost five good men, and she sounded
  170. “egwene, i—” “do you realize what you have done?” “i checked to see if the woman i love was safe, following the discovery of an assassin outside her door.” she folded her arms beneath her breasts. he could almost feel the heat of her anger. “your yelling has drawn half of the white tower. they saw you captured. the assassin probably
  172. before mesaana, “we cannot find the thing you describe. half of our women search for it while the other half fight the worms who resist. but it is nowhere!” mesaana folded her arms beneath her breasts as she considered the situation. with an offhanded thought, she strapped katerine’s back with lines of air. failure needed always to be punished. consistency was
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  175. A Memory of Light - Robert Jordan.txt : 2
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  177. never have stood and watched this. light ... if gaul hadn’t done it, he would have himself. he knew it. “you can be such a child,” lanfear said, arms still folded beneath her breasts as she watched him. she sighed, then took him by the arm. a wave of icy healing washed through him. the wound on his cheek closed. perrin
  179. never have stood and watched this. light ... if gaul hadn’t done it, he would have himself. he knew it. “you can be such a child,” lanfear said, arms still folded beneath her breasts as she watched him. she sighed, then took him by the arm. a wave of icy healing washed through him. the wound on his cheek closed. perrin
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