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- .whois cpunches (the fake Chris Punches):
- * [cpunches] ([email protected]): * I'm too lame to read BitchX.doc *
- * [cpunches] +#slackhappy
- * [cpunches] :Pittsburgh, PA, US
- * [cpunches] idle 03:15:29, signon: Thu Jul 8 18:25:36
- * [cpunches] End of WHOIS list.
- * Connecting from United Kingdom
- .whois bagira (the real Chris Punches):
- * [bagira] :Ume?, SE, EU
- * [bagira] is connecting from *@
- * [bagira] idle 00:28:05, signon: Sat Jul 3 09:58:16
- * [bagira] is logged in as bagira
- * [bagira] End of WHOIS list.
- * Connecting from USA
- Last instance of impersonation on Si support channel:
- * The-spiki has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
- * bagira laughs at cpunches pretending to be Chris Punches
- <tsccof> bagira: I thought it was your second nick
- * gniks not so amused
- <tsccof> lmao
- * tsccof has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
- * cpunches laughs at bagira pretending to be Chris Punches
- <cpunches> Did I mention that i've been stalking my ex fiancee?
- * gniks has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
- * gniks ([email protected]) has joined #slackhappy
- * ChanServ gives channel operator status to gniks
- * bagira has had his laughs
- <bagira> Thanks for the amusing visit, Tadgy.
- <cpunches> Who is Tadgy?
- * bagira sets ban on *!*@*
- <cpunches> Please let me stalk - it's all I have!
- * bagira has kicked cpunches from #slackhappy (tadgy, you are banned for impersonation with intent to libel)
- <gniks> bout time you kick that leech!
- Discussion continued in private to determine the depth of this person's intentions:
- <bagira> Well, this is interesting :)
- <bagira> nice nick you have there.
- <bagira>
- <bagira> Michiel van Wessem
- <cpunches> Who is Michiel van Wessem ?
- <bagira> You
- <cpunches> Errr, I think you have the wrong nick...
- <bagira> Oh? To whom am I speaking?
- <cpunches> I'm Chris Punches - who are you?
- <bagira> Oh that's neat. Brb, I am having someone klined.
- <cpunches> OK.
- <cpunches> What is klined anyway?
- <bagira> You are an inch away from litigation.
- <cpunches> Who is?
- <bagira> You are.
- <cpunches> But i'm you
- <bagira> [email protected]
- <cpunches> See - you're stalking me!
- <cpunches> I mean you're stalking you
- <cpunches> Hang on. No, I mean, I am stalking me. This is confusing.
- <cpunches> Well, either way, I know i'm stalking my ex fiancee.
- <bagira> If i were you, I would think very hard about how closely you're tied to the machine you're connecting through and I'd accept a firm warning to discontinue.
- <cpunches> You mean the machine we are connected through?
- <bagira> Just because you're in the UK does not mean that you can impersonate with the obvious intent to libel with immunity.
- <cpunches> Libel is writing something which is not true. We both know you're a stalker - there's no point denying our psyche
- <bagira> Ah. Tadgy.
- <bagira> i suppose the timing should have given it away.
- <bagira> well, you've had your fun.
- <cpunches> Tadgy? Whats that?
- <bagira> Thanks, I enjoyed the laughs, whoever you are.
- <cpunches> I am you
- <cpunches> I am Chris, therefor I stalk.
- <bagira> You mean you 'want' to be me. Apparently very, very badly.
- <cpunches> But bagira and cpunches are the same.
- <cpunches> We've both stalked Courtney
- <bagira> I guess I'm not sure what you'd like to get out of this. Do you have anything to say before you're ignored?
- <cpunches> You can't ignore me - i'm you.
- <cpunches> Unless you've started on the medication?
- <bagira> Seriously, what is it that you want? Last chance.
- <bagira> Don't blow it.
- <cpunches> Like we did with Courtney?
- * bagira sighs
- <bagira> You're insane. Goodbye.
- >cpunches< CTCP VERSION
- -cpunches- VERSION BitchX-1.1-final+ by panasync - Linux 2.6.13 : Keep it to yourself!
- <cpunches> We blew our airforce application too :(
- <cpunches> They found out about the stalking.
- <cpunches> Don't leave me Chris! We need eachother to be able to stalk Courtney sucessfully.
- <cpunches> I'm sorry Chris. I still love you.
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