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Mar 19th, 2022
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  1. "And Maybe also Very Interesting. And Maybe also Very Entertaining. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And also in some More of My Jokes, and in Some More of My Writings, and in Some More of My Literature, and in Some More of My Satire, and in Some More of My Parodies, and in Some More of My Literature, and in Some More of My Writings, and also My Fellow Man, and My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Person said, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, "And We, are of Course, Fellow Family and Friends. And We are, of Course, Fellow Kinsfolks and Friends. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Very Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And there are, allegl., the" And there are, allegl., "" And there are, allegl., "". And Sir, for What's it's Worth, We are Not Very Long Duration Confused and/or Bewildered. And about No Very Long Duration Confusion here. And about No Very Long Duration Bewilderment here. And You will almost Not Feel Real sorry for Me Very Long Duration. And You will almost Not Feel Real Bad for Me Very Long Duration. And Maybe for example. And Fellow Time Management. And Beyond Belief. And Beyond Belief Very Long Duration. And a so-called Fellow Whole N. Wo. . And Fellow Time Management(F.T.M.). And those approximately about Two(2.) Credit Cards were Cancelled by Me. And that Y.t. was Cancelled by Me. And Your Either Worth that, or Not. And You are either so-called All there, or Not. Well. Very Long Duration. Or Short Term Duration. And Your Intelligence Agency(I.A.) was either so-called Worth that and/or all there or Not. And Your Security Agency(S.A.) was either so-called Worth that and/or all there or Not. And this is sort of like Fellow Semi-Independent Center(S.I.C.) here. And from approximately about 1983(Nineteen Eighty Three) to approximately about 2021(Two Thousand Twenty One). And Fellow Time Management. And You were Not Exterminated. And You are Welcome. And Our Fellow Organization(s), Group(s), and Civilization(s) were Not Exterminated. And You are Welcome. And there is approximately about S.L. 1(One) out of approximately 3(Three). And We are Not so-called Playing. And We are Not so-called Playing Wo. . G. . Those Credit Cards were Cancelled by Me a few days ago. And that Y.t. was Cancelled by Me a few days ago. And Correct Extrapolation, and Generalization, and Inference. And Maybe for example. And Perhaps for instance. And Maybe, 'So-Called'. And Sir, for what's it's Worth, We happen Not to be Confused here, especially for Very Long Duration. And Fellow so-called Control Center Rooms(C.C.R.) Doors Locked and Sealed. And Fellow Time Management Levels approximately about 1(One) out of approximately 3(Three) so-called Enacted. And, for what's it's Worth, You will Care(especially Very Long Duration). And for what's it's Worth, You will Care(especially Very Long Duration), Dearheart. Po. Very Long Duration Leveled.and Very Long Duration Starved.Twistered.Hurricaned.And Maybe for Anyways. Whatever. About that. Not about that. And Yes, I am the so-called Chalice and the so-called Lynchpin. And Yes, I am the Heavy-Laden Energy Worker. And Yes, I am the Heavy-Laden Captain of Industry. And Maybe for example. And We don't Play Games here, Sir. At all. And especially for Very Long Duration. They pay all of that back. Every Nickel dime and Scheckel accounted for. On a document Very Likely recommended and advised to be No More than approximately 2(Two) Pages. And Sir, We don't need to Block those Websites, or those Television Shows. And We have Our Own so-called Automatic Systems. And They were Either Very Long Duration Incompetent, or Indifferent, or Real Extentuanting Circumstances (i.e., Not e.g., i.e. about to become Exterminated). And We are Fellow Family and Friends. And We are Fellow Kinsfolks and Friends. And Fellow Past. And Fellow Present. And Fellow Future. And We have Our Fellow Organizations, Groups, and Civilizations. And We have Our Fellow Storehouses. And We have Our Fellow Fortresses. And We have Our Fellow Worlds. And We have Our Fellow Spaceships. And Maybe for example. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course. And Very Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course."
  4. "And Maybe also Very Interesting. And Maybe also Very Entertaining. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And also in some More of My Jokes, and in Some More of My Writings, and in Some More of My Literature, and in Some More of My Satire, and in Some More of My Parodies, and in Some More of My Literature, and in Some More of My Writings, and also My Fellow Man, and My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Person said, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, "And We, are of Course, Fellow Family and Friends. And We are, of Course, Fellow Kinsfolks and Friends. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, and Very Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And there are, allegl., the" And there are, allegl., "" And there are, allegl., "". And Sir, for What's it's Worth, We are Not Very Long Duration Confused and/or Bewildered. And about No Very Long Duration Confusion here. And about No Very Long Duration Bewilderment here. And You will almost Not Feel Real sorry for Me Very Long Duration. And You will almost Not Feel Real Bad for Me Very Long Duration. And Maybe for example. And Fellow Time Management. And Beyond Belief. And Beyond Belief Very Long Duration. And a so-called Fellow Whole N. Wo. . And Fellow Time Management(F.T.M.). And those approximately about Two(2.) Credit Cards were Cancelled by Me. And that Y.t. was Cancelled by Me. And Your Either Worth that, or Not. And You are either so-called All there, or Not. Well. Very Long Duration. Or Short Term Duration. And Your Intelligence Agency(I.A.) was either so-called Worth that and/or all there or Not. And Your Security Agency(S.A.) was either so-called Worth that and/or all there or Not. And this is sort of like Fellow Semi-Independent Center(S.I.C.) here. And from approximately about 1983(Nineteen Eighty Three) to approximately about 2021(Two Thousand Twenty One). And Fellow Time Management. And You were Not Exterminated. And You are Welcome. And Our Fellow Organization(s), Group(s), and Civilization(s) were Not Exterminated. And You are Welcome. And there is approximately about S.L. 1(One) out of approximately 3(Three). And We are Not so-called Playing. And We are Not so-called Playing Wo. . G. . Those Credit Cards were Cancelled by Me a few days ago. And that Y.t. was Cancelled by Me a few days ago. And Correct Extrapolation, and Generalization, and Inference. And Maybe for example. And Perhaps for instance. And Maybe, 'So-Called'. And Sir, for what's it's Worth, We happen Not to be Confused here, especially for Very Long Duration. And Fellow so-called Control Center Rooms(C.C.R.) Doors Locked and Sealed. And Fellow Time Management Levels approximately about 1(One) out of approximately 3(Three) so-called Enacted. And, for what's it's Worth, You will Care(especially Very Long Duration). And for what's it's Worth, You will Care(especially Very Long Duration), Dearheart. Po. Very Long Duration Leveled.and Very Long Duration Starved.Twistered.Hurricaned.And Maybe for Anyways. Whatever. About that. Not about that. And Yes, I am the so-called Chalice and the so-called Lynchpin. And Yes, I am the Heavy-Laden Energy Worker. And Yes, I am the Heavy-Laden Captain of Industry. And Maybe for example. And We don't Play Games here, Sir. At all. And especially for Very Long Duration. They pay all of that back. Every Nickel dime and Scheckel accounted for. On a document Very Likely recommended and advised to be No More than approximately 2(Two) Pages. And Sir, We don't need to Block those Websites, or those Television Shows. And We have Our Own so-called Automatic Systems. And They were Either Very Long Duration Incompetent, or Indifferent, or Real Extentuanting Circumstances (i.e., Not e.g., i.e. about to become Exterminated). And We are Fellow Family and Friends. And We are Fellow Kinsfolks and Friends. And Fellow Past. And Fellow Present. And Fellow Future. And We have Our Fellow Organizations, Groups, and Civilizations. And We have Our Fellow Storehouses. And We have Our Fellow Fortresses. And We have Our Fellow Worlds. And We have Our Fellow Spaceships. And Maybe for example. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, of Course. And Very Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course."
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