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- 2017-05-13 19:51:35 --> topic_approv_pls (~phanes@ has joined #freenode
- 2017-05-13 19:54:07 <-- topic_approv_pls (~phanes@ has left #freenode
- 2017-05-13 19:54:15 --> surro (~phanes@ has joined #freenode
- 2017-05-13 19:54:20 <-- surro (~phanes@ has left #freenode
- 2017-05-13 19:54:32 --> topic_approv_pls (~phanes@ has joined #freenode
- 2017-05-13 19:54:36 <-- topic_approv_pls (~phanes@ has quit (Quit: leaving)
- 2017-12-19 04:03:38 --> whataliar (6b0b9300@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #freenode
- 2017-12-19 04:06:07 <-- whataliar (6b0b9300@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Client Quit)
- 2017-12-25 03:11:41 --> your_buillshit_d (6b0b9300@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #freenode
- 2017-12-25 03:12:43 <-- oesnt_work (6b0b9300@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Client Quit)
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