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Jail Config File

a guest
Aug 14th, 2013
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  1. AllowUpdateNotifications: true
  2. SelectionTool: 369.0
  3. ExecutedCommandsOnJail: []
  4. ExecutedCommandsOnRelease: []
  5. DeleteInventoryOnJail: false
  6. AutomaticMute: false
  7. NearestJailCode: nearest
  8. StoreInventory: false
  9. SignText: <Player>[NEWLINE]<TimeS>[NEWLINE]for[NEWLINE]<Reason>
  10. CanPrisonerOpenHisChest: true
  11. LogJailingIntoConsole: false
  12. CountdownTimeWhenOffline: false
  13. SpoutChangeSkin: false
  14. SpoutSkinChangeURL:
  15. ManualJails: []
  16. ManualCells: []
  17. ReleaseBackToPreviousPosition: false
  18. IgnorePrisonersSleepingState: true
  19. TeleportPrisonerOnRelease: true
  20. DefaultJailTime: 5
  21. MaximumReasonLength: 15
  22. UseBukkitSchedulerTimer: true
  23. JailCheckPrisonersPerPage: 15
  24. EnableJailStick: true
  25. JailStickParameters: 0369,5,5,,Brakeing The Law;50,5,20,,admin
  26. Protections:
  27. EnableBlockDestroyProtection: true
  28. BlockDestroyPenalty: 15
  29. EnableBlockPlaceProtection: true
  30. BlockPlacePenalty: 10
  31. BlockPlaceProtectionExceptions:
  32. - '59'
  33. BlockDestroyProtectionExceptions:
  34. - '59'
  35. EnablePlayerMoveProtection: true
  36. PlayerMoveProtectionPenalty: 30
  37. PlayerMoveProtectionAction: teleport
  38. PreventCommands:
  39. - /spawn
  40. - /kill
  41. - /warp
  42. WhitelistedCommands: []
  43. CommandProtectionPenalty: 10
  44. PreventInteractionBlocks:
  45. - '69'
  46. - '72'
  47. - '70'
  48. - '46'
  49. - '64'
  50. - '96'
  51. - '77'
  52. PreventInteractionItems:
  53. - '326'
  54. - '327'
  55. - '259'
  56. InteractionPenalty: 10
  57. EnableExplosionProtection: true
  58. EnablePVPProtection: true
  59. EnableChangingPermissions: false
  60. PrisonersPermissionsGroups:
  61. - prisoners
  62. RestorePermissionsToEscapedPrisoners: true
  63. MaximumAFKTime: 5.0
  64. EnableFoodControl: true
  65. FoodControlMinimumFood: 10
  66. FoodControlMaximumFood: 20
  67. PlayerRecievesMessages: true
  68. JailPay:
  69. PricePerMinute: 10
  70. PriceForInfiniteJail: 9999
  71. Currency: 0
  72. Guards:
  73. GuardHealth: 8
  74. GuardArmor: 0
  75. GuardDamage: 2
  76. NumberOfGuards: 3
  77. GuardInvincibility: false
  78. GuardAttackSpeedPercent: 100
  79. RespawnGuards: true
  80. GuardTeleportDistance: 10
  81. GuardTypes:
  82. - Zombie
  83. - Silverfish
  84. Database:
  85. UseMySQL: false
  86. MySQLConn: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/minecraft
  87. MySQLUSername: root
  88. MySQLPassword: password
  89. Messages:
  90. MessageJail: You have been jailed!
  91. MessageJailReason: 'You have been jailed! Reason: <Reason>'
  92. MessageUnJail: You have been released! Please respect server rules.
  93. PlayerNotJailed: That player is not jailed!
  94. MessageYouNotJailed: You are not jailed!
  95. BlockDestroyedNoPenalty: Do not destroy The Jail!
  96. BlockDestroyedPenalty: Do not destroy The Jail! You have just earned additional 15 minutes in jail!
  97. MessageEscapeNoPenalty: Do not try to escape out of Jail!
  98. MessageEscapePenalty: Do not try to escape out of Jail! You have just earned additional 30 minutes in jail!!
  99. MessageBlockPlacedNoPenalty: Do not place blocks inside Jail!
  100. MessageBlockPlacedPenalty: Do not place blocks inside Jail! You have just earned additional 10 minutes in jail!
  101. ForbiddenCommandNoPenalty: Do not try to escape with commands!
  102. ForbiddenCommandPenalty: Do not try to escape with commands! You have just earned additional 10 minutes in jail!
  103. ForbiddenTransfer: You have been transferred to another jail!
  104. MessageMuted: Stop chatting and quietly wait for the end of your sentence!
  105. PreventedInteractionNoPenalty: Don't do that in Jail!
  106. PreventedInteractionPenalty: Don't do that in Jail! You have just earned additional 10 minutes in jail!
  107. MessageAFKKick: Do not be AFK in jail!
  108. MessageJailPayAmountForever: To get out of this mess, you will have to pay <Amount>.
  109. JailPayNotEnoughMoney: You don't have that much money!
  110. JailPayNotEnoughMoneySelected: That won't be enough for your sentence!
  111. JailPayCost: 1 minute of your sentence will cost you <MinutePrice>. That means that cost for releasing you out of the jail is <WholePrice>.
  112. JailPayPaidReleased: You have just payed <Amount> and saved yourself from the jail!
  113. JailPayPaidReleasedHim: You have just payed <Amount> and saved <Prisoner> from the jail!
  114. JailPayLoweredTime: You have just payed <Amount> and lowered your sentence to <NewTime> minutes!
  115. JailPayLoweredTimeHim: You have just payed <Amount> and lowered <Prisoner>'s sentence to <NewTime> minutes!
  116. TimeMinutes: <Time> minutes
  117. Forever: ever
  118. JailStatus: You are jailed for <TimeS> by <Jailer>
  119. JailStatusReason: You are jailed for <TimeS> by <Jailer> because of <Reason>
  120. JailCheckLine: <Player> - Jailed for <TimeS> in <Jail>
  121. MessageJailCheckLineWaitingOffline: <Player> - Waiting for his first logon in prison
  122. JailStickEnabled: JailStick enabled!
  123. JailStickDisabled: JailStick disabled!
  124. NoJail: There is no jail available. Build one, before you can jail anyone!
  125. NeverOnThisServer: Player <Player> was never on this server!
  126. TooLongReason: Reason is too long!
  127. PrisonerJailed: Prisoner <Player> jailed.
  128. Escape: <Player> has escaped from jail!
  129. Mesasges:
  130. JailPayCannotPay: Sorry, money won't help you this time.
  131. JailPayCannotPayHim: Sorry, money won't help him this time.
  132. Message:
  133. PrisonerOffline: Prisoner <Player> is offline. He will be moved to jail at next login.
  134. Jail Vote:
  135. Enabled: true
  136. Time: 5
  137. Reason: Jailed by players
  138. Vote Time: 60
  139. Broadcast Jail Message: false
  140. Logger:
  141. Enabled: true
  142. Debug: false
  143. Jail Swear:
  144. Enabled: false
  145. Time: 10
  146. Banned Words:
  147. - shit
  148. - crap
  149. - fuck
  150. - cunt
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