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Sep 7th, 2017
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  1. The problem is that you havent taken in consideration your own popularity. Lemme explain what i mean.
  2. First than anything, for this post I'm trying my best to toss my own opinion about it. I'll try to be as objective as possible.
  4. You're a very influential artist in the vore world. The fact that people are lining to get commissions from you even with them not being cheap is a big proof of that.
  6. Due to that, you have a legion of people behind you ready to do anything in their hands to be nice in your eyes. Basically, they see you not only as an idol, but also they see, every time you mention your opinion or comment on it, a possibility to become your friend. Maybe they honestly want to be your friends or they want to get something from you, who knows.
  8. You, of course, can have your own opinion about anything. It would be stupid not to have it. But you must remember that every single thing you say will have a fairly big repercusion because, precisely, of these fans, that will also take any position you take with anything and will support it.
  10. Think about this. When you complained about FN hosting cub porn, the site got a flood of fans of youu to support you and to insult anybody who was against your opinion.
  11. And this effect basically happens with anybody with a decent following base.
  13. Thats the central points of all the drama and why your journal was so... annoying? for some people. Because even if you didnt have in mind to do anything bad, your fanbase will go ravage and do it because they feel that with that you'll like them or because they feel they're doing what you'd love to do (according to them).
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