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Sep 14th, 2014
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  1. [9/12/2014 5:13:51 PM] Brian:
  2. [9/12/2014 5:13:52 PM] Brian: 3/5
  3. [9/12/2014 5:13:56 PM] Brian: seems about right
  4. [9/12/2014 5:14:03 PM] Brian: all the complaints are things i've seen before
  5. [9/12/2014 5:14:12 PM] Brian: repetitive gameplay and bullet sponge enemies
  6. [9/12/2014 5:14:19 PM] Brian: also a shitty loot system
  7. [9/12/2014 5:16:41 PM] Roob Kennedy: oh but Brian, you can't give the most hyped game a low score
  8. [9/12/2014 5:16:59 PM] Roob Kennedy: *a score less then perfect
  9. [9/12/2014 5:17:08 PM] Brian: 9.8/10 its okay
  10. [9/12/2014 5:17:11 PM] Brian: -ign
  11. [9/12/2014 5:17:16 PM] Roob Kennedy: Otherwise some people might get mad
  12. [9/12/2014 5:18:46 PM] Brian: cough cough evan
  13. [9/12/2014 5:19:20 PM] Roob Kennedy: was not nodding towards him, but your the one who insulted him
  14. [9/12/2014 5:19:38 PM] Roob Kennedy: you live with your mistakes
  15. [9/12/2014 5:19:41 PM] Brian: who else in this chat has been talking about destiny for over a year non-stop?
  16. [9/12/2014 5:23:34 PM] David Isa Soberman (Maybe): bob hope
  17. [9/12/2014 7:21:31 PM] Evan Hirsh: since when have we ever given a fuck about review scores
  18. [9/12/2014 7:21:37 PM] Evan Hirsh: or reviews in general
  19. [9/12/2014 7:22:11 PM] Evan Hirsh: we are in the middle of gamergate and you are actually holding a review over my head like it matters
  20. [9/12/2014 7:22:41 PM] Evan Hirsh: play the game for yourself, actually
  21. [9/12/2014 7:23:09 PM] Evan Hirsh: If Watch Dogs can get 9/10 do you really think game reviews have any journalistic integrity
  22. [9/12/2014 8:09:52 PM] Brian: IT'S NOT THAT
  23. [9/12/2014 8:09:55 PM] Brian: sorry caps
  24. [9/12/2014 8:10:09 PM] Brian: anyway
  25. [9/12/2014 8:10:19 PM] Brian: stop trying to spin this whole thing about gamergate
  26. [9/12/2014 8:10:23 PM] Brian: this is about destiny
  27. [9/12/2014 8:11:04 PM] Brian: besides
  28. [9/12/2014 8:11:11 PM] Brian: isn't gamergate that?
  29. [9/12/2014 8:11:19 PM] Brian: talking about games and playing them?
  30. [9/12/2014 8:11:35 PM] Evan Hirsh: it's talking about corrupt media and trying to reform them
  31. [9/12/2014 8:11:47 PM] Brian: fine
  32. [9/12/2014 8:11:49 PM] Evan Hirsh: we're in the middle of trying to reform how gaming media works
  33. [9/12/2014 8:11:56 PM] Brian: if i get a review from ign will you shut up?
  34. [9/12/2014 8:11:56 PM] Evan Hirsh: reviews don't matter, they never have
  35. [9/12/2014 8:12:04 PM] Evan Hirsh: why the fuck would I
  36. [9/12/2014 8:12:24 PM] Brian: because i'm trying to say that people are having the same views as me on a game that was released 3 days ago
  37. [9/12/2014 8:12:25 PM] Evan Hirsh: they are as bad as the rest of them
  38. [9/12/2014 8:12:40 PM] Brian: and you're shutting me away because its a gaming site
  39. [9/12/2014 8:12:43 PM] Evan Hirsh: a game which as far as I know, you have not played
  40. [9/12/2014 8:12:59 PM] Brian: so? i've seen plenty of footage on youtube
  41. [9/12/2014 8:13:08 PM | Edited 8:13:33 PM] Evan Hirsh: which you are completely basing your views on off a review from gaming websites, which have been proven to be corrupt
  42. [9/12/2014 8:13:21 PM] Brian: i'm basing my views off footage i've seen
  43. [9/12/2014 8:13:25 PM] David Isa Soberman (Maybe): I agree with everything that has been said
  44. [9/12/2014 8:13:27 PM] Brian: get your facts straight
  45. [9/12/2014 8:13:55 PM] Evan Hirsh: but games are about playing
  46. [9/12/2014 8:14:02 PM] Evan Hirsh: even Milton was skeptical but now he really likes it
  47. [9/12/2014 8:14:07 PM | Edited 8:14:10 PM] Brian: what about the whole "look before you buy"
  48. [9/12/2014 8:14:17 PM] Brian: oh no
  49. [9/12/2014 8:14:20 PM] Brian: milton has his complaints
  50. [9/12/2014 8:14:27 PM] David Isa Soberman (Maybe): what about the whole "don't judge a video game by its cover"
  51. [9/12/2014 8:14:34 PM] Brian: he likes it sure, but he doesn't like it at the same time
  52. [9/12/2014 8:14:59 PM] Brian: the whole don't judge a cover thing went away because i've seen a combined worth of about 4 hours of footage
  53. [9/12/2014 8:15:08 PM] David Isa Soberman (Maybe): lol
  54. [9/12/2014 8:15:22 PM] Evan Hirsh: I don't care if you like it or not, I just care that you are using reviews and footage to make an assumption of something
  55. [9/12/2014 8:15:59 PM] Brian: what the fuck evan? why would you be mad at me for basing my view off of FOOTAGE of the GAME?
  56. [9/12/2014 8:16:05 PM] Evan Hirsh: I just don't like that you're saying "this review from a biased gaming website meets my expectations of a game I have never played?"
  57. [9/12/2014 8:16:05 PM] Brian: that is so stupid
  58. [9/12/2014 8:16:14 PM] Brian: holy shit
  59. [9/12/2014 8:16:18 PM] Evan Hirsh: that's all
  60. [9/12/2014 8:16:20 PM] Brian: EVERYONE is saying that
  61. [9/12/2014 8:16:21 PM] David Isa Soberman (Maybe): shit is holy brian
  62. [9/12/2014 8:16:43 PM] Brian: everyone who isn't a destiny fucking fanatic and everyone who hasn't bought into the hype is seeing the flaws in the game
  63. [9/12/2014 8:16:56 PM] Brian: and i agree with them after seeing the footage
  64. [9/12/2014 8:17:17 PM] Evan Hirsh: whatever, think what you want
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