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Feb 28th, 2022
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  1. "And also Moreover, and Very Good, and Very Excellent, and Very Appropriate."
  2. "Written, and Published, and Authored, by Brandon Ryan Katrena(B.R.K.)".
  5. “In addition, and Maybe also Very Interesting, and Maybe also Very Entertaining, And also in Some More of Writings, and also in Some
  7. More of My Jokes, and also in some More of My Literature,
  9. also that Fellow Man said, and also that Fellow Human Being(H.B.)
  11. said, and also that Fellow Person said, paraphrased and abbreviated,
  14. "That Very interesting Person, and that Very Interesting Individual, and that Very Interesting Man also said, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated,
  17. And Maybe for example. & Perhaps for example. & Maybe for instance. And Maybe for instance. And Maybe, ‘So-called’. And Maybe, about that. And Perhaps, Not about that.
  18. And Maybe approximately about then. And Perhaps Not approximately about then. And Very Excellent, and Fine, and
  20. Good, of course. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And You are Welcome. And Thank You, and Much appreciated.
  23. And We are, of Course, Family(Fam.) and Friends. And We are,
  25. of Course, Kinsfolks(Kin.) and Friends. And We are, of Course, Kinships(Kins.) and Friends. And also Fellow Present. And also Fellow Future. And Very Excellent, and Fine, and Good,
  27. of course. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And Life happens to be Very Simple. And Life Happens to be Very Easy. And Life Happens to be Very Easy, Long Term Duration especially. And Life happens to be Very Simple, Long Term Duration especially. And Very Excellent, and Fine, and Good,
  29. of course. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course."
  31. "Warnings, and Cautions, and Alerts. Warned, and Cautioned, and Alerted. And please do Not get so-called Very Overextended(V.O.), Short term or Long Term. And please do Not get so-called Very Overdrawn(V.O.), Short term or Long Term.
  32. And please do Not get so-called Very Deceived(V.D.), Short term or Long Term. And please do Not get so-called Very Tricked(V.T.), Short term or Long Term.
  33. And please do Not get so-called Very Confused(V.C.), Short Term or Long term.
  35. Warnings, and Cautions, and Alerts. Warned, and Cautioned, and Alerted. And please Watch out for
  37. Real Ambushes. And please Watch out for Real Tricks. And Please Watch out for Real Trickery. And please Watch out for Real so-called Game Over(G.O.). And please Watch out for Real Treachery. And Please watch out for Real Deception. And please Watch out for Real Lies. And please Watch out for Real Deceit. And please do Not get so-called Extremely Overextended, Short term or Long Term. And please do Not get so-called Extremely Overdrawn, Short term or Long Term. And Fellow so-called Cored Up(C.U.). And Fellow so-called Reserves. And Fellow so-called Reserved. And Fellow Reserved. And Fellow Reserves. And Fellow Strong. And Fellow Strength. And Fellow Loyalty.
  39. And Fellow Tough. And Fellow Terse. And Fellow Powerful. And Fellow Intelligent. And Fellow Smart. And Fellow Clever. And Fellow Cunning. And Fellow Industrious.
  41. And Fellow Resilient. And Fellow Strong. And Fellow Strength. And Fellow Loyalty. And Fellow Fidicuary. And Fellow Strong. And Fellow Strength. And Fellow Loyal. And the Fellow so-called Chalice(Chaqu.) and the so-called Lynchpin, that Fellow Brandon.
  43. And the Fellow Chalice(Chaqu.), and the Lynchpin, that Fellow Brandon. And Fellow Energies. And Fellow Resources. And Fellow Energies. And Maybe for example. And Very Excellent, Fine, and
  45. Good, of course. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And You are Welcome. And Thank You, and Much appreciated.
  48. And We are, of Course, Fellow Family(Fam.) and Friends. And We are,
  50. of Course, Fellow Kinsfolks(Kin.) and Friends. And We are, of Course, Fellow Kinships and Friends. And also Fellow Past. And also Fellow Present. And also Fellow Future. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good,
  52. of course. And, of Course, Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound.
  55. And please do Not get so-called Extremely Deceived, Short term or Long Term. And please do Not get so-called Extremely Tricked, Short term or Long Term.
  56. And also Please Guard and Protect Your Fellow so-called Control Centers(C.C.) and/or Buildings Very Well, and Very appropriately. And also Please Guard and Protect Your
  58. Fellow so-called Nerve Centers(N.C.) and/or Buildings Very Well, and Very appropriately. And also Please Guard and Protect Your
  60. Fellow so-called Computer Systems(C.S.) and/or Computers and/or Mainframes Very Well, and Very appropriately. And Maybe for example. And Hopefully Not Game Over. And Hopefully Not
  62. You Very Long Duration You lose. And Hopefully Not Very Long Duration You Lost. And Hopefully Not Destroyed and Exterminated. And Hopefully Not Exterminated.
  64. And Hopefully Not Exterminated. And Hopefully Our Fellow Organizations, Groups, and Civilizations will Not be Destroyed and Exterminated. And Hopefully Our Fellow Organizations, Groups, and Civilizations will Not be be Exterminated.
  66. And Hopefully Our Fellow Organizations, Groups, and Civilizations will Not be Exterminated. And of Course. And Happens to be Very Obvious. And Happens to be Very
  67. apparent. And of Course.
  70. And Maybe for example. And Perhaps for instance. And Maybe, 'So-Called'."
  72. And Awesome and Good. And Appropriate and Safe. Good.
  74. And We have, and Maybe for example, Our Fellow Organizations, and Our Fellow Groups, and Our Fellow Civilizations, and Our Fellow Ethncities, and Our Fellow Races,
  76. and Our Fellow Species, and Our Fellow Nations, and Our Fellow Countries, and Our Fellow States, and Our Fellow Civilizations. And Our Fellow Planets.
  78. And Our Fellow Globes. And Our Fellow Worlds. And Our Fellow Storehouses. And Our Fellow Warehouses. And Our Fellow Storehouses.
  80. And Maybe for example. And Maybe for instance. And Maybe, ‘So-called’. And Maybe, about that. And Perhaps, Not about that.
  81. And Maybe approximately about then. And Perhaps Not approximately about then. And Very Excellent, Fine, and
  83. Good, of course. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And You are Welcome. And Thank You, and Much appreciated.
  86. And We are, of Course, Family(Fam.) and Friends. And We are,
  88. of Course, Kinsfolks(Kin.) and Friends. And We are, of Course, Kinships and Friends. And also Fellow Present. And also Fellow Future. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good,
  90. of course. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And Copyrighted(C.) in approximately about this Year 2022(Two Thousand Twenty Two). And Maybe so-called Unofficially, and/or Perhaps Not so-called Formally, Copyrighted(C.) in approximately about this Year 2022(Two Thousand Twenty Two).
  91. And Maybe for example. And Maybe for instance. And Maybe, ‘So-called’. And Maybe, about that. And Perhaps, Not about that.
  92. And Maybe approximately about then. And Perhaps Not approximately about then. And Very Excellent, Fine, and
  94. Good, of course. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And You are Welcome. And Thank You, and Much appreciated.
  97. And We are, of Course, Fellow Family(Fam.) and Friends. And We are,
  99. of Course, Fellow Kinsfolks(Kin.) and Friends. And We are, of Course, Fellow Kinships and Friends. And also Fellow Past. And also Fellow Present. And also Fellow Future. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good,
  101. of course. And, of Course, Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound.---And Signed, that Fellow B."
  103. "And also Moreover, and Very Good, and Very Excellent, and Very Appropriate."
  104. "Written, and Published, and Authored, by Brandon Ryan Katrena(B.R.K.)".
  107. “In addition, and Maybe also Very Interesting, and Maybe also Very Entertaining, And also in Some More of Writings, and also in Some
  109. More of My Jokes, and also in some More of My Literature,
  111. also that Fellow Man said, and also that Fellow Human Being(H.B.)
  113. said, and also that Fellow Person said, paraphrased and abbreviated,
  116. "That Very interesting Person, and that Very Interesting Individual, and that Very Interesting Man also said, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated,
  119. And Maybe for example. & Perhaps for example. & Maybe for instance. And Maybe for instance. And Maybe, ‘So-called’. And Maybe, about that. And Perhaps, Not about that.
  120. And Maybe approximately about then. And Perhaps Not approximately about then. And Very Excellent, and Fine, and
  122. Good, of course. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And You are Welcome. And Thank You, and Much appreciated.
  125. And We are, of Course, Family(Fam.) and Friends. And We are,
  127. of Course, Kinsfolks(Kin.) and Friends. And We are, of Course, Kinships(Kins.) and Friends. And also Fellow Present. And also Fellow Future. And Very Excellent, and Fine, and Good,
  129. of course. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And Life happens to be Very Simple. And Life Happens to be Very Easy. And Life Happens to be Very Easy, Long Term Duration especially. And Life happens to be Very Simple, Long Term Duration especially. And Very Excellent, and Fine, and Good,
  131. of course. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course."
  133. "Warnings, and Cautions, and Alerts. Warned, and Cautioned, and Alerted. And please do Not get so-called Very Overextended(V.O.), Short term or Long Term. And please do Not get so-called Very Overdrawn(V.O.), Short term or Long Term.
  134. And please do Not get so-called Very Deceived(V.D.), Short term or Long Term. And please do Not get so-called Very Tricked(V.T.), Short term or Long Term.
  135. And please do Not get so-called Very Confused(V.C.), Short Term or Long term.
  137. Warnings, and Cautions, and Alerts. Warned, and Cautioned, and Alerted. And please Watch out for
  139. Real Ambushes. And please Watch out for Real Tricks. And Please Watch out for Real Trickery. And please Watch out for Real so-called Game Over(G.O.). And please Watch out for Real Treachery. And Please watch out for Real Deception. And please Watch out for Real Lies. And please Watch out for Real Deceit. And please do Not get so-called Extremely Overextended, Short term or Long Term. And please do Not get so-called Extremely Overdrawn, Short term or Long Term. And Fellow so-called Cored Up(C.U.). And Fellow so-called Reserves. And Fellow so-called Reserved. And Fellow Reserved. And Fellow Reserves. And Fellow Strong. And Fellow Strength. And Fellow Loyalty.
  141. And Fellow Tough. And Fellow Terse. And Fellow Powerful. And Fellow Intelligent. And Fellow Smart. And Fellow Clever. And Fellow Cunning. And Fellow Industrious.
  143. And Fellow Resilient. And Fellow Strong. And Fellow Strength. And Fellow Loyalty. And Fellow Fidicuary. And Fellow Strong. And Fellow Strength. And Fellow Loyal. And the Fellow so-called Chalice(Chaqu.) and the so-called Lynchpin, that Fellow Brandon.
  145. And the Fellow Chalice(Chaqu.), and the Lynchpin, that Fellow Brandon. And Fellow Energies. And Fellow Resources. And Fellow Energies. And Maybe for example. And Very Excellent, Fine, and
  147. Good, of course. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And You are Welcome. And Thank You, and Much appreciated.
  150. And We are, of Course, Fellow Family(Fam.) and Friends. And We are,
  152. of Course, Fellow Kinsfolks(Kin.) and Friends. And We are, of Course, Fellow Kinships and Friends. And also Fellow Past. And also Fellow Present. And also Fellow Future. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good,
  154. of course. And, of Course, Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound.
  157. And please do Not get so-called Extremely Deceived, Short term or Long Term. And please do Not get so-called Extremely Tricked, Short term or Long Term.
  158. And also Please Guard and Protect Your Fellow so-called Control Centers(C.C.) and/or Buildings Very Well, and Very appropriately. And also Please Guard and Protect Your
  160. Fellow so-called Nerve Centers(N.C.) and/or Buildings Very Well, and Very appropriately. And also Please Guard and Protect Your
  162. Fellow so-called Computer Systems(C.S.) and/or Computers and/or Mainframes Very Well, and Very appropriately. And Maybe for example. And Hopefully Not Game Over. And Hopefully Not
  164. You Very Long Duration You lose. And Hopefully Not Very Long Duration You Lost. And Hopefully Not Destroyed and Exterminated. And Hopefully Not Exterminated.
  166. And Hopefully Not Exterminated. And Hopefully Our Fellow Organizations, Groups, and Civilizations will Not be Destroyed and Exterminated. And Hopefully Our Fellow Organizations, Groups, and Civilizations will Not be be Exterminated.
  168. And Hopefully Our Fellow Organizations, Groups, and Civilizations will Not be Exterminated. And of Course. And Happens to be Very Obvious. And Happens to be Very
  169. apparent. And of Course.
  172. And Maybe for example. And Perhaps for instance. And Maybe, 'So-Called'."
  174. And Awesome and Good. And Appropriate and Safe. Good.
  176. And We have, and Maybe for example, Our Fellow Organizations, and Our Fellow Groups, and Our Fellow Civilizations, and Our Fellow Ethncities, and Our Fellow Races,
  178. and Our Fellow Species, and Our Fellow Nations, and Our Fellow Countries, and Our Fellow States, and Our Fellow Civilizations. And Our Fellow Planets.
  180. And Our Fellow Globes. And Our Fellow Worlds. And Our Fellow Storehouses. And Our Fellow Warehouses. And Our Fellow Storehouses.
  182. And Maybe for example. And Maybe for instance. And Maybe, ‘So-called’. And Maybe, about that. And Perhaps, Not about that.
  183. And Maybe approximately about then. And Perhaps Not approximately about then. And Very Excellent, Fine, and
  185. Good, of course. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And You are Welcome. And Thank You, and Much appreciated.
  188. And We are, of Course, Family(Fam.) and Friends. And We are,
  190. of Course, Kinsfolks(Kin.) and Friends. And We are, of Course, Kinships and Friends. And also Fellow Present. And also Fellow Future. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good,
  192. of course. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And Copyrighted(C.) in approximately about this Year 2022(Two Thousand Twenty Two). And Maybe so-called Unofficially, and/or Perhaps Not so-called Formally, Copyrighted(C.) in approximately about this Year 2022(Two Thousand Twenty Two).
  193. And Maybe for example. And Maybe for instance. And Maybe, ‘So-called’. And Maybe, about that. And Perhaps, Not about that.
  194. And Maybe approximately about then. And Perhaps Not approximately about then. And Very Excellent, Fine, and
  196. Good, of course. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And You are Welcome. And Thank You, and Much appreciated.
  199. And We are, of Course, Fellow Family(Fam.) and Friends. And We are,
  201. of Course, Fellow Kinsfolks(Kin.) and Friends. And We are, of Course, Fellow Kinships and Friends. And also Fellow Past. And also Fellow Present. And also Fellow Future. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good,
  203. of course. And, of Course, Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound.---And Signed, that Fellow B."
  205. "And also Moreover, and Very Good, and Very Excellent, and Very Appropriate."
  206. "Written, and Published, and Authored, by Brandon Ryan Katrena(B.R.K.)".
  209. “In addition, and Maybe also Very Interesting, and Maybe also Very Entertaining, And also in Some More of Writings, and also in Some
  211. More of My Jokes, and also in some More of My Literature,
  213. also that Fellow Man said, and also that Fellow Human Being(H.B.)
  215. said, and also that Fellow Person said, paraphrased and abbreviated,
  218. "That Very interesting Person, and that Very Interesting Individual, and that Very Interesting Man also said, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated,
  221. And Maybe for example. & Perhaps for example. & Maybe for instance. And Maybe for instance. And Maybe, ‘So-called’. And Maybe, about that. And Perhaps, Not about that.
  222. And Maybe approximately about then. And Perhaps Not approximately about then. And Very Excellent, and Fine, and
  224. Good, of course. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And You are Welcome. And Thank You, and Much appreciated.
  227. And We are, of Course, Family(Fam.) and Friends. And We are,
  229. of Course, Kinsfolks(Kin.) and Friends. And We are, of Course, Kinships(Kins.) and Friends. And also Fellow Present. And also Fellow Future. And Very Excellent, and Fine, and Good,
  231. of course. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And Life happens to be Very Simple. And Life Happens to be Very Easy. And Life Happens to be Very Easy, Long Term Duration especially. And Life happens to be Very Simple, Long Term Duration especially. And Very Excellent, and Fine, and Good,
  233. of course. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course."
  235. "Warnings, and Cautions, and Alerts. Warned, and Cautioned, and Alerted. And please do Not get so-called Very Overextended(V.O.), Short term or Long Term. And please do Not get so-called Very Overdrawn(V.O.), Short term or Long Term.
  236. And please do Not get so-called Very Deceived(V.D.), Short term or Long Term. And please do Not get so-called Very Tricked(V.T.), Short term or Long Term.
  237. And please do Not get so-called Very Confused(V.C.), Short Term or Long term.
  239. Warnings, and Cautions, and Alerts. Warned, and Cautioned, and Alerted. And please Watch out for
  241. Real Ambushes. And please Watch out for Real Tricks. And Please Watch out for Real Trickery. And please Watch out for Real so-called Game Over(G.O.). And please Watch out for Real Treachery. And Please watch out for Real Deception. And please Watch out for Real Lies. And please Watch out for Real Deceit. And please do Not get so-called Extremely Overextended, Short term or Long Term. And please do Not get so-called Extremely Overdrawn, Short term or Long Term. And Fellow so-called Cored Up(C.U.). And Fellow so-called Reserves. And Fellow so-called Reserved. And Fellow Reserved. And Fellow Reserves. And Fellow Strong. And Fellow Strength. And Fellow Loyalty.
  243. And Fellow Tough. And Fellow Terse. And Fellow Powerful. And Fellow Intelligent. And Fellow Smart. And Fellow Clever. And Fellow Cunning. And Fellow Industrious.
  245. And Fellow Resilient. And Fellow Strong. And Fellow Strength. And Fellow Loyalty. And Fellow Fidicuary. And Fellow Strong. And Fellow Strength. And Fellow Loyal. And the Fellow so-called Chalice(Chaqu.) and the so-called Lynchpin, that Fellow Brandon.
  247. And the Fellow Chalice(Chaqu.), and the Lynchpin, that Fellow Brandon. And Fellow Energies. And Fellow Resources. And Fellow Energies. And Maybe for example. And Very Excellent, Fine, and
  249. Good, of course. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And You are Welcome. And Thank You, and Much appreciated.
  252. And We are, of Course, Fellow Family(Fam.) and Friends. And We are,
  254. of Course, Fellow Kinsfolks(Kin.) and Friends. And We are, of Course, Fellow Kinships and Friends. And also Fellow Past. And also Fellow Present. And also Fellow Future. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good,
  256. of course. And, of Course, Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound.
  259. And please do Not get so-called Extremely Deceived, Short term or Long Term. And please do Not get so-called Extremely Tricked, Short term or Long Term.
  260. And also Please Guard and Protect Your Fellow so-called Control Centers(C.C.) and/or Buildings Very Well, and Very appropriately. And also Please Guard and Protect Your
  262. Fellow so-called Nerve Centers(N.C.) and/or Buildings Very Well, and Very appropriately. And also Please Guard and Protect Your
  264. Fellow so-called Computer Systems(C.S.) and/or Computers and/or Mainframes Very Well, and Very appropriately. And Maybe for example. And Hopefully Not Game Over. And Hopefully Not
  266. You Very Long Duration You lose. And Hopefully Not Very Long Duration You Lost. And Hopefully Not Destroyed and Exterminated. And Hopefully Not Exterminated.
  268. And Hopefully Not Exterminated. And Hopefully Our Fellow Organizations, Groups, and Civilizations will Not be Destroyed and Exterminated. And Hopefully Our Fellow Organizations, Groups, and Civilizations will Not be be Exterminated.
  270. And Hopefully Our Fellow Organizations, Groups, and Civilizations will Not be Exterminated. And of Course. And Happens to be Very Obvious. And Happens to be Very
  271. apparent. And of Course.
  274. And Maybe for example. And Perhaps for instance. And Maybe, 'So-Called'."
  276. And Awesome and Good. And Appropriate and Safe. Good.
  278. And We have, and Maybe for example, Our Fellow Organizations, and Our Fellow Groups, and Our Fellow Civilizations, and Our Fellow Ethncities, and Our Fellow Races,
  280. and Our Fellow Species, and Our Fellow Nations, and Our Fellow Countries, and Our Fellow States, and Our Fellow Civilizations. And Our Fellow Planets.
  282. And Our Fellow Globes. And Our Fellow Worlds. And Our Fellow Storehouses. And Our Fellow Warehouses. And Our Fellow Storehouses.
  284. And Maybe for example. And Maybe for instance. And Maybe, ‘So-called’. And Maybe, about that. And Perhaps, Not about that.
  285. And Maybe approximately about then. And Perhaps Not approximately about then. And Very Excellent, Fine, and
  287. Good, of course. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And You are Welcome. And Thank You, and Much appreciated.
  290. And We are, of Course, Family(Fam.) and Friends. And We are,
  292. of Course, Kinsfolks(Kin.) and Friends. And We are, of Course, Kinships and Friends. And also Fellow Present. And also Fellow Future. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good,
  294. of course. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And Copyrighted(C.) in approximately about this Year 2022(Two Thousand Twenty Two). And Maybe so-called Unofficially, and/or Perhaps Not so-called Formally, Copyrighted(C.) in approximately about this Year 2022(Two Thousand Twenty Two).
  295. And Maybe for example. And Maybe for instance. And Maybe, ‘So-called’. And Maybe, about that. And Perhaps, Not about that.
  296. And Maybe approximately about then. And Perhaps Not approximately about then. And Very Excellent, Fine, and
  298. Good, of course. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And You are Welcome. And Thank You, and Much appreciated.
  301. And We are, of Course, Fellow Family(Fam.) and Friends. And We are,
  303. of Course, Fellow Kinsfolks(Kin.) and Friends. And We are, of Course, Fellow Kinships and Friends. And also Fellow Past. And also Fellow Present. And also Fellow Future. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good,
  305. of course. And, of Course, Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound.---And Signed, that Fellow B."
  307. "And also Moreover, and Very Good, and Very Excellent, and Very Appropriate."
  308. "Written, and Published, and Authored, by Brandon Ryan Katrena(B.R.K.)".
  311. “In addition, and Maybe also Very Interesting, and Maybe also Very Entertaining, And also in Some More of Writings, and also in Some
  313. More of My Jokes, and also in some More of My Literature,
  315. also that Fellow Man said, and also that Fellow Human Being(H.B.)
  317. said, and also that Fellow Person said, paraphrased and abbreviated,
  320. "That Very interesting Person, and that Very Interesting Individual, and that Very Interesting Man also said, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated,
  323. And Maybe for example. & Perhaps for example. & Maybe for instance. And Maybe for instance. And Maybe, ‘So-called’. And Maybe, about that. And Perhaps, Not about that.
  324. And Maybe approximately about then. And Perhaps Not approximately about then. And Very Excellent, and Fine, and
  326. Good, of course. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And You are Welcome. And Thank You, and Much appreciated.
  329. And We are, of Course, Family(Fam.) and Friends. And We are,
  331. of Course, Kinsfolks(Kin.) and Friends. And We are, of Course, Kinships(Kins.) and Friends. And also Fellow Present. And also Fellow Future. And Very Excellent, and Fine, and Good,
  333. of course. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And Life happens to be Very Simple. And Life Happens to be Very Easy. And Life Happens to be Very Easy, Long Term Duration especially. And Life happens to be Very Simple, Long Term Duration especially. And Very Excellent, and Fine, and Good,
  335. of course. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course."
  337. "Warnings, and Cautions, and Alerts. Warned, and Cautioned, and Alerted. And please do Not get so-called Very Overextended(V.O.), Short term or Long Term. And please do Not get so-called Very Overdrawn(V.O.), Short term or Long Term.
  338. And please do Not get so-called Very Deceived(V.D.), Short term or Long Term. And please do Not get so-called Very Tricked(V.T.), Short term or Long Term.
  339. And please do Not get so-called Very Confused(V.C.), Short Term or Long term.
  341. Warnings, and Cautions, and Alerts. Warned, and Cautioned, and Alerted. And please Watch out for
  343. Real Ambushes. And please Watch out for Real Tricks. And Please Watch out for Real Trickery. And please Watch out for Real so-called Game Over(G.O.). And please Watch out for Real Treachery. And Please watch out for Real Deception. And please Watch out for Real Lies. And please Watch out for Real Deceit. And please do Not get so-called Extremely Overextended, Short term or Long Term. And please do Not get so-called Extremely Overdrawn, Short term or Long Term. And Fellow so-called Cored Up(C.U.). And Fellow so-called Reserves. And Fellow so-called Reserved. And Fellow Reserved. And Fellow Reserves. And Fellow Strong. And Fellow Strength. And Fellow Loyalty.
  345. And Fellow Tough. And Fellow Terse. And Fellow Powerful. And Fellow Intelligent. And Fellow Smart. And Fellow Clever. And Fellow Cunning. And Fellow Industrious.
  347. And Fellow Resilient. And Fellow Strong. And Fellow Strength. And Fellow Loyalty. And Fellow Fidicuary. And Fellow Strong. And Fellow Strength. And Fellow Loyal. And the Fellow so-called Chalice(Chaqu.) and the so-called Lynchpin, that Fellow Brandon.
  349. And the Fellow Chalice(Chaqu.), and the Lynchpin, that Fellow Brandon. And Fellow Energies. And Fellow Resources. And Fellow Energies. And Maybe for example. And Very Excellent, Fine, and
  351. Good, of course. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And You are Welcome. And Thank You, and Much appreciated.
  354. And We are, of Course, Fellow Family(Fam.) and Friends. And We are,
  356. of Course, Fellow Kinsfolks(Kin.) and Friends. And We are, of Course, Fellow Kinships and Friends. And also Fellow Past. And also Fellow Present. And also Fellow Future. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good,
  358. of course. And, of Course, Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound.
  361. And please do Not get so-called Extremely Deceived, Short term or Long Term. And please do Not get so-called Extremely Tricked, Short term or Long Term.
  362. And also Please Guard and Protect Your Fellow so-called Control Centers(C.C.) and/or Buildings Very Well, and Very appropriately. And also Please Guard and Protect Your
  364. Fellow so-called Nerve Centers(N.C.) and/or Buildings Very Well, and Very appropriately. And also Please Guard and Protect Your
  366. Fellow so-called Computer Systems(C.S.) and/or Computers and/or Mainframes Very Well, and Very appropriately. And Maybe for example. And Hopefully Not Game Over. And Hopefully Not
  368. You Very Long Duration You lose. And Hopefully Not Very Long Duration You Lost. And Hopefully Not Destroyed and Exterminated. And Hopefully Not Exterminated.
  370. And Hopefully Not Exterminated. And Hopefully Our Fellow Organizations, Groups, and Civilizations will Not be Destroyed and Exterminated. And Hopefully Our Fellow Organizations, Groups, and Civilizations will Not be be Exterminated.
  372. And Hopefully Our Fellow Organizations, Groups, and Civilizations will Not be Exterminated. And of Course. And Happens to be Very Obvious. And Happens to be Very
  373. apparent. And of Course.
  376. And Maybe for example. And Perhaps for instance. And Maybe, 'So-Called'."
  378. And Awesome and Good. And Appropriate and Safe. Good.
  380. And We have, and Maybe for example, Our Fellow Organizations, and Our Fellow Groups, and Our Fellow Civilizations, and Our Fellow Ethncities, and Our Fellow Races,
  382. and Our Fellow Species, and Our Fellow Nations, and Our Fellow Countries, and Our Fellow States, and Our Fellow Civilizations. And Our Fellow Planets.
  384. And Our Fellow Globes. And Our Fellow Worlds. And Our Fellow Storehouses. And Our Fellow Warehouses. And Our Fellow Storehouses.
  386. And Maybe for example. And Maybe for instance. And Maybe, ‘So-called’. And Maybe, about that. And Perhaps, Not about that.
  387. And Maybe approximately about then. And Perhaps Not approximately about then. And Very Excellent, Fine, and
  389. Good, of course. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And You are Welcome. And Thank You, and Much appreciated.
  392. And We are, of Course, Family(Fam.) and Friends. And We are,
  394. of Course, Kinsfolks(Kin.) and Friends. And We are, of Course, Kinships and Friends. And also Fellow Present. And also Fellow Future. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good,
  396. of course. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And Copyrighted(C.) in approximately about this Year 2022(Two Thousand Twenty Two). And Maybe so-called Unofficially, and/or Perhaps Not so-called Formally, Copyrighted(C.) in approximately about this Year 2022(Two Thousand Twenty Two).
  397. And Maybe for example. And Maybe for instance. And Maybe, ‘So-called’. And Maybe, about that. And Perhaps, Not about that.
  398. And Maybe approximately about then. And Perhaps Not approximately about then. And Very Excellent, Fine, and
  400. Good, of course. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And You are Welcome. And Thank You, and Much appreciated.
  403. And We are, of Course, Fellow Family(Fam.) and Friends. And We are,
  405. of Course, Fellow Kinsfolks(Kin.) and Friends. And We are, of Course, Fellow Kinships and Friends. And also Fellow Past. And also Fellow Present. And also Fellow Future. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good,
  407. of course. And, of Course, Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound.---And Signed, that Fellow B."
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