
Celestia's little Anon

Feb 4th, 2014
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  1. >A long time ago
  2. >In a galaxy far, far...
  3. >Wait, this is another story.
  4. >Not so long ago, in the city of Canterlot during a cool and clear night, loud cries of sadness could be heard.
  5. >To be more specific, they came from the royal gardens in the castle of Canterlot.
  6. >You are princess Celestia, and you were on the search of what could be so noisy at this unholy hour.
  7. >It had been going on for hours upon hours and you just wanted to get some damn slee...
  8. >You mean, you wanted to stop any pony from suffering and to make him feel better.
  9. >At last, after hours of sleep deprivation and a new layer of bags under your eyes, you finally found the source of the noise.
  10. >Grumpy and tired, you power up your horn to blast the thing that had kept you up for so many hours and put it out of it's misery, but when you saw it you stopped immediately.
  11. >Laying there, in between the bushes, was a little creature, who stopped its screeches long enough to stare at you with tear filled eyes.
  12. "Well, hello there little critter" you said before lifting him up with your magic and holding him in front of you
  13. >This made it do some more noises, but these resembled giggling instead of crying.
  14. >You could feel your hear being pierced by the d'aw
  15. "Just where are your parents?" It seemed to be alone
  16. >You stared at it for a few seconds and then it reached its arms to you, as if it wanted to touch you.
  17. "Hnnnng" You felt your heart stop for a second
  18. >After making sure your heart was still beating, you looked again at the little animal you found and saw that his eyes were getting filled with water and sadness again.
  19. "No, no. Everything is okay" you said in a quiet, motherly tone.
  20. >You don't know what came over you, but you felt the necessity of pulling him closer to you and hugging it as if it was a little foal in need of a mother.
  21. "Everything will be okay" with a smile on your face, you turn back to the castle and start to make your way back.
  23. >You're still Celestia.
  24. >At the entrance to the castle you found your student, Twilight Sparkle, who was helping you find the source of the now gone noise, along with a still quite young, and tired, Spike.
  25. >"Princess, have you found the source of those cries?" she asked you
  26. >You smile and nod before showing her the now sleeping form of the little creature you found before.
  27. >You had been studying it and noticed quite a few things. It was very similar to a minotaur, though an ape would be a more appropriate comparison.
  28. >It was almost bald, except for an equivalent of a mane on top of its head.
  29. >It appeared to be a biped.
  30. >And lastly, its genitalia was showing.
  31. >Now you also knew it was a male.
  32. >You were very familiar with the customs of bipeds of wearing clothes known as pants, so you might have to look into that if he was to stay at the castle.
  33. >Now that you remember the fact that this thing is, indeed, naked, you notice that you are holding him in a way that his stallionhood is hanging right in front of your prepubescent student, who was now a mix of red and purple.
  34. >"Oh..." she tried to think of what to say, but she seemed too distracted with that penis in front of her "And, if I may ask..." the poor mare. You should help her find a coltfriend soon "Uh, what is this animal? The closest thing it resembles is Spike"
  35. "I have never seen anything like it either, Twilight" you levitate him back again and let it rest on your back, in between your wings
  36. >"And why are you coming back with it then? It could be dangerous!" she exclaimed
  37. >You looked back at the small ape-like creature and resisted the urge to nuzzle it
  38. "I already made sure that he won't do any harm." you return your gaze to Twilight and start to walk again, entering the castle "Besides, judging by its cries, it has been alone for hours. Its parents might not come back, and it's my duty, as the princess to keep every inhabitant of Equestria safe.
  40. "Don't worry. Tomorrow I'll send a group of guards to search for any other member of his species. That way he can return safely and we will have discovered a new species"
  41. >You smirk to yourself when you see your words start to make their effect on Twilight.
  42. >Immediately, she started to get excited and mumble things along the lines of "We discovered a new species" and "My name's gonna be in a book!"
  43. >You let out a melodic laugh and make your way to your royal chambers.
  44. >Twilight and Spike, who was now as asleep as the foal-like animal on your back, follow along. Twilight asking every question she had in her mind
  45. >As always, you patiently answered all of her questions to the best of your knowledge.
  46. >When you arrive to your own bedroom, you set the little animal on your bed and suppress a d'aw when you see him snuggle with your fluffy pillows. Maybe he would like it if you gifted him a plush
  47. >Your student, on the other hand, was unable to handle the cute and she let out a squeal that accidentally woke up the little animal.
  48. >Thankfully, instead of bawling and starting to utter those unholy cries, he just looked around in wonder, curious about its new surroundings
  49. >"By the way, princess," Twilight started to say "how are we going to call it? It would feel a little strange to always refer to it as 'animal' or 'thing'"
  50. >Indeed, she was right. You should think of a name, and not only just a name. One that could fit him, and you knew exactly what it should be
  51. "Let's call him An-"
  52. >"Antonio?" your student interrupted you
  53. "What? Sorry, Twilight, but I was thinking something more on the lines of An-"
  54. >"Andrew?" after yet another interruption, you shot your student a deadpan look "Sorry" she adds with a sheepish smile.
  55. >You continue
  56. "I think that since we don't really know anything about him, we should call him An-" this time you stop and look at your student, expecting to be interjected again. She only looks expectantly at you "We should call him Anonymous"
  58. Alt. ending
  59. >Anon is fighting three crocodiles and he's winning
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