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Apr 8th, 2022
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  1. "Mom---Much appreciated, and Thank You, for Sharing this Very Interesting Information and/or this Very Interesting News. And also Thank You. and Much appreciated for Sharing this Very Interesting Information and/or this Very Interesting News, about, for example, that President JFK(about the same time(approximately about 20(Twenty) or 30(Thirty) years before I was born) as that Reverend MLK, and that Congressman RFK, and I think that they found guilty in a Court of Law, in approximately about the 1960s(approximately about the Nineteen Sixties), that Person with Regard to MLK and/or that Person with Regard to RFK. And there are, of Course, Many Very Interesting News articles, and Radio Shows, and Television Shows. And it was also Very Good, of Course, Visiting with Grandpa Sid, and Grandma Carolyn approximately about 1(One) Month ago for Grandma's Birthday. And Much Very Good, for example, Birthday Cake, and Very Good Ice Cream, and Very Good Root Beer Floats. And Very Excellent, and Fine, and Good, and Sweet, and Cool, and Awesome, and Very Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And May You have a Great Afternoon, and May You have a Great Night.---Your Fellow Awards Winning Kinsfolk Member(K.M.), and Your Fellow Awards Winning Family Member(F.M.), and Your Friend, and Your Son, and Your Child, Brandon Ryan Katrena(B.R.K.)."
  3. "Mom---Much appreciated, and Thank You, for Sharing this Very Interesting Information and/or this Very Interesting News. And also Thank You. and Much appreciated for Sharing this Very Interesting Information and/or this Very Interesting News, about, for example, that President JFK(about the same time(approximately about 20(Twenty) or 30(Thirty) years before I was born) as that Reverend MLK, and that Congressman RFK, and I think that they found guilty in a Court of Law, in approximately about the 1960s(approximately about the Nineteen Sixties), that Person with Regard to MLK and/or that Person with Regard to RFK. And there are, of Course, Many Very Interesting News articles, and Radio Shows, and Television Shows. And it was also Very Good, of Course, Visiting with Grandpa Sid, and Grandma Carolyn approximately about 1(One) Month ago for Grandma's Birthday. And Much Very Good, for example, Birthday Cake, and Very Good Ice Cream, and Very Good Root Beer Floats. And Very Excellent, and Fine, and Good, and Sweet, and Cool, and Awesome, and Very Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound, of Course. And May You have a Great Afternoon, and May You have a Great Night.---Your Fellow Awards Winning Kinsfolk Member(K.M.), and Your Fellow Awards Winning Family Member(F.M.), and Your Friend, and Your Son, and Your Child, Brandon Ryan Katrena(B.R.K.)."
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