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May 18th, 2022
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  1. "fellow person also said, paraphrased, and summarized, and abbreviated, in that writing of mine, and in those jokes of mine, and in that satire of mine, "Very obvious. Very apparent. And, of Course. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. and about, and with regard to the, don't really matter. especially overall. especially holistically. about that. not about that. and, of course. however, much allegedly foreign enemy foreign fake news. much allegedly foreign enemy foreign fake information. matters less than approximately about ten, 10, percent. not quite eleven,11, or twelve,12, percent. foreign enemy combatants foreign methods and means, for example, safely and soundly obtained and acquired, however. good. kinda good.' Fellow so-called Matadors. Fellow so-called Clowns. Fellow Laughter. Fellow Happiness. Fellow Bliss. Good. Just kidding. Just joking. about that. not about that. and, of course. happens to be obvious. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. Good. And appropriate. Not for example."
  3. "fellow person also said, paraphrased, and summarized, and abbreviated, in that writing of mine, and in those jokes of mine, and in that satire of mine, "Very obvious. Very apparent. And, of Course. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. and about, and with regard to the, don't really matter. especially overall. especially holistically. about that. not about that. and, of course. however, much allegedly foreign enemy foreign fake news. much allegedly foreign enemy foreign fake information. matters less than approximately about ten, 10, percent. not quite eleven,11, or twelve,12, percent. foreign enemy combatants foreign methods and means, for example, safely and soundly obtained and acquired, however. good. kinda good.' Fellow so-called Matadors. Fellow so-called Clowns. Fellow Laughter. Fellow Happiness. Fellow Bliss. Good. Just kidding. Just joking. about that. not about that. and, of course. happens to be obvious. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. Good. And appropriate. Not for example."
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