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May 29th, 2015
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  1. *Choice_1b_day3
  4. ;圭一: わたしは......
  5. Keiichi: I......
  7. ;俺はお茶をすすり終えると, レナの瞳をまっすぐに見据えた.
  8. I finish sipping the tea, and gaze straight into Rena's eyes.`\
  10. ;圭一: ありがとう, レナ.
  11. ;とってもおいしかったよ.
  12. ;こんなにおぃしい弁当を食べたのは, 率直に言うと生まれて初めてだ.
  13. `Keiichi: Thank you, Rena. `\
  14. `It really was delicious. `\
  15. `I honestly don't think I've ever ate a lunch as tasty as this one before in my life. `\
  17. ;レナ: えっ......!?
  18. `Rena: Eehhh......!?
  20. ;圭一: 素村の旨みが, 噛み締めるごとに口の中いっぱいに広がっていく.
  21. ;だがそれ以上に食べる者の胸を満たすのは, おかずの1つずつに込められたレナの愛信だ。
  22. ;レナが心を込めて作ったことが, とってもよくわかるよ.
  23. `Keiichi: It has the natural taste of the village in it, so, with every chew that's taken while eating, it stretches the tongue to its limit. `\
  24. `But, above all else, I believe it's the love that Rena's put into every one of her dishes that satisfys the person who eats it to their very core. `\
  25. `Rena, I can see clearly now that you made this meal with all your heart.`\
  26. ;(Not sure... Needs to be revised.)
  28. ;レナは顔を赤らめながら, 口ごもる.
  29. `Rena blushes as she starts to get all tongue-tied.
  31. ;レナ: あうぅん。......実はね、これ...ほとんど冷凍ものなの…
  32. `Rena: Ah, weeell...... You see, to tell you the truth... it's mostly reheated...`\
  34. ;圭一: これが冷凍......!?
  35. `Keiichi: ......This is REHEATED!?`\
  37. ;レナ: ごめん......ごめんね!
  38. ;レナ, いっぱい作ろうと思ってたんだけど, 全部手作りしてる時間がなくて......
  39. `Rena: Sorry...... I'm sorry!
  40. `Although Rena was going to prepare a lot, I didn't have enough time to make all of it homemade......`\
  42. ;手作りじゃなかったのか!?
  43. ;しまった......!
  44. `So this wasn't homemade!? `\
  45. `Damn it......!`\
  46. ;だが, そんな事実を突きつけられて, あっさりひるむ俺ではない!
  47. `But, despite been confronted with that fact, I'm not one who's easily daunted!`\
  48. ;困惑しながら, レナは瞳を潤ませている。
  49. ;俺はそんなレナを包み込むように, 力強く言葉を続けた.
  50. `Though puzzled, Rena's eyes start to well up. `\
  51. `Wanthing to wrap things up with her, I continued with my encouraging words.`\
  52. ;(Not sure... Needs to be revised.)
  54. ;圭一: 冷凍かどうかなんて, 一切閏係なし!
  55. ;全く問題なし!
  56. ;ノープロブレムだ!
  57. `Keiichi: Whether it's reheated or not has no bearing whatsoever! `\
  58. `It's no problem at all! `\
  59. `No Problem! `\
  61. ;レナ: ............はぅ?
  62. `Rena: ............Hauu?`\
  64. ;レナは俺の言っている意味がわからないのか, かわいく小首をかしげて俺を見返す.
  65. ;まるでリスか何かの小動物が、つぶらな睡をパチクリさせているような顔......
  66. `Rena doesn't seem to understand the meaning of my words, cutely tilting her head to the side and staring back at me. `\
  67. `The round eyes on her face blink in surprise, making her look a lot like a squirrel or some small animal...... `\
  69. ;圭一: レナ...... 大事なのは, 真心だ。
  70. ;料理の味は, 心で決まる。
  71. ;真心がしっかりと込められていれば, 冷凍だって何だって, どんな一流シェフにもかなわないくらいにおいしい料理ができるんだよ......
  72. `Keiichi: Rena...... All that matters is that you made this with love. `\
  73. `The taste of one's cooking is determined by the heart. `\
  74. `So, if you really, firmly, put your love into all those dishes, than ANYTHING, even reheated food, can be delicious enough that no cuisine made by a first-class chef could compare to it......`\
  76. ;沙都子と梨花ちやん, そして魅音までもか, ポカ〜ン, と俺の言葉を聞いている.
  77. `Satoko and Rika-chan, and even Mion, are listening to my speech, at a loss for words.`\
  79. ;なんだか...... 俺, ものすご〜〜く熱弁ふるってる?
  80. ;でも、滑らかに言葉をつむぎだした俺の口は, もはや誰にも止められない!
  81. `What...... is this because of the increeeedible speil that I'm delivering oh so enthusiastically? `\
  82. `But, the smooth words that started to spin from my mouth like yarn, could no longer be stopped by anyone!`\
  83. ;(Not sure... Needs to be revised.)
  85. ;圭一: どんなに高紐な食材を使おうと, どんなにすごいテクニックがあろうと, この弁当にはかなわない。
  86. ;俺は断言できる!
  87. ;誰もレナにはかなわないっ!
  88. `Keiichi: No matter how many high-class ingredients or amazing techniques the chef may use, he'd still be no match for your lunch!`\
  89. ;(Not sure... Needs to be revised.)
  90. `I really mean that! `\
  91. `Rena, no one can beat you!`\
  93. ;圭一: なぜなら, この弁当以上に真心を込めることなど, 他の誰にもできないかちだっ!
  94. `Keiichi: Because, by putting more than your heart into this lunch, you were able to achieve a victory that nobody else was able to!`\
  95. ;(Not sure... Needs to be revised.)
  97. ;魅音が神妙な顔でうなずく.
  98. `Mion solemnly bows her head to me. `\
  99. ;沙都子や梨花ちやんさえ, もはや洗脳されたかのように, ぼーっとした顔でこくこくと無意識に同意していた.
  100. `And even Satoko and Rika-chan - now looking as if they'd been brainwashed - unwittingly agree with her, dazed expressions on their faces.`\
  101. ;(Not sure... Needs to be revised.)
  103. ;レナ: はぅ~.
  104. ;圭一くん......
  105. `Rena: Hauuu. `\
  106. `Keiichi-kun......`\
  108. ;レナの顔はすっかり上気して, 頭のてっぺんからは, ほわほわと輪っかが立ち昇っている。
  109. `Rena's face becomes completely flushed and, from the top of her head, a fluffy ring of steam starts to rise up.`\
  111. ;だが, まだまだっ!
  112. `However, I'm not finished yet!`\
  113. ;ここからが前原圭ーの真骨頂!
  114. `Here's where Maebara Keiichi really shows his true worth!`\
  115. ;一気に押しまくり, このままクライマックスへとなだれ込む......!
  116. `I'm gonna keep pushing and pushing until I suddenly rush into a climax......! `\
  118. ;圭一: もちらん味付けや盛り付けの完璧なまでのセンス, 確かな味覚によって構成されたバラエティ豊かな品目のバランスが大事なのは言うまでもない.
  119. `Keiichi: The seasoning and sense of preparation for the rice cake must be perfect. And it goes without saying that the balance of its certain taste, a composition of a variety of rich items, is the most important thing of all. `\
  121. ;圭一: だが, そんなものはあって当たり前!
  122. `Keiichi: But, these kinds of things come naturally to you! `\
  123. ;レナほどのレべルの者に, そんな間題を口にするなど野暮の中の野暮。
  124. Rena, for someone of your level to even comment on such things like that sort of issue is thoughtless as well as unrefined.`\
  125. ;(Not sure...)
  126. ;己の恥をさらけだすようなもの!
  127. `It's like you're confessing your own shame!`\
  128. ;圭一: では、そんじょそこいらの弁当との決定的な違いはなにか?!
  129. `Keiichi: So, what IS the crucial difference between this and any old bento!?`\
  130. ;(Not sure...)
  131. ;作る人間の人柄だ。
  132. `It's the personality of the person who makes it.`\
  133. ;レナの人柄か, 最高の料理を作るためになくてはならないスパイス!
  134. `Rena, your personality is the must-have spice that's needed to make the best kind of cusine!`\
  135. ;エッセンス!
  136. `It's the essence!`\
  138. ;圭一: 知らずににじみ出てしまう優しい人柄が, 食べる者の胸を温かい気持ちで満たすのだ!
  139. `Keiichi: I don't know if it's your gentle personality oozing out, but those who eat this are filled with a warm feeling inside their chest!`\
  140. そんなすごい料理を作れるのは, レナをおいて他にない!
  141. `There's no one other than you who is able to make such amazing food, Rena!`\
  143. ;レナ: ...ぇ...え? ...ぇぇと......その...なんだかちょっと, は, 恥ずかしいな.........
  144. `Rena: ...E...Eh? ...Errrr......That's... kind of a little, e-embarassing.........`\
  146. ;そう言いながらもレナは, 俺の繰り出す言葉の魔術に恍惚とした表情になっている.
  147. `While saying these words, Rena also had an estatic look on her face that brought out the magic of my words from me.`\
  148. ;ここで俺は, ちょっとはにかんだフリをしてからー心拍を置く.
  149. `Here I pretended to be a little shy and waited one beat.`\
  150. ;そひて, おもむらに......
  151. `And then, the main attraction...`\
  152. :(Not sure... Found the last bit hard)
  153. ;圭一: だから, さ......
  154. `Keiichi: That's why......`\
  155. ;レナ: だから......?
  156. `Rena: That's why......?`\
  158. ......次が, トドメだっ!
  159. `......And next, the coup de grace! `\
  161. ;圭一: レナは絶対に, いいお嫁さんになるよ......!
  162. `Keiichi: Rena, you'll definitely make a good bride......! `\
  164. ;ずぎゃあぁぁぁあぁ-------------んっっ!!
  165. `Zugyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!!`\
  167. ;レナ: え? お, お嫁さんって...... 誰のだら? ...だら? は, ははははぅはぅはぅぅ~~!?
  168. `Rena: Huh? A bride...... Who do you mean? Who? Ha-Hahahahauhauhauuuu!?`\
  170. ;頁っ赤になったレナの頭上からぽんっと音がして輪っかがあがり, レナは卒倒しそうな勢いで思いっまりぞる。
  171. `With a popping sound, Rena became a bright red and a ring of smoke rose up from her head. I thought that she was likely to faint from all the momentum.`\
  172. ;(Not sure...)
  173. ;そして, どっしゃあぁぁ~~っ!
  174. `And then, *thuuuuuuuuud!*`\
  175. ;とタッパーいっぱいのりんごを, 今まさに俺に突き出そうとした.
  176. `Just now, she tried to fling the tupperware full of apples to me. `\
  177. ............この勝負, もらったぁっ!
  178. `............I got this match in the bag! `\
  180. ;沙都子: .................., は, はっ!? り, 梨花っ!!
  181. `Satoko: .................., Wh-What!? Ri-RIKA!!`\
  183. ;沙都子がハッと我に返ると, 慌てて梨花ちやんに合図を送る.
  184. `Satoko quickly calmed down and began to hurriedly send a signal to Rika-chan.
  185. ;すかさず絶妙なタイミングで, 梨花ちゃんは俺の機先を制して言葉をつないだ.
  186. `In a split second and with superb timing, Rika-chan beat me to the punch and twisted my words. `\
  188. ;梨花: ボ, ボクがもし男なら...... きっとレナをお嫁さんにするのは, ボクなのです.
  189. `Rika: If-If I was a man, then......I would surely want Rena to be my bride too, nano desu. `\
  191. ;圭一: -------------げっ!?
  192. `Keiichi: -------------The hell!?`\
  194. ;梨花ちやんっ!?
  195. `Rika-chan!?`\
  196. ;俺のダメ押しの, とっておきの台詞をっ!!
  197. `I make doubly sure to save my best lines till last!!`\
  199. ;レナ: はっ? ははは, はぅはぅぅぅ~っ!! り, りりりりり梨花ちやん, お, お持ち帰りぃ~~~!!!
  200. `Rena: Huh? Hahaha, Hauhauuuuuu!! Ri, Ri-ri-ri-ri-ri-Rika-chan, I-I'm gonna take you home with meeeee!!!`\
  202. ;俺に差し出されるはずだったタッパ‐いっぱいのりんごが、 そっくりそのまま, ごっそりと梨花ちやんの目の前へ.
  203. `Defeated, I hold out the tupperware full of apples. It was supposed to be mine, but, just like that, it was all with Rika-chan, right before my eyes. `\
  204. ;え......!? マジで......!?
  205. `Eh......!? Seriously......!?`\
  206. ;なんだ, この展開!?
  207. `What is this building up to!? `\
  208. ;ここまで恥ずかしい台詞連発しておきながら, ラス卜でおいしい所をごっそりかっさらわれまったのか!?
  209. `I've been firing off embarrassing lines one after the other so far, but were they really just waiting for things to die down so they could completely steal away my delicious place!?`\
  210. ;(Not sure...)
  212. ;レナ: はうぅ~~, 梨花ちやん梨花ちやん, かぁいいかぁいいお婿さんだよ! だよ~!!
  213. `Rena: Hauuuuu, Rika-chan, Rika-chan, you'd make an aaadorable, aaadorable, husband! Husbaaaand!!`\
  215. ;レナは真っ赤になって興奮しながら, 梨花ちやんを抱きしめてぎゅいと頬擦りをしている。
  216. `Rena's face started to become flushed with excitement while hugging Rika-chan close to her and rubbing their cheeks together. `\
  217. ;それを見て, 沙都子は勝った笑みを浮かベた.
  218. `Seeing this and knowing that she'd won, a smile floating across Satoko's face.`\
  219. ;沙都子: おほほほ! ざまぁないでごますわねぇ! 残念ですがこの勝負は----
  220. `Satoko: Ohohoho! I don't believe it! What a pity, but this IS a match............`\
  222. ;-----------あ, でもレナは上目遣いに俺を見る.
  223. `...............Oh, but Rena then glanced up and looked at me. `\
  224. ;......なんだ?
  225. `......What?`\
  227. ;レナ: 一番うれしかったのは, 圭一くんの褒め言葉かな.
  228. `Rena: Wasn't it Keiichi-kun's compliments that made me the happiest?`\
  229. ;(Not sure... Check kana at the end)
  230. ;だからこの勝員、圭一くんの勝ち!
  231. `So, he's the winning member. This is Keiichi-kun's victory! `\
  233. ;レナが頬を赤らめながら, 慎ましやかにりんごのうさぎさんを一つ俺に差し出した。
  234. `Rena's cheeks began to redden as she modestly held out a single apple rabbit to me. `\
  236. ;お...... おおぉぉおおぉっっ!? 天は我に味方せりぃぃぃっっ!!
  237. `Oh...... Woaaaaaaaaah!? In this competition, heaven itself is on my siiiiiiiide!!`\
  239. ;沙都子: な, な, な... なんですって一!? 納得いきませんわ一!
  240. `Satoko: Wh-Wh-Wh... What is this!? I don't understand!`\
  242. ;梨花: みぃ...... ボクと沙都子は, 逆転負けなのです......
  243. `Rika: Mii...... Satoko and I have been defeated in a come-from-behind victory, nano desu......`\
  245. ;沙都子: い, 今の台詞は却下です, ええ, 却下! 大却下でございますっ!!
  246. `Satoko: I-I don't accept those words just now, I-I don't! I reject theeem!!`\
  247. ;(Not sure...)
  249. ;がっくりと肩を藩す梨花ちやん.
  250. `Crestfallen, her and Rika-chan's shoulders sagged.`\
  251. ;吼える沙都子は大きく両腕でバッテンしながらなにやらわめいているが, 当然無視.
  252. `Satoko let out a big howl while throwing up both her arms, screaming something or other. Naturally, I ignored her.`\
  254. ;魅音: あはははは!
  255. `Mion: Ahahahaha!`\
  256. ;さっすが圭ちやん!
  257. `As one would expect from Kei-chan!`\
  258. ;いやぁ~, いい演説だったよ!!
  259. `Maaaaan, that was a good speech!!`\
  261. ;レナ: 圭一くん...... はぅ☆.
  262. `Rena: Keiichi-kun...... Hauuu☆.`\
  264. ;魅音がバシッと俺の肩を叩く.
  265. `Mion hit my shoulder with a 'smack'.
  266. ;そんな俺をレナがもじもじとはにかみながら, 赤い顔で盗み見ていた。
  267. `But, I stole a glance at Rena who was squirming shyly while her face turned red.`\
  268. ;な...... なんだよ!
  269. `Wh......What!`\
  270. ;俺...... やりすぎた?
  271. `Did I......over do it? `\
  272. ;て, 照れるじゃないか!?
  273. `Is-Isn't this embarrassing!?`\
  274. ;俺はお茶のカップをおもむろにつかむと, ガッとー気に飲み干した.
  275. `I suddenly grab a cup of tea and vigorously drank all of it in one gulp.`\
  277. ;圭一: 熱ッちぃぃぃ~~!!!
  278. `Keiichi: IT BURRRRRRNS!!!`\
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