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Oct 22nd, 2016
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  1. Bubble Berry had been raiding Dusk Shine's library for a while now. He had a bit of a hobby. Well, Bubble had a hobby for having hobbies - he happened to enjoy just about everything, after all, but right now, what he had been doing in secret, was science!
  3. Or magic. Maybe a bit of both? He couldn't be quite sure. Just because it was a hobby didn't mean he was particularly good at it. But what he was good at was reading, and Dusk had enough books to make up for his ignorance in the field of all things magical. It had started innocently enough, a snippet here or there, a passage or two, but it had become a bit of an obsession of his.
  5. After all, Bubble wanted to make people happy!
  7. Of course, this wasn't something particularly new for the colt. That was his claim to fame. If other people weren't happy - how could he be happy? So he tried to be where he was needed most. The only problem was - what if he was needed in multiple places? By multiple people? Bubble loved to please, and he couldn't stand the idea that, sometimes, there was someone he wasn't giving his full, deserved attention to.
  9. But what if - what if he could make them happy at the same time? What if he could make everyone at the same time?
  11. That was the idea that kept him tearing through Dusk's library - secretly, of course. This would be a surprise! Plus, Dusk might have a few choice words if he found out Bubble was messing with magic. Luckily, it seemed his potion was nearing a completed state. The messy bedroom had been transformed into a makeshift, somehow messier lab. Mixed ingredients, open books, and beakers, vials, and all things science-y Bubble could get hold of.
  13. Some poison joke here, claw of dragon there, the hair of a certain lord of all things chaotic (gifted as a favor, of course). A bit of mixing, a lot of stirring, followed by stoppering and shaking, then a single dash of cinnamon for good measure.
  15. "And that should do it," Bubble muttered to himself, eyeing the vial of swirling liquid. This batch hadn't exploded, at least, and there was nothing that could really make him sick in there. Now, he'd be ready to try his first creation - a potion he could use to help, to make people happy, and to keep making them happy, no matter where they were.
  17. Unceremoniously, the pink pony chugged it. "Mmm!" he exclaimed, squirming a little as he felt the surprisingly sweet substance slide down his throat. Now the most important part: he would need a catalyst. That certain, emotional spark that would set all of those crazy chemicals inside of him spinning.
  19. He'd need to make someone happy. Not just happy - ecstatic.
  21. "Bubble?"
  23. Right on time.
  25. The voice floated in from behind him. The colt's tail shot up a bit with excitement: Dusk Shine! What a surprise! But not really, since he'd invited him over around this time. Who better to start the chemical reaction off with?
  27. "Oh, hiya, Dusky!"
  29. "Hey Bubble," his handsome unicorn friend said, slowly cantering in. "Um, is this what you wanted to see me about?" He gestured to the alchemical wreckage. "It looks a little..."
  31. "Exciting?"
  33. "Dangerous."
  35. Bubble gave a bit of a nervous laugh. "Well, you know me, I love to live dangerously!" And with that, the colt lunged forward, and before Dusk understood what was going on, he soon found his mouth filled with the invasive, eager tongue of Bubble Berry, who'd locked lips with him in an instant.
  37. Just as soon as it had begun, it ended, Dusk's tail on end and his eyes wide, egghead brain trying to process what just happened.
  39. Bubble, on the other hand, was already beginning to feel the effects. Like pop rocks on the tongue, that sudden burst of energy between them had caused it to set off in a flash. Fizzling, sizzling, the feeling spread from his lips to his chin, skittering across his scalp and shuddering down his neck. He let out an excited little giggle as he bounced a bit, looking eagerly to Dusk.
  41. It. Was. Amazing.
  43. "Did you just..."
  45. "Kiss you?" Bubble grinned. "Sure did!" He leaned in close and said, slightly quieter, "Wanna do it again?"
  47. "Well, I, ah," but his choice was made, as another swift peck from the bubbly pink colt sent him stumbling back a little, eyes wide. The kiss sent another electric tingle through Bubble's lips, so he did it again, and again, and again, and-
  49. "Bubble!" Dusk cried out, pushing his friend back a little, indignation finally overcoming his shyness. "What in the world are you doing?"
  51. "Well," Bubble said, bouncing up and down as he spoke. He seemed to already be bursting with energy - a sugar rush just from tasting Dusk. "See, I started thinking, I really, really like making people happy, you know that, right? Well, um, so, I started thinking - did I say that already? I think I said that already, sorry, Dusk, but I just feel really, really good right now, and it's just so -"
  53. "Bubble!" Dusk cried again. "Focus. Please. Just for a second. Ten words or less: what did you make in here?"
  55. "Oh - that's obvious, something that makes it easier for me to make people happy!" He beamed. "And judging by how good I feel right about now, you must have really, really, really enjoyed those kisses." With that, he brought another peck to Dusk's cheek. The faint blush made it clear that, yes, he really did enjoy that sensation.
  57. --
  59. How couldn't he, after all? Bubble was cute, energetic - a little sexy when he wanted to be. But...something wasn't quite right. Bubble had been checking out random books for weeks now - not too surprising, he was a very, very eclectic reader. Only now did Dusk realize his friend must have been working on something. Something that makes people happy? That sure sounded like Bubble, but how was he-
  61. His silent contemplation left him vulnerable to another peck. "Bubble!" he cried, a little sterner this time. "I know you're excited about - whatever it is you made, but..." Wait. Something wasn't quite right. Aside from the fact that the hyperactive colt was now nuzzling him, perhaps a little too affectionately, he now realized the snout pressed into his side was just a bit too big to be Bubble's.
  63. Stepping back, he regarded the pink colt, and he let out a little, choked cry.
  65. Bubble was bigger.
  67. Dusk had registered this fact before Bubble himself, it seemed, because the dawning realization seemed to come as the two locked eyes. Bubble beamed as he rose his head higher, higher still. A full head higher than Dusk, the excited pony let out a cooing sound, "Dusk, you got cuter!"
  69. "Actually, Bubble, I think you got - wait, cuter?" But instead of a reply, the now larger colt had pinned him down for another wave of kisses, this time with a much more potent effect. A subtle tingle seemed to remain with each new spot the enlarged lips pressed against. The electric sensation was intoxicating, and he let his friend keep kissing a moment longer than he intended before reluctantly crying out "Bubble! Hey! Wait!"
  71. The larger horse dipped his head back up, tilting it a little, curiously, seemingly eager to get back to his shower of affection.
  73. "Don't you think it's a little odd that you're suddenly so much bigger?"
  75. Bubble paused, considering it. "I think it might have to do with the poison joke I put in."
  77. "Poison joke?" Dusk groaned. "How much did you use?"
  79. "Not too much!" Bubble said, defensively. "I made sure after last time. But now that you mention it," Bubble hopped a little, causing some of the more unsteady beakers in the room to tremble under his increased weight. "I don't think I'm usually this big."
  81. "You're not. Something may be very wrong with you," Dusk warned. "Come on, we should get you back to my place. Maybe I can find you something to fix... Whatever this is."
  83. Bubble drooped a bit. "But I thought I Was making you feel good. Did I do something wrong?"
  85. "No!" Dusk stammered. "I, ah, I really, um, you just caught me off guard, is all. Besides," he straightened up, smiling, "I'd rather kiss someone my own size, if that's okay."
  87. Bubble gave a cute little wiggle at this, clearly pleased by his friend's words. "Alright, I guess we can go back. I wonder how everyone will react when they see big Bubble out on the town!"
  89. With that, the enlarged colt bounded past his friend, and Dusk couldn't help but watch, and definitely couldn't help but be mesmerized by the enlarged backside swaying out the door. Bubble's own gaze seemed to meet his as he was looking back, forcing Dusk to look away, something he was reluctant to do - it wasn't the first time the pony's posterior had attracted his attention. Of course, it was the first time a single, squishy cheek was larger than his entire head.
  91. Better not to think of things like that, though. Dusk let out a little, nervous cough as he looked after Bubble - he could be in trouble, after all.
  93. Still a little drunk from the assault of kisses, Dusk followed.
  95. --
  97. The tingling hadn't stopped. Not by a long shot.
  99. Bubble felt giddy as he stumbled out the door. Unused to his enlarged frame, he wasn't as graceful as his usual, bouncy self, but that didn't stop him from enjoying it. The way his hooves seemed to clap across the ground, the subtle tremors of the house...
  101. Plus, Dusk checking out his butt constantly was an added bonus.
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