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- "Excellent. And Fine. And Good."
- "Written, and Authored, and Published by Brandon Ryan Katrena(B.R.K.)."
- "And also Moreover, and also in Some More of My Writings, Literature, and Jokes, Satire, Parody, and Literature, and Writings,
- also that Fellow Man, and also that Fellow Human, and also that Fellow Person said,
- Paraphrased, and Summarized, and
- Abbreviated, And Maybe for example. And Perhaps so-Called. And Perhaps for example.
- And, of Course, Very Excellent, and Fine, and Good. And, of Course, Very Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound. And We are, of Course, Fellow Family and Friends(F.A.F.).
- And We are, of Course, Fellow Kinsfolks and Friends(K.A.F.). And Maybe for example. And---of Course---for example, Those V. and that Di. was Not pl. in. and/or Ru.
- ab. 1(One) or 2(Two) or 3(Three) year ago by that Fellow B. . And You are Welcome. And of Course. And---of Course---for example,
- that Fellow Master President B., and that Fellow
- so-called Chalice
- (that Fellow so-called Chaqu.) and that Fellow so-called Lynchpin(often Known as the Fellow Chalice and the Lynchpin), that Fellow B.,
- did Not go in. that so-cal. Oh.. or b. tha.
- P.B. ab. 1(One) or 2(Two) or 3(Three) year ago. And You are Welcome. And of Course.
- And also Moreover, and also in Some More of My Writings, Literature, and Jokes, Satire, Parody, and Literature, and Writings,
- also that Fellow Man, and also that Fellow Human, and also that Fellow Person said,
- Paraphrased, and Summarized, and
- Abbreviated, And Maybe for example. And Perhaps so-Called. And Perhaps for example. And Maybe about then. And Perhaps Not approximately then. And Maybe Very Long
- Duration. And Maybe about that. And Perhaps Not about that. And Maybe for example.And Perhaps so-Called. And Perhaps for example.
- And, of Course, Very Excellent, and Fine, and Good. And, of Course, Very Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound. And We are, of Course, Fellow Family and Friends(F.A.F.).
- And We are, of Course, Fellow Kinsfolks and Friends(K.A.F.)."
- "Excellent. And Fine. And Good."
- "Written, and Authored, and Published by Brandon Ryan Katrena(B.R.K.)."
- "And also Moreover, and also in Some More of My Writings, Literature, and Jokes, Satire, Parody, and Literature, and Writings,
- also that Fellow Man, and also that Fellow Human, and also that Fellow Person said,
- Paraphrased, and Summarized, and
- Abbreviated, And Maybe for example. And Perhaps so-Called. And Perhaps for example.
- And, of Course, Very Excellent, and Fine, and Good. And, of Course, Very Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound. And We are, of Course, Fellow Family and Friends(F.A.F.).
- And We are, of Course, Fellow Kinsfolks and Friends(K.A.F.). And Maybe for example. And---of Course---for example, Those V. and that Di. was Not pl. in. and/or Ru.
- ab. 1(One) or 2(Two) or 3(Three) year ago by that Fellow B. . And You are Welcome. And of Course. And---of Course---for example,
- that Fellow Master President B., and that Fellow
- so-called Chalice
- (that Fellow so-called Chaqu.) and that Fellow so-called Lynchpin(often Known as the Fellow Chalice and the Lynchpin), that Fellow B.,
- did Not go in. that so-cal. Oh.. or b. tha.
- P.B. ab. 1(One) or 2(Two) or 3(Three) year ago. And You are Welcome. And of Course.
- And also Moreover, and also in Some More of My Writings, Literature, and Jokes, Satire, Parody, and Literature, and Writings,
- also that Fellow Man, and also that Fellow Human, and also that Fellow Person said,
- Paraphrased, and Summarized, and
- Abbreviated, And Maybe for example. And Perhaps so-Called. And Perhaps for example. And Maybe about then. And Perhaps Not approximately then. And Maybe Very Long
- Duration. And Maybe about that. And Perhaps Not about that. And Maybe for example.
- And, of Course, Very Excellent, and Fine, and Good. And, of Course, Very Appropriate, and Safe, and Sound. And We are, of Course, Fellow Family and Friends(F.A.F.).
- And We are, of Course, Fellow Kinsfolks and Friends(K.A.F.)."
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