
The adventures of Neganorman

Apr 14th, 2014
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  1. Story 1:
  2. >Be Neganorman.
  3. >Also known by the extremely racist peers as Nigganorman.
  4. >It hurts being the only black kid in this school.
  5. >All the watermelon and grape drank jokes.
  6. >I don't even like grape flavored drinks.
  7. >And the worst part?
  8. >There is no such concept of racism.
  9. >Just "black people are inferior."
  10. >Which is hilarious considering I am decently ranked in the school's GPA list, and I'm probably above average when it comes to income.
  11. >But it doesn't seem to matter, and it's all because of how your first day went.
  13. >It was a pleasant morning on your first day of a new school.
  14. >The parents decided to move to a more open area from the city, and you were relatively okay with it.
  15. >Cities are dangerous places, after all.
  16. >Upon entering the building that is Equestria High, you were greeted with a lack of attention.
  17. >Which was preferred.
  18. >Being in the spotlight never suited you.
  19. >The halls were crowded with students meeting up after a long summer break apart, and you were making extra effort trying to not disrupt their pleasantries.
  20. >To your delight, everyone here seemed to be extremely more diverse than your old, mostly black public school.
  21. >Looking around, you saw people with skin colors that you didn't even think possible!
  22. >As you open the locker designated as yours, you mutter your joy softly.
  23. "Sheeeeeit. All dese colors be tripping."
  24. >Within seconds of uttering that, your locker is slammed shut.
  25. >The perpetrator is a girl with slightly dimmed white skin, and hair that reminded you of bacon.
  26. >"What did you just say?"
  27. >Oh hell.
  28. >She heard you.
  29. "Ey, yo. I ain't be sayin' nuthin. Jus' nevah seen so much color like dese peeps. Ya feel me?"
  30. >The bacon haired beauty looks perplexed, but only for a moment.
  31. >She then turns to face the crowd and shout.
  32. >"This nigger thinks we're a bunch of weird colored freaks!
  33. >You panic slightly at the sudden angry lash of the crowd.
  35. "Sheeeeit. I ain't be tryin' to say dat! I jus ain't nevah seen yah colors 'fore. I ain't hatin', yo."
  36. >Despite your pleas for understanding, the many colored faces of the school squint into anger.
  37. >Shit.
  38. >Is this how Martin Luther King Jr. felt?
  39. >You don't want to cause anymore trouble, so you start making your way to class.
  40. >And the students heckle you every step of the way.
  41. >"Nigger, quit stealing everything!"
  42. "Sheeeeit. I ain't nevah stole shit. I work fo it."
  43. >Reasoning does not seem to work, as another student immediately continues the harassment.
  44. >"Why don't you use your food stamps to eat instead of selling them for drugs, you porch monkey?"
  45. >Well shit.
  46. >It's going to be a long year.
  48. Story 2: Four Horsemen of the Bukakalypse
  50. >Day four horsemen in human!Equestria.
  51. >Be Neganorman.
  52. >Today has been a relatively peaceful day.
  53. >Nobody has tried lynching you yet, and the water fountains labelled "White Only" were not being supervised.
  54. >Considering your lack of water intake due to such a sign being in place, you decide to have a nice, cool drink.
  55. >As you bend over to drink from the crystal clear stream of life's liquid, a finger taps your shoulder.
  56. >You turn to face the offender when shock overcomes you.
  57. >A guy dressed in mixed looking camouflage with a horse mask-
  58. >Yes, a fucking horse mask.
  59. >- is staring at you.
  60. >He has a small green folding shovel in one hand, and...
  61. >Some kind of horse plushie in the other.
  62. "Uh yo. Wassup, homie?"
  63. >Oh shit, your lingo is getting old school.
  64. >You're getting nervous.
  65. >The odd man simply points his shovel to the "Whites Only" sign and brings it back to his side.
  66. "Oh, dat? Jus' a lil' thirsty, ya dig? Ain't be no fountain fo' no niggas like me here."
  67. >He stands perfectly still before raising his shovel.
  68. >Leaping back into a flinching defense, you try and reason with him.
  69. "Ey man, we be cool. We ain't got no bad blood. Ain't no sense in beating the black outta mah ass. Sheeeeeeit."
  70. >Your diplomacy ends quickly when the masked stranger smashes the shovel into the nozzle of the found, breaking it off.
  71. >He then turns around and puts the small plushie under himself as though he were riding it.
  72. >A muffled voice comes forth as a shout.
  73. >"Now my waifu, we ride to bring justice to the universe! HI HO OCTAVIA, AWAY!"
  74. >As a child does with a stick horse, he starts "galloping" forward.
  75. >Before long, he has an inhuman spring to his pace as if a real horse were taking him to his destination.
  76. >He turns the corner and disappears without a trace.
  77. >The ending lunch bell rings and the halls flood with kids unaware of the strange rider.
  78. "Sheeeeeit."
  79. >"Hey, that nigger is trying to drink from OUR fountain!"
  80. >Shit.
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