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- <option value='NA'>Namibia</option>
- <option value='NR'>Nauru</option>
- <option value='NP'>Nepal</option>
- <option value='NL'>Netherlands</option>
- <option value='AN' class="longcountry">Netherlands Antilles</option>
- <option value='NC'>New Caledonia</option>
- <option value='NZ'>New Zealand</option>
- <option value='NI'>Nicaragua</option>
- <option value='NE'>Niger</option>
- <option value='NG'>Nigeria</option>
- <option value='NU'>Niue</option>
- <option value='NF'>Norfolk Island</option>
- <option value='MP' class="longcountry">Northern Mariana Islands</option>
- <option value='NO'>Norway</option>
- <option value='OM'>Oman</option>
- <option value='PK'>Pakistan</option>
- <option value='PW'>Palau</option>
- <option value='PS' class="longcountry">Palestinian Territory, Occupied</option>
- <option value='PA'>Panama</option>
- <option value='PG'>Papua New Guinea</option>
- <option value='PY'>Paraguay</option>
- <option value='PE'>Peru</option>
- <option value='PH'>Philippines</option>
- <option value='PN'>Pitcairn</option>
- <option value='PL'>Poland</option>
- <option value='PT'>Portugal</option>
- <option value='PR'>Puerto Rico</option>
- <option value='QA'>Qatar</option>
- <option value='RE'>Reunion</option>
- <option value='RO'>Romania</option>
- <option value='RU'>Russia</option>
- <option value='RW'>Rwanda</option>
- <option value='BL' class="longcountry">Saint Barthelemy</option>
- <option value='SH'>Saint Helena</option>
- <option value='KN' class="longcountry">Saint Kitts And Nevis</option>
- <option value='LC'>Saint Lucia</option>
- <option value='MF'>Saint Martin</option>
- <option value='PM' class="longcountry">Saint Pierre And Miquelon</option>
- <option value='VC' class="longcountry">Saint Vincent And Grenadines</option>
- <option value='WS'>Samoa</option>
- <option value='SM'>San Marino</option>
- <option value='ST' class="longcountry">Sao Tome And Principe</option>
- <option value='SA'>Saudi Arabia</option>
- <option value='SN'>Senegal</option>
- <option value='RS'>Serbia</option>
- <option value='SC'>Seychelles</option>
- <option value='SL'>Sierra Leone</option>
- <option value='SG'>Singapore</option>
- <option value='SK'>Slovakia</option>
- <option value='SI'>Slovenia</option>
- <option value='SB'>Solomon Islands</option>
- <option value='SO'>Somalia</option>
- <option value='ZA'>South Africa</option>
- <option value='GS' class="longcountry">South Georgia And Sandwich Isl.</option>
- <option value='ES'>Spain</option>
- <option value='LK'>Sri Lanka</option>
- <option value='SD'>Sudan</option>
- <option value='SR'>Suriname</option>
- <option value='SJ' class="longcountry">Svalbard And Jan Mayen</option>
- <option value='SZ'>Swaziland</option>
- <option value='SE'>Sweden</option>
- <option value='CH'>Switzerland</option>
- <option value='SY' class="longcountry">Syrian Arab Republic</option>
- <option value='TW'>Taiwan</option>
- <option value='TJ'>Tajikistan</option>
- <option value='TZ'>Tanzania</option>
- <option value='TH'>Thailand</option>
- <option value='TL'>Timor-Leste</option>
- <option value='TG'>Togo</option>
- <option value='TK'>Tokelau</option>
- <option value='TO'>Tonga</option>
- <option value='TT' class="longcountry">Trinidad And Tobago</option>
- <option value='TN'>Tunisia</option>
- <option value='TR'>Turkey</option>
- <option value='TM'>Turkmenistan</option>
- <option value='TC' class="longcountry">Turks And Caicos Islands</option>
- <option value='TV'>Tuvalu</option>
- <option value='UG'>Uganda</option>
- <option value='UA'>Ukraine</option>
- <option value='AE' class="longcountry">United Arab Emirates</option>
- <option value='GB'>United Kingdom</option>
- <option value='US'>United States</option>
- <option value='UM' class="longcountry">United States Outlying Islands</option>
- <option value='UY'>Uruguay</option>
- <option value='UZ'>Uzbekistan</option>
- <option value='VU'>Vanuatu</option>
- <option value='VE'>Venezuela</option>
- <option value='VN'>Viet Nam</option>
- <option value='VG' class="longcountry">Virgin Islands, British</option>
- <option value='VI' class="longcountry">Virgin Islands, U.S.</option>
- <option value='WF' class="longcountry">Wallis And Futuna</option>
- <option value='EH'>Western Sahara</option>
- <option value='YE'>Yemen</option>
- <option value='ZM'>Zambia</option>
- <option value='ZW'>Zimbabwe</option>
- </select>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="col-sm-6">
- <div class="form-group">
- <label class="ziplabel"><span>Zip Code <i class="required">*</i></span></label>
- <input class="donationInput" id="donationZip" name="donationZip" type="text" size="8" value="" data-stripe="address_zip" autocomplete="off">
- </div>
- <span class="error" id="donationZip_error" style="text-align: center"></span>
- </div>
- <div class="col-sm-12">
- <div class="form-group">
- <label>Leave a Comment <span class="pull-right character-counter"></span></label>
- <textarea rows="6" cols="50" maxlength="400" name="comment" id="donationComment" name="donationComment" class="form-control"></textarea>
- <p style="font-size: 14px;">*Comments will be deleted if containing profanity or hate speech. Donations will not be refunded if your comment is deleted.</p>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <input type="hidden" id="sub_access_key" value="pk_live_51I0vCUAx2DIY4e0Iiib4mFgic8U7y0oeSLIll9ZC3Nz4CdnZDHWBNcNpCSCQWOoGorDA5sZFJai3nvOEb09PZ4KU0081ivHgca">
- <div class="wrape-btn-donate">
- <button class="btn btn-danger" id="goto_next_step" type="button" onclick="submit_first();">Continue</button>
- </div>
- </form>
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- </div>
- <!-- Begin donation to gsg Popup -->
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- <form action="" method="POST" class='pull-right' id="success-form-pop">
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- <h3> is Powered by Givers</h3>
- <p>Most crowdfunding sites charge 5% to 10% in fees just to use their platform. We dont charge any fees and won't.</p>
- <p> relies solely upon donations from people like you to keep our site functional and free to use. </p>
- <p>All website credit processing use a third party processor. These processors are what allows transactions to be transferred online, but they do charge fees for this service. GiveSendGo uses either WePay or Stripe. Both charge 2.9% plus $0.30 per transaction. This is not a fee that goes to GiveSendGo.</p>
- </form>
- </div>
- <!-- End donation to gsg Popup -->
- <div class="wraper-donate wraper-donate-2" id="step2" style="display:none">
- <h2 class="headline">Total charge: $ <span id="step2_total_donation">0.00 </span></h2>
- <!--<p style="color: #882418;font-weight: bold;font-size: 20px;">Visa cards are being temporarily restricted. Mastercard and Discover are processing properly. Sorry for the inconvenience</p>-->
- <form id="stepsecond_form">
- <div class="col-sm-12">
- <div class="col-xs-5 col-sm-6 choose-left">
- <div><label><span>Please choose donation type <i class="required">*</i></span></label></div>
- <label style="color: gray">
- <input id="donationSingle" type="radio" name="singleOrSubscription" value="single" style="margin: -3px 5px 0px 10px" checked=""> Single Donation
- </label>
- <label style="color: gray">
- <input id="donationSubscription" type="radio" name="singleOrSubscription" value="subscription" style="margin: -3px 5px 0px 10px" class="submit"> Monthly Subscription
- </label>
- </div>
- <div class="col-xs-5 col-sm-6 notexist choose-left">
- <label id="labelDonationMonths" style="display: none; color: gray">
- <label><span># of Months (2 or more) <i class="required">*</i></span></label>
- <input id="donationMonths" type="number" min="2" value="2" name="donationMonths" data-stripe="months" autocomplete="off" style="height: 35px; width: 100%;">
- </label>
- <span id="monthsError" style="display:none; color:red;"># of months must be 2 or more</span>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div id="single">
- <div class="col-sm-12 card_number">
- <label><span style="margin-left:10px;">Credit or Debit Number <i class="required">*</i></span></label>
- <div class="form-group">
- <div id="card-number-element" class="field"></div>
- </div>
- <span class="brand"><i class="fa fa-credit-card" id="brand-icon"></i></span>
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- <!-- <div class="form-group col-sm-3"> -->
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- <div class="form-group">
- <div id="card-expiry-element" class="field"></div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="col-sm-6 card_number">
- <label><span style="margin-left:10px;">CVV <i class="required">*</i></span></label>
- <div class="form-group">
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- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div id="subscription" style="display:none">
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- </div>
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- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="col-sm-6 card_number">
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- <div class="form-group">
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- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="col-sm-6">
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- </div>
- <div class="error payment-errors col-sm-12" id="payment-errors" style="font-size: 20px;"> </div>
- <img src="/images/ajax-loader.gif" id="payment_loader" style="display:none;margin-left: 170px;" >
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- <button class="btn btn-danger back_first" type="button" onclick="back_first();" style="margin: 5px;">Back</button>
- <button class="btn btn-danger" type="button" onclick="submit_second();" style="margin: 5px;">Next</button>
- </div>
- </form>
- </div>
- <div class="wraper-donate" id="step3" id="step3" style="display:none;">
- <div class="donation-confirmation">
- <p style="font-size: 15px;"><em>"..for God loves a cheerful giver." 2 Cor. 9:7</em></p>
- <!-- <h3>Total charge: <span id="step3_total_donation">5.00</span></h3> -->
- <h3 class="single_charge">Total charge: $ <span id="step3_total_donation">5.00</span></h3>
- <h3 class="monthly_charge">Monthly charge: $ <span id="step3_monthly_donation">0.00</span></h3>
- <h3 class="monthly_charge">Total Months: <span id="step3_total_month">0</span></h3>
- <p style="font-weight: bold;">Pay with this card:</p>
- <p style="font-weight: bold;">Cardholder name :<span id="card_holder_name">Pradeep Singh </span></p>
- <p style="font-weight: bold;">Card : <span id="card_num">Master Cardxxxxxxxxxx2356 </span></p>
- <input type="hidden" name="cardToken" id="token" value="">
- <input type="hidden" name="gsgcardToken" id="gsgtoken" value="">
- <input type="hidden" name="brand" id="brand" value="">
- <input type="hidden" name="funding" id="funding" value="">
- <p><a href="javascript:void(0);" id="edit_card_info">EDIT INFORMATION</a></p>
- <p>By clicking confirm, I am acknowledging that it is my responsibility to verify who I am giving to.</p>
- <div class="error col-sm-12" id="confirm-errors" style="font-size: 20px;"> </div>
- <div class="success col-sm-12" id="confirm-success" style="font-size: 20px;"> </div>
- <div class="wrape-btn-donate">
- <!-- <button class="btn btn-danger" onclick="confirmDonation();" >Confirm</button> -->
- <!-- <button class="btn btn-danger" id="confirm_donation">Confirm</button> -->
- <!--<form action="?" method="post">-->
- <div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="6LexDgQTAAAAAMCCFJzhC4QhyttJm3lWqSA-euKG" style="display: inline-block;transform: scale(0.66);transform-origin: 0 0;margin-left: 80px;"></div>
- <span class="error captcha"></span>
- <button class="btn btn-danger" onclick="confirmDonation();" >Confirm</button>
- </div>
- <!-- <div id="emplacementRecaptcha" style="transform: scale(0.66);transform-origin: 0 0;"></div>
- <div id="statutConnexion"></div> -->
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="col-sm-4 col-xs-12 right-detail">
- <div class="content_graybg border_cont desk-veiw donate-right-side">
- <!-- Used number_format() to add "," and drop trailing decimal values -->
- <table class="raised" width="100%">
- <tr>
- <div class="_donation_campaign_name">
- <p class="allcaps text-subtle text-small flush" style="text-align:center;">Legal Fees for Nick Ochs following Protest in DC</p>
- </div>
- <div class="_donation_campaign_image">
- <img alt='campaign image' id='profileImage' class='main_img' src=''> </div>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="2">
- <h4> <span>$ </span><span class="amount"> 3,245 </span>of
- <span>$ <span class="total_amount_">100,000</span>
- </h4>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="2">
- <!-- M@ yiistrap Progress Bar Code Start -->
- <!-- M@ added - yiistrap Test Progress Bar Working -->
- <!-- M@ yiistrap Progress Bar Code End -->
- <div id="w0" class="progress">
- <div class="progress-bar" role="progressbar" aria-valuenow="3.245" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" style="width:3.245%"><span class="sr-only">3.245% Complete</span></div>
- <div class="progress-bar-warning progress-bar" role="progressbar" aria-valuenow="0" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" style="width:0%"><span class="sr-only">0% Complete</span></div>
- </div>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="2">
- <div class="time text-left">
- <!-- Raised by <span></span> people in <span>8</span> days -->
- Raised by <span>63</span> givers
- </div>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="2">
- <div class="logo-part">
- <img src="" alt="GiveSendGo Logo">
- </div>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <!-- <tr>
- <td><span class="percent_complete"> % Complete</span>
- </td>
- <td><span class="donations"></span>
- donation(s)
- </td>
- </tr> -->
- <tr>
- <td colspan="2">
- <!-- <tr>
- <td colspan="2">
- <h3 class="blinkText"> Campaign Ends Today </h3>-->
- <!--</td>
- </tr> -->
- </table>
- <table class="table" style="display:none">
- <tr>
- <td style="width: 125px;">
- <img src="/images/user_profile_default.jpg" class="user_avatar"
- alt="Campaign Creator Avatar" height="95" width="95"/>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <div class="about-company">
- <h6 class="cred">About the Organizer</h6>
- <div class="about-organization">
- <div class="about-top-org" style="border-bottom:1px solid;">
- <span class="profile_image">
- <img src="" class="user_avatar campaign_profile_image" >
- </span>
- <div class="">
- <span class="create-title">
- <span id="user_name_id_las">Fred Swink</span>
- </span>
- <span style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 17px;line-height: 40px;">Good Hope, IL</span>
- </div>
- </div>
- <h6 class="cred">Campaign Funds Recipient</h6>
- <div class="about-top-org">
- <span class="profile_image">
- <img src="" class="user_avatar campaign_profile_image" >
- </span>
- <div class="">
- <span class="create-title">
- <span id="user_name_id_las">Fred Swink</span>
- </span>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="mediumtext">This person will receive your donation directly.</div>
- <div class="mediumtext">Donation is protected by GiveSendGo Guarantee.</div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <!---END OF the SECTION WITH tabs and recent donations !-->
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- <div class="comi-free-tag">Create your own page and start accepting online donations.</div>
- <a href="/site/signup" class="button red large"> START FOR FREE </a>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
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- <div id="popupShowDonationerrors" style="display: none; background-color: #fff; border: 4px solid #cccccc; border-radius: 10px;">
- <img src="" alt="close_popup" onclick="donationErrorClose();" class='pull-right' onclick="closeModalPopup()" style="z-index: 5000;"/>
- <h2>Please fix the error to continue</h2>
- <div id="render_error"></div>
- </div>
- <script src=" en"></script>
- <script>
- $(document).ready(function(){
- $(document).on('keyup','#donationComment',function(){
- var max =400;
- var current = $('#donationComment').val().length;
- var total =max-current;
- $('.character-counter').html(total);
- })
- $('#donationComment').trigger('keyup');
- $("#donationAmount").focus();
- });
- $('#donationAmount').keyup(function(){
- $(this).removeClass('cursor-blink');
- })
- var percents_populate = [
- 0.15,
- 0.1,
- 0.06,
- 0.03
- ];
- var percents_default = 2;
- var dollarsTouched = false;
- var gsgModified = false;
- var gsgModifiedPercentsSelect = percents_default;
- var otherShown = false;
- var gsg_select_value = 1;
- //Show Hide order donations option
- $(document).ready(function(){
- $("#togivesendgo_dollars, #togivesendgo_percents").bind("change", function () {
- gsg_select_value = parseFloat($(this).val());
- if (gsg_select_value == -1) {
- otherShown = true;
- gsgModifiedPercentsSelect = percents_default;
- // $("#togivesendgo_other").val(0);
- $("#togivesendgo_other_pane").show();
- } else {
- var togivesendgo = $('#togivesendgo_other').val();
- // if (gsg_select_value > 0 &&
- // (!gsgModified || togivesendgo < gsg_select_value)) {
- // $('#togivesendgo_other').val(gsg_select_value.toFixed(2));
- // }
- otherShown = false;
- $("#togivesendgo_other_pane").hide();
- }
- calcTotal();
- });
- })
- // validate to not enter string value
- function donategsg(){
- var rawvalue = $('#togivesendgo_other').val();
- if (rawvalue == "") return;
- var togivesendgo = parseFloat($('#togivesendgo_other').val());
- if (isNaN(togivesendgo)) {
- $('#togivesendgo_other').val("");
- return;
- }
- if (rawvalue.split(".").length > 1) {
- var dec = rawvalue.split(".")[1];
- if (dec.length > 2) {
- $('#togivesendgo_other').val(togivesendgo.toFixed(2));
- }
- }
- gsgModified = true;
- calcTotal();
- }
- function calcTotal() {
- if (otherShown) {
- $('#togivesendgo').val($('#togivesendgo_other').val());
- } else {
- $('#togivesendgo').val(gsg_select_value)
- }
- var donation_amount = parseInt($('#donationAmount').val());
- var gsg_amount = parseFloat($('#togivesendgo').val());
- if (isNaN(donation_amount)) donation_amount = 0;
- if (isNaN(gsg_amount)) gsg_amount = 0;
- $("#submit_total_display").text((donation_amount + gsg_amount).toFixed(2));
- $("#step2_total_donation").text((donation_amount + gsg_amount).toFixed(2));
- $("#step3_total_donation").text((donation_amount + gsg_amount).toFixed(2));
- $("#step3_monthly_donation").text((donation_amount + gsg_amount).toFixed(2));
- }
- $(function () {
- $('#donationSingle').prop("checked", true);
- //gahelper('Campaign', 'campaignview', '');
- greaterThanFive();
- })
- $("#togivesendgo_dollars, #togivesendgo_percents").bind("change", function () {
- gsg_select_value = parseFloat($(this).val());
- if (gsg_select_value == -1) {
- otherShown = true;
- gsgModifiedPercentsSelect = percents_default;
- //$("#togivesendgo_other").val(0);
- $("#togivesendgo_other_pane").show();
- } else {
- var togivesendgo = $('#togivesendgo_other').val();
- if (gsg_select_value > 0 &&
- (!gsgModified || togivesendgo < gsg_select_value)) {
- $('#togivesendgo_other').val(gsg_select_value.toFixed(2));
- }
- otherShown = false;
- $("#togivesendgo_other_pane").hide();
- }
- calcTotal();
- });
- $("#togivesendgo_percents").bind("change", function () {
- var value = parseFloat($(this).val());
- if (value == -1) {
- return;
- }
- gsgModified = true;
- gsgModifiedPercentsSelect = $(this).prop('selectedIndex')
- });
- $("#togivesendgo_dollars").bind("change", function () {
- dollarsTouched = true;
- });
- function back_first(){
- $('#step1').show();
- $('#step3').hide();
- $('#step2').hide();
- }
- //submit steps
- function submit_first(){
- var formData = $('#stepfirst_form').serialize();
- $.ajax({
- url: "/campaign/donation_first_step",
- type: "POST",
- async: true,
- data: formData,
- datatype: "json",
- success: function (jsonResponse) {
- if(jsonResponse.code == 402){
- var error_message_email = '';
- var error_message_name = '';
- var error_message_zip = '';
- var error_message_amount = '';
- var error_message_password = '';
- if({
- $('#donationEmail_error').text([0]);
- error_message_email =[0];
- }else{
- $('#donationEmail_error').text(' ');
- error_message_email =''
- }
- if({
- $('#donationName_error').text([0]);
- error_message_name =[0];
- }else{
- $('#donationName_error').text(' ');
- error_message_name = '';
- }
- if({
- $('#donationZip_error').text([0]);
- error_message_zip =[0];
- }else{
- $('#donationZip_error').text(' ');
- error_message_zip = '';
- }
- if({
- $('#donationAmount_error').text([0]);
- error_message_amount =[0];
- }else{
- $('#donationAmount_error').text(' ');
- error_message_amount = '';
- }
- if({
- $('#password_error').text([0]);
- error_message_password =[0];
- }else{
- $('#password_error').text(' ');
- error_message_password = '';
- }
- if({
- $('#re_password_error').text([0]);
- }else{
- $('#re_password_error').text(' ');
- }
- $("#popupDonation").css("z-index", "-1");
- document.getElementById('popupShowDonationerrors').style.display = "block";
- var error_div = '<div style="color: #f05465;font-size: 20px;text-align: center;">'+error_message_email+'</div><div style="color: #f05465;font-size: 20px;text-align: center;">'+error_message_name+'</div><div style="color: #f05465;font-size: 20px;text-align: center;">'+error_message_zip+'</div><div style="color: #f05465;font-size: 20px;text-align: center;">'+error_message_amount+'</div><div style="color: #f05465;font-size: 20px;text-align: center;">'+error_message_password+'</div>';
- $('#render_error').html(error_div);
- $('html, body').animate({scrollTop:$('#skin_wrapper').position().top}, 'smooth');
- }else{
- document.getElementById('popupShowDonationerrors').style.display = "none";
- if (document.getElementById('followLink').checked) {
- var email = $('#donationEmail').val();
- var campaign_id = $('#campaign_id').val();
- var formtoken = 'dffrfddgfgdre';
- $.ajax({
- url: "/site/campaignsubscribe",
- type: "POST",
- data: [{name: "email_address", value: email},{name: "ref_id", value:campaign_id},{name: "_csrf-frontend", value:formtoken}],
- datatype: "json",
- success: function (jsonResponse) {
- }
- });
- }
- $('#step1').hide();
- $('#step3').hide();
- $('#step2').show();
- $('html, body').animate({scrollTop:$('#step2').position().top}, 'smooth');
- }
- //document.location.href = document.location.href;
- },
- error: function (err) {
- }
- });
- }
- var style = {
- base: {
- iconColor: '#666EE8',
- color: '#31325F',
- lineHeight: '40px',
- fontWeight: 300,
- fontFamily: 'Helvetica Neue',
- fontSize: '20px',
- margin: '10px !important',
- padding: '6px !important',
- border: '1px solid !important',
- '::placeholder': {
- color: '#000',
- },
- },
- };
- //for single donations
- //var stripe_single = Stripe($('#access_key').val());
- var stripe_single = Stripe($('#sub_access_key').val());
- var elements_single = stripe_single.elements();
- var cardNumberElement_single = elements_single.create('cardNumber', {style: style});
- cardNumberElement_single.mount('#card-number-element');
- var cardExpiryElement_single = elements_single.create('cardExpiry', {style: style});
- cardExpiryElement_single.mount('#card-expiry-element');
- var cardCvcElement_single = elements_single.create('cardCvc', {style: style});
- cardCvcElement_single.mount('#card-cvc-element');
- // for subscriptions
- // var stripe_sub = Stripe($('#sub_access_key').val());
- // var elements_sub = stripe_sub.elements();
- // var cardNumberElement_sub = elements_sub.create('cardNumber', {style: style});
- // cardNumberElement_sub.mount('#card-number-element-sub');
- // var cardExpiryElement_sub = elements_sub.create('cardExpiry', {style: style});
- // cardExpiryElement_sub.mount('#card-expiry-element-sub');
- // var cardCvcElement_sub = elements_sub.create('cardCvc', {style: style});
- // cardCvcElement_sub.mount('#card-cvc-element-sub');
- //var card = elements.create('card');
- var cardBrandToPfClass = {
- 'visa': 'fa-cc-visa',
- 'mastercard': 'fa-cc-mastercard',
- 'amex': 'fa-cc-amex',
- 'discover': 'fa-cc-discover',
- 'diners': 'fa-cc-diners-club',
- 'jcb': 'fa-cc-jcb',
- 'unknown': 'fa-credit-card',
- }
- function setBrandIconSingle(brand) {
- var brandIconElement = document.getElementById('brand-icon');
- var pfClass = 'fa-credit-card';
- if (brand in cardBrandToPfClass) {
- pfClass = cardBrandToPfClass[brand];
- }
- for (var i = brandIconElement.classList.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- brandIconElement.classList.remove(brandIconElement.classList[i]);
- }
- brandIconElement.classList.add('fa');
- brandIconElement.classList.add(pfClass);
- }
- // function setBrandIconSub(brand) {
- // var brandIconElement = document.getElementById('brand-icon-sub');
- // var pfClass = 'fa-credit-card';
- // if (brand in cardBrandToPfClass) {
- // pfClass = cardBrandToPfClass[brand];
- // }
- // for (var i = brandIconElement.classList.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- // brandIconElement.classList.remove(brandIconElement.classList[i]);
- // }
- // brandIconElement.classList.add('fa');
- // brandIconElement.classList.add(pfClass);
- // }
- cardNumberElement_single.on('change', function(event) {
- // Switch brand logo
- // if(event.brand == 'amex'){
- // alert('American Express has restricted you from making a donation on GiveSendGo. To help resolve please contact AMEX at the number on the back of your card.')
- // return false;
- // }
- if (event.brand) {
- setBrandIconSingle(event.brand);
- }
- setOutcome(event);
- });
- // cardNumberElement_sub.on('change', function(event) {
- // // Switch brand logo
- // if(event.brand == 'amex'){
- // alert('American Express has restricted you from making a donation on GiveSendGo. To help resolve please contact AMEX at the number on the back of your card.')
- // return false;
- // }
- // if (event.brand) {
- // setBrandIconSub(event.brand);
- // }
- // setOutcome(event);
- // });
- function setOutcome(result) {
- $('#payment-errors').html(" ");
- if (result.token) {
- var token =;
- var brand = result.token.card.brand;
- var funding = result.token.card.funding;
- var cardName = brand+' Cardxxxxxxxxxx'+result.token.card.last4;
- $('#card_num').text(cardName);
- $('#brand').val(brand);
- $('#funding').val(funding);
- $('#token').val(token);
- $('#card_holder_name').text($('#donationName').val());
- if ($('#donationSubscription').is(':checked')) {
- $('.monthly_charge').show();
- $('.single_charge').hide();
- $('#step3_total_month').text($('#donationMonths').val());
- } else {
- $('.monthly_charge').hide();
- $('.single_charge').show();
- }
- $('#payment_loader').hide();
- $('#step1').hide();
- $('#step3').show();
- $('#step2').hide();
- $('html, body').animate({scrollTop:$('#step3').position().top}, 'smooth');
- document.getElementById('popupShowDonationerrors').style.display = "none";
- } else if (result.error) {
- $('#payment_loader').hide();
- $('#payment-errors').show();
- $("#popupDonation").css("z-index", "-1");
- document.getElementById('popupShowDonationerrors').style.display = "block";
- var error_div = '<div style="color: #f05465;font-size: 20px;text-align: center;">'+result.error.message+'</div>';
- $('#render_error').html(error_div);
- $('html, body').animate({scrollTop:$('#skin_wrapper').position().top}, 'smooth');
- $('.payment-errors').text(result.error.message).css("color", "red");
- $('.payment-errors').delay("7000").fadeOut('slow');
- }
- }
- function submit_second(){
- var formData = $('#stepsecond_form').serialize();
- $('#payment_loader').show();
- var options = {
- address_zip: document.getElementById('donationZip').value,
- name: document.getElementById('donationName').value,
- };
- // if ($('#donationSubscription').is(':checked')) {
- // stripe_sub.createToken(cardNumberElement_sub, options).then(setOutcome);
- // } else {
- // stripe_single.createToken(cardNumberElement_single, options).then(setOutcome);
- // }
- stripe_single.createToken(cardNumberElement_single, options).then(setOutcome);
- }
- function toggle_display() {
- $('#please_wait, #full_blackout').toggleClass("display_none");
- };
- function spacesToUnderscore(spaced) {
- var not_spaced = spaced.replace(" ", "_");
- return not_spaced;
- }
- function confirmDonation(){
- // $('#full_blackout').show();
- // $('#please_wait').show();
- if ($('#donationAnonymous').is(":checked")) {
- donation_anonymous = 1;
- } else {
- donation_anonymous = 0;
- }
- var donationType = '';
- if ($('#donationSingle').is(':checked')) {
- donationType = "single";
- } else if ($('#donationSubscription').is(':checked')) {
- donationType = "subscription";
- } else {
- donationType = "single";
- }
- var camp_pub_key =$('#sub_access_key').val();
- var token =$('#token').val();
- var brand =$('#brand').val();
- var funding =$('#funding').val();
- var campaign_id = $('#campaign_id').val();
- var campaign_name = $('#campaign_name').val();
- var userId = $('#userId').val();
- var userLogged = $('#userLogged').val();
- if(donationType == 'single'){
- if ($('#donationAnonymously').is(":checked")) {
- donation_anonymous = 1;
- } else {
- donation_anonymous = 0;
- }
- var sendData = [];
- var createUser = ($('#createLink').is(":checked")) ? 1 : 0;
- if (createUser) {
- sendData.push({name: "user_password", value: $('#donationPassword').val()});
- }
- sendData.push({name: 'token', value: token});
- sendData.push({name: 'brand', value: brand});
- sendData.push({name: 'funding', value: funding});
- sendData.push({name: 'donation_anonymous', value: donation_anonymous});
- sendData.push({name: 'tokenForGsg', value: $('#gsgtoken').val()});
- sendData.push({name: 'camp_pub_key', value: camp_pub_key});
- sendData.push({name: 'amount', value: (($('#donationAmount').val()) * 100)});
- sendData.push({name: 'campaign_id', value: $('#campaign_id').val()});
- sendData.push({name: 'donationType', value: donationType});
- sendData.push({name: 'togivesendgo', value: $('#togivesendgo').val()});
- sendData.push({name: 'donation_name', value: $('#donationName').val()});
- sendData.push({name: 'show_donation_name', value: $('#show_donation_name').val()});
- sendData.push({name: 'donation_email', value: $('#donationEmail').val()});
- sendData.push({name: 'donation_zip', value: $('#donationZip').val()});
- sendData.push({name: 'donation_country', value: $('#first_step_country').val()});
- sendData.push({name: 'donation_comment', value: $('#donationComment').val()});
- if(campaign_id == 27007){
- sendData.push({name: 'description', value: 'Donation'});
- }else{
- sendData.push({name: 'description', value: 'Donation for Campaign ' + campaign_id});
- }
- sendData.push({name: 'currency', value: $('#currency_code').val()});
- sendData.push({name: 'create_user', value: createUser});
- sendData.push({name: 'g-recaptcha-response', value: $('#g-recaptcha-response').val()});
- $('#full_blackout').show();
- $('#please_wait').show();
- $.ajax({
- type: "POST",
- url: "/campaign/createstripecharge",
- data: sendData,
- dataType: 'JSON',
- success: function (result) {
- if(result.errormsg) {
- $('#confirm-errors').html(result.errormsg).css('color', 'red');
- $('#confirm-errors').delay("7000").fadeOut('slow');
- $('#please_wait').delay("3000").fadeOut('slow');
- $('#full_blackout').delay("3000").fadeOut('slow');
- $("#popupDonation").css("z-index", "-1");
- document.getElementById('popupShowDonationerrors').style.display = "block";
- var error_div = '<div style="color: #f05465;font-size: 20px;text-align: center;">'+result.errormsg+'</div>';
- $('#render_error').html(error_div);
- $('html, body').animate({scrollTop:$('#skin_wrapper').position().top}, 'smooth');
- }else{
- document.getElementById('popupShowDonationerrors').style.display = "none";
- $("#please_wait span").html("Donation Processed");
- $('#please_wait').delay("3000").fadeOut('slow');
- $('#full_blackout').hide();
- if($('#mailing_addresses').val() == 1){
- window.location.href=''+$('#campaign_urllink').val();
- }else{
- window.location.href=''+$('#campaign_urllink').val();
- }
- }
- // if (result._values && result._values.status == "succeeded") {
- // }else{
- //}
- }
- });
- }else if(donationType == 'subscription'){
- $('#full_blackout').show();
- $('#please_wait').show();
- var camp_pub_key = $('#sub_access_key').val();
- var subscriptionTimestamp = new Date().toISOString().slice(0, 19).replace('T', ' ');
- var subscriptionDescription = spacesToUnderscore(campaign_id + "_" + $('#donationEmail').val() + "_" + subscriptionTimestamp);
- $.ajax({
- url: "/campaign/createsubscriptioncustomer",
- type: "POST",
- data: 'token=' + token +
- '&email=' + $('#donationEmail').val() +
- '&g-recaptcha-response=' + $('#g-recaptcha-response').val() +
- '&camp_pub_key=' + camp_pub_key +
- '&description=' + subscriptionDescription,
- dataType: 'JSON',
- success: function (customerResponse) {
- if (customerResponse.success == false) {
- $('#confirm-errors').html(customerResponse.message.message);
- $('#confirm-errors').delay("7000").fadeOut('slow');
- $("#popupDonation").css("z-index", "-1");
- document.getElementById('popupShowDonationerrors').style.display = "block";
- var error_div = '<div style="color: #f05465;font-size: 20px;text-align: center;">'+customerResponse.message.message+'</div>';
- $('#render_error').html(error_div);
- $('html, body').animate({scrollTop:$('#skin_wrapper').position().top}, 'smooth');
- }else{
- document.getElementById('popupShowDonationerrors').style.display = "none";
- var planDescription = customerResponse.message['_values']['description'],
- customer_id = customerResponse.message['_values']['id'],
- user_id = userId,
- card = customerResponse.message['_values']['default_card'],
- subscription_amount = (parseFloat($('#donationAmount').val()) * 100),
- subscriptionMonths = $('#donationMonths').val(),
- subscriptionName = "GSG/"+campaign_id+'/'+campaign_name,
- statementDescription = "Camp:"+campaign_id;
- $.ajax({
- url: "/campaign/createsubscriptionplan",
- type: 'POST',
- data: 'amount=' + subscription_amount +
- '&token=' + token +
- '&brand=' + brand +
- '&funding=' + funding +
- '&camp_pub_key=' + camp_pub_key +
- '&interval=' + "month" +
- '¤cy=' + $('#currency_code').val() +
- '&id=' + planDescription +
- '&name=' + subscriptionName +
- '&statement_description=' + statementDescription +
- '&togivesendgo=' + (($('#togivesendgo').val()) * 100),
- dataType: 'JSON',
- success: function (planResponse) {
- if(planResponse.success == false){
- $('#confirm-errors').html(planResponse.message.message);
- $('#confirm-errors').delay("7000").fadeOut('slow');
- }else{
- var planResponse_json = planResponse.message,
- plan =,
- plan_created_date = planResponse_json._values.created,
- donation_fee_percent_rate = planResponse_json.donation_fee_percent_rate;
- $.ajax({
- url: "/campaign/createsubscription",
- type: 'POST',
- data: 'token=' + token +
- '&customer_id=' + customer_id +
- '&campaign_id=' + campaign_id +
- '&user_id=' + userId +
- '&monthly_amount=' + subscription_amount +
- '&plan=' + plan +
- '&card=' + card +
- '&camp_pub_key=' + camp_pub_key +
- '&donation_fee_percent_rate=' + donation_fee_percent_rate,
- dataType: 'JSON',
- success: function (subscriptionResponse) {
- if(subscriptionResponse.success == false){
- $('#please_wait').delay("5000").fadeOut('slow');
- $('#full_blackout').hide();
- $('#confirm-errors').html(subscriptionResponse.message.message);
- $('#confirm-errors').delay("7000").fadeOut('slow');
- }else{
- var customer_id = subscriptionResponse.message['_values']['customer'],
- subscription_id = subscriptionResponse.message['_values']['id'],
- subscription_start_date = new Date(subscriptionResponse.message['_values']['current_period_start'] * 1000).toISOString().slice(0, 19).replace('T', ' '), // Expects milliseconds; multiply by 1000 to convert to MySQL Date
- subscriber_email = $('#donationEmail').val(),
- user_id = userId,
- donation_name = $('#donationName').val(),
- show_donation_name = $('#show_donation_name').val(),
- donation_email = $('#donationEmail').val(),
- subscriber_email = $('#donationEmail').val(),
- subscriber_password = $('#donationPassword').val(),
- donation_comment = $('#donationComment').val(),
- donation_amount = $('#donationAmount').val(),
- donation_status_id = 1;
- if ($('#userLogged').val() == true) {
- writeToDb();
- } else {
- $.ajax({
- url: "/campaign/createdonationuser",
- type: "POST",
- data: 'donation_name=' + escape(donation_name) +
- '&subscriber_email=' + escape(subscriber_email) +
- '&password=' + escape(subscriber_password) +
- '&donation_zip=' + $("#donationZip").val() +
- '&donation_country=' + $("#first_step_country").val(),
- success: function (result_to_db) {
- writeToDb();
- }
- });
- }
- }
- function writeToDb() {
- $.ajax({
- url: "/campaign/subscriptiontodb",
- type: 'POST',
- data: // Main vars to Subscription DB
- 'customer_id=' + customer_id +
- '&start_date=' + subscription_start_date +
- '&subscription_id=' + subscription_id +
- '&months=' + subscriptionMonths +
- '&monthly_amount=' + (subscription_amount / 100) +
- '&togivesendgo=' + $("#togivesendgo").val() +
- '&plan_name=' + plan +
- '&subscriber_email=' + subscriber_email +
- '&campaign_id=' + campaign_id +
- '&user_id=' + userId +
- '&donation_anonymous=' + donation_anonymous +
- '&donation_name=' + escape(donation_name) +
- '&show_donation_name=' + escape(show_donation_name) +
- '&donation_email=' + escape(donation_email) +
- '&donation_comment=' + escape(donation_comment),
- success: function (subscriptionResponse) {
- //if(subscriptionResponse.success == true){
- $('#please_wait').delay("3000").fadeOut('slow');
- $('#full_blackout').hide();
- $('#confirm-success').html("Thank you for subscribing!,Please allow a few minutes,for your funds to process.");
- $('#confirm-success').delay("7000").fadeOut('slow');
- setTimeout(function(){
- if($('#mailing_addresses').val() == 1){
- window.location.href=''+$('#campaign_urllink').val();
- }else{
- window.location.href=''+$('#campaign_urllink').val();
- }
- }, 5000);
- // }else{
- // $('#please_wait').delay("5000").fadeOut('slow');
- // $('#full_blackout').hide();
- // $('#confirm-errors').html("WARNING!,There was a problem processing your subscription.If problem persists, please contatact support.");
- // $('#confirm-errors').delay("7000").fadeOut('slow');
- // }
- }
- })
- }
- }
- })
- }
- }
- })
- }
- }
- })
- }
- // $('#step1').hide();
- // $('#step3').show();
- // $('#step2').hide();
- }
- $('#edit_card_info').bind("click", function () {
- $('#step1').hide();
- $('#step3').hide();
- $('#step2').show();
- })
- // use to show postal code /zip code
- $('#first_step_country').change(function(){
- var selectedCountry = $(this).val();
- $('#select_setp2_country').val(selectedCountry);
- if(selectedCountry != 'US'){
- $('.ziplabel').text('Postal Code');
- $('#address').show();
- $('#city_region').show();
- }else{
- $('.ziplabel').text('Zip Code');
- $('#address').hide();
- $('#city_region').hide();
- }
- })
- // use to show postal code /zip code
- $('#select_setp2_country').change(function(){
- var selectedCountry = $(this).val();
- if(selectedCountry != 'US'){
- $('#address').show();
- $('#city_region').show();
- }else{
- $('#address').hide();
- $('#city_region').hide();
- }
- })
- var country = $('#select_setp2_country').val();
- if(country != 'US'){
- $('#address').show();
- $('#city_region').show();
- }else{
- $('#address').hide();
- $('#city_region').hide();
- }
- // Confirm that donation is a minimum of $5
- var currency = $('#currency_code').val();
- function greaterThanFive(){
- var greaterThanFive=true;
- var amount = parseInt($('#donationAmount').val());
- if (amount > 1000000) {
- amount = 1000000;
- $('#donationAmount').val(amount);
- }
- var togivesendgo = parseFloat($('#togivesendgo_other').val());
- if (isNaN(amount)) {
- $('#donationAmount').val("");
- $("#togivesendgo_percents").hide();
- $("#percents_explain").hide();
- $("#togivesendgo_dollars").show();
- if (gsgModified) {
- $("#togivesendgo_dollars").val(-1);
- }
- // alert("Donation must be a minimum of $5");
- // document.getElementById("submitPayment").disabled = true;
- greaterThanFive= false;
- return;
- }
- if (isNaN(togivesendgo)) {
- togivesendgo = 0;
- }
- $('#donationAmount').val(amount);
- $("#togivesendgo_other_pane").hide();
- if(amount < 5 || amount === null){
- $("#togivesendgo_percents").hide();
- $("#percents_explain").hide();
- $("#togivesendgo_dollars").show();
- if (gsgModified) {
- $("#togivesendgo_dollars").val(-1);
- }
- // alert("Donation must be a minimum of $5");
- // document.getElementById("submitPayment").disabled = true;
- greaterThanFive= false;
- }else{
- //document.getElementById("submitPayment").disabled = false;
- var gsgvalue = 0;
- if (amount < 21) {
- $("#togivesendgo_percents").hide();
- $("#percents_explain").hide();
- $("#togivesendgo_dollars").show();
- if (otherShown) {
- $("#togivesendgo_dollars").val(-1);
- }
- if (amount < 11) {
- $("#togivesendgo_dollars").val(1);
- $('#togivesendgo_other').val(1);
- } else {
- $("#togivesendgo_dollars").val(2);
- $('#togivesendgo_other').val(2);
- }
- gsgvalue = parseInt($("#togivesendgo_dollars").val());
- gsg_select_value = gsgvalue;
- } else {
- $("#togivesendgo_dollars").hide();
- $("#togivesendgo_percents").html("");
- var current = -1;
- var skipped = -1;
- for (var i=0; i<percents_populate.length; i++) {
- if (i + 1 < percents_populate.length &&
- Math.ceil(amount * percents_populate[i]) ==
- Math.ceil(amount * percents_populate[i+1])) {
- skipped = i;
- continue;
- }
- var value = Math.ceil(amount * percents_populate[i]).toFixed(2);
- if (gsgModifiedPercentsSelect == i) {
- current = value;
- }
- if (parseFloat(value) < 1) continue;
- if (i == percents_default) current = value;
- $("#togivesendgo_percents").append($("<option/>").val(value).text(
- "" + currency +" "+ parseInt(value)));
- }
- $("#togivesendgo_percents").append($("<option/>").val(-1).text("Other"));
- otherShown = false;
- $("#togivesendgo_percents").prop('selectedIndex', ((skipped != -1 && skipped <= percents_default) ? percents_default - 1 :percents_default));
- $("#togivesendgo_percents").show();
- $("#percents_explain").show();
- gsgvalue = parseFloat($("#togivesendgo_percents").val());
- gsg_select_value = gsgvalue;
- if (gsgvalue > 0) {
- $('#togivesendgo_other').val(gsgvalue.toFixed(2));
- }
- }
- }
- calcTotal();
- }
- $("#createLink").click(function () {
- if ($(this).is(":checked")) {
- $('#passwordRow').show();
- $(this).append('<input type="text" name="createUser" value="createUser" id="createUser" />');
- } else {
- $('#passwordRow').hide();
- $('#createUser').remove();
- }
- });
- $(document).on('click','#donationAnonymously',function(){
- if ($('#donationAnonymously').is(":checked")) {
- $('.show_donation_name').hide();
- } else {
- $('.show_donation_name').show();
- }
- });
- function isNumberKey(evt){
- var charCode = (evt.which) ? evt.which : event.keyCode
- if (charCode > 31 && (charCode < 48 || charCode > 57)){
- return false;
- }else{
- return true;
- }
- }
- $('#donationSingle, #donationSubscription').bind("change", function () {
- $('#donationEmailExistsSingle').hide();
- $('#donationEmailExistsSubscription').hide();
- if ($('#donationSubscription').is(':checked')) {
- $('#labelDonationMonths').show();
- //$('#single').hide();
- //$('#subscription').show();
- $('.monthly_charge').show();
- $('.single_charge').hide();
- $('#step3_total_month').text($('#donationMonths').val());
- } else {
- $('#labelDonationMonths').hide();
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