WARNING: Not using preference directory
Executing Class Engine.ServerCommandlet
Unreal engine initialized
Browse: CTF-Face?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=0?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?game=Botpack.CTFGame?mutator=MapVoteX103.MapVoteX
LoadMap: CTF-Face?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=0?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?game=Botpack.CTFGame?mutator=MapVoteX103.MapVoteX
Bound to Fire.so
Case-insensitive search: Botpack -> ../System/BotPack.u
Bound to IpDrv.so
Case-insensitive search: utcrypt -> ../Textures/UTcrypt.utx
Case-insensitive search: genfluid -> ../Textures/GenFluid.utx
Collecting garbage
Purging garbage
Garbage: objects: 17119->17118; refs: 226768
Game class is 'CTFGame'
Sockets: Socket queue 262144 / 262144
TcpNetDriver on port 7777
Server Package: SoldierSkins
Case-insensitive search: SoldierSkins -> ../Textures/Soldierskins.utx
Server Package: CommandoSkins
Server Package: FCommandoSkins
Server Package: SGirlSkins
Server Package: BossSkins
Server Package: Botpack
Case-insensitive search: Botpack -> ../System/BotPack.u
Server Package: UTPureRC7G
Bound to UWeb.so
Server Package: NPLoader_v17
Server Package: NPLoaderLLU_v17
Server Package: NPLoaderLLD_v17
Server Package: NPLoaderLLS_v17
Server Package: ACEv10f_Cdll
Server Package: IACEv10
Server Package: ACEv10f_C
Server Package: SmartCTF_4DPlusPlusv4
Server Package: CountryFlags2
Server Package: SmartDM105
Server Package: SmartDMScoreBoard105
Server Package: MapVoteX103
Server Package: ComboGibND4
Server Package: UTSAccuBeta4_2
Server Package: ZeroPingPlus103
Server Package: 2k4Combos
Spawning: XServerQuery.XServerQuery
Spawning: XServerQuery.XServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Spawning: IpDrv.UdpBeacon
Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerQuery
Spawning: UWeb.WebServer
Spawning: UTPureRC7G.UTPureSA
Spawning: IpToCountry.LinkActor
Case-insensitive search: IpToCountry -> ../System/ipToCountry.u
Spawning: NPLoader_v17.NPLActor
Spawning: ACEv10f_S.ACEActor
Bound to ACEv10f_S.so
Spawning: ACEv10f_EH.ACEEventActor
Spawning: UTStatsBeta4_2.UTStatsSA
Spawning: 2k4Combos.CombosSA
Level is Level CTF-Face.MyLevel
Bringing Level CTF-Face.MyLevel up for play (35)...
InitGame: ?Name=Player?Class=Botpack.TMale2?team=0?skin=SoldierSkins.blkt?Face=SoldierSkins.Othello?game=Botpack.CTFGame?mutator=MapVoteX103.MapVoteX
Base Mutator is CTF-Face.DMMutator0
Mutators MapVoteX103.MapVoteX
Add mutator MapVoteX103.MapVoteX
StartMutator: SmartCTF_4DPlusPlusv4.SmartCTF
Original Scoreboard determined as Botpack.UnrealCTFScoreboard
SmartCTF 4D++ loaded successfully.
StartMutator: BotPack.NoRedeemer
Execute Setting: MaxPlayers=4. Property: MaxPlayers. Value: 4
Execute Setting: bTournament=True. Property: bTournament. Value: True
Execute Setting: bmultiweaponstay=True. Property: bmultiweaponstay. Value: True
Execute Setting: FragLimit=0. Property: FragLimit. Value: 0
Execute Setting: TimeLimit=15. Property: TimeLimit. Value: 15
<------------------------ Starting MapVoteX ------------------------>
Port 7778 successfully bound.
DoUplink is not set. Not connecting to Master Server.
DoUplink is not set. Not connecting to Master Server.
DoUplink is not set. Not connecting to Master Server.
DoUplink is not set. Not connecting to Master Server.
DoUplink is not set. Not connecting to Master Server.
UdpServerQuery(crt): Port 7779 successfully bound.
UdpBeacon CTF-Face.UdpBeacon0 (Function IpDrv.UdpBeacon.BroadcastBeacon:0054) SentText: sendto failed
Unknown Mutator in use: MapVoteX103.MapVoteCommands
# UTPure #
# ver 1.0.RC7G #
Protection is Active!
# IP To Country #
# Version 1.6 #
# Initial to v1.2 by [es]Rush #
# v1.6 by Matthew 'MSuLL' Sullivan #
# Spawn Addon: True #
# Extension for AOL: False #
# Query Servers: 3 #
Bound to PackageHelper_v13.so
| Native Plugin Loader v1.7 |
| (c) 2008-2009 AnthraX |
Case-insensitive search: ACEV10F_CDLL -> ../System/ACEv10f_Cdll.u
| Package 0: |
| - Name : ACEv10f |
| - Author : AnthraX |
| - Desc : AntiCheatEngine for Unreal Tournament 99 |
| - DLL : ACEv10f_C.dll |
| - DLLLDR : ACEv10f_Cdll.u |
| - DLLURL : http://utgl.unrealadmin.org/ACE/v10/ACEv10f_C.dll |
| - DLLMD5 : multiple versions (3) |
| NrOfPackages = 1 |
| ACE for Unreal Tournament |
| v10f |
| (c) 2009-2016 - AnthraX |
ACE: DEBUG: Default IPv4 WAN NIC = enp2s0
ACE: DEBUG: Default IPv6 WAN NIC =
ACE: DEBUG: Enabling bListen on NIC enp2s0 ( because it is specified in MULTIHOME.
[ACEv10f]: DEBUG: ACE found the following network card: lo
[ACEv10f]: DEBUG: - IPv4 Properties -> Address: - Subnet: - Internet Access: False
[ACEv10f]: DEBUG: - Can listen on this interface? False
[ACEv10f]: DEBUG: ACE found the following network card: enp2s0
[ACEv10f]: DEBUG: - IPv4 Properties -> Address: - Subnet: - Internet Access: True
[ACEv10f]: DEBUG: - Can listen on this interface? True
[ACEv10f]: DEBUG: NICHelper recommends this ListenIP:
Resolving utgl.unrealadmin.org...
readlink(/proc/self/exe) = /shares/SATA2/ut-server/System/ucc-bin
Path to the PlayerManager: /shares/SATA2/ut-server/System/PlayerManager/ACEv10f_M
ACE: ERROR - PlayerManager Connection Failed - Timed Out
[ACEv10f]: ERROR: ACE could not spawn the PlayerManager.
[ACEv10f]: ERROR: ACE is now disabled.
ACE: ERROR - PlayerManager Connection Shutting Down!
| ACE EventHandler |
| v10f |
| (c) 2009-2016 - AnthraX |
### ___________________________________
### # # ### ### ### # ### ###
### # # # # # # # # #
### # # # ### # # # # ###
### # # # # # ### # #
### ### # ### # # # # ###
### ___________________________________
### - Version : 0.4.2
### - UTGL Running : False
### ___________________________________
### 2k4Combos Initialized v1.0 - ▒ )▒DoE▒(-AnthraX 2004
Game engine initialized
UDP recvfrom error: 11 from
Loading maps for: 2v2
Resolved utgl.unrealadmin.org (
[ACEv10f]: - WAN IP Retrieved: x.x.x.x
MapVoteX: Total Maps Loaded = 29
[ACEv10f]: Registered Event Handler: ACEv10f_EH.ACEEventActor