
Crazy Candy - 2

Dec 13th, 2019 (edited)
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  1. deathproofpony, September 10, 2015; 09:48 / FB 33432
  2. =======================================================================================================================================
  3. crazy candy part 2
  5. >the last few days have been a blur
  6. >there you were - taking care of all your babies in your nestie. the next thing you knew, mean humans had dug up your burrow and took all your babies!
  7. >"It reeks! It smells like death!"
  8. >"Oh my god - she's got like 20 foals down there and they're all DEAD!"
  9. >you didn't understand... you took these foals and made them yours. fair and square.
  10. >you are the BESTEST mumma. some other dummy mumma can't take care of all these foals as good as you!
  11. >you were dragged from your burrow, kicking and screaming.
  12. >"She's crazy as a shithouse rat. She must have stolen all these foals. Look at the size differences. This one's a month old, this one looks like it's a couple of days old..."
  13. >they put you in a sorry box. it was dark and scary. you hugged your tail and sobbed, begging for your babies to be given back to you.
  14. >"Babies? Hah - you stupid ass. Don't you know they were all dead?"
  15. >dead? forever sleepies? NO! they're WRONG! they were the bestest babies and you're the bestest mumma! these dummy humans don't know what they're talking about!
  16. >"Here we are, fruit loops. Last stop. All out."
  17. >"name nu fwuit woops... name candy..."
  18. >"Like I care. You're lucky my son has a little compassion in him and asked me to bring you to a fluffy adoption center. I would have cracked your fool head open with a shovel and put you out for trash."
  19. >you're not really listening. you just keep thinking about all your babies. they must be so scared without their mumma!
  20. >you feel the sorry box moving. *thunk* they put you down and open the box.
  21. >squinting your eyes, getting adjusted to the bright light, you look around you.
  22. >it's a big open area with several fenced off sections. each one has a few fluffies in it along with litter boxes, food and water dishes and a couple of hidey holes for sleeping.
  23. >"wha dis pwace..."
  24. >"Your only chance at happiness, honey. Good luck."
  25. >the scary dummy human leaves. another human picks you up and brushes your pretty pink fluff.
  26. >"They say your name is Candy. No collar or chip, though. Guess your owner stopped looking for you a while ago."
  27. >"candy wun fwom meanie daddeh - nu wan candy haff babbehs..." you mumble.
  28. >"Well, that's your owner - uh, daddy's perogative. You should have listened to him instead of running off like a naughty fluffy."
  29. >"fwuffy miss skettis an wuv..."
  30. >"Well, you won't be getting any skettis here, either, but if you behave maybe you can get a new daddy."
  31. >the human plops you down in one of the fenced off areas. There are three other mares here. One is a purple unicorn. her belly is very fat - she'll have babies soon.
  32. >babies.
  33. >you miss your babies.
  34. >the other two are a red wingie fluffy with four peeping foals on her back and a grey earth fluffy with two larger talky babies clinging to her fluff
  35. >"new fwen?" "hugs?"
  36. >the wingie and the earthie approach you with smiles on their faces. smiles that turn to looks of horror.
  37. >"dis mawe... nu smewll gud... smewll wike... fowevah sweepies!" mutters the earthie.
  38. >the two mares back away, shielding their foals from you.
  39. >"mawe smewll wike... deaff."
  40. >"wha deaff?"
  41. >"deaff wut hoomans cawll fowevah sweepies."
  42. >"cweepy."
  43. >you don't care. you waddle into one of the plastic hidey-holes. A squat, round fluffy-sized house with a plushy pillow inside.
  44. >exhausted, mentally and physically, you pass out.
  45. >zzzzzzzzzzz
  46. >zzzzzzzzzzzzzerg. grunt. yawn.
  47. >is it yellow ball time? or white ball time?
  48. >you poke your head out of the hidey hole. it's dark except for a couple of little night lights.
  49. >all the other fluffies are asleep.
  50. >some in fluffy piles, some in the other hidey holes.
  51. >you stretch and scratch yourself. eat a little kibble and lap up some water.
  52. >the wingie and earthy mare are in hidey holes with their foals. the unicorn lays on a mat, too large to fit inside the hidey hole.
  53. >it's not fair. they have babies. the unicorn will have babies soon. that's more babies than they need.
  54. >more than they can handle.
  55. >but you're here. you're the bestest mumma. no mumma is as good as you.
  56. >you sneak over to the wingie fluffy's hidey hole and poke your head in. quick as a flash, you nab one of her foals - a green wingie - and yank it out.
  57. >"eeeeeeeeep!" is all the foal gets out as you clamp your teeth down on the back of its neck, gagging it as you carry the squirming baby back to your own hidey hole.
  58. >*plop* you lay the foal down on your pillow.
  59. >"chirp! chirp! wan mumma! eeeeeeeeeee!"
  60. >"hush babbeh! candy new mumma! haff gud miwlkies!"
  61. >you hold the baby to your teat. it resists at first but finally has no choice but to latch on. it sucks hungrily.
  62. >"nu miwlk! bad mummah!"
  63. >"bad babbeh nu tawk mean to mummah! bestest mummah haff bestest miwlkies!"
  64. >silly baby. trying to tell you there's no milk. you'll let it go this time but if the foal complains again you might have to bop it on the nose.
  65. >"wan mummah! wahhhhhhhhhh!"
  66. >"hush babbeh! hush! nu wake dummeh mawes!"
  67. >the baby won't stop crying. desperate, you hold it tightly to your fluff, muffling its cries.
  68. >silly baby. it'll soon learn you're the bestest mumma!
  69. >you lay down and drift off to sleep
  70. >"babbeh? whewe babbeh?"
  71. >"wut babbeh?"
  72. >"gweenie babbeh! nu find!"
  73. >you open your eyes and see the two dummy mares looking under mats and all around.
  74. >"new mawe... yu see babbeh?"
  75. >"nu see babbeh. weave candy awone."
  76. >"buuhuuhuu! wan babbeh!"
  77. >"dat okay... yu haff fwee otha babbehs..."
  78. >"*sniffle sob*"
  79. >later that day, the unicorn starts to cry and howl. babies coming! MORE BABIES! YOU LOVE BABIES!
  80. >you watch from your hidey hole as the other two mares help with the delivery. the human comes over and cleans the new foals and the unicorn with a warm damp rag.
  81. >she feeds the unicorn some strawberries as a special treat. the other fluffies beg and plead but don't get any.
  82. >the unicorn has five foals. five tiny, chirpy babies.
  83. >five is too many. for her.
  84. >in the dead of night you awaken again and slip over to the unicorn.
  85. >she has been moved into a shallow box with a mat in the bottom to prevent the newborns from wandering off.
  86. >you snag one of her foals - a pink one like you - and hurry back to your hidey hole.
  87. >pink like you.
  88. >that must mean... it's your foal.
  89. >it looks like you. so it's yours!
  90. >like it's sibling, you encourage the baby to nurse.
  91. >it struggles and peeps, not latching on to your teat
  92. >then it starts to panic, chirping loudly.
  93. >the unicorn starts to awaken. you quickly muffle the baby's cries. the unicorn snorts and goes back to sleep
  94. >that was too close. you don't want some dummy mare taking YOUR foals away.
  95. >you hug your two foals, falling asleep with them in your arms
  96. >"wiwac... din yu haff fife babbehs?"
  97. >"wiwac dunno... how many babbehs awe fife babbehs?"
  98. >"um... wun two fwee..."
  99. >"mo than fwee?"
  100. >"dunno."
  101. >"wiwac tiwed. poopie pwace huwt. speshal pwace huwt. wan sweepies."
  102. >"okay."
  103. >you watched the wingie talking to the unicorn from your hidey hole. disinterested, you go back to your own babies.
  104. >maybe you'll get another one tonight.
  105. >three babies. the bestest babies.
  106. >you sneak out again at night. this time you go after one of the earthie's foals.
  107. >they're bigger. maybe three weeks old. five times the size of a newborn.
  108. >grasping the back of a black foal's neck with your teeth, you yank it from the hidey hole and trot back to your own.
  109. >which is when all hell breaks loose.
  111. >all of the other mares wake up and look around, their foals chirping and screeching in confusion and terror.
  112. >then the fluffies in the other corrals wake up, panicking at the scary noises
  113. >the earthie fluffy waddles over to you and smacks you in the face with one of her hooves
  115. >"dis nu dummy fwuffy babbeh. candy is bestest mummah an babbeh candy's naow."
  117. >the earthie turns around and bucks you in the head with her rear hooves. you drop the foal on the floor. it falls with an audible *crack* and starts screeching. one of its legs are mangled.
  118. >"eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! meanie mawe huwt babbeh! mummah pwease giff hugs an wuv!"
  119. >the earthie picks up the foal and hugs it, inadvertantly squeezing its mangled leg, causing the foal to scream even more
  120. >the wingie pokes its head inside your hidey hole.
  122. >she takes your two babies out of the hidey hole and plops them on the ground.
  123. >"babbehs take fowevah sweepies! bad mawe giff biggest huwties to babbehs!"
  124. >"NUUUUUUUUUUUU! babbehs jus sweepin! pwobly pinin fo de fjords!"
  125. >"yu bad mummah." whispers the wingie.
  126. >"nu. fwuffy is WOWST mummah." says the earthie.
  127. >the three mares slowly approach you, their remaining foals hugging each other and sobbing.
  128. >"yu steal babbehs. yu kiwll babbehs."
  130. >*POW* one of the mares smacks you square between the eyes. you plop down on your bottom, hard.
  131. >"OWIES!"
  132. >the other fluffies are now all watching, whispering. some of them call out in the darkness. "bad mawe!" "bad mummah!" "dummeh poopie mawe!" "babbeh kiwwah!" "giff dummeh fowevah sweepies!"
  133. >you back away, then turn and run for your hidey hole.
  134. >the mares are quick, though. two of them nip at your tail and legs, biting into your fluff and pulling you backwards
  135. >the third mare, the unicorn, starts stomping on your head and neck
  137. >you look up at the fluffies in the other corrals. in the dim light of the nightlights you can see them turn away from you.
  138. >no help for you. no help for the bestest mumma.
  139. >the three mares continue to beat you. your legs are broken. your fluff torn out. your ears ripped off. everything goes dark.
  140. >"Good morning, every fluffy! Who's ready for a great day of adoption... HOLY SHIT. Lilac? Plum? Charcoal - what... what the hell happened?"
  141. >"fwuffy fawll down."
  142. >"dat wight. fwuffy twy climin ovah fence but fall down. hawd."
  143. >"and wand on babbehs. squish po wittle babbehs."
  144. >"She... tried to climb the fence and FELL? She broke all her legs and got her ears torn off falling THREE MOTHERFUCKING FEET?"
  145. >"vewwy sad."
  146. >"yus. vewwy sad."
  147. >"wiwac aww bwoken up inside bout it."
  148. >"That's... I just... forget it. I'll clean this mess up. Sorry about the babies. I... I'll clean it up. Jesus, I need a drink."
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