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May 9th, 2022
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  1. "My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Man, in some More of My Writings, said, and/or stated, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and abbreviated, "We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. And Maybe for example. Allegedly Approximately about 80(Eighty) Percent to approximately about 90(Ninety) Percent of Fellow(?, question mark) Je. and Fellow(?, question mark) Kr., and Fellow(?, question mark) Doc.(those approximately about 3(Three) out of 3(Three) who happen to make up less than approximately about 90(Ninety) Trillion in Number, and who in comparison, happen to, for what it's so-called worth so to speak, would be less than approximately about Zero Point One(0.1) Percent, Percentage, of Our Populations, and those allegedly,, and, Allegedly Very Long Duration Worthless and Useless R.Tr.) - those, those, those, allegedly 'at all costs not to become exterminated'. 'regardless of the cost'. Re., Fellow B., and You, and We, and Us, and Many of Us, esp. from app. ab. '83(Eighty Three) to app. ab. the Pres.(until app. ab. 5(Five) days and evenings ago) Ind.Bus.andFin.Retic.? Allegedly No. Tr.Ind.Bus.andFin.? Allegedly No. Excellent, and Fine, and Good, and Appropriate and Safe and Sound. And of Course. And also, at about that same time, so-called talking about that then, Bad? Good? Right. Wrong? Don't be led down those Bad Paths and/or Roads. Don't be led down those Very Bad Paths and/or Roads. Before it's too late. Before We are Exterminated. Before it's too late for Us. Yes. No. Very Bad(V.B.). Think. Contemplated. Plenty of Time before it would be too late. Plenty of Time before We are Exterminated. Makes sense? Too Good to be True? Yes. No. Stop. Halt. Pause. And Maybe for example. Maybe, 'So-called'. About that. Not about that. Approximately about then. Not Approximately about then. And Perhaps for example. Excellent, and Fine, and Good. Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound."
  3. "And in Some More of My Writings, My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Man said, and/or stated, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, "We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. And Maybe for example. Fellow Alm. Fellow Waln. Fellow so-called Pro. . Fellow Am. R. Fellow so-called Je. . Many Generic Terms and/or Phrases. And different spellings and/or Pronunciations. And different Definitions and/or Spellings. About that. Not about that. Fellow so-called 'Ol. Mus. and Fellow Hal. . so-called 'Fe.Go.Mu.' for Fellow so-called Br. . Excellent, and Fine, and Good, of Course. Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course."
  5. "My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Man, in some More of My Writings, said, and/or stated, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and abbreviated, "We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. And Maybe for example. Allegedly Approximately about 80(Eighty) Percent to approximately about 90(Ninety) Percent of Fellow(?, question mark) Je. and Fellow(?, question mark) Kr., and Fellow(?, question mark) Doc.(those approximately about 3(Three) out of 3(Three) who happen to make up less than approximately about 90(Ninety) Trillion in Number, and who in comparison, happen to, for what it's so-called worth so to speak, would be less than approximately about Zero Point One(0.1) Percent, Percentage, of Our Populations, and those allegedly,, and, Allegedly Very Long Duration Worthless and Useless R.Tr.) - those, those, those, allegedly 'at all costs not to become exterminated'. 'regardless of the cost'. Re., Fellow B., and You, and We, and Us, and Many of Us, esp. from app. ab. '83(Eighty Three) to app. ab. the Pres.(until app. ab. 5(Five) days and evenings ago) Ind.Bus.andFin.Retic.? Allegedly No. Tr.Ind.Bus.andFin.? Allegedly No. Excellent, and Fine, and Good, and Appropriate and Safe and Sound. And of Course. And also, at about that same time, so-called talking about that then, Bad? Good? Right. Wrong? Don't be led down those Bad Paths and/or Roads. Don't be led down those Very Bad Paths and/or Roads. Before it's too late. Before We are Exterminated. Before it's too late for Us. Yes. No. Very Bad(V.B.). Think. Contemplated. Plenty of Time before it would be too late. Plenty of Time before We are Exterminated. Makes sense? Too Good to be True? Yes. No. Stop. Halt. Pause. And Maybe for example. Maybe, 'So-called'. About that. Not about that. Approximately about then. Not Approximately about then. And Perhaps for example. Excellent, and Fine, and Good. Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound."
  7. "And in Some More of My Writings, My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Man said, and/or stated, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, "We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. And Maybe for example. Fellow Alm. Fellow Waln. Fellow so-called Pro. . Fellow Am. R. Fellow so-called Je. . Many Generic Terms and/or Phrases. And different spellings and/or Pronunciations. And different Definitions and/or Spellings. About that. Not about that. Fellow so-called 'Ol. Mus. and Fellow Hal. . so-called 'Fe.Go.Mu.' for Fellow so-called Br. . Excellent, and Fine, and Good, of Course. Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course."
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