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Jan 9th, 2022
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  1. "One of My Essays, and Papers, and Writings. And Maybe also Very Entertaining, and Maybe also Very Interesting, And also in Some More of Writings, and also in some More of My Literature,
  3. also that Fellow Man said, and also that Fellow Human
  5. said, and also that Fellow Person said, paraphrased and abbreviated, "And We are, of Course, Family Members and Friends. And We are, of Course, Kinsfolks
  7. and Friends. And We are, of Course, Kinships and Friends. And Thank You very Much for Your Suggestions and Advice. And Thank You for Your Suggestions and
  9. Advice. And Thank You for that Advice and those Suggestions. And Thank you Very Much for that Advice and those Suggestions. And Welcome to this Fellow Government.
  11. And Welcome to this Fellow Group. And Welcome to this Fellow Civilization. And Welcome to this Fellow Organization. And Welcome to this Fellow Nation. And Maybe
  13. for example. And Maybe for instance. And Perhaps 'so-called'.
  15. And that Fellow Time Management Number 2(Two) and Three(Three). And You are Welcome. And Thank You. And We are, of Course,
  17. Family and Friends. And Maybe for example. And Maybe for instance. And Maybe, ‘So-called’. And Fellow Past, Present, and Future. And Very Excellent, Fine, and
  19. Good, of course. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And You are Welcome. And Thank You. And We are, of Course, Family and Friends. And We are,
  21. of Course, Kinsfolks and Friends. And We are, of Course, Kinships and Friends. And Fellow Extrapolation, and Fellow Inference, and Fellow Generalization.
  23. And Fellow Past, and Fellow Present, and Fellow Future. And sort of so-called Updated, and sort of so-called Copy-Edited---And oftentimes, that Fellow Man,
  25. and that Fellow Person,
  27. and that Fellow Individual, and that Fellow Human, and that Fellow Mankind, and that Fellow Humankind, said, Paraphrased, Summarized, and Abbreviated.
  28. And Maybe for example. And sort of so-called Updated, and sort of so-called Copy-Edited---And oftentimes, that Fellow Man,
  30. and that Fellow Person,
  32. and that Fellow Individual, and that Fellow Human, and that Fellow Mankind, and that Fellow Humankind, said, Paraphrased, Summarized, and Abbreviated,
  33. and Maybe for example.
  35. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, of course.
  37. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And Maybe also Reading and Reciting this aloud. And Maybe also Reading and Reciting this Book or Literature aloud.
  39. And Maybe Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated. And Maybe for example. And Their Nation or Country was
  41. Exterminated and Destroyed 100 Percent Exactly.
  43. And Their Nation or Country was Exterminated and Destroyed about Competely. And Their Nation or Country was Exterminated and Destroyed approximately 100 Percent.
  45. And Their Nation or Country was Exterminated and Destroyed 100 Percent Exactly. And They were Completely Extermiated and Completely Destroyed. And also known as that
  47. S.L. 3 out of 3(approximately about Three out of that Three). And Maybe for example. And Perhaps for instance. And Maybe, 'So-Called'. And Maybe about that.
  49. And Maybe Not about that.
  51. And Perhaps for example. And Our Nation
  53. or Country was Not Exterminated and Destroyed. And We were Not Completely Exterminated and Completely Destroyed. And We were Not Exterminated and Destroyed. And Our
  55. Nation and Country was Not Exterminated and Destroyed. And Our Nation and Country was Not Competely Exterminated and Destroyed.
  57. And Perhaps for example. And Life happens to be Very Simple. And Reality happens to be Very Simple. And You are Welcome. And Thank You. And We are, of Course,
  59. Family and Friends(F.A.F). And Maybe for example. And Maybe for instance. And Maybe, ‘So-called’. And Fellow Past, Present, and Future. And Very Excellent, Fine, and
  61. Good, of course. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And You are Welcome. And Thank You. And We are, of Course, Family and Friends. And We are,
  63. of Course, Kinsfolks and Friends. And We are, of Course, Kinships and Friends. And Fellow Past, Present, and Future. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, of course.
  65. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course."
  67. "One of My Essays, and Papers, and Writings. And Maybe also Very Entertaining, and Maybe also Very Interesting, And also in Some More of Writings, and also in some More of My Literature,
  69. also that Fellow Man said, and also that Fellow Human
  71. said, and also that Fellow Person said, paraphrased and abbreviated, "And We are, of Course, Family Members and Friends. And We are, of Course, Kinsfolks
  73. and Friends. And We are, of Course, Kinships and Friends. And Thank You very Much for Your Suggestions and Advice. And Thank You for Your Suggestions and
  75. Advice. And Thank You for that Advice and those Suggestions. And Thank you Very Much for that Advice and those Suggestions. And Welcome to this Fellow Government.
  77. And Welcome to this Fellow Group. And Welcome to this Fellow Civilization. And Welcome to this Fellow Organization. And Welcome to this Fellow Nation. And Maybe
  79. for example. And Maybe for instance. And Perhaps 'so-called'.
  81. And that Fellow Time Management Number 2(Two) and Three(Three). And You are Welcome. And Thank You. And We are, of Course,
  83. Family and Friends. And Maybe for example. And Maybe for instance. And Maybe, ‘So-called’. And Fellow Past, Present, and Future. And Very Excellent, Fine, and
  85. Good, of course. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And You are Welcome. And Thank You. And We are, of Course, Family and Friends. And We are,
  87. of Course, Kinsfolks and Friends. And We are, of Course, Kinships and Friends. And Fellow Extrapolation, and Fellow Inference, and Fellow Generalization.
  89. And Fellow Past, and Fellow Present, and Fellow Future. And sort of so-called Updated, and sort of so-called Copy-Edited---And oftentimes, that Fellow Man,
  91. and that Fellow Person,
  93. and that Fellow Individual, and that Fellow Human, and that Fellow Mankind, and that Fellow Humankind, said, Paraphrased, Summarized, and Abbreviated.
  94. And Maybe for example. And sort of so-called Updated, and sort of so-called Copy-Edited---And oftentimes, that Fellow Man,
  96. and that Fellow Person,
  98. and that Fellow Individual, and that Fellow Human, and that Fellow Mankind, and that Fellow Humankind, said, Paraphrased, Summarized, and Abbreviated,
  99. and Maybe for example.
  101. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, of course.
  103. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And Maybe also Reading and Reciting this aloud. And Maybe also Reading and Reciting this Book or Literature aloud.
  105. And Maybe Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated. And Maybe for example. And Their Nation or Country was
  107. Exterminated and Destroyed 100 Percent Exactly.
  109. And Their Nation or Country was Exterminated and Destroyed about Competely. And Their Nation or Country was Exterminated and Destroyed approximately 100 Percent.
  111. And Their Nation or Country was Exterminated and Destroyed 100 Percent Exactly. And They were Completely Extermiated and Completely Destroyed. And also known as that
  113. S.L. 3 out of 3(approximately about Three out of that Three). And Maybe for example. And Perhaps for instance. And Maybe, 'So-Called'. And Maybe about that.
  115. And Maybe Not about that.
  117. And Perhaps for example. And Our Nation
  119. or Country was Not Exterminated and Destroyed. And We were Not Completely Exterminated and Completely Destroyed. And We were Not Exterminated and Destroyed. And Our
  121. Nation and Country was Not Exterminated and Destroyed. And Our Nation and Country was Not Competely Exterminated and Destroyed.
  123. And Perhaps for example. And Life happens to be Very Simple. And Reality happens to be Very Simple. And You are Welcome. And Thank You. And We are, of Course,
  125. Family and Friends(F.A.F). And Maybe for example. And Maybe for instance. And Maybe, ‘So-called’. And Fellow Past, Present, and Future. And Very Excellent, Fine, and
  127. Good, of course. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And You are Welcome. And Thank You. And We are, of Course, Family and Friends. And We are,
  129. of Course, Kinsfolks and Friends. And We are, of Course, Kinships and Friends. And Fellow Past, Present, and Future. And Very Excellent, Fine, and Good, of course.
  131. And Very appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course."
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