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Jun 6th, 2022
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  1. "In addition, and Furthermore, and in Some More of My Literature, and/or in some More of My Writings, My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Man said, and/or Stated, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, "We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example. Who do they think they are? How dare they. I am a Real Je. . Man(J.M.). I am a Real Romul.. Man(R.M.). Maybe for example. Are they Proud of themselves? Approximately about 99.31(Ninety Nine Point Three One) Percent of their Foreign Races, Governments, Militaries, Foreign were Exterminated. they Propped Us Up, and their Foreign Races, Governments, Militaries Foreign Were Very Long Duration Extremely Ret.. and Held back by approximately about 99(Ninety Nine) Percent. And also, Me and My Boys have Never, and will Never, and can Never, be Se.r. and/or Se.s. and/or Extremely Ravaged by the, as they, the were safely and soundly 'used up' approximately about 2(Two) years ago. And My Ethnicity, and My Race, and My Military, and My Government, and My Species has Never been Exterminated. And My Species, My Ethnicity, and My Government, and My Military, and My Race will almost Certainly Never be Exterminated. You are Welcome. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example."
  4. "In addition, and Furthermore, and in Some More of My Literature, and/or in some More of My Writings, My Fellow Person, and My Fellow Individual, and My Fellow Man said, and/or Stated, Paraphrased, and Summarized, and Abbreviated, "We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example. Who do they think they are? How dare they. I am a Real Je. . Man(J.M.). I am a Real Romul.. Man(R.M.). Maybe for example. Are they Proud of themselves? Approximately about 99.31(Ninety Nine Point Three One) Percent of their Foreign Races, Governments, Militaries, Foreign were Exterminated. they Propped Us Up, and their Foreign Races, Governments, Militaries Foreign Were Very Long Duration Extremely Ret.. and Held back by approximately about 99(Ninety Nine) Percent. And also, Me and My Boys have Never, and will Never, and can Never, be Se.r. and/or Se.s. and/or Extremely Ravaged by the, as they, the were safely and soundly 'used up' approximately about 2(Two) years ago. And My Ethnicity, and My Race, and My Military, and My Government, and My Species has Never been Exterminated. And My Species, My Ethnicity, and My Government, and My Military, and My Race will almost Certainly Never be Exterminated. You are Welcome. We are Family. We are Kinsfolks. Maybe for example. Very Excellent, and Good, and Appropriate, of Course. Not for example."
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